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Good morning everyone. Thanks for coming here today.

Welcome to our presentation

(okay)- Let me introduce myteam. My team have 5 members :


To start my presentation, I have a question for everyone and I hope someone can answer for
me: what do we do after finishing a meeting or a project?

yes, ok thanks for your answer (oh right )

And today we will present a meeting report.

in my presentation, we have 4 main parts:

But what is the meeting report?

Giới thiệu về meeting reports:

A meeting report is a document that details all key development and decisions discussed
at a meeting. It tells your team what happened at a meeting and is very useful for
employees and other stakeholders who couldn't attend the call,

That's about meeting reports and in the future, we are technicians. So we have to write
“technical reports” in the next section, we will learn about some different types of technical

We have 6 types of technical reports:

● •Progress report

● status report

● final report

● monthly report

● conformance report

● non-conformance report.

Ok, now we will hear details about 6 types of technical reports by …

…, are you ready?

Yes, Of course. Hello everyone, I'm ,,,, and now, I will provide for all of you the details about 6
types of technical reports. Oke, let's start with (cái tiêu đề bạn nói đầu tiên )
Progress report:

A document shows the progress that your team is making towards completing a project

one of the progress report Includes:

- Progress of project in certain time.

- What part is completed, not completed and remained?

The second is Status report:

A document summarizes a particular situation as of a stated period of time.

Move to the next slide we have Monthly report:

A document provides updates on a variety of information, ranging from the latest financial
information to the existing status of a project.

then the Final report

A document shows the overall project.

and next Conformance report is a report or document details a product, process, or

service. which comply with set quality standards.

The image next to it is an example of the Conformance report

and the finally is Non Conformance report

A report or document details the failings or shortcomings of a product, process, or service

when they fail to comply with set quality standards.

The elements of an effective statement of non-conformance are:

Observation: A statement of the non-compliance

Attribution : The standard, plan, procedure, work instruction, policy,...

Location: Where the non-compliance was identified. For example, department occurrence

Okay. So this is the end of my part.Now I will pass the next content over to my teammate

Here I’ll describe what you should do before writing, and what elements a
usual tech report includes.

So, before starting to write a report, you should do some preparations:

Establish the message of your report. You should clearly understand for what
reason you’re writing and what information you want to provide your
Define your audience. The process of writing a tech report is the same as
writing documentation. Before starting to write a tech report, define your target
audience to make your content more relevant to them — if people of your field
read your report, it can be more “technical” in language and detail. In another
case, cut back on the jargon for non-expert readers.
Create an outline. Technical reports are usually very structured, so create a
draft to follow it to make your report clear and well-structured.
Now I’ll show you how to structure a technical report
Here are the elements of a technical report:

· (first) Title page of a report

Technical reports usually require a title page. To know what to include,

follow the conventions required in your subject.

· (second) Summary of a report

A technical report summary should include a brief overview of your

investigation, outcomes and recommendations. It must include all the key
information your reader needs to make a decision, without them having to
read your full report. Don’t treat your summary as an introduction; it should
act as a stand-alone document.
(A small tip is you should write the summary last)

·· (third) Table of content

Help your reader quickly and easily find what they are looking for by using
informative headings and careful numbering of your sections and sub-

(forth) Introduction of a report

In this part, highlight the main goals of your paper clearly to help your
readers understand the purpose you’re writing for. You can also describe
the flow of your report to let your readers know what they should expect.

· (fifth) Body of a report

This is the main part of your report because it carries your content.
Introduce the information using small subheadings to make the body
section more presentable and clear, so readers will be guided with these

· (next) Conclusion of a report

A conclusion implies a summary of the main points that you report in the
body, what decision you came. Use words to show that you are concluding
your work to prepare readers that you’re about to finish. The conclusion
should be short and concise. But the main idea is to cover every question
that a reader may ask.

·· (finally)Appendices of a report

If you have data that is too detailed or lengthy to include in the report itself,
include it in the appendix. Your reader can then choose to refer to it if they
are interested. Label your appendix with a number or a letter, a title, and
refer to it the text
(Note): Your report should be clear and concise. There are some industry-
specific language in your report, explain it in appendices part. Note the
number and title projects in table of content. And the last one is stay

That the end of my representation.

Phần dẫn game

● I'm preparing a special part of our presentation.
● this is a minigame
1. How many types of reports were mentioned in this presentation?
A. 4
B. 10
C. 7
D. 6
2. This presentation gives six different types of _____________.
A. Visit reports
B. Research reports
C. Technical reports
D. Departmental report
3. _____ shows the progress that your team is making towards completing a project.
A. Status report
B. Progress report
C. Monthly report
D. Final report
4. What is the final report used for?
A. Shows the progress that your team is making towards completing a project.
B. Showing the overall project.
C. Summarizing a particular situation as of a stated period of time.
D. Providing updates on a variety of information.

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