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CASE TITLE Starbucks: Driving Growth Through New Dining Occasions

PREPARED BY Regine V. Cabaces

1. Read the case at least twice. (You can read it more than twice, of course.)
2. You may want to write some notes on a sketch pad, blank sheet of paper, or a
digital device to help you process your thoughts. Thinking through the WAC is
important so writing becomes secondary.
3. Feel free to discuss the WAC with your classmates and colleagues. However,
note that the WAC is an individual exercise. Even if you have the same
analysis, the way you express your analysis will be YOUR OWN.
4. You are given a maximum of 1,500 for the WAC. This limitation provides an
exercise of really putting what is essential to your WAC. (The Spiderhook
Academy team will double check the number of words which will not include the
title page, your name, etc. The count will begin with the Introductory paragraph
to the last paragraph.).
5. You may put your computations as Exhibits or Attachments. Write the
explanations of these computations in the main text. Any other text written here
as an explanation will not be read.
6. The WACs are related to the topics of that module. Feel free to apply the
frameworks that have been discussed in class.
7. Erase this set of REMINDERS when you submit your WAC. You may submit your
WAC in Word format via SpockITed under the folder entitled “WAC.”

Happy writing!

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You may want to use this section as a means to set the tone of what may be expected
from your WAC. You may also use this section to identify the persona you are taking,
i.e. main character of the case, consultant to the company, one of the other characters
in the case, etc. There is no rule as to which persona you will take. What is important
is that you will take a particular point of view (POV) which will provide the texture and
flow of your WAC. (Please erase this set of instructions before submitting your WAC.
Thank you.).

You may also use this part to provide a background of the WAC. While you want to
ensure you properly contextualize the case, you do not want to spend too much time
here. Focus on the essence of the case – the computations and their corresponding
justifications – and your recommendation

This case study tackles the approach of Starbucks for their five-year growth plan covering the
year 2014 to 2019. The goal is to increase their revenues by nearly $30B, doubling operating
income and operating more than 30,000 stores globally. In achieving this, Starbucks has
identified seven growth strategies, but the discussion was fully focused on creating new dining


What is the best strategy Starbucks will use in achieving growth without compromising the
essence of the brand?


There are typically three to five variables that will affect the outcome of the main issue.
These variables are limited to such a number for two reasons: a) if it is more than this
range, it is possible that some are sub-variables of others (double check this), and b)
they are critical; meaning, if that variable is removed, the outcome may be different (or
may not happen at all). Think of these variables carefully and explain how it affects the
main issue. After providing an introductory paragraph for this section, you may
enumerate these variables in bullet points format. Always ensure that your explanation
for each one are in complete sentences.

Start typing here…

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Here, you have two options: Option 1 – To have a straight recommendation given your
articulation of the Main Issue and your analysis of the Critical Variables; or Option 2
– To have several possible options for the company, if you think that this approach is a
better perspective to justify your recommendation.

In doing Option 1, you will articulate your recommendation, after which, you will write
a step-by-step approach on how you will implement your recommendation.

In doing Option 2, you will ensure that the options are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE; that
is, they are UNIQUE from each other. Once the persona you have chosen does one,
you cannot do the other anymore. For example, the simple decision of going to another
place, i.e. the Spiderhook office, may have various options: Option A: Take one’s car,
Option B: Take public transport, Option C: Take a two-wheeled vehicle, or Option D:
Walk to the office.

Similar to Option 1, explain what the option is about, after which, you will articulate
how it will be done. The difference with doing several alternative courses of action is
this – you have to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each one so you can
justify your recommendation. Here, the recommendation comes last.

Below is a quick illustration of each approach so you will be clear about how you will
execute it. Please note that this is a critical thinking and writing exercise so do not
follow the illustration and just fill it out. Proceed with an essay explanation as you
have started from the introduction. Note that for both options, the Recommendation is
written in the next section.

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Start typing here…


Since you have already explained everything in the preceding sections, a one-sentence
recommendation may be stated here, i.e. As [persona], it is recommended that Company
XYZ take Option A for the following reasons: [you may cite the critical variables here
and selected advantages / disadvantages here]. Keep this section succinct.

Start typing here…


Like any recommendation, it is important to provide contingencies or risk analysis

given that disadvantages of the chosen option may still exist. This approach also
provides a wholistic view of the case study. For this section, it is important to identify
the TRIGGER, that is, that one incident, variable, element, or situation that will make
the [persona] execute the contingency plan.

Start typing here…


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Always close the WAC in relation to how you have opened it (refer to your
Introduction). This approach will allow you to have an aligned view of how you have
written your WAC.

Start typing here…

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