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DIT 0204: Introduction to object orientation pre-exam instructions.

Kindly note that a good number of the students did not perform well in CAT 2 so to avoid

Read all the notes(theory part) dictated in class very well and know the different diagrams clearly.

If asked about the activity/state diagrams draw the rounded rectangle well.Also an activity must be a
statement showing an activity (e.g Fill customer details or make payment) and a state must be a
statement showing the state of the system (e.g Customer details filled or payment made).

If asked about the usecase diagram, it must have a name (e.g online voting system) inside the boundary
box and underlined. It must have the boundary box and the actors and usecases must be neat.

If asked about the attributes and methods in a class diagram, draw a table with three columns, the first
one for the class, the second for the attributes and the third for the methods, then for each class name
as many attributes and methods as possible. Also show the cardinality ratio of association.

If asked about a component diagram, draw the components notation well, as in the notes, and include
the requires and provides symbols where applicable. The system can't be a component.

If asked about a sequence diagram, the diagram should be neat, be careful with the arrows and the
activation box that show the period of time of the interaction. Also remember the system can't be a
class and there can be more than one actor. The messages are functions and so they have( ). Also the
messages should be as short as possible ( instead of customer fill in the details( ) it can be fill details( )).

If asked about collaboration diagram, number the actions, and more than one action of the same object
can follow each other before going to the action of the other object.

If asked about the object diagram, list as many attributes as possible.

If asked about the deployment diagram, the system is not a node. Include components in nodes where

If asked to list notations, draw the notation, its shape maybe oval or line or arrow and what it represents
maybe usecase or association or synchronous message.

Finally revise the CATs.

All the best.

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