Student Perceptions of Social Studies Learning Problems in The Era 4.0 and The Way To Solve Them

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019)

Student Perceptions of Social Studies Learning Problems in the

Era 4.0 and the Way to Solve Them
(Research at the Postgraduate School of Social Sciences Education Study Program
at Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta)

1st Rudy Gunawan*

Faculty of Postgraduate School,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

Abstract—Social Sciences Learning in junior high schools is still constrained by various

problems. Problems that often arise are too much material, while the lesson hours are too few,
teachers who teach not teach do not come from the social sciences education study program, but
come from social science study programs such as history, geography, economics and sociology.Some
even come from other scientific disciplines such as religion and language. While in the Era 4.0
requires teacher teaching skills that are comprehensive and have novelty, so that problems in
learning must be solved. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of problems in social
science education in era 4.0 along with how to solve them. The method used is a survey bygiving a
questionnaire through the google form. The results in the study were students of the Social Sciences
Education Study Program who were able to classify the problems in learning Social Sciences and
find a way out to overcome these problems.
Keywords—Social Studies, Social Sciences, Junior High School, Era 4.0

I. INTRODUCTION skills. 21st Century skills can help in increasing

the ability to sell, work and readiness in
Education in Indonesia is currently toward becoming a good citizen [6].
the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which
makes information technology as the basis of Preparing humans to become citizens is the
people's lives [1]. This is manifested in the main goal in learning social science. For this
mission of the Ministry of Research, Technology reason, social knowledge teachers must have
and Higher Education which is "increasing knowledge, abilities and dispositions in order to
access, relevance, and increasing higher be able to provide education at the school level
education to produce quality human resources, in making students good citizens [7], [8], [9].
as well as enhancing the ability of science, Teachers are expected to be able to direct
technology and innovation to support the students to learn on their own. Independent
nation's competitiveness". The mission is one of learning can be done by honing the capabilities
the strategies implemented through higher they have, creating their own knowledge,
education. facilitating the world with each of them so that
each student is able to achieve the potential
Zimmerman explains why in Era 4.0 75% of obtained as part of the world community [10].
the work will involve abilities, technology,
engineering, mathematics, internet and lifelong However, social science teachers still have
learning [2], [3]. This will result in technological some lessons in learning social science in the
disruptions that require a wider digital talent classroom. Research results regarding social
gap, a workforce that is ready for digital science learning among others are social science
technology and important social skills needed education concepts in Indonesia not as strong as
for work is needed [4], [5]. Social skills help one in other countries, social science learning still
in communicating which is part of 21st century depends on individual learning persons or

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 147
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

groups of experts, still containing material, is done by categorizing data, matching patterns,
materials that still have difficulties in making explanations and conducting analyzes
implementing learning scientific [11], [12], [13]. that produce a description of the case being
This study aims to identify the problem of
learning social science from the perspective of This study was designed by selecting
students taken from the Social Sciences problematic cases in social studies learning in
Education Study Program and find solutions to junior high schools with the assumptions that
overcome them. The expected results can occur in the classroom. After all data has been
provide alternative solutions in overcoming systematically collected, the researcher can see
problems in learning social science at the junior answers from structured interviews that have
secondary level. previously met the objectives of the study or
have not been analyzed. Ten questions were
II. METHOD structured for participants so grouping was
The method used in this research is a case done by answering questions in the discussion.
study with several case designs because After completion, the researcher discusses the
researchers want to know the problems in social research findings as evidenced by a theory that
studies learning in accordance with existing provides conclusions and recommendations.
conditions. The research was conducted at the
educational studies program postgraduate
social sciences program, Universitas Muham- The study began by sending a Google form
madiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka for the reason that link to 29 participants, but 26 people answered
most of the students are social studies or social questions that had been prepared on the Google
science teachers in junior or senior high school. form, meaning that as many as 89, 66%
responded to requests from researchers to
Participants in this study were students of
participate in answering the questions given.
the educational studies program postgraduate
Participants who had a social science education
social sciences program, Universitas Muham-
background were only 19.2%, the rest came from
madiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. The source received
social science study programs such as economic
in retrieving data is a structured interview given
education, history, cooperatives, sociology,
via google forms. Each participant sets the time
citizenship education and geography (57.7%)
for two days to answer the questions that have
and 23% of participants came from outside social
been determined. In this research, direct
science education/other social science. A total of
observation was not carried out, but it depends
92.3% is a social studies education teacher/other
on the experience of the participants while
social sciences with diverse teaching experience.
becoming a social studies teacher. Triangulation
Experience teaches participants can be seen in
of evidence is done with the theory used to
the following figure 1.
corroborate the evidence obtained. Data analysis

Figure 1. Work Experience

Figure 1 show that the majority of experience. This shows the lack of participant
participants have less than 5 years of teaching experience in applying various learning

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

methods, but not closed in accepting and teacher must understand and be able to explain
all the material well, besides that the teacher
implementing learning innovations.
must also have other skills so that they can
Questions related to learning social science support the process learning.”

begin with a description of the difficulties of The results of research conducted by

learning social science. The first difficulty Rismawati show that teacher competence is
answered by participants was social science related to professionalism so social science
material. Complex material that must be subject teachers should have appropriate
integrated, broad, too much, does not educational background in order to have
correspond to class levels and overlaps (there is maximum professional competence. So that
repetition of material). In addition, the material professional competence can be maximized,
emphasizes more on the theoretical aspects teachers who have inappropriate educational
rather than on the practical aspects whereas the backgrounds are advised to participate in
learning of social science will continue to change special education and training programs [16].
according to the times. The results of research
conducted at public junior high school 3 Sleman, The learning process of social science is
students do not understand the social science constrained by the time that is felt to be
material they learn so that they are lazy to reread insufficient compared to the available material.
[14]. According to some participants this lack of time
was partly due to the stigma about social science
Student factors also become complained by material that could be studied on their own and
participants. Learners lack of reading, difficult to considered less important. One participant gave
ask questions, lack of focus on learning and tend the following answer:
to lack understanding of social science learning.
“For social science in the 2013 curriculum, in
This causes the teacher to return to using the my opinion the material is too much, too blurry,
lecture method that is felt by the students boring unfocused and unorganized, making it difficult
even though the teacher is already using for teachers to provide material with certainty,
maybe teachers from historical backgrounds
learning media. Social media learning media is
will provide deeper reinforcement to history
difficult to be provided in the classroom, only and ignoring the economy is more difficult.
through pictures or videos. The results revealed Other material will be ignored. Yet when the
that interest in learning, learning strategies and final semester exam students are confronted
with the problem with the HOTS system, where
learning motivation significantly influence the
students are required to be able to reason the
difficulty of learning social science [15]. sentences of the questions presented into
simple answers. The questions are usually
Another difficulty is the teacher factor. The
made by the team. If the teacher does not
teacher is difficult to find the right learning explain material that he does not master, such
model because of limited time and as economics, then students are the victims.”
infrastructure. Not to mention if the school is
However, some participants answered that
divided into 2 shifts, the time for each class is
the available time was in accordance with the
getting shorter. In addition, teachers who are not
available material (6 participants). Reasons
linear with the subject matter are difficult to
revealed include that time can be tricked by
understand the concept of learning social
appropriate learning models that teachers can
science, so that it explains to students less than
create fun and meaningful social science
the maximum. Participants argue that the
learning. Other reason teachers can create an
educational background of social science
integrated concept of social science which is able
teachers should be linear, linearity will provide
to learn several materials at once in one meeting.
high self-confidence, ability to teach and teacher
Providing material in one meeting is not easy.
professionalism. One participant gave the
Good literacy skills are needed, both teachers
answer as follows:
and students. Regarding this literacy, all
“Right, because a teacher must have the ability participants agreed that literacy skills are
to teach according to the field of study he is in
important to help students understand the
charge of, because if the teacher has a deep
understanding of one field of science then the material. According to one participant “literacy

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

ability is very important because the literacy produced will increase students' creative and
culture of social science adds insight, innovation critical power. According to respondents,
and filtering on issues in society, nation and making learning media can utilize the
state. Because it forms the character of students environment by using used materials or
to be good citizens and adaptive to social change utilizing technology and information. One
and development in times.” respondent revealed that:
Literacy activities are currently lacking. The “Learning media can be made from simple
materials such as making clippings, utilizing
causes include the limitations of social science
the environment as a source of learning apart
companion books at school, teachers who are from museums, utilizing interesting novels
less motivating, and low interest in reading. and books that can be linked to the material,
However, one participant answered that literacy the reason for this is the teacher's mindset
considers the laboratory to be standard in the
should not be a problem in learning social
form of the room when it is intended with
science because in essence social science is a laboratories in social science not necessarily in
science that studies humans and all their the form of a room, in fact the environment is
activities so that the surrounding environment also a laboratory, learning resources do not
have to be merely books, but things around
can become a media of literacy.
can become media and learning resources for
According to the participants, literacy social science.”

activities can be carried out before starting the Forms of media can be images, videos, news,
lesson or assigned one day's activity to one book power point, digital maps, snakes and ladders
so that students' insights increase. Literacy skills games, puzzles, film screenings or direct visits to
can be improved by reading from a variety of places relevant to social science learning such as
sources wherever they are. Classes can be museums, meteorological bodies, stock
created as a source of literacy that is supported exchanges, markets, offices tax and planetarium.
by innovative and creative teachers, so students Other media that can be made are games or
want to read. In addition to reading, students are media that have been uploaded to YouTube.
also asked to write down what is read, learn to Learning media can be created by collaborating
check what they read so that students' critical with students, so that learning media is
thinking power can be trained. Here are some increasingly motivated and able to increase
activities to improve student’s literacy skills, students' creative and critical power.
including: (1) diligently read at least 25 minutes
a day; (2) make a reading corner in the Determination of the media adapted to the
classroom; (3) add to the collection of books in learning model used. According to the
the school library; (4) using maps, novels and participants, the method of discussion, project
other sources related to learning material as a based, problem solving, contextual, inquiry,
source of literacy; (5) assign students to make discovery and problem based learning can be
personal summaries and opinions about books applied to learning. Of course the teacher must
they have read; (6) provide two hours of school first master all the syntax of the learning model
time for literacy activities, so students can that will be implemented. The point is that all
demonstrate their ability to write poetry, read learning models based on scientific learning can
poetry or even read brief reviews of books that be done in social science learning. Any learning
have been read and (7) make use of time to get model that is applied must be adapted to the
used to reading and accessing information conditions of students and facilities and
continuously both in the library of books, infrastructure so that it is easy to evaluate.
electronic and print media and sensitive to the Evaluation in the 2013 curriculum is already
development of social conditions in the good because the assessment concerns the
community. dimensions of attitude, knowledge and skills.
Good literacy can help teachers in creating However, some participants argued that this
interesting social science learning media. assessment was not simple and impractical so
Adequate knowledge helps teachers in the basis of the teacher's evaluation was only
understanding knowledge so that the media from the results of formative and summative

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

tests, especially those holding large classes. The IV. CONCLUSIONS

evaluation system on social science learning
should be done individually because many The problem of learning social science from
aspects of attitudes and skills can be evaluated the perspective of students from the social
by the teacher. sciences education study program in this study
shows that teachers have a central role in the
At the end of the question, participants were learning process. Teaching experience will affect
asked to give their opinions on the fun learning the ability of teachers to apply learning
of social science. Enjoyable learning will innovations. Complex material is one of the
eventually be able to overcome all problems in problems because it requires integration
learning social science. The social science teacher between materials, overlapping and not in
must indeed have broad insights so that accordance with class level. The material
creativity and innovation in learning will emphasizes more on aspects of theory not
emerge. The social science teacher must continue practice. Students who lack reading and don't
to be increased knowledge, because social want to ask questions become another problem
changes that occur continuously in a very short in learning social science, so that the use of
time relatively. media is felt to be less effective especially since
Learning social science can be done with the the media presented are only in the form of
collaboration of teachers and students. Students pictures without elaboration from the teacher.
are directly involved in the learning process by Beyond the teacher, student and material
being given direction and motivation in learning factors, time is also one of the problems so that
social science. Contextual learning can stimulate so much material is not conveyed. The solution
students' curiosity about an event. The teacher offered by the majority of respondents is to
becomes a facilitator and role model in every improve literacy skills, both teacher literacy and
learning process so that students have respect student literacy so that they can add insight,
that eventually will give students enthusiasm in adaptively innovate in the face of changing
learning social science. times. Learning social science can be made more
fun if teachers and students can already enjoy
Integrated social science learning needs to be the learning process.
applied, although in practice it is still in line with
the field of social science, but as a social science ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
teacher must be able to provide inter and intra-
The highest award was given to students of
disciplinary learning so that themes emerge that
the Social Sciences Graduate School of
can be comprehensively discussed from an
Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka
economic, historical perspective, geography and
Jakarta, which has been a participant in this
sociology. The surrounding environment is a
social science laboratory that can be put to good
use by accompanying students to explore and REFERENCES
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