InSRuniversitythestudentrecordsinformation, includingtheirstudentID Is Stored

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1. In SRuniversity thes tudent records information,including their studentID is stored in an array. As part of the
functionality, you need to implement a feature that allows the removal of a student's record when they withdraw
from a course.

a C program segment that takes an array of student records, the size of the array, and the position of the
student to be removed. Implement a function to delete the student record at the speci ed position and update

the array accordingly. Ensure the program handles invalid positions gracefully.


1. Theprogramshouldprompttheusertoinputthesizeofthestudent records array and the details of each student

2. Afterenteringthestudentrecords,prompttheusertoinputtheposition (index) of the student to be removed.
3. Displaytheupdatedlistofstudentrecordsafterthedeletion.

Handle cases where the user provides an invalid position (e.g., negative position, position greater than or equal
to the array size).


Enter the size of the student records array: 4 Enter student details for each record: Student 1 - ID: 101

Student 2 - ID: 102

Student 3 - ID: 103
Student 4 - ID: 104,
Enter the position of the student to remove (0 to 3): 2 Student record at position 2 deleted successfully.
Updated list of student records:

Student 1 - ID: 101 Student 2 - ID: 102

Student 3 - ID: 104


#include <stdio.h>
void deleteStudent(int students[], int *size, int posi􏰀on) { if (posi􏰀on <= 0 || posi􏰀on > *size) {

return; }

for(inti=posi􏰀on-1;i<*size-1;++i){ students[i] = students[i + 1];

(*size)--; }

int main() {
int maxSize = 100;
int students[maxSize];
int size;
scanf("%d", &size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

scanf("%d", &students[i]); }

int posi􏰀on;
scanf("%d", &posi􏰀on); deleteStudent(students, &size, posi􏰀on); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

prin􏰁("%d ", students[i]); }

2. Todevelopasimpleinventorymanagementsystemforasmallretailstore. The store's inventory is represented by

an array, where each element contains information about a product, such as product ID. As part of the
application's functionality, you need to implement a feature that allows the store manager to insert a product
into the inventory at a specified position.


1. WriteaCprogramthataccomplishesthefollowing:
2. Declareanarraytostoretheinitialinventorywithatleast5products.
3. Displaythecurrentinventorytothestoremanager.
4. Promptthestoremanagertoentertheposition(index)oftheproductthey
5. want to insert.
6. Implementthedeletionprocessbyshiftingtheremainingproductstofill
7. the gap.
8. Displaytheupdatedinventoryaftertheinsertion.

Handle cases where the store manager provides an invalid position (e.g., negative position, position greater
than or equal to the array size).

Initial Inventory:
1. ProductID:101 2. ProductID:102 3. ProductID:103 4. ProductID:104 5. ProductID:105

Enter the position of the product to Insert (0 to 4): 2

Enter the Product ID:110

Product at position 2 Inserted successfully. Updated Inventory:

1. ProductID:101 2. ProductID:110 3. ProductID:102 4. ProductID:103 5. ProductID:104 6. ProductID:105


#include <stdio.h>
void insertProduct(int inventory[], int *size, int posi􏰀on, int productID) {

if (posi􏰀on < 0 || posi􏰀on >= *size) { return;

for (int i = *size - 1; i >= posi􏰀on; --i) {

inventory[i + 1] = inventory[i]; }

inventory[posi􏰀on] = productID;

(*size)++; }

int main() {
int maxSize = 100;
int inventory[maxSize]; int size;
scanf("%d", &size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

scanf("%d", &inventory[i]); }

int posi􏰀on, productID;

scanf("%d", &posi􏰀on);
scanf("%d", &productID);
insertProduct(inventory, &size, posi􏰀on - 1, productID); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

prin􏰁("%d ", inventory[i]); }

3. Aweathermonitoringsystemthatrecordsdailytemperatures.The temperatures are stored in an array, where

each element represents the temperature for a specific day. As part of the system, you need to implement a
feature that sorts the recorded temperatures in ascending order.

Write a C program that accomplishes the following:

1. Declareanarraytostorethedailytemperaturesforaweek(atleast7 days).
2. Displaytheunsortedtemperaturestothemeteorologist.
3. Implementasortingalgorithmtoarrangethetemperaturesinascending
4. order directly within the array.
5. Displaythesortedtemperaturesafterthesortingprocess.
6. Ensuretheprogramhandlesanydatatyperelatedissues.

Initial Temperatures:

1. Day1:25°C 2. Day2:20°C 3. Day3:28°C 4. Day4:18°C 5. Day5:23°C 6. Day6:30°C 7. Day7:22°C

Temperatures sorted in ascending order:

1. Day4:18°C 2. Day2:20°C 3. Day7:22°C 4. Day5:23°C 5. Day1:25°C 6. Day3:28°C 7. Day6:30°C


#include <stdio.h> int main() {

int daysInWeek;
scanf("%d", &daysInWeek);
int temperatures[daysInWeek]; for (int i = 0; i < daysInWeek; ++i) {

scanf("%d", &temperatures[i]); }

for (int i = 1; i < daysInWeek; i++) {

int key = temperatures[i];
while (j >= 0 && temperatures[j] > key) {

temperatures[j + 1] = temperatures[j];

j=j-1; }

temperatures[j + 1] = key; }

for (int i = 0; i < daysInWeek; ++i) { prin􏰁("%d ", temperatures[i]);

4 .To develop an application for a ticketing system that records seat numbers for a concert. The seat numbers
are stored in an array, where each element represents the seat number. As part of the ticketing system, you
need to implement a feature that counts and identifies any duplicate seat numbers.


1. WriteaCprogramthataccomplishesthefollowing:
2. Declareanarraytostoretheseatnumbersforasectionoftheconcerthall

(at least 10 seats).

3. Displaytheunprocessedlistofseatnumberstotheticketingagent.
4. Implementacountingmechanismtoidentifyanddisplayanyduplicateseat

numbers directly within the array.

5. Displaythecountofduplicateseatnumbers.
6. Ensuretheprogramhandlesanydatatyperelatedissues.

Initial Seat Numbers:

1. Seat101 2. Seat102 3. Seat103 4. Seat104 5. Seat105 6. Seat102 7. Seat108 8. Seat101 9. Seat110

10.Seat 107

Duplicate Seat Numbers:

Total Duplicate Seats: 2


#include <stdio.h> int main() {

int numSeats;

scanf("%d", &numSeats);

int seats[numSeats];

int countDuplicates = 0;

int hasDuplicates = 0; for(inti=0;i<numSeats;++i){

scanf("%d", &seats[i]); }

int duplicates[numSeats]; for(inti=0;i<numSeats;++i){

duplicates[i] = 0; }

for(inti=0;i<numSeats-1;++i){ if (duplicates[i])


for (int j = i + 1; j < numSeats; ++j) {

if (seats[i] == seats[j]) { if (!duplicates[i]) {

countDuplicates++; duplicates[i] = 1; hasDuplicates = 1;



if (hasDuplicates) {

for (int i = 0; i < numSeats; ++i) {

if (duplicates[i]) { prin􏰁("%d ", seats[i]);


prin􏰁("\n%d\n", countDuplicates); }else{

prin􏰁("No Duplicates\n"); }

return 0; }

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