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Escola Municipal Carlos Spínola da Cunha

Data: ________________ Componente Curricular: Inglês

Ano: Turma: A Turno: Matutino
Professor: ____________________________________________________________________

Simulado de Inglês

Simulado de Inglês – Verbo “to be” (Afirmativo e Negativo)

Instruções: Assinale a alternativa correta para completar as frases abaixo.

1.I _____ a student.

a) am

b) is

c) are

2.She _____ my sister.

a) am

b) is

c) are

3.They _____ happy.

a) am

b) is

c) are

4.You _____ a good friend.

a) am

b) is

c) are

5.He _____ a doctor.

a) am

b) is

c) are

6.We _____ at school.

a) am

b) is

c) are
7.It _____ a cat.

a) am

b) is

c) are

8.She _____ not sad.

a) am

b) is

c) are

9.I _____ not a teacher.

a) am

b) is

c) are

10.They _____ not hungry.

a) am

b) is

c) are

11.He _____ not a dog.

a) am

b) is

c) are

12.We _____ not at the park.

a) am

b) is

c) are

13.It _____ not a car.

a) am

b) is

c) are

14.She _____ a nurse.

a) am

b) is

c) are

15.You _____ not my friend.

a) am
b) is

c) are

16.They _____ not tired.

a) am

b) is

c) are

17.I _____ not a cat.

a) am

b) is

c) are

18.He _____ not a teacher.

a) am

b) is

c) are

19.We _____ not in the kitchen.

a) am

b) is

c) are

20.It _____ not a book.

a) am

b) is

c) are

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