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Director, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic Chairman, Education Institute; Executive
Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic Director, Leadership Development, Professional
Staff Affairs Office; and Head, Cleveland Clinic
Respiratory Therapy, Department of Pulmonary,
Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine,
Cleveland Clinic

Caring for VIPs:

Nine principles
M edical tourism is on the rise,1 and since
medical tourists are often very important
persons (VIPs), hospital-based physicians may
Caring for very important persons (VIPs), including celeb-
rities and royalty, presents medical, organizational, and be more likely to care for celebrities, royalty,
administrative challenges, often referred to collectively and political leaders. But even in hospitals
as the “VIP syndrome.” The situation often pressures the that do not see medical tourists, physicians
will often care for VIP patients such as hos-
health care team to bend the rules by which they usually
pital trustees and board members, prominent
practice medicine. Caring for VIP patients requires inno- physicians, and community leaders.2–4
vative solutions so that their VIP status does not ad- However, caring for VIPs raises special is-
versely affect the care they receive. We offer nine guiding sues and challenges. In a situation often re-
principles in caring for VIP patients. ferred to as the “VIP syndrome,”5–9 a patient’s
special social or political status—or our per-
■ KEY POINTS ceptions of it—induces changes in behaviors
and clinical practice that create a “vicious cir-
Caring for VIPs creates pressures to change usual clinical cle of VIP pressure and staff withdrawal”9 that
wisdom and practices. But it is essential to resist chang- can lead to poor outcomes.
ing time-honored, effective clinical practices and overrid- Based on their experience caring for three
ing one’s clinical judgment. American presidents, Mariano and McLeod7
offered three directives for caring for VIPs:
Vow to value your medical skills and judg-
Designating a chairperson to head the care of a VIP ment
patient is appropriate only if the chairperson is the best Intend to command the medical aspects of
clinician for the case. the situation
Practice medicine the same way for all your
Although in some cases placing a VIP patient in a more patients.7
private and remote setting may be appropriate, the In this paper, we hope to extend the sparse
patient is generally best served by receiving critical care literature on the VIP syndrome by proposing
nine principles of caring for VIPs, with recom-
services in the intensive care unit.
mendations specific to the type of VIP where


Caring for VIPs creates pressures to change

usual clinical wisdom and practices. But it is
essential to resist changing time-honored, ef-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.78a.10113 fective clinical judgment and practices.

To preserve usual clinical practice, clini- must not only attend to their own clinical is-
cians must be constantly vigilant as to wheth- sues but also communicate amply with their
er their judgment is being clouded by the colleagues.
circumstances. As Smith and Shesser noted At the same time, we must recognize that
in 1988, “Since the standard operating pro- medical practice “is not a committee process;
cedures […] are designed for the efficient de- it must be clear at all times which physician is
livery of high-quality care, any deviation from responsible for directing clinical care.”5 One
these procedures increases the possibility that physician must be in charge of the overall
care may be compromised.”5 In other words, care. Seeking the input of other physicians
suspending usual practice when caring for a must not be allowed to diffuse responsibility.
VIP patient can imperil the patient.2–5,10,11 The primary attending physician must speak
When caring for VIP physicians, for example, with the consultants, summarize their views,
circumventing usual medical and administra- and then communicate the findings and the
tive routines and the difficulties that caring plan of care to the patient and family.
for colleagues poses for nurses and physicians Paradoxically, teamwork can be challenged
have led to poor medical care and outcomes, when circumstances lead consultants to defer
as well as to hostility.2–4 communicating directly with the family in fa-
A striking example of the potential effects vor of the primary physician’s doing so. Simi-
of VIP syndrome is the death of Eleanor Roos- larly, consultants must avoid any temptation
evelt from miliary tuberculosis acutissima: she to simply “do their thing” and not communi-
was misdiagnosed with aplastic anemia on the cate with one another, thereby potentially of-
basis of only the results of a bone marrow as- fering “siloed,” discoordinated care.
pirate study, and she was treated with steroids. We propose designating a primary physi-
The desire to spare this VIP patient the dis- cian to take charge of the care and the com-
comfort of a bone marrow biopsy, on which munication. This physician must have the
tuberculous granulomata were more likely to time to talk with each team member about
have been seen, caused the true diagnosis to how best to communicate the individual find-
be missed and resulted in the administration ings to the patient and family. At times, the The challenges
of a hazardous medication.11 The hard les- primary physician may also ask the consultants of transporting
son here is that we must resist the pressure to to communicate directly with the patient and
simplify or change customary medical care to family when needed. VIP patients
avoid causing a VIP patient discomfort or put- for tests
ting the patient through a complex procedure. ■ PRINCIPLE 3: COMMUNICATE,
We recommend discussing these issues ex- COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE
or therapy
plicitly with the VIP patient and family at the demand
outset so that everyone can appreciate the im- As a corollary of principle 2, heightened com- increased
portance of usual care. An early conversation munication is essential when caring for VIP
can communicate the clinician’s experience patients. Communication should include the communication
in the care of such patients and can be reas- patient, the family, visiting physicians who ac-
suring. As Smith and Shesser noted, “Usually, company the patient, and the physicians pro-
the VIP is relieved if the physician states ex- viding care. Communicating with the media
plicitly, ‘I am going to treat you as I would any and with other uninvolved individuals is ad-
other patient.’ ”5 dressed in principle 4.
The logistic and security challenges of
■ PRINCIPLE 2: transporting VIP patients through the hos-
WORK AS A TEAM, NOT IN ‘SILOS’ pital for tests or therapy demand increased
communication. Scheduling a computed to-
Teamwork is essential for good clinical out- mographic scan may involve arranging an
comes,12–14 especially when the clinical prob- off-hours appointment in the radiology de-
lem is complex, as is often the case when partment (to minimize security risks and dis-
people travel long distances to receive care. ruption to other patients’ schedules), assuring
All consultants involved in the patient’s care the off-hours availability of allied health pro-

viders to accompany the patient, alerting hos- in the care of VIP patients because excluding
pital security, and discussing the appointment them could disrupt the usual flow of care, and
with the patient and the patient’s entourage. because trainees offer a currency and facility
with the nuances of hospital practice and rou-
■ PRINCIPLE 4: CAREFULLY MANAGE tine that are advantageous to the patient’s care.
Although the news media and the public may WHERE IT IS MOST APPROPRIATE
demand medical information about patients
who are celebrities, political luminaries, or Decisions about where to place the VIP pa-
royalty, the confidentiality of the physician- tient during the medical visit can fall victim
patient relationship must be protected. The to the VIP syndrome if the expectations of the
release of health information is at the sole dis- patient or family conflict with usual clinical
cretion of the patient or a designated surrogate. practice and judgment about the optimal care
The care of President Ronald Reagan after venue.
the 1981 assassination attempt is a benchmark For example, caring for the patient in a
of how to release information to the public.10 A setting away from the mainstream clinical
single physician held regularly scheduled press environment may offer the appeal of privacy
conferences, and these were intentionally held or enhanced security but can under some cir-
away from the site of the President’s care. cumstances impede optimal care, including
Designating a senior hospital physician prolonging the response time during emergen-
to communicate with the media is desirable, cies and disrupting the optimal care routine
and the physician-spokesperson can call on and teamwork of allied health providers.
specialists from the patient care team (eg, a Critical care services and monitoring are
critical care physician), when appropriate, to best provided in the intensive care unit, and
provide further information. attempts to relocate the patient away from
Early implementation of an explicit and the intensive care unit should be resisted. We
Protect structured media communication plan is ad- recommend a candid discussion of the impor-
confidentiality, visable, especially when the VIP patient is a tance of keeping the patient in the intensive
political or royal figure for whom public clam- care unit to ensure optimal care by a seasoned
despite the or for information will be vigorous. A success- clinical team with short response times if ur-
demand for ful communication strategy balances the pub- gencies should arise.
lic’s demand for information with the need to At the same time, a request to transfer a
information protect the patient’s confidentiality. VIP patient to a special setting designed for
by news media private care with special amenities (eg, ap-
■ PRINCIPLE 5: pealing room decor, adjacent sleeping rooms
RESIST ‘CHAIRPERSON’S SYNDROME’ for family members, enhanced security) avail-
able in some hospitals15–16 can be honored as
“Chairperson’s syndrome”5 is pressure for the VIP soon as the patient’s condition permits. The
patient to be cared for by the department chair- benefits of such amenities are often greatly ap-
person. The pressure may come from the patient, preciated and can reduce stress and thereby
family, or attendants, who may assume that the promote recovery. The benefits of enhanced
chairperson is the best doctor for the clinical security in sequestered venues may especially
circumstance. The pressure may also come from drive the decision to move when clinically
the chairperson, who feels the need to “take com- prudent (see principle 7).
mand” in a situation with high visibility. Never-
theless, designation of a chairperson to care for a ■ PRINCIPLE 7:
VIP patient is appropriate only when the chair- PROTECT THE PATIENT’S SECURITY
person is indeed the clinician who has the most
expertise in the patient’s clinical issues. Providing security is another essential part of
As in principle 1, in academic medical cen- caring for VIPs, especially celebrities, politi-
ters, we encourage the participation of trainees cal figures, and royalty. Protecting the patient

from bodily harm requires special attention to In general, gifts should be accepted only
the patient’s location, caregiver access, and with caution during the acute episode of care.
other logistic matters. The acceptance of a gift from a VIP patient or
As indicated in principle 6, the patient’s family member may be interpreted by the gift-
clinical needs are paramount in determining giver as a sort of unspoken promise, and this
where the patient receives care. If the patient misunderstanding may strain the physician-
requires care in a mainstream hospital loca- patient relationship, especially if the clinical
tion such as the intensive care unit, modifica- course deteriorates.
tions of the unit may be needed to alter ac- Rather than accept a gift during an epi-
cess, to accommodate security personnel, and sode of acute care, we suggest that the phy-
to restrict caregivers’ access to the patient. sician graciously decline the gift and offer to
Modifications include structural changes to accept the gift at the end of the episode of
windows, special credentials (eg, badges) for acute care—that is, if the offerer still feels so
essential providers, arranging transports with- inclined and remembers. Explaining the rea-
in the hospital for elective procedures during son for deferring the gift can decrease the risk
off-hours, and providing around-the-clock se- of misunderstandings or of unmet expecta-
curity personnel near the patient. tions by the gift-giver. Also, deferring the ac-
As important as it is to protect VIP pa- ceptance of a gift allows the caregiver to affirm
tients from bodily harm during the visit, it the commitment to excellent care that is free
is equally important to protect them from of gifts, thereby ensuring that the patient will
attacks on confidentiality via unauthorized be confident of a similar level of care by pro-
access to the electronic medical record, and viders who have not been offered gifts.
this is perhaps the more difficult challenge, as On the other hand, declining a gift may
examples of breaches abound.10,17–19 Although cause more damage than accepting it, partic-
the duty to protect against these breaches rests ularly if the VIP patient is from a culture in
with the hospital, the use of “pop-ups” in the which refusing a gift is impolite.22 A sensible
electronic medical record can flash a warning compromise may be to adopt the recommen-
that only employees with legitimate clinical dations of the American Academy of Pediat- Declining a gift
reasons should access the record. These warn- rics23—ie, attempt to appreciate appropriate may cause more
ings should also cite the penalties for unau- gifts and graciously refuse those that are not.
thorized review of the record, which is sup- damage than
ported by the Health Insurance Portability ■ PRINCIPLE 9: WORKING WITH accepting it
and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Access to THE PATIENT’S PERSONAL PHYSICIANS
celebrities’ health records could be restricted if the patient is
to a few predetermined health care providers. VIP patients, perhaps especially royalty, may from a culture
be accompanied by their own physicians and in which
■ PRINCIPLE 8: BE CAREFUL ABOUT may also wish to bring in consultants from
ACCEPTING OR DECLINING GIFTS other institutions. Though this outside in- refusing gifts
volvement poses challenges (eg, providing ac- is impolite
VIP patients often present gifts to physicians, cess to medical records, arranging briefings, at-
and giving gifts to doctors is a common and tending bedside rounds), we believe it should
long-standing practice.20,21 Patients offer gifts be encouraged when the issue is raised. Fur-
out of gratitude, affection, desperation, or the thermore, institutions and caregivers should
desire to garner special treatment or indebted- anticipate these requests and identify poten-
ness. VIP patients from gifting cultures may be tial outside consultants whose names can be
especially likely to offer gifts to their provid- volunteered if the issue arises.
ers, and the gifts can be lavish. Again, if VIP patients wish to involve phy-
The “ethical calculus”21 of whether to ac- sicians from outside the institution where they
cept or decline a gift depends on the circum- are receiving care, this should not be viewed
stances and on what motivates the offer, and as an expression of doubt about the care be-
the physician needs to consider the patient’s ing received. Rather, we prefer to view it as an
reasons for giving the gift. opportunity to validate current management

or to entertain alternative approaches. Most they trust, this represents an opportunity to

often, when an outside consultant confirms engage the patient’s trusted physician-advisor
the current medical care, this can have the in clinical decision-making and thus optimize
beneficial effect of increasing confidence and communication with the patient. Collegial in-
facilitating management. teractions with these physician-colleagues can
In a similar way, when VIP patients bring facilitate communication and decision-making
their own physician, whose judgment and care for the patient. ■

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