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Literature Review – Examples

Source 1:
REFERENCE: (Author/ Date/ Title/ Publisher/ WebURL)

Source 1 - Book
Reference: North, D., Rehak, B. and Duffy, M. (2015). Special effects. British Film Institute.

Summary: This book shows a wide range of techniques in order to create special effects. It also
demonstrates the methods used for different sequences involved in film. The book moves
through the digital age and uses a variety of films to demonstrate each method. It gives a
definition for a special effect and assesses the contribution of CGI.

Reflection: Dan North was a senior lecturer in film at the University of Exeter. He then moved to
the Netherlands where he teaches at Webster University. He is mainly interested in the issues
raised by special effects technologies in films. This source is reliable as North is knowledgeable
about this area of study due to his teaching experiences.

Source 2 - Website
Reference: Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2019). animation | History, Movies, & Television. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2019].

Summary: Exploring the growth of animation, this web page shows the rise in its popularity
whilst demonstrating the works of the earliest animators such as Walt Disney and the Fleischer
brothers. It starts with the early history and the different techniques used are described.
Further on Kelur has written about animation in Europe in the countries: Russia, France, Poland,
Germany and Scotland where animator's experiment on these techniques. Lastly, non-
traditional forms of animation and contemporary developments bring this web page to a close.

Reflection: Dave Kelur has been an American film critic for the newspaper 'Chicago Reader' for
many years. He also used to write columns on the New York Times' for upcoming DVD releases.
Presently, his occupation lies in the Museum of MATT S film department. His background
suggests that he has had great experience in writing about film which demonstrates that this
article is reliable.

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