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'lihC /C 'rc 15 'I" 2014 9r9"

26 co 'rc 18 Bahir Dar, January 23, 2022

26'Year No. 18

fl!Ii*f&n4AT e.
910Y14AXT 674101
1th4.'I hAA 9"hC (L't'
wfl)k h°1
of the Council of the Amhara National Region
in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Issued under the Auspices of the L' 1324
flA07 'I1did4 iMI 'P.' 2416.38 11C
Council of the Amhara National
IiC 1LI ai114I LW"i Region Unit PriceBirr 2416.38

WI' 4'l'C 280/2014 '.9" Proclamation No. 280/2021
QW'?. vfldI hA' CD),7/0 I The Revised Executive Organs Re-
?'t'?i1Aw ?i(11. 01I. 2}+ 11717
Establishment and Determination of its
',?**aU'c p'Aanc 'i'iM anjffi
hwk Powers and Duties Proclamation in the
Amhara National Regional State

iTh 4'Pc 280/2014 13m Proclamation No. 280/2021

1th. 4d hA' ipI' The Proclamation Issued to Establish and
?ML"?. ii's4' Determine the Powers and Duties of the
'A"nc °iq ñw Revised Executive Organs in the Amhara
Mal hfk National Regional State
11t)?Y ?'"linAwi (U}'P .thho f1iA? WHEREAS, it is found necessary to escort and support
?°'Th 'L$'w' the acceptance and sustainability of multi-

I'l1Af'i fl'4fi'' (UI. U 11I.a'l fdO7 sectormovements, being taken place in the region-
following the change wave which started in our country,
'?i?L c'"i uig: hAl-U 0,10
with institutional refonn measures that fit for this
in 2 rh1 '(1,41-T )IA4I1 lIh4 M1 ta."t l:ic 18 rc 15 .4'l 2014 gy' FhcAmhara National Reonal Stale Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 2

fl074'1: D' ?iitlC 'aD' ?A"7' Whreas, it is found necessary to practically ensu
U°A MMC h+X7 fl'1hhJ'1 niAA development beneficiary of the people ti

V"1 (flt'F &c'w ?°13(IwCi 1YJ?'r'P enabling the National Regional developmentto
its share both in kind and quantity and enhan
tf'i flan(} h'i t'1 ?h'U1V ?M' 'l(i'I
peoples' greater participationon the ten
flA1 1V'749°1 ?A94- 'Im.1rI
development and good administration plan forni
0i'ij'r 1tli?J tJ'S U(J0'i''t2
at the national level;
(Jn[I1/J'q J1'JLJ nq);,.q Am'T a)' Whereas, it is needed to create conducive cot

"hfl/1 A07I' n0 1M4c aAir that enables the region to ensure sust2
iAA' ,('i'J}' ?I' (yqç development using its human and material pot
by promoting social development and securing
4'?l h19- ,f.1nI1(1t) IM-P A°'II' "l&Yl'P
governance through realizing basic economic stn
t"1.fti'A 9"I V,J' un'inC (T"ThLA'l
f1iAA tA9 1I' 'I1tI41A, (Dt19' P'i I'F Whereas, it is found necessary toenable develc
VtF V A'"1"t vNic tict:: OA'H atY1' powers and sectors, who are main actors
i'1lD' ?i.'1fl 'I(iJA i(ifi. development mobilization in the region, to take
their full potencial;

fflAA w'(1'1' ?'I'**c Whereas, it is needed to realize institutions

?ch;'i 1c(tli:t I'4'cta effectively lead and support re-organizing
( i 0711a'' A" thAñ ?Lfr'°'I. institutions requiring the region's wide eec
tV,4 wflc 'F'r' flLm,A'a a'in' complexity and expedition side-by-side modei
the bottom administration levels' integrated I

tHl4" c 9D6I A0109.7'1: ?"?3(IA Ia°c system in the region;

yAwS 'i'*P Mw' °I21 1107ñJri

11hAA wti'l' ? Vfl'I 'tli','. ?°+'ti Whereas, it is found appropriate to create instit
culture in the region helping to decreasing r
wastage and securing success,strengl
accountability, encouraging mutual and mt
?°'1J'flc;J,4 iAi ,('t'tfl"
working, secceeding to lift the people from i
through developing properly the region's
i1A1' tW
resource, and realizing prosperity;
?°'1.Y'7'11 'I'1I '1uA 'gnC 'liii. WT
3 3"74'ILh.Ii IIA4'C "r,Ai 7014 hi :'IL'I hi'C 18 'IL 15 .I"l 2014 t.r. The Arnhara National Regiona State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 3

flMC Oc"I' 'i%°'A' +' iD'11'P ?tA? Whereas, it is found necessary to make the executive
?1'A'1I(I)1 +AXhPT fl°I"i'i' organs part and owner of the work through seceding

un'ñ f1un(14flC 'fl4 ,I*uII, flat/( '4 specially focused missions given in the ten year's

hCtiflCti c'I"Vk h1"p fln'Jt'ç 't'UIF development plan, creating competitive spirit, building
powers integrated eachother and giving expedicious
+A"14c waiJ-'9 iiAiA°'I' 11uotij'i
and successful services, and encouraging the executive
Ai'iA"I )I"i1'c ' '1i''' 1'fl/'I'-(Il
j [ O17 organs to give quality and instant decision that satisfies
Ili\1t flrnA (I)11j
the people with less cost shortening the command
?'f'"fl (J}"l'i '.1'1t'fl-
hA 'lAfl,'Yi h'.ti'i "iY/°1 tJ"'

II (J81' 'I:

All U91' ycn1' lue' a1eic unhlA,u/ h&'I1l

Whereas, it is found a burning issue to build human
S'AJ)'' hti'I"u'fl S'II''i (11I resource inculcated in prospering and democratic
thought and engaging it into work in strong initiation
for the sake of sameabove;

ai','i ti9'!.'L.'/ nCñflC(i 'jgD,9fl5

Whereas, it is belived in creating structuresenabling the
I,ef'If q;h(:fk', ;f(J).', çjj regional executivq organs to better participate and work
11(:1: i1( 1 ltl 1 WOK7 ?"ti.Z°?. h'iA ti(: tirelessly to satisfying implementation pre-identifying
' A' ?liAA 'Y9 key focus areas of the region's objective implementing
un/',(' IL1"i AA"1I u'im'c AYt1tI/'L("1 offices based on their concrete importance to fostering

P°CivI c0'Afl* 'WIw 'I'ti'l'1' 1C'l' 4 for the development and strengthening the democratic

flunaop'/ system side-by-side of merging drifted subsequent and

4A' ?*h'i.+ hwkU
similar work sectorsinto one executive organ based on
&?4'W' flflL.U, AR, .ilA'P iiocAhavCt
iaLVP 'I"! ?7.ftl4Fw'), hK4{l'
?"lin< ML'\'i,'r' 0
v4 r).74. •tt.i hAte — )'
M+ tOil. .h1 .'a."l liiC 18 ri. 15 ..r 2014 r The Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hg Gazette No 18 January 23, 2022 page 4

AJF, YAim MA' u°'1P"I ° itn,4'4'C WHEREAS, it is necessary to to make relative

1,q'jç eh'1PP6l j)J-.51J pI7j correction on the Structure of the existing Regional
rLi( (n U'i? State by surveying and revising the Work

huvAhJ'10 Redeployment of the Executive Organs in

)/A/ consideration of the would be work relationship,

.2C IJ)' ?L'!'lm' fJ'
mission integration and working in line with their
?'AM I'MC Cti ftCt1 •ictc iici
concerned Federal Bodies so as to enable them to give
?av/"ó+ i,CS :J-()(I. h'C' fluo)"irt.c
seasonal response for progressive and changeable
'UC'UC ?/ $A f aI flahM
°'Th'I'ihY t'in. tic' fian7I I

htLu' Qon ci4'ç' 4'r'a. h**cufl'I' WHEREAS, on the basis of this logic, it is believed

't'AO' ,JC 'I"1Slifl Th7?i"19" 10 that to accommodate some regional state institutions
those need a shift of responsibilities as well as change

c'iAn '7?/J'1 't*°'i'' floA &'.i'c 'i'IC of accountability in comformity with their prior

hi'I'w 1.'N1 hA u01p"t' establishment objectives and to clearly provide for the
legislation of their organizational set up to possibly
ñY"1. 'iw4'+cc ?/A'1' Y'A$'A ;c
harmonize with the executive organs structure and
allahllwo(J' Au'1q(J) ?. t?'fl (ih1''
authority redeployment of the federal government and
thereby to create a speedy system in which they would
support each other for the common objective of the
h'Y"1.'111 t1u:Jao',.
'W"h MA riC ft' iiii?iñw th1?
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Amhara
iAñ h'1ot)'Y'1/'f' j ' t)
49 3 National Region in accordance with the powers Vested
t(: t1'I(itU1) /'A'l' ioIJ1/'
in it under Article /49/ sub Articles 3/1/ of the revised
Constitution of the National Regional State, here by
issued this proclamation.

h'iA i' PART ONE


1. h'JC Cô(i 1. Short Title

This proclamation may be cited as "the Amhara
5?.t) AT ," ' "?'F'i?An ?"?I, fldi'e iA'\'I National Regional State Revised Executive Organs
a),w aij
aaisjç Re-Establishment and Determination of its Powers
/Aa1'S ~a111/ a°wA M 4'PC and Duties Proclanunalion No. 280/2021."
280/2014 "S°" 'FIlA" A.tii'I'ti ,e,i'eA::
.e 5 "I,:. 11,4 1
-T 11A4l! 17Ai Utui .si .51.5 SeC lB pc 15 .i'l 201. 5.O' 1-he Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 5

2. PtCa1L 2. Definitions

?4'A' ii'!'Nl A'\ 409 ? f(irnm 'iAU"i In this proclamation, unless the context rquires
fltFt'I'C fltl.t) iP' tfl.(y1':- otherwise:
1) 'Bureau" shall mean an executive office
1) "(U?" "M fliUl WP wM' OM h"1
established or to he established as per this
?'I'**uc ?hAt'i °A'I'SX.0 rc 1b
proclamation or any other laws and having
iflA ?'1S?7 ')AA gn'°)/i'. tJJ
become member of the Council of Regional
(/D,W/,f (0. '7(1)'
Government thereof:
2) "?IU? ilS" °'iM cii.0 n/t'/,f hA'
2) "Head of Bureau" shall mean any natural
:)AZ , tf" f'i(i"lA 0W1- person appointed or to he appointed to serve in
un c1,.w,1: ogp' "I'('un (t)f,')° ,atfl'jt)o
such an executive office pursuant to the
provisions of the constitution:
3) "rhC tI,'" "7,-I' 'W'74 AA u0I'f4?-7C 3) "Council" shall mean the council of the
'Phi: 11' (LtJ" National Regional Government which may as

M'f'C r'nC fl)1' appropriate, include those administrative

councils at various levels.
)I'iA rMI


3. Powers and Ditties of Head of

3. AA CôA-a'If P'Aflc 'I'lflC
?W"h hAA C- Is(: i'A"rc The Powers and Duties of the Head of Government of
flt-'I/a) fl(hi'e lutAi. )'i?/* the Amhara National Regional State shall be those
4'' 60 11P'1' ,''C ?'I'unAh'I'w' stipulated under the provisions of Article 60 of the
, Er c A:: Revised Regional Constitution.

4. AA 900A C-aIi? 4. Powers and Duties of Head of

'A"nc tiqc Government

,A11c The powers and duties of the Deputy Head of

?i9/ iAA rhA (' -aDt1'I'/1r
Government of the Amhara National Regional State
'I1'1C U'! iñai ?Ii,tI hAA
shall he those stipulated under the provisions of Article
4'' 61 /"C ?'I'u°(ih'I'ai- .e,tr'A:
61 of the revised Regional Constitution.
, 6 rMM t1 "1i0 uhf. ;61 .'t$.'I •STC 18 1'C 15 .fl 2014 The Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hug Gazette No 18 January 23. 2022 page 6

5. M MC M p'Allnc +°1QC 5. Powers and Duties of the Council

jorj, iAA M&C PhC 1L i'w'nc The powers and duties of the council of the Amhara
flh1d iA( w7-u'r1/ i':v National Regional Government shall be those
stipulated under the provision of Article 58 of the
58 'fl5"i i"C ?anAh'hn. ,fç::
Revised Regional Constitution.
6. thAA' anfl'1'PC Y°)IC (4' M#4 6. Members of the Council of the Regional
1) thAn' IWC 'ThC 11, hll.0 fl'J- Government
?a°?h'P WI' °+A:- I) The Council of the Regional Government shall have
the following members as bellow:
vi (:O(-u'I
Al The Head of Government;
Al P'ni'A
B/ The Deputy Head of Government;
h1 11i'A
Cl Cluster Coordinators to be assigned in the Deputy
Head of Government Status;
avl titt 'P 10 D/ Those superintendents in charge of the Bureaus as
S?'I'u°i'I'I" o'ntli lly'i• are enumerated under Article 10 of this proclamation;
El Other officials to be assignated by the Head of

2) Whenever any one of the Head of Bureau indicated

'r;fl /C N'a°Ahl'w' ?'Iwi" ?1U under Sub-Article lID/ of this Article hereof, is unable
U9'ThC ti'flA'l ' Y, &'iS to attend sessions of the council, the Deputy Head of
flAtl" VL fl'I'A? U'J' flh4 Bureau having seniority in appointment shall so

iAmhA 0tIIfC 0i*cn' 'I''''' SA(L)- participate in such sessions provided that no other
delegations have been conferred before in writing on
exceptional grounds.

7. M 9°iC fl'h ?h4' ft 7. Office of the Council of the Regional

(1,' 11'I'?i?iAu. S'iAA•
1) The office of the Council of the Regional
i''f'Y' 62 'fl)ti irI"A' 2
Government shall be the office of the Head of
P'(: Ii'! 'i't1a) uniP'f'
Government indicated under the provisions of Article
62 sub article /2/ of the Revised Regional constitution.
07 1 •4-t iiA'C '.'1'10+ 70143i .'H.' 4PC 18 1'C 15 .11 2014 t.r TheAmF7ara Navonal Re.ional State Zjkre Hi, Gazette No. 18 Janua 23. 2022 e 7

2) ?hL' tt'h c"Vw 1IC'UC e'A"nc 2) The detailed powers and duties of the council shall
t°1flC J9,011 WP?+h-?-A- 9iiC (LVI: be determined by the regulation to be issued following
(I°'j,('w]rn ('f1 a)(1cA this proclamation.

3) S'Wh/!' ft'I U(1.C' 5u. oun 3) To be appointed at the status of Head of Bureau, the
Head of the office shall:
S'°'1.ii/" J':_
Al direct over the execution on the council affairs;

B/ attend, without vote, the council sessions as well as

A) 1W1:C t1..'1 ttl(UlP' 'A9"6 render suggestions and opinions.
ht'/ilc I'Si'1'9" .?t'V'lA
4) 11I1..0 h''I'Y i)-t I'Y' 1 ;1c 2 /.vC 4) The provisions of sub-article /1/ and /2/ of this
S1(' Y:,J'LYi S'fl:J'i htitq..0 article hereof shall, mutatis mutandis apply to the

subordinate administrative offices as well as their

h 1n A ii f' I'(11) "1 respective Heads.

8. M PiC lkh un(flj'ftf 'LtL

8. Meeting Time, Procedure and Chairing
/-/"cc MDC of the Council

1) ?liAA 'i.qc yi,c fl,"!:- 1) The Council of the Regional Government shall:

U) flU) WI (fl)W/'I' u"Lw"l

A! The details being specified in a regulation,
,HI ?LwA'} U' o'c I)j. undertake ordinary and extra ordinay sessions;
A) PAI-"th. s) triw h'PiC ftI B! The quorum in this regard shall require the

h'i'i* (j)'ñ'P h70711 ry ?a?.tp,.* presence of more than half of its members at the

11(ifiAflw V &i"i trcA meeting;

1i) /'iC I1,'1. (D"VIjf1 ?°'Lf'iA.(1) C! Its decisions shall be passed by acclamation,
1ltq1h .t1"6 .etr'A 11'I"lfi/. g1"c' provided that they may be taken by a majority vote
U(D1I' 'iA'I'A °1 7'.W tlñ'flA(l(fl' 'g, in default of same.
?9"C (1,'l: ii'''!' S'r1lt 61 .
Y.Y'1 6 Y,mAcA::
'IC' 8 £?1 41.h.fL' )rA1 "3101' hiM 3,1 ."II,"I 'SIC 18 Ti: 15 .'l'3 2014 'ii"' ThAmhara Nauona1 Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No, 18 January 23. 2022 page 3

2) ?9iC ff-b M'i4' I" ?"J(lf'fl 2) Without prejudice to the rights of the members of
f1Fhn' VS!.i'(flh1'1' U"" COA- the Council of the Regional Government to submit an
agenda, the Head of Government shall:

u/ i91u: n.- t- ?'ny 1:'q A/ identify and decide on the agenda submitted
tr 'ia

to the council;
"1.1'C11"I"'.' 'isi ,.A.('A
B/ preside over the councils meeting;
Al ?9ThC fl.'t' i'1PY' aoA

(hi AMC tW ?cowff M'.S Or ?MO C/ postpone the meeting if he finds out that a
°'15nr ?'kE!J H iuAh'lim ?9ThC given agenda is subject for consideration by the
Ii,'!: '1:"7. fr'H: flh'A m:Ji" standing committee of the council concerned.


M.' 'i.iL S'ti't'i\AiA::

3) C66-ant1'I", .?. fl.tS'Ctl"l" 3) In the absence or inability of the Head of

A°'1hc(fl". 11a,c,i.A11.. "i.ILc Government, the deputy Head of Government

'011 '/i"I'A (:6(- shall, in his place, preside over the meetings of

un(1'I',w<. f)('l5'l the council.

9. H/C MC 1W *°?. 9. Standing Committees of the

hUj51J Administrative Council

1) The council of the regional government shall
1) ?hAA rc
have various standing committees comprising of
114144' unwa1 y14# U ?0I'uc
the council members with the view to assisting
rc 1L't Wi'1 ?°'FIw Mt A
discharge its responsibilities.
2) The details of the functions and responsibilities
2) t'tLu 1a7 1'I;5L1"j Ic'1,(: I911(:c
of these standing committees shall be determined
": I. iiii. anillpl. 7-
by a directive to be issued by the council in
accordance with this proclamatuiion.



10. Establishment
10. AA 'i°**r
I1l01. 1111.1) The following bureaus are hereby established by this
`7.10'A4" SttAA ML4117.
ir S ?W'h: 1 h.t.9: 1iM8 -11,11' 11)14 )0 +Tc 18 PC 15 'It 2014 S. ihe 9mhara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No 18 January 23, 2022 page 9

1) Bureau of Agriculture:

2) ?L''i ti''un'' fl, 2) Bureau of Industry and Investment:

3) ?'r/c t1y 111 la 3) Bureau of Trade and Market Development:

4) n,'' 11.CT 4) Bureau of Land:

5) Bureau of Urbans and Infrastructure:
5) PI'-A°7 it.c
6) Bureau of Water and Energy:
6) ?w;5S &iC& fl.C'
7) Bureau of Irrigation and Lowland Areas
7) ?o'n('S 440 / i'i'11L5'1 Adh`74 n.e'
8) ?9è.1 u"fl* A"!+ ftC!
8) Bureau of Mineral Resource Development;
9) ?o-o'r1' n.r
9) Bureau of Road:
1 0) ?'.c /'Arnc ftC' 10) Bureau of Work and Training;
1 1) ?'1'IlA 1tC 11) Bureau of Finance:
1 2) '111.P 11.0 121) Bureau of Revenues;
1 3) 11.C! 13) Bureau of Education:
1 4) ?inS ftC
14) Bureau of Health:
1 5)c':h Q.C'I 15) Bureau of Justice:
1 6) ?MP fiC'
16) Bureau of Peace and Order;
1 7) ?'lY1Ir I1, C!
17) Bureau of Tourism:
1 8) ?(h' ;h9c1 "11tMI 'Mi?. flC
1 8) Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs;
1 9) ?a)FF'I (lTC' ftC'
19) Bureau of Youth and Sport:
2 0) ?1'1 A°'/'' Q.C!
20) Bureau of Plan and Development;
2 1) ?&ILA (iC1&c ñw U11 A071 "i.ii
21) Comission of Civil Service and Human Resource
22) ?r11-4 i,'(j ftC'
23) ?M'1IL'i '1ft4' q,wafl::
22) Bureau of Government Communication;
23) Authority of Environment and Forest Protection.

11 AA fU?P ?wA p'A''flc °iic 11. Collective Powers and Duties of the

rq, ,q' n.c I:li',' un(ffi.:- Bureaus

1) Each and every bureau, in connection with its sphere
I 'I of activities, shall:
anli)/1' y'j'c A(•' iii A! initiate regional policies, strategies and laws based
IjJ.5IJ y"icnii liAA-'I ?AA.P1"' on those policies and programs of the Federal
Government and having due regard to the
a 10 ??iY4 11iit't iiO4'i "''1iil1 Uh .i .lL"I 41'11C 18 rC 15 .•I 2014 .0" Amhara National Regional State Zikre 1-tig Gazette No 18 January 23. 2022 page I 0

Ifl'S ,h1,9' f"rA objective realities of the regional state as well as

prepare work plan along with the budget proposal and
implement same upon approval;

B/ implement the federal and regional laws and

,t;11i lUiA( (n(yr III AI Z regulations throghout the regional state;

di) 'ii'l'Il iñD ?iAi' oD h//z1 i )11A Cl in collaboration with pertinent bodies of the region,
Ilu an )h v q"q-)-q 9MC9"C perform research activities; collect, compile and
fhcacA analyze information and distribute same to the
fmcI'i1A pertinent bodies;

ñI1i9"t (€"i,A

D/ create, as may be necessary, its subordinate

structures throughout the region, follow up and monitor

/ L1 (•.t ' (J) •! I'ftA (?.4"hnA their activities as well as provide the appropriate
support and advisory services to the nationality, wereda
and city administrations when requested to assist them
in the establishment of their own similar structures;
Aw'P•; Ah'I'! 'I11Lo
ipi:c ?rC WjA°1n4' W'1A

iv) i'fl 'YIw i4I' .JC flaot(IOC E/ in collaboration with pertinent bodies, identify
flu)ñrn ?"J?' 'I'T0 hN1 capacity gaps seen in it, facilitate conditions to fill the

fi'A ('A 11at"I2 "1'I'ñt1I gaps in time;

/) Ou'kYI w1iP i1i iJAI•c F/ cause the designed different programs and projects
Aah1, be implemented in line with the ofice's mission and

A demand to foster the overall development and to realize

Tch4 the democratic building system that is taken place in

the country;

(I'1"10 urj i'I'i1lo;. Y$C2A!

eli ??'i. LL.hi-'i HAiI 37tt1 iIt,/ .hl :'tl.'I F'r: 18 ic 15 2014 5• r' TheAmpara National Regonal State Zjkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page II
() ht°iqcc ,3C niyyu 'uc'ucI G/ may issue detailed implementation directives in
?°'ThL?mI.f ((J)al relation to its own powers and duties;

?1) ll(:4 'li'a) f'711'il' oul. 'vl'h'c? HI emphasize on the appropriate sector to the work that
shall ensure enabling constitutional equality and

;h !- beneficiary of the women, children, youths,

disableds and elders, and work for thege persons by
mainstreaming their issue in the plan;

(fl WIT Y,1-11irlo-A 7:

'I') fl(hi (JnJ)f'. e,pqJA, J/ enter into contracts pursuant to law, own property,
c'•tii 'IA1L' ,?tJ"iA conclude agreements, sue and be sued in its own
Y.C;A 11((J' WiA .e,h(OA:: name.

2) iull.v 37 2) It shall direct the overall implementation of the

Mlf 10) tui: t'.1101(0' (D1py. 'I'u145'"I' executive offices, institutions and organizations
they are made accountable pursuant to the
provisions of Article 37 of this proclamation or
their respective establishment laws; coordinate their
works as well as examine their structures and
operational programs prior to the decision that such
unJ"c' 'J'SS ñh:J1w 'hA?1
be submitted for approval to the pertinent body of
(1y'1, -'I 'i' 4'C1lw tgoA',
the regional government;

3) 11tLU ip:c's 11Añi' IW1' ?m' 3) It shall implement the specific powers and duties as

'IIc':I(: /"1%"r.'; fl/LIe. sg,

are provided for it in this proclamation and other
4) It shall submit periodic reports to the Head of
government and the Council in respect of the
4) t1fft.)1 J'r(J).'j.' (1'I'tJnñ11'I' (II'!' 'i'P
performance of its duties.
yii ; (ót-(jnñ

"iiC (L't. 94'CtlA::

12 r"7/- AJ,,
',-T tiA4'11 ,..'i..,A:f. .' ,'h"I 'a.", •H'c ro 'i'c',2 'Ii _E'' 19" ItaAmhara National Regional State Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 12

12. '?W 541-5°f nc t°i'c 12. Accountability and Duty of the

Heads of Bureau
Each and every head of bureau shall:
1) Be accountable to the Head of Government and to
the council;

1l.(? ,e,(ulit'IA 2) Represent the Bureau under his leadership and

implement its powers and duties;

T'19- 3) Effect expenditures in accordance with the work

c'°J'L'" 'l'fllfl (fl1'L1 Y$.C)A program and budget approved for the Bureau;
4) I11U'w w-(i'r tniiJ"1 ?/'-' v'nC 4) Put in place an effective management system in the
I'•I Bureau is implemented and follow up its observance
g,hJt'/1y '.,91fl1,:: thereof.

13. ?9uh4A iu 13. Accountability and Duty of the Deputy

'ta/dC Heads of Bureau
1) Each and every Deputy Head of Bureau shall, being

A°11.uiTh't'w ftC tJ'' 1lH.0 S'Wf. "\L accountable to the Had of Bureau concerned, carry out

'J'A,(?..ItTh 'a1J( (fl* .

,ehç(ThçA such duties as are specifically assigned to him by this
2) 11.i -"<W u1hhhi,e,t Cu1 (I)e'" 2) He shall replace and act on behalf of the Bureau in
1I°1,.A1FI i.tt'; U"i,;J ?CA 'Iiif the absence and inability of the Head of Bureau to
carry out the tasks;

3) 1l'1cIa')' 1L' (J)tVP 3) Whenever there is more than one Deputy in a

(J)•tn(liril ?9.n5?1I' tJ'' huo'i'1"I Bureau due to the requirement of the amount and

h?''r: 11'\,C, t'U", 'Ps1Ai fl'11 t1I- i,fl, irw complexity of work, the Deputy Head of Bureau
having seniority in appointment, shall so lead the
;\(J) tl"'t'i'U?, ?Yh (J)4JAc ?Amw Am
Bureau replacing him, provided that no other
un' iA'I';Ykn OM"I"I'C 'i 'f4'i4. flCm'
delegations have been conferred before in writing on
S"1Lum fl?juo' tl 'I"rl' fAiTh PYA
exceptional ground.
'tlE ?, trcA::
IK 13 rM2. l.h.Yli tlAl',i ,1704• ttl,/. ;h, .-nv'I .ic 18 rc 15 • 4 2014 s.r 1 he Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page Ii


riti WPT 'UCiic ,'Aanc ,,.alqc Specific Powers and Duties of the Bureaus
14. r'1ncc 1L 14. Bureau of the Agriculture
OM 11 tI'IStIl) ?1 ThW W,JP g* Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent

?'i'ricn 1t?A'mfl4' tr' u\ñ fl.0 provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
(1II.t) 'P' (JIJ'YI' 1I(:11(: /A)(1ç Agriculture shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have
the following specific powers and duties:

1) i'Mnif r'ticc '(: ;Y&&c (i/.•'I:.& 1) Prepare and implement the short, medium and long
(OfJ S'547' 'uñ 1.
c'1> i" - term strategic plans and programs of the region on the
Suo't1 °ç S),I4)U 1.lL basis of the country's agricultural-lead-into
industrialization policy as well as cause the promotion
of rapid and sustainable agricultural development;
1liAñ (J))'l t."i"c '1t,'it fAw
?"/'11C' A°'14 ?iV1ii gc,9A

2) tW-M ?'i,iti'i:'Yii 2) Avail extension service and technical support to the

farmers, render initial proposal for research purpose

04fl 0 (1 1t and follow up their effective application thereof;

(J)(11.:JIf C.hFi"A

3) '641A'1' ui flp'f! 3) Provide material and technical support with the view
iYI' h 1. IP' nui'ThAc to preventing and controlling crops' and animal's
diseases as well as anti harvest pests and weeds;

4) orcrc ?t"i1 4) Introduce and adapt new technological findings

YICu1A obtained by research, produce prototypes and
disseminate same to causing to be produced:

5) Provide the appropriate information and advisory

5) o°inccw. 11C "At
services to private investers wishing to invest their
V14.AP MIA qA uii+f I")IL(IJ'
capital in the agricultural sector;
un:t; stc i'A1ñ' 11 vrl,
ze 14 Y214 .5.4.I A4 ""}ffi4 7 1bL 4i .'ii"a 'hec 18 ii. 15 4.1 2014 fhe Amnara Nattonal Regional State Zikre lug Gazette No. 16 Januwy 23, 2022 page 14

6) flI'.'PC i)11 A°75 'FIbS' aoflrp 6) Render educational, training and counseling services
iicc it'"I< to the farmers and private investors engaged in the

''/A 'l(ll)iHi" tin A'I'I uflflflI' agricultural sector as regards the protection, keeping

yy'nc and use of the development, closely follow up and

)U( supervise over the development, protection and
utilization of same thereof;

7) AMIC 7) Cause agricultural products, used for agro-

?"iy')e 1/n ?"lflcc (J)*(fl ff çq processing industry input, be produced in sufficient

amount and quality;

8) ?1.ti''/ hl; ib11(17C'' A 41frf 8) work in integration with pertinent bodies for the
iJ11l.fl 'v'Iw ,C promotion of industry and export crops. coordinates
lci!r Yti'I'fl'fl4A ,9'j and supports same;


9) ??'1'1l i tAt ;Iw. ilun'I"lulC 9) Ficilatate, in collaboration with pertinent bodies, on

conditions how farmers get credit service;

?'Ci1fl UJ' futA

?i'I'l 10) Carryout water conservation, river diversion works
itnn ? ''1Lu'<- YiS ljançq those could be done by small farmer and family levels,
OYYII iMi f'Yi" 'hcwcA AaJ'! facilitate how water pumping motors could be
anfit'H' t"I'('i' tThCO supplied;

11) 'iocc itvr•i riFn mM 11) Follow up and control over the supply and
11W'I"I: n.hn4)at1Di. dissemination of agricultural inputs in time and quality;
tJn(1c1,h'J1jj" (eh:J"t"A

1 2) t"itkY' /' a7ifl4 h''014 h'' 12) Make follow up and support for the promotion of
s''A j.1ç Y:.A cooperatives;
wr 15 rwu• •tis.'e NA4e '014 A1.11 .'u.', 1ii't: 18 're: 15 .+ 2014 ,.r The Amhara National Regional State Zare HIg Gazette No. 18 Januaq 23, 2022 page 15

13) fliAñ w(YF VIAC97 ce4a 13) Work in integration with pertinent bodies for the
, hhw i1}4' .0 promotion of agricultural mechanization in the region,
1' coordinate and make support;

14) /'flCS A°'H: A1I4m' t'imc '14) Establish and lead training institutions and centers
- ') n"??I?IA "U'. "?AAm
-khVIrX PT those help to improve rural technologies so as to foster
the agricultural development;

15) fThA( (ntvr ?aI.7lni. 't'1lA 15) Promote and administer crop, animal and rural
i;'n :L •tii technology duplication centers found in the region,
cause newones to be established:

?iIIom C;)A

16) i'111,11 Vtiw' MA-t- .)C flan1flC 16) Conduct forest development activities in the region
in collaboration with pertinent bodies;

1 7) S"IOCc A9' 011 flac1e 17) Make technical support so that agricultural
juiij' ' nfl"!' ?'ith development to be led by market and modern

"itiy 41MC NTU-mC production to be strengthened, cause marketingties to

be created, devise a system in collaboration with
hhFlw 41.' 2C
pertinent bodies, crop, animal and fish product
o('I'111(: ti'lfis' V"/4'Cfl ''I'1JJ"
products and bi-products supplied to the market meet
S'(i'tlA 'CI" tVv'fciill rcc
their standards, follow up the applicability thereof;
?(nfl4' N TWI

1 8) tiiitcc A"l'I: '., rOo;' 18) Follow up current conditions having impact on the
agricultural development;
16 Y)./.. il.h./..P IA'P 11(I1 lihI .1.? )ILI +.ie IA pg 1F 4'I. 1014 qp. TI.. Amham I.hnn.i R.,,.I RtI 7In. II,n 61,, 14 I,nrnm 91 9n99 nn If

19)riocc rci gtr1 mfl4'fl'', - 19) Ensure the presence of agricultural product safety,
`i'lC Jeld-P flA07 ?I'A'1mc m.c°71 nutrient en-riched, diversified and healthy production

20) S'/1OPt'c ?1Th0 mS 1AiA' 20) Devise systems helping to improve plant and

?'LYt1't' animal health service quality and accessibility, make

iCFi II/..')i rIAc follow up and Support thereof.

1 5. ?iLMc jfl'tin flj 15. Bureau of Industry and Investment

;w'i it(1't'.'I" "I'Y,'i'flO)' (DJ!9" (J).* Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
ohi..Y,.1f1u) ~1gi11tiq' ir';' ?iA?• provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of

Iltit'un'I' Industry and Investment shall, pursuant to this

'7.htAI'11C,11C /'-'Arc proclamation, have the following specific powers and
1) Support and encourage industry institutions to be
1) lthAñ
flourished and expanded in the region, render study,
training, technical and advisory services;
.°iiA c"rci ?,wA(n'i ?1hthc
1V9°i(: iA'1 li' e,A1A
2) Work for by issuing communal plans with the
2) ?"T,411,77 IiC4 -'u'i'i '1 'IM
regional and federal executive bodies as well as with
°Lc i'In ?iAtc ?tñ' hAX.907.
higher education and research institutions that have a
1i'i -I'P tn ?h.'I rucc rcrc
great contribtion, with regard to supporting the
•I*71 ,9C Ô'1' manufacturing sector;

3) )fc7(141 II,*1 1 (j). )C 3) In collaboration with pertinent government bodies,

fl''f"1flC flAA (Dt'1' is"i i'r'i organize industry villages, cluster centers and industry
11C4 ñ h'1L(9 4 _ tI,t' uhA c Development parks which can be used for
'.ti'iP1 ?LwA manufacturing small, medium and higher industry
'I'fl•n J~)tI.(!/ o'n.(".i ch'\t ,t'c services for those engaging in the manufacturing sector
oht1.c in the region;
A"' FC'}
t'itL.0 ?1..(1t1/.A'kD' t,o'f'

hY'tI"' (J)'!' •it

it 17 M7- qlAZ.T NA'VP "1741 1lN/ ihl .R"I +.T: 18 i'C 15 +1 2014 't.r Th Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 17

i9.anAh'hm MA 9C Work with concerned bodies to free the land from third
TU fl"/sPr tfl ?(ih? iiFw parties for this service; transfer to industry parks
development corporation by causing map and plan of
fl(Jt1f11 Ai. t1Y, ;J'ciY A"ll 'C71'ti the plot to be prepared as well as infrastructures
't'NA1A extending to their destinations to be fulfilled;

4 t9iAi' (I)'1'j' f4 Df'P 4) Give industry extension service support in order to

enhance the overall capacity of manufacturing
industries in the region; prepare supporting
h,ti'1;(' ii1A1A°'I' ,t 111Ai

5) 't' 5) Organize institutions that will enhance the capacity

?°t1:/'i'l'1I'w•'} 'I*"1'I' I of manufacturing industrialists; support; make them to

?w.'I"c ?i't"i. Th'riC 'h'' Ifia be served as a means of knowledge and transfer of
ikYi1iiñ' •()g
6) Implement, by designing a regional-wide
6) &(i-I M°'mC OJ!JP fi/
enterpreneurship program that can enable to create
'LC ?9.7-7*' A'"lmchc ?9i.4 MA i+I
industrialists or to strengthen the existing ones; and
?K'CTC?T T1P +CA fl/ &
gives trainings thereof;
'Y,.wA CAI /AmcP ?J1A
7) Design feasibility study and project implementation,
7) MP supervison and support system having sustainable
T1I'f'} mt44' tI44 relevance for expansion of manufacturing industries
4g yAw 'rc-c ?T?*1 and other investment projects, and cause to be
8) Receive projects submitted from the sector of

8) flhHCP (J"i flht9 hiPi j.'(1w manufacturing industriesin rural as well as urban;

OCT. flhA IA'C1FAfr Th1 $?#'fl'A identify in kind those could be entered to cluster

WL' i'nI'c "iiM'l' rt?C'1 centers, industry zones or industry parks as well as
evaluate the layout of each project out of industry park
(I)t?0'P wg
plant and determine their demand of land;
2'Cli (J).Ecp' ??((FI

utjfl ,e,(J)t)'A
,a 18 £A7. il.Jt1.' NA4I "IM Uhf. 'h7 .'II."I frpC 18 ?C 15 .t"} 2014 .8•' The Amhara National Regional Stale Zjkre Hig Gazette No. 18 Janual) 23. 2022 page 18

9) ?iiA'Ii ?MihiW 117 hti'et 9m4•F 9) Give the necessary support for the small, medium
?HC fld" and higher manufacturing industries sector associations
$?95 ,C1O"1A -1 get organized;
10) Transfer investment project ideas, by creating same
10) TCh+ 11
from time to time and identif'ing those could be
tl?'lJI.o fu°,cL1 fl°73'1
applicable after being studied well, to a pertinent
' &(DA ? 1'FhD (1uiW'
federal body; and cause to be implemented those could
'/Iffl '\ñtD' aoY'l/"* MA
be applied by capacity of the region;
ThA? h'1" &L?c'
flf• '\t 'kw*

11) r1h,,1,,ul,I/01 IICi' 11) Work for investors transferred from small to
iii U!(I,I MY. z°ii?' hgoI fl)X. medium, from medium to higher leveisto have
tyj '°'i.?j;i<. qA04 production place and infrastructure service to be

tic k4m fuilfiled in order to speed up their growth with their

transitional sector in the manufacturing industry sector;
aIJ1 9r/J ft
Fc ?unwLWAahII.
support in the project preparation as well as feasibility
11/4 °'1fi'VIm
i°i:*r u"i flq J"rt' ' rc

YL' V, K 174'tt
9) 11iA' mtYP •I"A
1- 'hAc
12) Work for the sector's competitive capacity to be
developed so that small, medium and higher industries
'l: 'n " s'i ' ii are promoted in the region by designing comfortable
(1UD4T ñ technologies and new procedural systems;

13) 11hAA (nt1'r ?7mC

13) Identify types of industries on the basis of local
f&tL7'Y development capacity to promote rural industrialization
fl?ii'1IUu' ,'ñfl)' ?(JnAa7.I j1I,,u
in the region; organize industrial zones and cause the
n'iP' demanded infrastructure to be fulfilled;
,e,AYA' ?ii.'Ul*t ac YSA
4'1,40 anw'I'-A°'I ''y#Fw
19 0,17Z.It., . t,A11 "tii'l 711M. 3i .'il'l 4'ii: 18 1,(:5..p1 2014 9t ThArnhara National Regional Slate ZOne lug Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page It
14) 14) Collect best practices those help to promote
HC1 ñ ii44 manufacturing industries and other investment sectors:

PC'P 'I"PiCIP fA(1t,( A make and distribute to users;


1 5) t1iA? 15) Create policy ideas those encourage conducive and

h'ffl. ii' -i competitive investment environment to be created in
the region; implement same upon approval;

16) 1I06 (111'r 16) Collect data of resource accumulation and

)h '.rn' j. ('P (('l(i'lA investment opportunity found in the region: compile;

I16fl:4(Thal) fI1I' prepare regional master plan and related plans based on

S''ifl1'11°''I' u/, ç f()()' the data; determine prior investment sectors; distribute

ffl,):A I tjicat 1flr*

informations to investors; advertize concrete ivestment
projects to these parties;
llc(1Y. y.n)tIcA I ti111

MIL O- JYJT'Y ,(i''IP(D,4'A

17) fl9.un?h1'n A 4AGI, ni'it,gm 17) Work for the promotion of manufacturing
S'l'StW '1'mc I industries and other investment sectorsin industry
AA"i' 4go' zones identified by concerned body; cause boundaries
?JIPAI ?4'mSP'1 wA'c ?im.,4'4'P Mi'F of the zone and change of use to be registered by office

(1a0 i't''C fl,rj of the land administration;


18) hll.0 nA.e. lflh•ti I'' 17 fl't'.iTJa 18) Transfer land after having contract to the selected
't'j',f "1lI;tn o developers by evaluating their submitted projects and
determining the amount of land in order to enter to the

f4'i.LFw" TTh1 flan7p';pç ?un industry zone which is prepared being selected in
aom fliocnñ W'A ell aut,* f"A4A accordance with the provision under sub-article 17
hereabove, carry out infrastructure fulfilment as
deemed as necessary, take legal measure on those
,(hco)cA flntIw uo wth.

failing to develop pursuant to their contract, transfer

fl?fM°' iPcp ?,crn ,C1.w(i/AI
the land to another developer by returning it and
a064f tt'n'Vñ fl"11Y:Y1 ç ?7°t' ai
notifying same to the the Bureau of Land;
1V"1'0I' ?i(tA °u 1'7. ,('ti'I'"iAiA
20 rk. ii.t.i.•e MIT ' 1014 è.1 :'li."J +'rt: 18 1't: 15 .1 2014 ir the Amnaa National RegionaL Stale Zjkre I-bg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 2

19) ?I"i1 §:A1 qqa ?c 19) Establish an enclosed one center service renderinj
I1?d" fl98ç ?hAñ 119' to the private investors in the regional areas wher
OA I'rncP er'/A there is better investment flow and other area

(16 041-1: c"IhttA iA1ñ'L (1 03 ((fl. identified through study as well as special econorni

°'1iA i'IA"1ñ"I' i,i'i51'

20) ho?n44c h°l1J'4 20) Prepare literatures and films those help to build th

oAi9° '1V,J tianeflfl image of the region side by side from promoting am

'I.tYWrI-rG:T')q 4AVI—I .(n':A encouraging investment: distribute; conduct. as may b

necessary, exhibitions, research findings and seminar
fA'A Oa-
ipçç ( 01) c; in the country as well as foreign countries; participat
ij.teVilpI 0111C
in similar programs; render tra'inings;
D-tI'F" U'I fla 5I il/C '}i 'IAA

21) AA Swrn' U'lC tt" 21) Ensure and control the implementation of nation

1fliA(• (l)trP i1-'li wide policies and laws issued concerning investmen

P-'V, uop?Im' f9fl1A whether they are applied correctly or not in the region:


22) tl'lñ i)iH'i 22) Render investment license in its power limit aft
'P.("I 2': o'C9'11 21'Ffl investigating investment requests submitted b
ptfç /, investors when they fulfill the requirenments provide

ii°iAtW' in the relevant investment proclamations an

P'A'fl MA tinw,64' regulations; give replacement and change, cance

UIa1A renew, and collect service fees generated from the!
1tInL L.4'
A(n-I" ,JW11A f.tlAi ,ACIIA 1 hIt.i)
1A.2(1'4 ?i,(Y ?WiA1A1
h' A1ffihlA!
ix 21 "7 1h •e hAve °)1il1 111u .ai .'U.", 4r'u: 18 iv: 15 .# 2014 .r The Amhara National Regional Slate Zikre lug Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 21

23) (thA? in'(YF '(iao p' 23) Encourage investmentors engaged in investment in
hA V4141" fflJJ the region; support; make and cause cancelation of

Y'14A L'P'iw w iLMP O"Iafl license and land return administration measures to be

Tth taken, in collaboration with concerning bodies, on

h0 .aAhJ. rw. j}l projects which do not timely enter into implementation;
.2C I1an'14ffiC
. ?a°ACUS uo/o

CP gw(iA
24) ?rtAfl1fl. 24) Give an appropriate decision for incentive requests,
'AU114 submitted by investors who have given investment
¶f e 5IJ hi 14)tl1Ja;j(0. license, by ensuring whether the requests fulfilled

i°YA'hm ?'I'lIl un(ffi; fflm requirements listed in the law or not;

'fr'1fl.(D W"Vi ,e(V'lA

25) o(wnflc ?'PIt ?iAA 25) Coordinate investment activities between investors
MM- anh and pertinent bodies of the regional government, and

•iiq/,h YtW"MMA 4'1m4A control thereof;

26) ffliiA tTh(r 1107,h UM-1 26) Render the necessary advisory and information
I'('J, wAI' service to investors concerning the ongoing investment

AflnV*fl 'I'1 fl. D ?f/iiCf ?a'i. activities taken place in the region;

W1A144 g1A"IA

27) 1'W h°hfr"Fw 1I1* 27) In collaboration with concerned bodies, closely
fiujJrMflC foliw up the activities of local as well as foreign

azft' h°'L7j' fihA &4'S' investors operating in the region getting license by the

"15 rhD' OhAA Wt111 ?9.1I* federal investment commission cause the
establishment of investors' forum, and render support;
?U'lC wtYPr U', cw qAUfl4
çq1.fl4 snach the land from those who do not on actual
•ii- 01'Cfl h+1-4A
performance, and report same to the regional land
w**r ,eJA1A
bureau and to the federal investment commission:
'hhtW ?/
oral.+1 i'P4' W?w tThAA an/ fl.1
?tc McA uD':. frrij,7j
, 24 ?W3/.. -1"/.T IIAII '"1,ti1' iih/. 51 :'H,", •I'f: 18 'rc 15 .I 2014 I.r Thi Amhara Nationai Rogonai State Zkre Hg Gazette No. 18 JanLy 23, 2022 page 24

3) 1thAA wti'P flrif 3) Register, pursuant to the commercial laws, issue

?U1C wti'F (i(iufl±i' nri and renew licensefor domestic investors to be engaged
gngflJ/ flG)fl /4'j' in trade activities throughout the region as well as
fiA 'NCLnfl ?WiAA'+ h',? collect the appropriate service fees;
4) thA?' c0717'fl f*4 01A 4) Establish and administer the regional book of trade
c 7, r.., 'j'°j' an and thereby maintain the complete profile of the traders
5) ?lflfS 5) Provide the necessary support with regard to the

flcnA'fl(ifli t1°'I(nc+c flu collection, compilation, analysis and distribution of

L'Le 94: market and business related information and thereby

cause the creation of marketing ties;
ring .tI(IC ?1q..rnc

6) ?t1' A07 tIC' (9rnShC 6) Facilitate credit service for the regional transaction
fl'Ionm aD OT tThAA ?'1tWA operators to strengthen the market development in
ii'cy' cn.c 'irF' ftnJJA selected sectors;

7) fliA/ (0'(VP j1g 7) Encourage and support the establishment of

organizations in the region and make their awareness
t**un fflFFA 21 ?JA"1A
and participation in respect of business procedures to
fl"1 i911C 11 f1'(D
be developed;
'M'i;: VVH1C f$C3A
81) Promote general quality function and administration
8) fli&IVi c'r o-cc i(i'tf4i.0
as well as working ties to be created between and
? - kur flCY T aoIhA flwA
among organizations on the basis of contractual
&k(nC (i"?.TA ?/- 'icI w-'C agreements;

9) t'hA/V rcic 9) Cause the preparation of permanent exhibitions

tnj.q *9. iui.fl.7i where by the regioni products and services might be
k1I. ygC,Ai (19JI12 ~'i'''r displayed, render license and support to those bodies
?.(v'1A &A-I
T hAñ preparing same and participate in such exhibitions that

fl°7.9I1,9P(P unAA ilI.1L6c' &e are organized by other regions

10) Undertake and monitor market demand forecast
10) ?P(; Pc r'i-ncc rcc Aif
studies with regard to those major agricultural products
o11th1 iflf IW4 fl1f 'P
and other inputs;
fi 'VIA 9.-Pa1rn.A
-it 25 r)8/.. -41,N4-T }1A41. -31tti 1ilk ,1CI •)U,'J 4iPC 18 PC 15 .I3 21114 1 5" The Amhara National Heg:onnt State Lkre Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 25

11) Devise a system, identifying would be challenges

11) fl'11te,' /.1 ?°Lf7Pa 1l
through study, of procedure for the expedition ofsame
o'rc+ flc?? iI- V-i" - fl in
in relation to transaction: modernize the transaction
11 t fl. U htvC
system; lead the activities on top, and coordinate same;
fU!4 /'CH fH9"c



12) 7W 12) Facilitate, in collaboration with pertinent bodies of

"1OY a1rhh, the matter, conditions for the creation and

flaI'(IflC iiiticc 943C1
strengthening of market centers for agricultural
products; cause the establishment of transaction
fanJAi r'ing}I W'Th 1rJC M
advisory council and thereby render support;

13) 'inccr iP 13) Set and follow up a system whereby agricultural as

'I'(flh14 ?1'lflf well as industrial outputs may be offered for marketing
?07.41Cfl..(1. p)cc fl2A with their quality standard having been maintained;

14)r?ncc "Cfl 1'c(c O11lf 14) Encourage the expansion of the sustainability of
caij supply of agricultural products and marketing thereof;

I'L(I4 fO;JJ'A
15) Render the necessary support so that the industry
institutions get financial, transport and transit facilities;
•/m7'cc 'iA1(i°ih
'ky'ri 'fl.w $3Aa1A

16) fl?iILW c19f?fl1o'

16) Design methods to preventing the frequent
Mh'thA ¶ 07-1 tIA1' ?I$4.A inflation; implement same on basis of legal procedures;
h, IPC CLJW/ jjJ

17) ?'1S' tcHfc ?i"VI I-An 17) Supervise different illegal trade activities that
would harm the trade system and the purchaser, take
legal and administrational measures; send to concerned
4'1mA I&I
body to be charged;
1ICY'1 ,C(DMA A9anAh'In.

j( w'7- J?,AiA
te 26 il,a..'i: tirl 11014 •N1 ,'iVI •liIC Ill 'rC 15 •-f 2014 ti.r The Amhara National Regional Slate Zjkrn Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 26

18) VAOTfI cmfl'' A°'mhflc: ?L27' 18) Support and coordinate the activities and structures
i'A,,f'c that are created for this purpose so as to cause the

ii '> M.74.A Yti'I"1ThA purchaser's right to be respected;

19) irri cm.cc fl?jG1I 0,01 19) Establish procedural systemenabling to resolve

1i t"1.A iuu111(14 (1CSC disagreements, which would be raised on trade

OJM' UC PLI. UA ?tP/rC competition and purchasers rights, through bargain or

AC'* .MV..iA!

20) JImcIVT.9 1iCHi41'w' 20) Determine the way of their distribution, shall be
j. sold and to transfer from place to place in the region of
O7 1- 11/$? j'IC 'flfl OJJ)4f

trade materials and services, which are specified or

hq'A I'7M'' wr ?017M.* 'rLe
shall be specified of their lists and prices by the Federal
IThAñ rntrl'
State Ministry of Trade public Notice Pannel; and, as
Ml3im1l''5 hF p,.F
deemed as necessary, it may order merchants to replace
these materials when they are finished.
4i5IJj '11W 1119"
,9-P anuu/,f &(

17. Bureau of Land

17. ?au,4' IE
Without prejudice to subsequent provisions to be
wrT h wi'+ ?'71
t .,TkD ?'I'mfl4' issued, the Regional Bureau of Land shall,
U"I thAi' flj flil.0 WP?, t7D10 '1 pursuant to this proclamation, have the following
?°h'tñ* iic'uc /A"c 11ni4 J-A: specific powers and duties:

1) ulliAA nt'V 9Mo' ?nnC 1) Study, register and maintain the type and

In ?h 011 i.&+c an WrHc amount of rural as well as urban land available

in the region, follow up and supervise its
(JD'IJ1110 .I?'IA h'I'V/.'
administration and use thereof;
h'fA 4'flmA
2) Study and determine the land use found in the
2) 1ThA? wi'F ?1717Y ?7rnC gn
region; follow up that land users take care of
?m.4I'P .?mcA n(cA 0,014'
their land holdings in various ways; devise
'I'm4''LP 0 Jfw 'g
various incentive methods for those who hold
fliQ' 9&9rm' hJ'1"\A their land properly, and take an appropriate
j:flyr flh11uF measure on those who do not discharge their
?0 II7J flJ1.') $?P+!1tA own duties;
A jr,
'x 27 rM7. 1l.h,4.i tlA4 't1flt ltli'. ht .'tL'I d.i'C 18 r': 15 .+ 2014 .r The Anihata National Regional Stale Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 27

UiJW (11mey Hacl ?t11 ll°' 3) Having regard to circumstances, using

flan(n4'9'n ?}q 'irnC 'i°t' traditional and modern surveying instruments,

?t M'A fl flqJ ~10- measure and register each rural land-holding

96bj £*'l'CS 1C.J' 9,01A and farm and thereby issue certificate of
holding with map as per such registration;
4) Wit tin " jiq ?a°,' g,Il,Fc SCD(nq'r 4) Cause the execution of the system through

a°41 ?t.Aa11w. °1Mtfl mM" which individuals or organizations having land—

j1F fp.'Nu ki-mm'L. flO)C( holding and use right in rural areas, as may
appropriate, to be transferred such rights by
fl(u"J' mgP Mm'? we,r nh1c
inheritance, lease, bequeath or exchange or
'rtc ?9.Y A4fl' P'C'' fi1i°7A
mortgage: update the information by registering
flio,'' 4I,'J' '!M. ?mfl1'i fl?1.tLm
changes taken place on land-holding;
unH'Jfl COC'kD' a)I'ii fCXt
11hnC +fl( "Thh' M J1J'5f A"1.4'CIT 5) Render an appropriate response for requests
'JJwtDC ''1) 9fl\7j submitted from rural kebele centers reg arding

YA"1A flaoc,' lI::J. & ?''l.i'L. ?w 11 transfer of title; update information by

tWLItO) M'aDil7fl kn w'1'J1 fi.C2A registering changes taken place on land-

av' holding
6)S'7aiC 1'/1
6) Cause rural land investment land lease
P4 'I'ao' (WVI,a)' ?YrnS tThAA'
procedure and rate to be determined by
in'),-"' fl1I''fl Y(imticA
studying same from time to time and sumbit to
I.cn( Jv:'f' YA
the regional government, identifies in sites,
(ic f(i'IA4A I17(nC (1?C?i
transfer them to the Bureau of Industry and
I+i7lJ • + Le1'I4 f4'1fl' Ti'I' Investment, by reviewing your proposed project
Ou'J'1P'IP' ?Cfln* Ufl(fl' flaDO)l'' wA gl' and determining the size of the land they the
At nvj' an' f MA4.A wg fU/,.
transfer land to third parties with contracts for
h'!It fl),4 A,Ftanm. °i/ 07 M an'M agricultureal investment in rural areas, monitors
4a1ai.Ai flOqwc the use of them for their intended purpose; in
flaIn 7D(J1 'I'1'14I flt71 fg('fr ' collaboration with the relevant body take and

h"Laihf'cW 'iI .9C fla'I"1f1C fl,J'" cause to be taken measures against those failing

UDLP/* ?C95' w(A

to perfrom in accordance with their plans and
contracts pursuant to law:
i 28 41.h4.'C NA'Lq ili'I llh/. ,1 :'u"i -b-rf: 18 rc 15 ,4. 2814 5.9- The M4'ara National Regional State Zflire I-fig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 211

1OhI*c iM.t 7) Prepare land use plan and design for rural
7) AimC 'I'11A
. ?LL(n.
kebele centers and newly-emerging settlements,
?an* ~Ufl4'4'r ox'c .'LW
and follow up their implementation;

8) 2'111-fl Wm 'h'I-'I ir'i wr 8) In collaboration with pertinent bodies of city

'i- ha h1'1w A,tr' thAñ administrations or the issue-concerned regional
t7lJ1-1,w!'. ii't ,2C flan'l'flflC iVh'thl government bodies, identify land holders

'r119- J.Ad1D fl"jp(e 7n' uprooted from their lands due to public

hitrn ?mIiA ?A9 i',?i. interests, create awareness, conduct wealth and
property counting, casue prior equitable
,CJ1YA °1'tfl
compensation to be paid by doing property
t'tfl*c HliY 4ai fIAA u'flI'
ir flan,-e'4-
JIO1IJf f'an(11(1
'hL'tm f.CA

9) flA"i* r)if+ hJJ1rn ?9(i 9) Identify uprooted land holders due to

qIj5D)' fl,,.t' urn1w flN development in their damage level, prepare
alternative project idea, discuss with uprooteds,
NYA h°U.'L" ?T h* (h'H
cause they get development finance, working
POW h -I - "M P'f C
place and living place in collaboration with
,9C fla°I'1flC ?A°'!
stakeholders, devise mechanisms how raising
appeals and grievances in the process to be
ri 9gC.2A flfl44I' ?9**P
solved by permanently rehabilitating them;
n°Ihcw flh.gI

10) flfluc1 UJ fl ° tu' I'AI ?ant ' 10) Having carried out land redistribution in
Thfl wiYr tv"i.- rI accordance with law, cause the acquisition of

IJ- P O(11"1 ?'1'Ml ?t"n' - huh second-grade holding certificate along with

Y!AA ?iM'I9.49 ini- cc map for the original inhabitants inside large
scale irrigation project areas being developd in
modern way;
,e 29 t'M'U. )LA4'C ii't' lt)u .h1 :'tI,"l *r; 18 ii: 15 .4') 2014 %V- ThAmhara Nationai Regional State Z4're I-hg Gazette No. 18 January 22, 2022 page 29

ntY1' 11) Render a special code to land holdings and

11) (1iAñ 11731
farms found in the region and there by facilitate
?dIJ 5D1c a/"iPT A V ke' yW'iA
conditions whereby other offices and
)rh'rnfl). /IJ( i( an,w/,f

developmental institutions might use such

n.ric ?A°'h
identification codes;
U5" YuJ4A

12) iil'lfl i't'1w i1ii+ 'C flao.I4I0C 12) In collaboration with appropriate bodies,

nh-I'°! I'/l? T'c M•e decide land holding administration and use of

w(1'} which are incorporated betweenboundary of

MA T'I anihA ?'1'rn4'M
urban structural plan and administrational
(JlJj-' 11 J'5'1- MIP..QCc hm4"1"
region plan as well as register same and
.aO)tISA jali°flA A'111 eipr
thereby issue land holding certificate and maps;
0 u71611, n-cc ic' (i''1A
13) flhIP'1 cnP+/,'1 T'Y hI"i'fr 13) Except those included in the urbans structural
n 6E" M& cA°'I ii IAUJ1Ao1. plan identify land used for different services
?tl)11 anfl' O'rc AfA through study, enter same to land bank, cause

'J,+ '11i f(rl'1A fl04 t)it' same to be prepared in sufficient condition,

kIL f$C,9A 11anAh'hn. i'iA devise procedures how they are transferred to
the concerned body, follow up and control the
01131 ,'C+' 9'114I1'' )w'C
implementation fairness therebe;

14) Aa1* ?t1tC /0C* Tq;J 14) Collect, compile and analyse geo-spacial and

W,Ath/114, related data used for land administration system

building, and render an appropriate service for
iyy 11flti'1A
service requires meeting the criteria thereby;

A°?.'I'Cfl t'M"+ 9.47. •t'i1La

'!A"1A"' A1A

15) MO -1-Yq ?'I'0t'1", ?7niC amof IJr 15) Devise a mechanism whereby small and
oqI1J'P gu'.A'. 'I&'S separated rural land holdings to be consolidated

0h.M' .I1 1' ñ°'1m.'2't' (consolidation) through full participation and will of the

?ah1.f(A ?'iIPC holders, and apply same when permitted by the

/CP ,e,tIAi
a'7W regional government;
(1hAA 4At9- '1'1f1
V 30 l'M/. '4t.? hA4T nh/. ,l1 .'aV'I +-IrC 18 1': 15 .+) 21114 ¶r Itug Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page
TbeAmhara National Regional Stale Zikie - 31
16) Solve land related good governance problen
16) aD* Th ?aoAir MiMc
in uniform and transparent procedure, promo
fluj1' t1ç'i* q/p. tv/,.(
service and data accessibility by buildit
t?,LFAi ?Ha'l M't"4.0 /"C modern data administration system;
flan'flq' ?iA'1Ac un/j 7j'

17) ?a* 1't/$C ?"Ui19' 17) Formulate worldwide experiences modemizii

?°'LY&Y'lrn and ensuring the sustainability of lai

administration system, conduct research ai
APM' 'rc-c rcr
apply same;
fi 'qAi 1.1 '$C2A

18) flu/I' M"DC P'C'H. AR, ?9:J 18) Devise mechanisms enabling to preve
41A'i AuhThA ('9.YtifA corruption seen in the land administrati

?iwC (iA'I an I. sysyteni, perform land transaction audit of t

(land transaction land administration procees, take correcti

measures in collaboration with concern
audit) Yh5a)- qW h9.a1OAhJ"P0),-
2C flaotP' ?°7A'ihf
19) fl1rnC an/ 19) Approve by investigating investment buildi:

?fliM'uo4' tJflh1;J5D designs taken place on rural land, renc

building license, and make follow up a
a°CPC Y4'A ?'?'}'lrJ'
control, take necessary corrective measui
A''1A hHAc 4r'rc fg9Ai
W1M1 ?°'Th'I"ihf C9"5D wtiA:

18. ?hfc 'I-A'14 CU? 18. Bureau of Urbans and Infrastructure

OA.A-T ;h ?917aD Without prejudice to the existing or subsequ

1'aifl4' trT thAA chPc provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of Urb

OlI[P ?07hA. and Infrastructure shall, pursuant to this proclamati

A° W ifi-Lu ki Tk
have the following specific powers and duties:
uciic /'A'nc 'I"1'M4 c°FA:-
1) Particulars being stipulated with regulat
1) ucic iiT' tiL'P fl"104 I1
being issued toimplement this proclamati
U'I1, IN' (ThAA' n)tVF
follow up urbans found in the region to be
aIjy 1
hli'i ft?I'c nM°'! T'
by plan and urban plan, and support hereof;
La°< h -J"IA 1r'14-.A
W1 ('3/.(ft IIA41t "VllIt HII/. I( .JIL? Iir: 18 PC 15 .I1 2(114 i1eArniara Nabonal Regionai State Zi8re Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 31

2) h4"i' UAth. ?O/1 ?iJ''9. 2) Render overall and intergrated support to enable
A"/* 11fl4'4' ?nm urbans to potencially discharge their center of

?V''/ñfJA un'iflc ?11I'c Yi politics, social and economical development;

W'1A thI'9 4.Ci cO'iI study and follow up the urban settlement and
direction of development thereby,
3) Devise mechanism whereby outlets of
3) IThAA n)(VI' 1Vhhh1;r1 ht'1°I ?hI0 1
infrastructures to be expanded in urban centers
}/' fl(flfl4' (JDjj.
in compliance with master plan of each city in
htTh:J'c ?a74.0 fl .4'MA
the region, closely follow up and support therof,
?1'Cfl riAc -)'i
and devise a system making the society
flA"t!'IP "iflI'-A1F rf't'J'j, t(J"
participant of the development

4) flh'I'1 i'e TAI VIAA O)'(1' 4) Render acceptance license for any land use

01chDr ?t7'J/* iirn,4'I'r taken place in urban structural plan by

hht°?w T'i hw$?.' ?ht"7w evaluating the compliance of same with the
urban's plan and future development of the city,
follow up and control the performance;
%3 7an'Jau VY, iJ.'J' 1:4'e: ,C4'11A

a13.7° hJMA '1rnA

(J)6L" 5) Receive any land found outside boundary of

5) hht°/ I/'le TAI hAt
urban structural plan and prepared by concerned
L'i'c ' ctw1rr fl"1a1Ah4'm
body, transfer it to third body, develop same
?11I2:' a0 /0 ;e,tth'1A AiI (W1'
economically, administer and control it
f(H"A4.A (I)6I 4(1]fl.fljJ' gu'je

fA"/A fftWA
6) Render the appropriate response and register for
flht'? q1'Fp '/4'C(F ?tia
transfer of property requests presented by urban
fl1* 'UwThC 'Ff'I5"f I7fioY
holdings, timely transfer changes taken place on
r'7i gW'A
land holding to concerned body;
'V'L.. Aw1' ihtw MA
r 32 rkle. iI.te. NA1e o11 1111/. dhi .U.'Q 4ie: 18 .r(: 15 13 2014 5,5W The Amhara National Regional State Zikre l5g Ganelte No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 32

7) ?hf"P,* a°tiLC* ?°Uñ ?4'fl 7) Take data of kebele centers, which fu

"4A ha htn 'iA criteria of urbaness, from concerned body

fmcA gujC1 study same; render recogniction of city

which fulfill the criteria; cause transfer
0 7fn4' h't9 ;'w4; gq
urbans, found in the region, from one level
fliAi'' w(i'P ?4' h'N
another level by studying their growth fi
IW'LlLn fmS hWg' K01 m.M .24
time to time; when there are urbans th
tJ1 fC.2A g h'1'9
should be promoted to city administratE
qsc'r 07 17 107.7flhm fl..
prepare recommendation and submit same
v• McnAs1" ?nc'4'a 7i7"ic
the Regional Government council so that
Mm iThAi t11YC PhC requested promotion to be permited;
(fl.( 1
h'fl IL9i' Y+COA
8) thA? hnIit)Y UA' +1 fltfl 8) Prepare different legal framework dr
whereby cities of the region use same in
rnflIoY AV. AS 4'1'
embracing level; cause improvement of ti
0 764'i ftI,iA ?k1* 1n'
level in keeping their growth level;
flm 04' anI!' NIA.44A. f$C.7A
9) ?h4'1I0h A°'/' ?°'!4n'c anA'W' 9) Conduct different studies helping to fo
iV"ffiL "i.riii urbans development and ensuring g
'rcfl, fVA 0At9" 'MV. governance, casue same to be conducted

?iwc.0 (IA4P e4'?1A others; devise working mechanisms;

10) hI"i°1 hi2C M'* 9C fl,94.

10) Devise a method strengthening decentraliza
administration system by devising syst
MtPfl: whereby urbans work with partner bodies;
?(nShCfl U. A',MA

11) tTh4'r H?W 1-'A"1' u"c 11) Make support and follow up so that un
have developmental finance and administra
that enables them sustainable authority;
9'i h*A YCPA

12) ?hAt' hN° D'fl O

12) Provide necessary support and assistanc
nir ?c Af• tti°'I°?.c that urbans of the region become attrac
U"uD- 1"1' clean, and green as well as competitive
1I f$'CA comfortable for habitation and work;
4l.I.1 hA4e '.'lA1 °Uk 'tt7 IL"J •I:j'1; 18 •i( 15 .+1 2014 3.9' Th Mhaxa Nattonal Reonai State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 33

13) hI"1°(' T' CVOVW19-5 13) Report to theland supply body by deciding

?hI'r4'} W11,
T :J'iJ- fcl1fl ?IL+ urbans plan basis and urban contextual house
development alternatives and the size of land
needed, follow up or make the requested land to
?"U(1LA7w' ?an/4 cm floww AI
be supplied and used for the intended objective;
MD"' 'c'1LiTh MA fl}'JA
'cn(' 1 7 ?kaA YhJ-'1-'A
w,EM° fgC2A

14) ?"lA (hIc scr11-4' ?A94' 14) Devise a system in which private sectors and
hI'5' flI'1 lth4-07 public developmental organizations, through
A 07.
I building their capacity, participate in urban

fl'i' development, real estate and similar activities;

?"4flh /"A* MMA

15) IthA? c'ii'tc ah1'r1 W014 15) Makethe necessary technical and
administrative support to pertinent bodies
/°C ?9.71• ft'Y'Y' "Ltwt'ih't' h"1'F11
concerning houses found under the regional
government and urbans ownership;
q' 24 fgc,9A
16) Cause the facilitation of conditions enabling
16) ?hI'°'?w 'IP 'Ufl M'au.
the inhabitants of the urbans to build dwelling
paa] ao' 1° /,f ft' iP
houses comparable to their descent capacity and
(n+P 11'
benefit therefrom;
gn$f f 9.C.2A!
17) ?[J'M'@ ?04 hc - ci 17) Ensure the observance of the country's code
and standards in design and construction work
tvt'ic nii ,w.
levels in the region;
1lliA( a(rP h11tm hFrI?A

8) flhAi' 11/'-'' n: ?c (1'M 18) Supervise thepreparation of designs and

UC (97M- ?°I3t.A7 government contractual documents necessary
oç gD eY/,1fl ç(1 qi- for the construction of builidings financed by

wñ IIW'lflfl tinfl I'F1C the regional government and private sector;

or 34 4lh./.-1 IA "}101 1011. 11 ;H.'I .ioW 18 PC 15 .'?) 2014 ThAmhara National Regional State Mra Hig Gazelle No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 34

19) flhAA cu', 04- VOV.h5M- 19) Supervise the execution of governm
-3PT O1"i'M'1w WA
I'MI constructions undertaken by the regional Si
cn,th 'gnj).ç ''n'1.9- U31, budget is in conformity with the qua

•I'rnf1'Pw standards, time as well as cost limits

anwFf(fl.' M"1m/A provided in their contract;

20) flhAA D'(VF ?P'. .1 b1

20) Register contractors, advisors and professior
an'fI'1 ,tanlV?11Ai
in the region, render certification
professional competency, cancel their liceri
tA1 WY (if'rlwr when it finds necessary, make comprort
AC'IA ?''1J'-"ih MaD'?IlIFfl works at times of construction-related confli
00 h(W1l O)* ?IA°1A ') V

21) Perform the necessary support so that

21) IThAA n1rV
capacity of construction industry in the reg
ti+w ii+P ?i'P,.y1 •1'Vr1.w
to be promoted, encourage the promotion
94 fC3A
construction technologies, follow up
'V44 ffl/.FFA fl1l'9" '
control whether construction materials to
used are produced in quality, take meas
when quality problem is found;

°1C9" A.97F9' ?1c9-1 .ePWMA 11

22) flhAA a('r •Y"i ?°q'/,fw• 22) Devise construction, urban development
?h'S'°'I A17 1'c 1l-fl, house-related policies and strategies to

'iS4A applicable in the region, apply same u

4'9' 1'1/I fgCJA approval;

23) Prepare construction, house-related and ui
23) ?'Mm' •i"i'cc ti,'Y fl4'
development directives enabling it
aDWflJ' - M
effectively carry out its duties
t1-Th c;
?hl'°? A9- /5'1'
responsibilities, and effect same;
Q9tI' '! fn't A'
24) Cause the organization of institutions neces
24) ?htq1 A9'' A94.m i(iL'Yi.
to quicken the urbans development and el
cu" *"i+ ?wWc upon approval by studying structures of
fl'IP$ ?"LiI '?*'
bureau and lower institutions;
O"!9 (L/.'I'!?' +'7qeT fgc,3A
35 lhnt. ldt'ti IJAISt iTh'. ;a, ;'IL"i *VC 18 IrC 15 .l 2014 '}.r TheArflhara National Regional Stale Zikre Flig Gazette No. 18 Janua, 23. 2022 page 35

25) t1iAñ ?°'Li"i h1i"i'} OO,C,'r' ovA 25) Lead, on top, urbans found in the region, and

4tThn/A:: supervise same.

:26) ?hI"1° 9°"l'fl M'cc ')i1;' uii't1' 26) Prepare a regional development plan of the
sector based on urban food security and
fl"W/'1 ?u1C4'} )iA'\q? c'A'?+ N l'
27) Build the implementation capacity of zonal/city
27) ?h'NI"( P141 'P(1'. ?PNJtA L(fl € .'r
administration institutions which coordinate
9Y(it'KK 'l' /?h'19 i(iI'C
urban food security and job creation by
developing a support framework:
?°9 iir YMA 28) Design and implement supportive frameworks

rj: rc' arpjt'ycj. A9' for development of safety net, livelihood

28) ?AI;J"I
improvement and development:


29) flhti° ç'9°17fl 1'5 n97'Pc ?/ 29) Hold, analyze, and organize information on the

MA icntinC it/Jri. M itl - identification of jobless, able and unable to

work vulnerable people enabling to ensure
food security and job creation in urban areas;
- 17C
ao/ .tJ.JIA 1 Y'I,A'

19. 'aJ'W %4',cq4 W 19. Bureau of Water and Energy

flM* 1'i ww1q'1 ?I''!kfl (D ° D$.* Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent

c"LiYfla} t'h11fl+ WY ?l'iAi' in' ?ck provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of Water
and Energy shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have
fij fl11.0 WP ;'+ ?9hM4 'iIC'ilC
the following specific powers and duties:
/A!'1c t°1'1/+ 'FA::
1) Utilize and cause the utilization of the region's
1) thA?V ?cm;5 u11"t'
water resource for developmental works by
OunAflM (1an.I''
collecting, organizing and analyzing
AA9 '$'1 ftw'Ai
information sameof:
2) Study water resource reserves and distribution
2) 'A(V 'a) f111+ 1)9-T -1-5 of the region, cause to be studied, advert
fncA sameot
ftitPai'A Y'IWA
is 36 rA3. 4I.h.'C NA4 "i-ffit situ. .i :'SL"? •frrc 18 vi: 15 .47 2014 t.r The Amhara Nat.onal Regional Slate Zikre i-Isp Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page lb

3) ?iAi' ?m;5 1)0 H'W'S' jUIIJGI 3) Devise mechanisms those help to utilize

flU", ''1Y (cvm+9" 1 M (I )* the region's water resource sustainably and

1IA4 q' reliably; supervise its applicability;

4) Identify ground and surface water resource
of the region in volume and quality through
4) ?'I'4A(i 'P'I' fl°Th'IJ At' ?hC(i-
conducting basine research, facilitate
rcc 7-90 'c w' o-(14- flavitn,K
conditions whereby same is utilized;
fl'p1-' 'F+9" '1 IimAfl
5) Deliver license serviceto develop the
iPiJ' aiJA
region's water resource and to make same
5) ?hA(V w5 Vfl'' W75 11'r19-
utilized, and follow up the implementation
çt4'e: iiiAtTh thereof.
V'1A' 1-111/,.)1fr hJ'MA

6) fflIAA wti'P ?°7.7'1 c'w 6) Work in collaboration with pertinent

hIthAc hM "1mfl4fl' bodies of the issue on the protection of

h° hJIrn arMOT
. 2C water bodies and institutions found in the
region from pollution and damage;

7) i"1'I'fl IWIa) C flc'I"1(1C AA?- 7) In collaboration with pertinent bodies,

AV A'1ñ4 ?°'Lw-A w &1 1.a determine the would be standard of water
?U?.i1kn. ?'P' £ that would be used for different services;

8) fl•ñ un'rip-" q,'M"r' fliAi 8) Render support with a status of ownerhip

(fl(1'11 A"Vi'b. ?n.;) A"r7+ in respect of water development projects

l fgA
t:A' carried out in the regional state under the
auspices of the federal government;
9) flh1"I9- tfl fi1mC ?i1fl.P 'WI
9) To promote supply of potable water both
a°iii'P (P5 'Ct* 74' J

in urban and rural areas, cause the

?M&J 'rcc vir' 0771i'c 07n442Y
undertaking of newer study and design
improvement, and expansion works as
'i.hcn' fi?CAi Nfl.n' 1AS
well as their construction, and carry oul
4"F'FC Y' VA the appropriate follow up and supervision;
10) flh1i'i ?1"i7i 47j?j 10) Devise a sewerage disposal system, caus
,tMI&9A ?'I'AfV building of different constructions, fo11ov1
fSC2A hA'i r'rcr fC.'A up and supervise therefrom;
jr 37 fiS- ti.rz- ttAW ''t1Ai 1lu Bi :'It"I lie: is rc 10 .10 2014 91r I he Arnhara Nahonat Regionai State Zikre I-Pg Gazette No. tO January 23, 2022 page 57

11) (1h't0 I' (17mC i'iflhlj' h uom'F 11) Render professional support to enable institutions
w i'cp* ?'1tF *"i4 ii'wc constructed for potable water supply in urban and

M1 0707 avtiai' rural areas so that they would provide sustainable

?'kc'tw unfl1 jJi ,e,tv(71A! and reliable service;

12) OhA( mti'V wP'a+S fhi+ fñin 12) Formulate uniform and equitable water tariff,
cfAIr tJ', ?w'" royalty as well as cost-recovery and determination
jun/ç i(DI'1ñ') (lC 4,C AiAA system in the region and submit to the council of the

I'/4C 9ThC ft' f4'C'A regional government, and cause its implementation
upon approval, conduct periodic studies and cause
same to be undertaken by others;
iitIcoAiY' fl?LtLw 'rc1 f'!J4A
fl/1j9 )
i'I& Y$'C.JA
13) Carry out medium and high—level maintenance
13) 1fliAt mt'F ?4'11' ?w;)
works or cause same to be carried out so that
n'wc A'un' 'aAll 'q.Arn•
constructed water facilities in the region may
Mic hI 'P1c
deliver the desired and sustainable service;
f'L& 2 J( }1LL
14) hw ,r-C 14) Ensure technologies having to do with water works
?rn1wc meet the required quality and comply with the
standards, authorize and encourage entry of

f'Y111A OA latestsinto distribution after testing;

flan7 W 1CJ?' 0k1fl' 'f'

15) In collaboration with the pertinen bodies of the
15) 74W hhF"1m MA4. 2C issue, conduct and coordinate studies and
fla°I'1OC 1km;5 UtF)' 'f researches undertaken on water resource, promote
f'i newer technologiesand research findings in the

ft1441114A' region;

?PCPC (1' fltA? (Ui'l'1

W 00 1flIfl• 9IIIb(.'I III4'IX ,-nrr lIiI(. S07 .'II"I ,rrl. 10 Ti. ID .1'I Z U14 7.7 lneRmnara National Re.tonal State Zkre ii • uazette NO. 10 Jaaua ej. -a t e A

16) ?hAA' ?w',5 ulfl*c ?w' t'C1 16) Prepare and render train ings aimed a
I*07'I ttha/110 fianmfll'c ?iaDm+r enhancing the community's sense c

ti °1 ''
ownership and raising skills of bodie

)9jJIt1le.1; (1ul(:4 I('!.'I1 engaged in the sector with the view t

properly handling and utilizing th
region's water resource and water suppi
17) (mA(c cn01/ ,, 17) Cause the implementation of watt
?Wi11' ?w';" U'fl'I 1t,iqgc h'ii' resource management laws, regu1ation
yç antrvIWPOY flIAI' and directives issued by both the regiona
t°/'l(•q tr• ''(:.A and federal government bodies in th
1 8) MA cI1( ?LJ"i
18) Prepare and distribute regional-wid
TAft. water resource management policy, lay
and regulation drafts, directives, strategii
plans, standards and working manuals a
y IV) :A 6lA well as follow up and supervise thei
implementation thereof;

1 9) OiAA wtVr 'i.'iC'& Ah1t!.! 19) Conduct studies for the promotion o
energy development in the region; an
cause to be studied by others;

20) crniA (I Iti'i Ith 'iC A 111' 20) Initiate private investors to participal

1th''I q.'1i'I'4. widely in energy development activities

and encourage by performing differen
promotion activities;

21) A")!' ?4Mi.4 A'!(':l.i 21) Implement solar, wind, geo-thermal, wate
and bio-gas developments from small ti
hh'iti'I 'i'h aljli hM • W s'u1i1e
higher-levels to cause the promotion o
S"iitt ?? 'I'C"IA 'w c "1' •r1I
renewable energy development;

IR 39 3/.. 11.hd.0 tlAl ""IIA+ iiti'.;hl/ 'I09 tTC 18 rC 15 .t' 2014 te- The Amhana National Regional Stale Zikre HIg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 39

22) flhA?l' 22) Negotiate with appropriate federal

n0hIP?. i.Aiw °'L tIJ:I cn'j' government bodies on the necessary mega
j/q.fl It\jj).
watt amount to produce electric power in
iii'\'1' .0 ,cn1h.A the region, as deemed as necessary, it

?/'A'1' w4tAc &(unn shall render work licenses to produce and

A a'j'ç ?9Aici ,•
distribute electric power and supervise

J'p ,e,ia1Ai M"1rn therein where delegation power is

rendered to it;
3) lrlmc icX{. il'Cfr'I- /',s ?1-(1fc
23) Cause development of different energy
vh.1c xi. ii ah6Lb u:w nwc+-
alternative technologies to be widened_
supported with the demonstration with
M.W. nI(IPJ1 regard to supply of rural energy, facilitate
?Ii"A". on energy users and technology producers
i'iA7t4 ??11i UJ faiJA having been organized getcredit service;
24) Work in collaboration with pertinent
4) fliA? w(i'r ?°'IV& thA 11(14''
bodies so that firewood to be produced
'v'ti';' jflfrg
and for wide production of firewood in the
?fl18 (fl i'N-n 'WIw- i'i'' ;'c
region and the supply is more than the
OUD t(1OC 5?iPcA

5) ?'1'iflfl. 'VO.4" h9°' w-(rr .etrioc 25) Investigate energy sources and
technologies development, distribution,
fl2D t°°"V'1'i ?Lt"i
utilization and saving whichof
considerable with environmental
im44'9-c 4rnfl f"MA
protection and considerable price,
promote to the society through private
OM HC1 flhA
investors, government and other sectors as
ñtt-Afl It Pin-4'A
deemed as necessary;
26) Collect, compile and analyse information
6) h.1100 ?7nt'h-I2 P} Afl(i'1A
concerning to energy, and as deemed as
necessary, it shall distribute same to
, 40 .fl,I.j.. })h.I. Ibt .4 ,Hm in ..1 Ic 3 RI4 % .l 1k. flt.,,,.t Ctk. 7.b.. U, I' 4flO'I I,,

20. çan(qç 14!407 WlfL$' A074- 20. Bureau of Irrigation and Lowland

W Areas Development

;h,4!. I5't' S'f?.','r1(w wgP iLI Without prejudice to the existing or subsequer
t'>!I'iitl't' (J' ?1iAA a°t)'105 4AO' provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau c

i'1Il.5' A"l"l' fl.c fitLi) Yr:t?: uuwL'' Irrigation and Lowland Areas Development shal l

c'°'1.hI'ti1' 1ICUC P'A'fl'c f'' y,qJ: pursuant to this proclamation, have the followin
specific powers and duties:
I) tUsAt D}0//.. a*1i'1i,1. S"f")'iIF 1) Administer, care and maintain irrigation dam

I hi'itFI' tih hiI' chanals and other irrigation outlets rangin

A1?-"f- ?a°i'l';' from small to higher levels and constructed b

'ti't'.'A 'Thth'1A ar'1cA M the regional state by receving them, desig

l(l1tJ)(I (1111'(J).9" iI(:'Ii(: ?Pc: i": particular procedural system about the:

2) 11ft (j1"11 fiJ' flhA? a)t'r 2) Support and followup for irrigatio
'uo(q' Ao.) l(1) development projects in the region undertake

r--'I -A y(:;A by ownership of the federal governmen

administer institutions by receiving then
'I' ill Yti'I'P,Y:/0A whAc &At'iuii
carryout design as well as constructio
c'rcic i'A
followup works and cause same whe
deligation is given to it;
3) ?itAñ" ?a)'' O{I ("t' ?'i')tV'/ñ"!' 3) Carryout study, design and construction won
i"iq'A rrc 'ie'c "l"l:J' /"5' to utilize the regional water rsource fi
irrigation service or cause same to be done I

t:' iflfl4 others, transfer same to beneficiaries by makii

fl"1.? rn.4dhIi f(I10A their construction completed keeping

4) oi•ic: "I'i.(iñ Aot1I. owc iiC( flJ 4) Facilitate conditions whereby the region
'rc} I'tts? sjAñ' s'hcA-rc ?0- ground and surface water resources identifi

9°'C ?W;5 U'ti'I Iornt ' A071 by water and energy burea's study on integrat
basine development could be utilized
-m 41 VW16'• I.h..e hAV °1i(i7 NIet t? .'IL"l 18 r1. 15 .11 2014 '.i' meAmhara National Regrona State Zikre Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 41

5) ?a°ti' A9 A4.1 XMYJ(~'7 ?'iw/.0 5) Devise procedural system on the growth of

,tI&9A irrigation development coverage, and followup

the application therefrom

6) l(7DI'' A"!) fJ . 51) jtrf4.

iL9C 6) Render professional support for partner bodies
i''•f• I? t'i ('.(]A 1it1 participating in irrigation development works,
?un ftJ1' J'qCi41D1 ?m(FI make the necessary oversight on the construction
!t1"i 'I"1fl.(1". ii'c 4'r'rc of irrigation outlets to be comparable with their
YC2A standards:

i1lil i'tw hV'I' .,C flo'DIMlhC 7) In consultation with pertinent bodies, implement

IthAñ- w'ti9' 1lIAgr 4177c h1A 4\7 water reservation and small, medium and higher-
level irrigation development works in the region-
hit31!. 1fl.5'? ?(Dt) ?4'flc ?iI;;:.
especially in lowland and semi-lowland areas,
uh,'t Y; h'It u°tiT A7'
cause same to be implemented, conduct
construction and maintenance works concerning
irrigation development outlets, encourage and
cinc ?'r'!c /'/•9'(1 Y
support on the promotion of traditional river
?'1uq (J1'11 t11A4 /$t'
diversion works;
YOJ- J- A 1 t" e,(lr1A:

8) h1tAñ (Thñ'V 8) Organize irrigation user associations found in the

'11hl region, followup and support thereof;


9) Carry out medium and high—level maintenance

9> IMM- (Di'l'r ?'t'!'ihl' 'Jr1' •1 ': "i !
works or cause same to be carried out so that
Il"'I'' 'I'i'1.(I)' 2ri1A10'I ~i'L(Ii1F
constructed irrigation facilities in the region may
?untj'c iI' 'F'lti /J5D:y.'
deliver the desired and sustainable service;

10) ii'i°ti' ,LDi :)C ?f,('ftl' 10) Ensure technologies having to do with irrigation

S'mflft% t q fa) .I'ISA' works meet the required quality and comply with
the standards, authorize and encourage entry of
latests into distribution after testing;
hluu.I'i mg

V.'111' 4'.( 1!IA1A

ix 42 r?'7. tinVe —)'1A+ VIZ. al .'U."t 41'C is il: 15 2014 ¶.r meArnhara Natiocal Regional State Zlkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 4.

11) flh'f ('t 1 T(ii'' $? MUll frPP 11) As demmed as necessary, openproject office
fl°'jI?gn' higher irrigation projects in a way of enabi

t1 t,k1.'i'I: TCii'I' to use and administer, prepare integral

JAi c'iq'c:e cA"A &'i+i? fH,94A 1 development plan, work in collaboration

concerned bodies for their implementation;
'I1'l/I ?''t tI' hLaoAhJ'Frn

2C 0HH1C C,wA

12) flan(' s'M'1Il(l)• 12) Facilitate conditions in which the local soci
to be participatory and beneficiary in irrigat
fF1;i'5'i' Y'°;';'A development projects;

13) Il'"i itl5°' ,('to) cu't'i'; i"l'•!' 13) Conduct research to identify the potential
irrigation development in lowland are
formulate irrigation development progra

'1l1"i\ S"ti'' enabling to develop the local agricultural la

followup its applicability therefrom;

14) In collaboration with agriculture and water

14) hl11Cc N 5 (W;" 'l(:. f1.t'5')' ;iC
energy bureaus, cause the promotion of wal
(1a''I"uilC ?4'°'1 h',lI1Pi i; ' ' "lOhA
centering basine development works
>'I'441) Ahh11. J/5fl'. Ptj (11>

irrigation developments in lowlands;

A9fi ?1'qM44 YC)A I

15) 1avñ' A°'I' 'ic i.' C.C"L?i 15) Devise data and information system
irrigation development;

i () t1(t• (i)ñ1' Q",C: c"LnI' 16) Conduct prior-research on flood vulner

y' L/ cunh'thy areas in the region, make and cause desigi

YtFi'i'lA prevention constructions, carryout pr

warning works being with concerned body.
-M 43 t'1/.. ltd,.t.'i trA4't .".')'iO thu. 10 .'u'1 k'pC 18'PC 15 .+3 2014 'h.r" The Amhara National. Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 43

21. ?°'Iô uiH A'' ci 21. Bureau of Mineral Resoucre

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
?°'JY.'iThJ) ?iAi'I
Mineral Resource Develoment shall, pursuant to this
A°'II' t1 sVitA 'l-ICltc /'A'rc proclamation, have the following specific powers and
1) ? U1/4: 1) Apply the country's mineral resource
;y1ç t!./,I.Pni development policies, laws and strategies in the
4L0111,' 1i,:4'1 ,'C (V"1 11111"° context of the region;

2) I1iAñ w•ti'P ?9OQ" Ufl A"7'l 2) Conduct studies to promote mineral resource

fl1j4.4. '11 ,?i VA development in Ethiopia and cause same to be

_uf.I L/ q conducted by others, identify the regional

,, YC;Ji IVIII. U l'i'
potential mineral resources in kind, amount and
;r1aThIi* iAñ O'P1 s°"iôg'
quality based on the above studies;
fl'g'I I t1un0u' /I' 1lP!' YAVA
3) (1uiAñ' wtYr 3) Conduct geological study, map works and
research works in the region as well as work
;v;.t31 ii''" ;r1a/q.fl pV1iI) 00A
, ?c with pertinent bodies of the region and federal

?•i' u'1/'1' hV - .u: 'I"lfl( state;

4) ?/i hq A°I 4) Collect, analyse and compile data concerning

geological study and mineral development
works, distribute same to users, access same for

(1 +00"711,' I investment and development;

'; 6A9-'1 - rI./,7j

5) '1O:' 6°71.rn'' )at)/IJ.
5) Organize laboratory and mineral quality
on.h. .. au. je)6b) assurance centers helping to foster mineral
atiJ(1tI, development, support bodies to be engaged in

ViI' the sector, as deemed as necessary, to be

it 44 r.. •It.t..i.f hA "ti(t4 'gth/ 11 .'fl"I 4-Ti: 18 iC 15 .+} 2014 i.?' The Amhara Natioeat AegonaJ State Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 ttage 44

6) fl+Pi' mM"
'1,. 'W h.hIm 6) In collaboration with direct or concerning bodies
,C 'I
fla"lilC flflU'V fli'thI (11 of the issue, render licenses forsearching

M(itc flhi examination. finding, product and holding ol

mineral resource in traditional, small, special
small and higher level: hold, renew, transfer an
S'flS If' .t"IA
canceal same:

7) ti'tl)iq n1'I"L:i''Io). i•u 7) Make conducive conditions in which strategically

I important and imported mineral and mineral
116A I products like cement and charchol, ceramic
('11A"I' "1'c('4 ?'fl/'' "1!i 'I'(' marble and granite, iron mineral, different
construction inputs, fertilizer and petroleum

(J)1h'l)' f9t,'\)" 001' development products to be produced in th e

I region; render licesense and cancel same ir

consultation with concerned body; make ful l
;)C f1uo ,.nC
support to make the chain from searching tc
1A C(iC'IA I i:A,' tih PC'
production to be effective: make conduciw
"ci' YhV* (1)(flJ'7 h'q.(r cmA.
conditions whereby getteting hard currency in the
fl'LMP ?(i1i. ')"h1 "fl'l
process to be risen;

8) S'9L) "ri.1 ?rnll'l' 8) Devise a system for implementation of capacit

vl /.W" if', (19A'" ?vI 'iw&', building, research and development works so tha
U' SI")" '7"l;F S'9°C'°Cc ?A0111. mineral products to meet their quality standard
hq.h''(J)'i' ,ll1..')A and to be competitive at national as well a
'cn Y., hJ"I"A international levels, followup its implementation:

9) h°'1.u0AhJ'Fa). '' :C 11rnI'fH1C 9) In collaboration with concerned bodies, desig

necessary system whereby precious and jeweller

'ial'A9' minerals produced by traditional and small leve

products and marketing to follow legal line:
unj,n(' ',P1?JI ii(liA'i. P'C9r'
ir 45 Y? 174. lI.hd.1 Ii\4e "'iA't 11111. di :I'I •ti(: 18 1'.i5 .1) 2014 .r lire Amnam National Regonal State Zkre Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page t

10) fluA w(i'F ?9O'c' 10) Followup and control minerals production,
a).flg'ç ic' 5?hJ"IA marketing and administration in the region,as well

''LU'9" tt' 7'hA 'I1J/. 111; as work in stress that citizens be equal participatory

'iiii,4'9. I'L L1! 'h'' A'P'Y and fair beneficiary;

11) Make the necessary effort through improving its
11) ?A QAu-fl+T fl"76 UIF'!' A°'I't
organization and building its capacity so that the
?96 UC4 iThAA ?'I' flde
mining sector of private investors in mining
?1c )(fl(JClf ó.'I-iI' anJ""1 IhAtmh
resource works shall havegreater social and
I1°744Ac j'uD.
economical development contribution to the region;
tl(i01(1nI YJ,?: 'I"1(1ffl' 'iI' Y.(:.')A

12) tlu'iec th'i' 12) Support traditional and small-scale mining

,e,f"/4.: 19uM (J)'ñ Lif activities, encourage the creation of employment
opportunities for citizens who shall engage in same
being organized in the region; render license, and
supervise same;
ffl&iJ'A &4'9 A"1A
13) ii1Ffl '1tJ' 0w1-w'F 13) Establish and supervise the necessary regulatory
fou'7to °icInr 'rcic framework to curveimproper and illegal production
1I(1)(1)'C 7, j hñlo)'. ?'rC and movement of minerals; ensure that illegally
P-'C9o'i ,('II.)A ,i'1hflc'A seized minerals are properly protected and made
g7Der,j? ç'j','. oe ç. ffl a/gffl legal decisions;

I'(fl'fl'tW h2'I (J)'IL U"i'i Yi?.C.'A

14) ?0116' fl9rhcnn* M'IIL
14) Create conducive environment for benefit of the
local community where mining activities are
?"!.Y&'Y'im 'i.Ji'i ri 1)i,:4' carriedout, creates legal framework, ensure the
'.h'? (ulOdl)11 Y,'1 !h1,A I1"1'tihI'(n. tA proper implementation upon approval by the
A$0'0 tTh/111 u/9I'(;L m1A concerned body, and monitor the compliance of
flt]11fl (Pfl.41 'l"I'Uift standards issued by environmental protection;
auJft ,hJ'MAi
Is 46 Pk. Il.h./.V IIA4 "o 'iih .11 .'tl"J 4in(: 3011:.} 30. I' 2011 i.r. FheAmhara National Ge.ional State Zikre Hi. Gazette No. 18 Janua 23. 2022 •a,e 4

15) Collect payments from royalties, land leases an

15) fl pJ

other related services from mining activites:

AnY• i'i"ic J1•

1 6) "/I?' A01'I. (v"14n 16) Establish laboratory and mineral quali

assurance centers to accelerate mining development;

17) Support, enforce, and supervise ii

17) i"/'111 q''f'ni- "iO' ftI1- A"If
implementation of government shareholdir
,() ht.q'sa (DA'' 'i
in the mining sector without exceeding ti
fla(D: iJf1f A11 1I
limits permitted by the relevant minir
c?i .lhithI?h1IS (,/i,A:
development prom otionlaws
'I"10.'?','I2 '/P"'1A

1 8) ('1(.". viii A""/,I.- 1tC 18) Provide the relevant information and advh
3,f9 (J)
't)ti (t z1. .A1 '1Avi11i to private investors who want to invest in ti
.I'i11.Wr qç hi'iI-i gf 1v'lA mining sector, initiate them to participa

I1ñ4.'i ft.q('.I'1. Y',?1iA I'AY s'CI7j. widely, and encourage by implementir

various promotion activities;

19) fl"?ói 19) Provide training, support and advisoi

uflI' A"1'1' PflPc &n.4I'P
services to mining licensees, mmii
1$ A'7?O' t1ALfr1'i ("1OY:
marketing operators and natural resour
ifleI N1' Wi ci.q' U"fl'I 'Wt1-
owners in the field of mineral developmer
All ai 'fihifl ?P'Amci ?9°C
protection and utilization, closely followi
i7A1A°1' 111'C'11 h;Jl"A
and monitor same.

22. Bureau of Road

22. ?au'1 (L iff

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent law

the Regional Bureau of Road shall, pursuant to tF
f ill. 1) WP uu'/'I c°'LhlA-' proclamation, have the following specific powers a
,e 47 hAft ills/. 17 .'n.'i 4r: 18 ,E: 15 .I'l 2814 9. The Arnhara National Regional Stale Zutire I-hg Qazene No. 18 January 23 2022 page 47

1) 1thAt' ?0 I.7-1 u7Y7 ?/A I) Manage roads found in the region as well
uP flhA/ a•tP f?- on'r1P'} ascarryout development and repair works in the
tinrn i'/ 'hcncA region;

2) lihAA anTiMI' ;)C tltf.0 2) Advise the regional government on policy

matters related to regional roads; coordinate,
11' ',(' iA?' Y"fli/•A
followsup its implementation and assist
4YAon' ,00.;J./1 A
il'P ?,cA

3) S'uLr'I,: A"/' ç ''j' fl9u"M' 3) Work in collaboration with relevant federal

e1W 11°h;Jlfl S'd.YA ministry, road service and other agencies
anr1p, . 07,.t1'1;C i1A'"I' concerning road development and maintenance

ic (r'i' Wui°'i :)(: 11c"I'lllC issues;

4) Report the regional road outlet and road

4) S"I'in'1h "fllt? (Jfl')'
condition data to the federal road administration
hiu.sgc (Jn:q 1.q;'; tAA' c"i,:
for the presence of consolidated national road
ha,+CII; ?cw'1.t' 1).°,J' cu
resource management information;
u','j 1ti'I'1!c .(VC.'JA

5) tliIii'P '(JIJg 1).*(' 5) Develop an integrated national road outlet plan

and provide the appropriate input to the federal

e7.119,:I. y4(:'1A government:

6) IthAñ (m(1'r anTlY.T1 A"tlt1444'

6) Develop road development plans and programs
A''h'1hflc S!2 t'1?iA ?a!
for the expansion, care and upgrading of roads
A"' I - t Oi'Y.i' •} ('7' P in the region;
9 A.
7) A(Jt)''I,? 7) Prepare and cause the preparation of the
necessary design, feasibility study,
environmental impact assessment and other

f.C)A related studies necessary for road works;

8) 8) Make contracts or agreements with individuals

1A1 "1I'41 h'MW1 0),V- 9- or organizations to provide road works and
h C4 .9C '?'
consulting services;
( (/uIj4J,
or 48 r)'7i. 'I! IIAt1 o1i81 " ;a-, - •" Arnnara National Regional State Zjkre Hig Gazette No, 18 January 23. 2022 page 4

9) nfj( p),07 t.c M°'Th/ WiAfr? 9) Prepare and cause the preparation of contrac
(D.fr YH.9A t1L fC:'A for road construction and consulting service

flwJtIw. ~1.4- make contracts, supervise and cause ti

supervision of contracts whether they are in lii
with the coontract or not;
10) Supervise quality of road construction ai
10) ''t'1': '71;4- h '')c
maintenance, make the appropriate folow
'I1fl.rn )i'I"fA 'gC2A
and create favorable conditions for ro
?( ;',(A t1i'I'" 'uD'ri 4JF
construction and maintenance to be carried o
TIN P'e4n 9M'f
using own power;

11) (iA? mji9' ,c1A 11) Work incollaborattion with federal govemme
resource management on the planning ai
implementation of federal road projects in ti
Q.2 1P

12) (1iA?1' ni'VP (1éA 12) Collaborate for effective implementation

?11, i111 t"L')'i11 road construction projects funded by the feder
government in the region, provide up-to-da
reports and information to the federal roa
1"IUlC fCA 1 W'I;J"t 7C*'
(J'1y4 MI''C

13) t1"116(l •iicc n(J) 13) Provide technical and other material supp

Aahl:PiLT for roads to be built and maintained

community participation and wereda budget;
14) Conduct or cause conduction of road resear
14) ç'a'' 'rcc rcrc Y'i tI.A t1)M!°
as well as build the required manpower for I
?'.'i'L •?gc:A M" A''Ji
road sector;

15) flh'I' aou-'t'' ?hAA' wA} 15) Identify boundaries and locations
?i'i '?}1J °'1'l/('A on ():4-5'1' construction materials in accordance with 1

h'J.anth'i'tw MIA PC U-!"Il'ILC law, and work in collaboration with re1ev

ur 49 YhY iIt'I: hA1f ",IAi 'UN,'. lii ,'If,'S ti,'(: 18 '('C 15 .4-7 2(114 1.8 The Arrhara National Regional State Zkre HIg Gazette No, 18 January 23, 2022 page 41)

16) hc 'tin. 'iAtr 16) Protect roads from accidents and inappropriate
7A'i h'ht)A; Ouo''LQ' Ol.e. services, remove or cause the elimination of

I'(L4'(i, il'')/, ?(J"i- traffic congestions;

,It(fl1/A (L),?,p '.uriq.

17) 1iiiAc 17) Facilitate free space used for camp, office,
¶'(IDP'/(?' /•/ Y'i h ii\ '/A'"7!' ?"1.(DA warehouse and other related services and

''r 1L( uD,,JtJ c location of construction materials for road

.IIIoai 1A"M"Yi ?°11.wñ hhif 'iY
construction held by the region and federal


18) h'hHm ?"i ,C fl°4"ffiC 18) Supply the required land for road construction
flh7 CDWt' (L1D'jf,' by causing the payment of appropriate
(JL)/" Ii1Un. khLA compensation in collaboration with concerned
flgn'}'7' (J)A' AA (JLt'l'F ?t' bodies, make free of any illegal property in the

10 (I)'1' '1l'! 'i .('Y.C.')i\ -- boundary of the road to be constructed;

19) 11uo''i. ',e 19) Take and cause to be taken legal action against
i, ,q(i individuals and organizations that cause

.'j'i' flun 'iY, 11°'L• "/A(U"i' damage of road by flowing liquids such as fuel
and oil spills;

20) ?w''i I4' 1 '1.11 20) Take necessary measures to protect

h'HL' ñunrntF1' 7tAi. 'i1C'P-t' environment at times of road construction;

ii)ñ'1' 21) Design traffic signs or devices on roads founds

21) u1iAi s,lalii:i *i. (fl'iY')

9UA'1', (J) J4J

in the region and place them on necessary rural
roads, and cause same to be placed;
11°"11L9* tilf'i'i.
11U' "imnC a'1/1 L( f'A (J),(MV"
'LI"hA' fC.2A
lit 50 rWs- 11h1-' A1f "}7(1 lJh4 .i., .'iL'.I fti: 18 r1; 15 .4 2014 n.Y" The Amhara Nalonal Regionai state Zjkre Hig Gazette No. 18 Janualy 23, 2022 page •)

22) 11:M K)A°1A"' Lj'.A 11?I'Wi1° 22) Administerby receiving any road construct'
li A ot/.Jl,1l11. c'o'uT) and maintained by any party's responsibility I

i'I'(JL° CDJ, (tFlI4 (L,(i'n joint servicewhen it finds meeting its standard

iJn),q: 4u1
23) Ar'"i' A"7"1. d/.(19 :l SlLfeU1A. 23)Manage machinery and vehicles used for inpi
(lAA D.ñ'V of road development and found in the region

24) t17' t1J'

24) Prepare, coordinate and cause t
m4'+Pc itI''C
imp lem entation of directives on ro
lIA construction, maintenance, use ai
11'Ii'lC 'X i(1)A f.(:.2A management of machinery and equipment;
25) hgA hhAAc M7 ic M'i+ 25) Cause the fair accessibility of roads request
?0731 tJ'fl11 Ith1'I11' fla'rn4'P by the regional people through the prop

?iA(V (Mill n'fl 1 4j utilization of resources found from feder

t1jI'I'1 (fD') I'ñ .v.(::)A:: region and other partners.

23. ?Pc P'Amc fl

23. Bureau of Work and Training

I fltV"


lJ' 1ILu
f k,.\ fl

.ria aLt?.P
tr';' ?iA(' ç,fLç
Without prejudice to the existing or subsequ
provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of We
and Training shall, pursuant to this proclamation, ha
the following specific powers and duties:
1) Enforce policies and laws regardi
1) fl'l'citih'I' ?'&(.'
employment in the region;
(l:Aii' w-tYr 'Itt11k''L

2) In collaboration with relevant bodies, cond

2) i1/'141 tì'VFim ii1i/1 .7C fla°l"lflC research on the manpower and professioi
(lhA?' m?YF au g Oq aot1 '1AU'i classification engaged in formal and inthrn
M'I'A°'1cw ?AO) )e,Ac work in the region;
Ma'n' iia'&i?fl 'l
3) Make the registration of job seekers 2

vacancies in the region, issue certificate for ti

(JPt(1 'unhI)ft $'g (.','-)A
and take measures to contact employers NN

51 r)y,. )iA'l "..'IIM 0114 .51 nol hic 18 .rC 15 .1'} 2014 5.' ThAmhara NatIota k-.iona Stale Z'Ke Hi. Gazette No. 18 Janu' 23. 2022 •a.e 51

4) ?Am ;''A '1'r'"c 'C*' "l"iir 4) Set up a modem system to collect, organize and

LfJA 'rc* ''i,e'i ci'-' t1r6c analyze employment and job market
.Jfl() '1'Mthflw information and make it accessible to different
users to meet the demand and supply of
'II'"!"iot OI'AYS 'I'fld"iPt
manpower through study.

5) Give licenses to local and foreign private

5) 1liiV til"PC ' ?'I'aov''t' q.4thT. employment agencies to provide fair, efficient
cl.A'h1', (J)(IbJ'9 ?U'1C (J).(VP'j ?tn.1' and effective domestic and foreign employment
i)'lC S3t"- '1AiA"F'1 ii'..OifF services based on employment in the region,
(W1(' (I)'ñ)'j ?l(1).61. IFiC '1A facilitate the provision of employment services

O'-i. LI'i J(V'1A in accordance with the l.aw. and revoke their

?P34' (r4 licenses when they are illegal:

h'iA'iA"I dh/.tliii1'Ie EJtF fauJJ

6) h'/-o)'r VAP(' 'iItD'OJ'C Acnh'hA 6) Take measures to prevent human trafficking
iC9" ,?,rnnqA and establish returnees from migration;

7) (1iAA' w•t'Vl' (nC9' ir', flh'I'°'l 7) Coordinate job creations taken place in both
J(1tL' ?"I.'i'L. '/-"• ã(A i•'i' rural and urban areas of the region, make the
provision training to whom engaged in micro
1iAA and small scale enterprises, and get job in
YA U''! c government, non-governmental and privite

1A organizations found in the region, and make the

necessary support to work creating enterprise;

t.'t1JI)" hJ'l Y.C.JA

) /A? 4 /. 8) Identify and cause to address issues that hinder
8) Ai'tt"$i i.'A dl10 .
urban. job creation, and development and
A' 0";
competitiveness of micro and small scale
or 52 I'hV II.ht.V hAle 10 iIN/. ,i ."fl."t Ftc IS PC 15 .+7 2014 1.0 TheAnthara Nnonal Regi onal State Zkre Htg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 12

9) fltiC. °'K flt 9) Work in integration with concerned bodies o

? cJ 79n 1: c ?uo?i 6 J5D the issue so that enterprises engaged in th e
.IJ h"1.unñh:J'hTh i'\* C sector have adequate production and sale
10)Build the capacity of centers by devisin
1 0) ''' °'lOhA h'iA1"1' flflj5n
improved and newly systems enabling to giv

()oJtj(ç 144* ?Irnchi

strengthened supportive service througi
tth'1Ifl Auo((1'i*
organizing and expanding one-service stations;

tla'UC,J* ?°1t)i'I:' I'P J?Ti'1A

11) 1t'A ull 'iA"1i°* 'I"i't1 11)Administer shadows built for job creatioi
services and transfer to users;

12) hhtl' 12)Work in integration with lending financia

10'A''t1. i•1 :: •ii:v 1ti'A institutions and other bodies engaged in the
iThwC ?9.. tA'YY Y,'I',CAA sector, devise strategies helping for procedure
and organizes consultation forums;

13) 11'Lh'i.h'i oD(' fl-1, 13)Cause the facilitation of loan service for micr*
hg7DAhh+ Mw- ?(u) ,\A fl(J°fll'I" and small scale interprises by financ
4'I, ç i'ICT !I' a)g/€ institutions to engage the former througi

V}k'Ifl (1'fL -C I'fl. M4?3cWj t*9I' building human power having sufficen

lihA ?flC IA"ll!' uuJ'In' knowledge, skill and attitude concemin

technique and vocation;

14) 14) Support micro and small scale enterprises to b

fWIICtIn) fl°'/"illC organized in their respective sectors, assist b

1'.q t-
Y. '14A
creating market ties to make them beneficial;
+(('Y-,) flan'il1C 't'11.4"7.
~1q.tr', YI'IA
sT 53 t'li. 11.t hA4' e1iA+'' ii :0101 4:1C 18 IT 15 •4 2014 L5 The Amhara National Regonal State Ziltre Hg Gaesie sv. io jammy ve4 .wyu

15)Make the provision of training, financial,

technological and industrial extension support
UDLP/!I f941 ?f'-'Arnc
services to micro and small scale enterprises in
line with their growth level;
itii;'7b ki'JA' oM NikY di n

16) ?')i'>c h'iñ'I'' IC'1'/'1t'I' ?h'I-0 16) Provide the necessary support for micro and
j1y,riic S',t :i iA"iñ!' fl(9" Wei small scale enterprises to access account
nt't1 ui 1(1h1/,.(,t11 ii'U"i'i itL'rLm keeping and auditing services by their own and
e2c 'la1A by other options;

17) ?'P4't' iitit ?'CTtJ!,F VNCA 17) Organize exhibitions, bazaars and festivals
(IC f1nflc promoting micro and small scale enterprises'
mutual support and international

iti.n.Th competitiveness;


18) I1hAñ- w'i'rr IiLi a'n'f" U"! 1 8) Ensure the proper implementation of technical
and vocational as well as micro and small scale
enterprise development strategies in the region;
€'/ Y1(t1A (1(I'9t wr cause problems related to implementation of the

VIA-P Y KC.9A strategies to be solved, implement supportive
frameworks, capacity building programs and
i'I"/'1l1C i'V"I4D' ?IL9
directives prepared to accelerate
implementation of the strategies;

11/A)( e('W'1\
Or 54 •II.h4'fl N11P 14 Ji .'lL"t •Ir1': 18 rC 15 P1
'014 2014 1. Th Amhara National Regional Slate Zikre Hig Gazette No. 16 January 23. 2022 page 54

19) ?Itf n)' tlY57rY 0anm4'90 19) Perform wide promotion and awaren
ft- M.h5 (1n9) (Yi creation works of technical and vocational
well as micro and small scale enterpris

't'-Afl flii4' ç)o7j..qJ( 'ç "1'Ffl, development strategies to the public throL
various means of communication;
pp3'f fhctmcA
20) Study, formulate and expand best practices
20) ?'I°9A 'th.hS a'Y 'i'} i'V9"
model technical and vocational colleges as A
rr.4Ic i'itt'i' 'IC'} ,l'i' 9"C'p
as micro and small scale enterprise;
II'h CP* MWA I')"/A
21) LliAt ()0V1' (I)'P ?U"i 21) Collect, analyze, and organize informat
AIM- A"II' MIM. necessary for the development of the sector

ç'u", anc(' S'ltil ti1cA establishing a uniform information system

AI 1tL4a1L5n i the region, and disseminate same to users;

22) (1'1:liii (J13 n'ys'I'c ;11,tit;

22) Support enterprises in accordance with
2i.'CT'I A°'1'' 4''i;4. (Jl)J'
technical and vocational, micro and small sc
enterprise development strategy, ident
? 1iVA- "'' enterprises undergoing transfer of level,
render recognition certificate for this;
23 11iiA (J)I'l'r ñ"1.I"i'l'(i S'(''i/"i' 23) Recognize public, non-governmer
S'AIJ''i :c; SA organizations and private poly-technical as w
as technical and vocational training colleges,
well as short training and skill building cent

i"Anc un(6hç and institutions involving in the region; can

their recognition when they are under-level,
"Ji'ii'I rI4POh1.t O(J)'I"i .e,Aal
takes administrative measure when they viol
1]i iJ"iU) A.71
law and procedure;
6O}'1"1'(J)" 9?1A i'ic U-'c'C 'P1D
ii"i;ii I.tL ?t/°X •eoffitA

24) lthAñ• w•ti'l' v'L'C ,'Amc9s 24) Cause the preparation and implementation (
curriculum concerning short trainings in
O1W( tU, vqni CPA region;
ia ,t, ri'74. 4W.4.7 1(1.45 iF 1111/. l'I .Il.Ml Ii1(: lb I'C' 15 .+1 2014 3S TbeArrthara National Regional State litre 1-Ig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 Page 55

25) 0flC ?hA?V iiic k'°'I.f'I 25) Coordinate and support the expansion of

A°1 ?i"%m ?"U(1 crcrcc research and technology development activities

in the sector to accelerate the socio-economic

fti'I'I11A M.14A' fl-Ihc? 'rcic development of the region, work in collaboration

and integration with higher educational
rcPc /'1 flhAi- wtrP hahl:11.
institutions and other similar bodies found in
h4' 4ruc' 1'*"1tc AA--f-
the region regarding on technology and
2C n**iicc
26) ?tn1P-"1' 'I;i'iji"7 auf MAT 26) Facilitate the establishment of an acceptable

?1ithc a'f rucc internal revenue collection and utilization

'((1' JF(W lfli 'N1f?',* system enabling public TVET colleges to

provide effective TVET, closely followup its
Aw ?w't'1' 70. M'ifl•llc M144'P
c)aIflj&)fl*. UJ imp lern entat ion

nl'(:n $?.h"I'iA

27) VIIA uiII: 9447c Witi'I' 27) Devise a strategy whereby private investors,

a''/-'-'4i micro and small scale enterprises, governmental

and non-governmental organizations and the
public participate in the development of
A9c 11Iithc €

enterprises and the TVET sector;

ruc•c /Arnc 11C'i ?'I4-04'
/UA.ls .4'iiA

28) ?-hñ4. rcc 'i'i IL'I'- 28) Render advisory service to micro and small
unhó. scale enterprises for the promotion of newly

"1ti'IPw'RfS V MC. (Jo(cbj technologies, different testing/chemical

"1oh'-7' analysis, mechanical testing, metalic measuring

and soforth by establishing technological
research, testing laboratory, industrial
c'°'ThI'Pwl' ?'I'& ?I?i/th19IiA
procedures and practices promotion service
?a°i'i.iA anh fl111tY'
rendering centers;
?AhFXWtvI VY-h(-

!A1fr'1F ?,A'1A
I& 56 M8/. 441.4e hA.'e '-'iñ ithr a,'? :'U."i 4i1 18 1 5 ,•i"t 2014 5.y- 171w Amhara National Regional State Ztkre lug Gazette No. 18 January 23 2022

29) 1I1C A0 lfti tlf4. 29) Provide financial and technical suppc
micro and smaliscale enterprises carryin

I ?9fl;fr"i ,wC:4. technology transfer, and devise mci

II/9A system thereby:

30) Facilitate conditions on the establishm
30) ?liAA ththc cu,('i JI"}c i'iAI
the regional technical and vocational, mict
'I'CTI' A071. ,ThC iI') s.**r
small scale enterprises development co
JA 'rhC Wh
and shall serve as the Secretariat of the Co
trc' f1ir1iA::

24. ?TtI'fl fl4c? 24. Bureau of Finance

onn h'Y' l'I° çt'i"r1a) cl)M° G) Without prejudice to the existing or subse
",j')')fl} V&. 'ta'nfl'I' ti1," ?liAA' i'MFIl provision of other laws, the Regional Bure
fl.t' ulti.0 jPt' unw ?dh1,htiI 'HC'lIC Finance shall, pursuant to this proclamation, ha)
Aa1'c 11 4' following specific powers and duties:
1) Initiate, implement and monitor fiscal pc
1) thAA' c.hc9. 6-74c Aa7 . 1144
and strategies enablingto the sustainabilit
in t'° y(in• ?4'0
stability of the regional economic growt
T&A.c (1A* eaOlftA. p' I.. it,
fw.'A h,F'l"iA

2) ?1A(% a1/-" flS"Ijtw w'1lI'w 2) Formulate policy frameworks which wot

foundation of tax and custom laws to be

9.+C XA,; periodically in the region, monitor their

/)J, implementation, and propose amendm ei

u1- jV hJ"MA
deemed as necessary;
M.'V,'tY" ?°'I??iY +?i"fl f'°'i'"i.A
3) Stretch a system to administer the fin
3 ?iA?- ec'w 7I' '1It'' M't"4$tC
procurement and property management
?l) /'C°,I' IV.'A
region, cause its implementation, and m
& ')ftW.A YC.9A
the implementation therefrom;
Ir 57 IW.t. IId/..'f A1I 1614 hl .'tI.'J •tiC 18 iC 15 .I} 2014 I.r meAmtiara National ReonaL State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 57

4) flhA?-c 11.A• o'p"I a021hA 4) Direct and coordinate the financial and fiscal
?°w.' cttS ?4diA TY'r' relations between the Region and the Federal

p1i ganAi fIfl11/,A (DM"I: Government, and ensure the establishment of

unihi ?'I1"1a° iVLJóC uulI'J:' harmonization procedure of the two:

5) Prepare and implement the medium term,

5) ?hA?' uoFq ?fl
macro-economic and fiscal framework whereby
?07I1'" ?ouihM 11ci' "Thi'
the region's annual budget preparation will be
i.'°hi.c 4,A.hA 0764,q'. fLl2A
1l'I1C fw'A
5D h'I'°? M $?,1flS 1hkL-(fl 6) Prepare budget distribution formulas for

'o4 1h44.9 an C. weredas, city administrations and national

fH4A Ia'n VI1l' administrations, and allocate their budget share

according to the formula;
Ciw' 1A

7) OiA?- ?cn'/t' 114+ 7) Prepare the regular budget of the regional state
?°.'C11ii' ?s'w$flS t"It:FA office through reviewing the regular and capital
uC?'t MAA-I unr1/u budget prepared and submitted by the regional
IH ioJ'f n: Y1LA state bodies, and administer the authorized

ii; fti'.tA budget;

8) thA(V ?'Irn4Añ e,,'iy 8) Hold and administer the consolidated funds of

the region, submit general report showing the
f'tWA ?hA?V ?i,SWi h'knc
region's finance performance and holding by
c'11FH ,E'I'3 ?991t?. m1'M /
periodically preparing same to the regional
1Wwl'h 't1 IThAA ric
administration council, make favorable to
n, ?I'( ?hA?V 'n,Ji IMS
auditing by preparing the region's annual
?wii. (Il.1'Ifl /TC flwI"t n9t12fl'
revenue and expenditure report on time;
'I'°lflC Y"1 f$CA

9) hv1C (n(yFc ha'P VOTTI- 9) Sign agreements concerning domestic and

i''I TthY4'} foreign aid, loans and projects on behalf of the

h A aaAh-P ?U 1ThA? regional government, and monitorand evaluate

un',w tiP their implementation; closely followup

resources and asset found from other federal
bodies and non-governmental organizations,
,e 58 ?h071.- tiAte )iA) 'It)h .,'? :'IL"l *iC 18 1( 15 .+' 2014 If.r The Amhara Natior! Re.onat State Zikre I-hg Gazette No. IS Janua.iy 23, 2022 page is
iAU"t ?°'1.7 viic iii' lead, administer and monitortotal resources
0,,C4l .&J"MA ha4,AY, OL :A? entering into the region;

?°'1.'!(} iJh1-F1-'}

10) t1AA U1i/A. 10) Provide procurement and property disposal

"n(1r)g, services identified and given by the regional


11) Ubh1OJh1e) o)flfl c'iAA an''1/'l' 11) Hold and administer any property owned by
uI ht; O11',(J)./U u1iAñ' (1)'(Y}' the regional state in any case and ownerless

hA(I M"i l•!> property found in the region as state property;

12) IthAi' NOT M i'r'c 1--C11+ 12) Establish an internal audit control system in the

fl4,9A iLYMo hJ"IA %'J&(Yr region, monitor its performance, and oversee

M. P'CHf nnie g,an:: the internal audit system.

25. ?7(UDf flc 1

25. Bureau of Revenue

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent

h'.t.'I'tii11'i tr;' AA 7fl5°f provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
1i. iui.0 (J!)(;i 'uc'tic Revenue shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have the
following specific powers and duties:

1) flhAA m(I1P ?J'hA 011 I) Cause the enforcement and implementation tax
af5Df fAhIMA laws, regulations and directives in the region;

2) 11h1 'Ii'l'w Vt(u1A11- c"iuofi'ic

2) Determine and collect the federal and common
revenues based on deligation of the federal
government assigned to be collected through
(/l)W flhA/'
identified by law with the recognition of the
'ifi."i i'tJ)(1tA
regional state;
Ix 59 £MY. ll.hi.- )1At °17111 1I)k'. 37 ;'d,'l •IIC 18 TC 15 .+7 2014 r ThAmham National Regional Slate Zkre Hig Gazelle No. 18 January 23, 2022 page cQ

3) flhAt' &KOIS T 4$?, 3) Work diligently to expand the region's revenue

't'tfl1P-'C1' 'N''} flhI
iAt'' base and increase its revenue collection

$'Aw•'} "ifl.. tiflt J'/'I nt111t14!.c 'ill. capacity by conducting research based on the

'un(1"f1j'ifl ñaI!IlltJrs1 11It economic activities of the region;

4) Study and cause the solution of problems

4) IliliC (i)(1'r c 117,116'I:
araised from the tax administration;
I1"S' YC2A I

().( 91 5) Lead in the sense of ownership and coordinate

5) I1'nAA 4$?. $?Aci) ?:Jtt
O9J •(1)cr// JU
the implementation of the ongoing tax system
I 1'C 'j ,. .

reform program in the region;

(I'lAIL', $?.a"A
6) Examine documents required for the
6 S"J110 ii' IY'1(k Y9°
enforcement of tax laws and found in the hand
of any:

7) ':J1iti Ii'i' 1la0(h1t a'j/yuo.

7) Investigate, charge and argue for crimes
committed in violation of tax laws; organize its
n'"1hca ' (t- 'Ji(i U)'(t own tax investigators and prosecutors helping
to doso, supervise their implementation;

8) 1flC hi'? 'rtl/.'I'-('tl ?LI.A1I1' J4th

8) Make the provision of education on different
11/.4'''i-t' ?c°i.A QU A
awareness creation platforms so that the
an-tl-l-' a orl,,P taxpayer society develop a culture of paying tax
S'1'Ift "ItUcLlJ161i u°'ai- 4Puc1 voluntarily and properly know their rights and
1vqjvr $'YCpA' obligations;
9) ñ;Jiiti 9) Devise and implement training and professional
improvement strategies enabling to produce

?/'A(fltic ?a°$? 16111,? ñA-' ,e, 1'$?."IA qualified professionals for the tax
flP' ?$?, tit(DA $'gc;)A
%T 60 PM71. IAMIC —1110- idw i w0l *rC 18 r: 15 .#6 2014 6,r Th Amhara National Regrona State Zrkre Hig Gazette No. 16 January 23. 2022 page 60

10) IthAA- ThAP ilo°c'e ?i1(I ,(1)?1(Yc 10) Establish and implement a modern t
collection system in the region, provide fa

flantth r'1At' ?'I'mf1I efficient and quality service in accordance w

anctrh tinivj fl° the principles of transparency a

1AaIM ,edv'lAi accountability in the field, and ensure til

4'A'14.c ffiw'
proper observance of tax or tax-related rights;
'Mcin$.P ,Flffi-Th n'fl4 fL>1 1)qfl
ikh1K $'C'A
11) flh't°'! i'° 1-'A'11' /"C 11) Determine and collectservice revenues unc
the jurisdiction of city administrations a
c07.1L', ??IJA1I' 7fl.5'i ,tJ)(lA
provide technical support therefor;
A1ffi1A ?arf t,94.
12) IlC'11' Y )'IP 'IhI'A 1V1.(I)1 12) The details being determined by a directive
'TIY,II ,li fr' ?h1'°7 1IL9 be issued following this proclarnatic
ilv 1fl. ,e,otcA (',AI1ti(lt\ determine and collect urban municipal
S') eAal A
, revenue and provide professional supp

13) ?r'/flC in't' V 07SAILA741 091AP T 13) Collect and compile information required I
tax determination, determine and collect tax
fi'i'It'1A fm'i'cA MtLiJ flanm4'r
using same;
;J1( ,cnt)A 11A'1A
14) Conduct research and cause preparation
14) ?.'JVth tMT D,6,?3PT')
draft when issuing or revising tax 1a
(1),(Yt' ' UI7I?1A
regulations and directives, and cause to
('ti.A1 'Fcfl Yi'IAA i.t'i,
decided by submitting to the regional state;
.11;) C,9A' j?.Ui' ñiAñ
15) A"l'flC h44 'ff'I'-(if1 "M 6I' ?J'hti 15) Facilitate tax paying alternative institutions
ci4.f 'I'*'7 1' faDfJJA:: the taxpayer community.

26. ?ruc w 26. Bureau of Education

ç",'1'1(I) (I),t? J).g

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequ
4 ?l...'rrkw 'j.imfl'I' tr'; 'iA(
provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau
'h''uC4P n.c nu.0 wr' u'iA' "7ji'i'ñ!'
Education shall, pursuant to this proclamati
u(:iic /"A"flc have the following specific powers and duties;
ir 61 I.h.c•I lItc "11A-1 '' 49 .'li."l 1'C 18 PC 15 •4 2014 1.11 Inc nrllrlard uduonul neyioi;ai OWLC Lucre nig UdLUUC INC. 0 MWCfl IU, eU IV P590 01

1) ? utI' ?rucs P'Aiiic T&A. 1) Implement, monitor and evaluate by preparing

th' fl'7/.? ?iAA- S'iL'C 1 the region's short, medium and long term

ihAc ?'W't1 'i.i strategic plans and programs based on the

country's education and training policy, and
provide the necessary support thereto;

2) u'h ?'PuC (J'CY. '' 2) Prepare regionaiwide standards for educational

1V'11e':'/ fl/L mi(D /)i Iuc'I institutions found at all levels based on national
education standards, followup and monitor the
'nA-i'I'i tJ'(:'
compliance of the standard through its
11t;J'qc. aniP/4.
inspectional examination, and take corrective
measure when it finds necessary;
C,4hnAk, A 4A 11. tr';'

"ft'I'hY C,CDi' g,(J)t1'

1L 0:iCY.1' aDtJ': 7 3) Prepare curriculums for practical adult basic
A!(i au'Jq education, preprimary (kindergarten), special
need, primary educationas well as teacher's

S'un.uo,(' Y/
education colleges based on national standards;
followup their implementation, evaluate and
revise same; cause the publication of
iG9'I-'1iJC4'1' S't(;A
curriculum materials in quality by competing
an ic1'. y,h:JI?A ?;7901'l"7A
through the free market and to be distributed,
and ensure the presence of the books
[l'IY, lilf(fl 1111,kjgC
sufficiently in the market;

'L( (1t1't 0''i1.J

(itJJ'i'(J)'' .2t'1"1A
62 vA'24. •Il.?.tt hA4T iA' itia hi :'U."l #pi: 18 Il: 15 .t'i 2014 58' rtaAmhara Nahor'a! Regional State Zlkre HtO Gazette No. 18 Januaty 23, 2022 page 62

4) Thrnfr'e ruc 'P/ 0 M,976hu1 4) Devise a system in which qualified citizens

17q/..q fl°'J°1 tThAñ 1W9" be produced causing for the realization

A 074-4 im4" A NW-1 aolfl general development of the region as well as ti

country by implementing the Gener
"/.tP' 'fl'I' to ?9.fl1'
Education Quality Assurance Packag
A1- VAIXIA' l•(1 ftC.iAi
implement and monitor, and revise same]
-h'E'P 1W'LttO} Jon')tn
periodically reviewing the process;

5) 9"V( ?i1'c("V arjiçqç 5) Cause the accessibility of quality education f

11(Y'i 'ni'1i.' ñ°Wk "1iL'4. A all by designing various strategies and optioi

A11c helping to promote the provision of educatk

in a balanced and equitable manner
,('AW 4"00' nu'A''" L&4J1

6) I11Añ w(1'P SlIU1.A(fw. UC" 6) Follow up and supervise the education provid

'I'lILU)" iJ,,I1j," U't'J'' in the region takes into account the realiti
and needs of the environment, maintai
gender, place and social balance and helps
rno'c nI1t1/1
develop democratic and scientific thougF
c,au1(cIr1.,, I;) 'ig,"iq
being to help for the practical activity;

7) 11iAñ (0t1'P h1'Y.'cn- (j 1 !- 7) Organize and open new institutions from pi

9"u(:-! 20ti' E'Ih h'i''I primary (kindergarten) to high school educati

."2 "u(: 'is.ct in the region, devise different methods to fuif

any educational inputs needed, and implemc
ii'A vi'i. ?ir'• "sfaLr
'1'rvc' '?fV-' A"1'' 'I•&('ct

(iA1'Y .?.C.'A
7K 63 lW1i.. Ii.ht.l 1,A41 '"}i#+ Itla ? .'HM $Tl: 18 pt: 15 .l 2014 3.r TheArnhara National Regional Slate Zikre lug Gazelle No. 18 January 28. 2022 page 63

8) ?iAA ?"UC T1/.'I° hU74'1 8) Cause the provisionthe regional educational

?ruC* 2C t'il w'rc programs being inline with the national

(J"J' V/'I"1flC Y.C)A educational program and in a uniform and

"u' r secular manner; cause the provision of

education to students and teachers through radio
supported with education distribution centers:

9) S'uvP.fl': 9) Conduct survey to enhance the competency of

teachers, principals and supervisors cause the
provision of pre-employment and continuous
professional development training based on the
aaJ?j?i(; results of the study; monitor and evaluate the
I process, and take corrective measures;
0?t 'f'i hf

10) '1A ''u(: I*"1t i)It'O).. fl11.1?w. 10) Render educational service recognition license,
.Y.05' (J)Jl't when its necessity is believed by the bureau

1A'7A"' /Ji ( ensuring the compliance of standards, to

I 'W4 (J/fl individuals, organizations, associations and aid

,'c1 organizations which requested the bureau to

.Cfi' ,LIai itn's'g,
render educational service opening their own
private educational institution based on law,
flhl.ew. ( JIIDfl''
regulation and decision of the bureau; renew,
'i1A1A'"1' P' 1n1'c Y'lA
supervise, and cancel thereof;

tthAñ' ?A i"uc'1- oY 11) Facilitate and support the expansion of private

schools in the region; determine tarrif

un"( depending on a study conducted by its


0 ft4'?', 0)6J,b'1c (1)4'J'I' "t expertabout tuition, general expenditure of

iyç;j teaching-learning and contemporary living
(JLr' 11'liu"•Y 11ah1..()incix
inflation; improve, administer, cause its
'I'uflñC4 :Fj 11CUUD(,(' ,Cwt'iA
implementation as well as takes the necessary
legal measure;
'a 64 t"M- lItt.I )IM "'iA+ iflu 40 .tb't •n: 18 PC 15 .1 2014 ti' The Amnar-a Nalonal Re.onal Stale 2tkte K. Gazette No. 18 Janua 23, 2022
12) MA iruc) 11, 1k1w. (WI fl4 12) Cause the addressability of sufficient text
c'uo'7'76f c /- ur reference books as well as other educati

AA'i ?I0 ui inputs to private schools by their own budg

ç ij(:,
13) 'nanf 13) Prepare, administer and determine grade

ftlA primary school leaving examinations, caus

,e,a)A q A T MM.-h+(' implementation of national examinations ii

11iiA intYP 'ti'°'1A region

14) Conduct a research on the regional stu(
11) iA'iq 'I"M Ifl'W UP' (1'
enrollment and retirement allocating bu
any '(JtJ"f 'FS'' f,h!AAi n'rcir
and take remedial action based on the study
aD1'V4 .
-V 'I1i. CP5"i wt.qA

i 5) 15) Collect, analyze and compile Va]

educational statistics; distributesame

ej.cç concerning bodies and other organizations,
t'1ul) (1'J'f1i) y1 '.j•ç

devise a modern information system assi

for data collection and analysis;
(Hti'i'lc ic "jyi'ii H aDW.
/L0(:(}t t?'1I,9A

1 6) ''i't'1fl.w. c)a1Jil (J). 16) Devise and implement a system whereby

community and administration lead schoo
sense of ownership with the bureau, suppor
tr oo: "y,
control having periodical full participation
control] on the educational leadership, bi
hiLC.'w. .(., I1'li1LtiI S."1o'nh1'I"
allocation and implementation;

IlC7f f"i'1f'1 Ye.C.')A

17) 1iA? u)tI1' 1 7) Nioblize additional educational expai
huvi ntlll kiTIC A ?S resourcefrom the community, individuals
(1' 1/'I'-(i IF organizationsin the view of expanding
flXC11 'I'ni"// 9UC' maintaining the quality of education in

9t4( vfl,
11 region by devising various strategies;

M'ru('i 1--e.. ?(Th'U\

,e 65 ilhv1.1 hAlf ".'7Ai ith, •,i .ill,"J f:'rC 18 'i': 15 .*'t 21114 5.1" Thu Amtia National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 65

18) nruc 18) Organize and administer the government and

aid budget and property allocated to education,

i(n4"I'(J''r flUL1 4;alll.c and ensure its utility to be cost-effective and

cJ}(flf'07 (flIr,' efficient:

19) 11/ ',c, (,jç ..HJDjr,IIIh t'u"i 19) Ensure the practical application of exisiting
v..wTc and educational-related policies, laws,
hwn11't (f*Jl atq(:
'hTIC fl/"• regulations and directives in accordance with

C°Th 91'lA their objective and function;

20) !'1'UC'I'-'i'n ?&A..'i1' 20) Access educational-related policies, programs,

decisions, plans, performance reports and other
11.I.&( information to the public and education
'dhlI'11 7ç tl.Pi 11c0t'flcl"/" ñ"r1liI'- concerned bodies through various media
(iI1c outlets;

2 1) 'itAi cii:e- ,i iPju1 tj1, jW aojfl

21) Build and expand public schools in the region
(fliAñ u1(vP ?a Yn1/,l 'il/ti v(;,I as much as the regional budget allows as well
as coordinate the construction of schools by the
direct allocated budgetof federal and woredas
amng.f rIt,c tlA'1'I- government and development enterprises,
'In )'1l'i I1"itI'1 All 'It' c C:' private investers. societal participation and aid

iruci ni 1'i11' organizations; administer same, and monitor its

construction observing the construction quality
ftNFfliA rfl'lJ-
and design law;
'ric rh'I (n'fl4 MaD'flt1'1

22) h*PUC* ,2(. 22) Implementany domestic and international

°icfn.p cu'c ntyrc 'ji: -144- procurement related to educational inputs
U- A- tmA ell IY"1A fl4 ?"UCi contracting by itself, and work for the

iil9I•c ?k.°v' fulfilment of adequate educational books, inputs

and furniture;
VX'A. .II.I.Z.•I' }IA4P .afl.,A). qili, !w'l ,Hn, .l.,pI In mr IC .h% flalA '4$, - Clii,..,.! D,.,.....l C,.,,,. 7Cm.,. 14,,. fl,mn nh, In 1,.... 97 9(159 nnna hi

23) ?l'}í h'F°'I iw.'cc tDIA +m/. 23) Conduct an oversight and evaluate on thC
provision of public satisfying teaching-learnin

S'cJ)Y1I'a)•' 'P' ?M' flJ-° t.fl general service by zonal, cvity administratior

uOIJ' and wereda accoutable educational institutions

and leaders in line with the work plan
?m,4"\5 i'/A14'' (11%
descended from the bureau on basis of law anC
fl3t'Th HAc :'r'rc YCA
regulation, evaluate as well as take correctivC
measure therefrom;

24) Build, organize and expand public teachers

24) (thAA
colleges and special boarding schools in the
region having sufficient budget as well as creat e
ti:: Y,11
conducive environment for their expansion by
'14q g).91) flA0u)). ciY 111 A
development enterprises, private investors and
'it ulfl c CkJ
aid agencies, and administer same;

25) ?'f'(uii4' 'f o( ç 5,i"i' fML4' 25) Implement byenacting detailed curriculum

u'(J) 11'f' ?/RIC9t :I.rLH::I. examination administration, student an(

I KC teachers administration, supply of educationa

input, administration of teachers' colleges an
I '1'u19rI ~l(:ft'I-
schools, administration of educationa
j,;cyç q'uc'i nr
leadership and deans as well aslower zonal an
wereda education institutions monitorin
i141)9- s'tiii iç
system and other related directive enabling it I
'r'rc M1O:i.
efficiently carry out its duties an
I,('Yi(' 'lic I-IC '' fl"1afl1' responsibilities;

26) MIA17 tlanhri,,A,I 1'P00 ,'"ii 26) Takeand cause to be taken corrective measut
c'r'uc (l1'r 1t'1DAi'F by conducting educational quality inspectio

'l'1 i14 ,ñI,'nti1 14 4

and audit regarding the provision of educatio

1Wh1I L , g. '°Wi't'ihY C/"q ,(1.(J))A in private and public educational institutions;

ic 67 ro.i. 1141 I04'e "17fl1 1014 ..1 g.'q hi't: 18 rc 15 P7 2614 Th Amhara NaionaI Regional Stale Zjkre Hig Gazelle No. 18 Janlialy 23. 2022 page 67
27) w'' ?ruC+ F*S ?af fl4 27) Render, renew and revoke Certificate of

0 ,Y7t1 j tl/R'a fl'fl I49 professional Proficiency to teachers, principals and

di flStw' (°?.'ii CM supervisors at all levels until the Education Quality

unrtJc and Professional Qualification Authority is fully

established in the future.
?tthC w4I Aa1A

27. £mS IE 27. Bureau of Health

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
flAJ' ;h'1
provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
?az1, I,n(n. tr thA1 ulbc
Health shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have the
oi oily WP un,v4' ?°'Lh'l'?* UC'l-IC
following particular powers and duties:
,wA'q'c 'FA:

1) t1076'f2' )1,tj 7&('Lç t;'L UDtI)t* 1) Prepare the health care plans and programs

fl"I'? ?iAt° h'lIll aV7 ?niflI'fl't whereby the health of community in the

oI'$?c TcP YH.4A &L'I's?'r regional state might be protected in line with
/fl the country's health policy and strategy, and
flpp. fw'1A (ThAi' (D'tVP ?n
implemented same upon approval as well as
')AA-' 93)44 fC,9A
cause the expansion of health services in the
2) (1Ah7I41 (uS j1rnq0 S'W(fl h :i'• I
2) Ensure the due observance of laws, regulations
'fc 11hAt' (I)trr
and directives issued about public health in the
a°hfl/" f711A!
3) Ocm ?°'114' n.c h!A'7'' 3) Organize and administer health services as well
En ?9wArn s"jç ?'r'*c astrai ning institutions and research centers
rcrc °I6h4 found at all levels;

4) IthAii n(IP 'Fi'r & 4) Supervise the observance of standards and

yç ?hIW uu'!A7Y rif5D qualities of drugsand medical equipments to be
)(flfl4 used in the region;

cThn M"lm/A
68 i)"y,i 'il.:.1•'5 )iM'Ii "')3iI 11)i6 AIM ."H."S 4'r1: 18 ii: 15 ••f'l 2014 '}.r he Ambara National egIona Stale Zikre Hig Gazelle No 18 January 23, 2022 page bt

5) 1lhAA rnflP tr1A '1Au1H 17 5) Render professional license to health scei

A9.**un' (ELi &'thi clinics, diagnostic centers and drug vendor

oI/Oh).t; ''i'1 iii'i might be established by private investors

,C,i'V11A 1 flI':_tI1i ?J)fl-'t' organizations in the region, and oversee

observance of standards issued by nat
ut€LCl'i' ifl'fl'I'(D /'e':i1'tn'

6) S'I"J*o'n' ''C'L)"//'-"!' 'Ibc 'I" "1 1'• 6) Cause the commencement ofnewly-establ
public health centers by ensuring

t'i0AIA4 compliance of the necessary level, as w

Ul'\,i''MO-VA A 4'1aAi follow up and monitor their service del


7) I1iAA (ntI'r Iliii1111 (n.c 7A"1Aof

7) Ensure and supervise that professi
?(, I'A"1<. Aan.yp11
engaged in the public health service acti
$L J'1D. throughout the region have met the Stan
set for such duties;
8) 'J'In ?t.'Y1m ?'11JA 'iS 8) Cause the application of traditional medi
?hhPS hIlancw hrc c and treatment methods, whose curative r
1'tPhI)' fl/- 4 ?'wA' has been ascertaind, integrated with rn

AP1} AII(:4 ?nYqw) 80c medications; organize professionals of

KTII (fl'fl'I(J} tiA/';J'1'W' M"1rnA and supervise their activity whethe

compliance with the laws and regulations i
for the sector;
9) ?0161f I'abc &A. A"A'T'
9) Execute and cause the execution of pro,
?°'1.I1'1' Te1q"c flhAA
and strategies set out or to be set c
implement the national health policy thror
the region;
1 0) c'mc 7I15I)i.' Y(11A
10) Expand health infrastructure constructior
Atl/A1. i'tl}i" U110 1A,4 I(1)* • '/,'Y'11A ensure the fulfilment of necessary inputs;
ix 69 Th71. .flJZ hA ,?11A iIh 7 .n&9 4rrC 18 rC 15 .47 2014 TbAmhara National Regional State Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 69

11) ?h'H(l m k(nfl+ 11) Undertake quarantine control with the view to

?}.'t 'T"PC Y taking care of the public health;

12) '1'W i11a , ,iC OamnN111C 1 2) In collaboration with pertinent bodies of the issue,

1fliAA wti'F h"LDi ?a°'rlp'*r IT', administer competence assurance examinations and
?h\ ?in Mi' "Lan/As ?mS certificates for those health professionals who have
11AunfPY ?'f1.4' graduated from public as well as private health colleges

??"(iIrJC n+' iei T1A ?avf P7i1'1 found in the region; effect professional registration;
Y!AA tL4'. issue and renew license threreof;

13) llaohaThA AY, i'thw 13) Coordinate, direct and cause to execute health
A°'I* Y(i't'F'1liA development activities implemented focusing on
14) Coordinate, direct and cause to execute health
14) (1hA?' nti'F ?9''L&. abc-'ih crcrc
related research works undertaken in the region;

15) IthAñ' wiYF ML'I1C4 6P.7-)- ?"U"YU 15) Devise financing system helping for the promotion

?Ttt11 of health care sector in the region as well as direct

and supervise over its implementation thereof;


16) Put in place the health insurance system in the

16) flhAt' mtvF ?rnc anX.ifl P'C9'1
region; cause the implementation of same and follow
?M/,9A 't°1(1'I 'kIfl YC.2A
tip its implementation;
U,XX orn-1 hJI'tA

17) 1thAi' DtYP cLfl 17) Direct and supervise over the hygiene and

?'*1i 'IlL (nc im'l11I' ,fl:5;Lr.T fit l,'r' environmental health care activities;

18) ?'Mk't'-A11 inS jj'ç nhC? 18) Forcast the might be occurance of public health
h(iI"l M"M1Y A YfrA hazards and epidemics; undertake surveillance and

rcfc fl' f'i'L/4A c'ViP preparation, as demmed as necessary it gives quick

pi7j JDf%(I a',r' response, and conduct rehabilitation activities thereof;
''M.'' yhca)cA
tO 70 ?M7. •II.tat.t! t,A1t —'PlA+ iflu .t,, .'O"a •It(: 15 rC 15 :11 2014 1.0' Th,Amhara National Regional State Ziicre Hig Gazette No 18 January 23, 2022 70

19) fl(11f(D tlCi ?H'W A"I'' 11 19) Work with special focus on the health care
fiqçr. (ItS (n'1OI' mothers and children as well as the prevention
control of HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB diseases

ñ(fl14hAS A' 1hiu: At? achieve the sustainable development goals in the he

20) OiM-I ?mc t11) 4-10, 1-'C'1* JMI&W 20) Devise the regional health information system
ii'p;ir h.twA (Y.C.9A cause its utilization thereof;

21) 11iAA mt'r ?9'"1flS ?uoi1'1' 0Ai44. 21) Closely follow up and supervise that the food
AbLl ?iflil inS m'1IIt' beverage service delivery institutions in the re
I'hAw operate in compliance with the public he
regulations and directives; and take and cause to
11I°(Il I

taken administrative measures against those found

be at fault thereof;

22) ?IA i'iJ'i' I1/lVPi 22) Supervise over private clinics, laborator
uno'j'' r'?t? hospitals and drug dealers operate in compliance '

(Jfl(JD/,() the government regulations and directives; take

"fl5 Mi'11m I'w
cause to be taken administrative measures against tli
iP'iu• A.i'Ir
found to be at fault;
(P'Y' mtA tiwtiA

23) ?m 11; 'I''II WY' Mt At ?ms 23) Authorize license for commencement of van
health services by new health instituions upon t

41ft", m'04iw request, and follow up and supervise over t

activities as per the standard;
fl)" hJt'A

24) S3 U'1'I: s:i- 1'1,e1 i/ti 7'&& 11iAt

24) Render an overall support for the integr
implementation of the country's HIV/AIDS polic:
the region;
9'1 ñ"1A
71 '?"/e.(Ih1.'i )IA4 •uw di :J1L11 iirc 18 TI: 15 fl 2U14 'p The Amhara National Rev anal State Zike Hi. Gazette No. 18 Jane 23. 2022 a 11

25) 11?i kxe, ii. &JW aoh/h,?c 'h'F9"C Ihf 25) Facilitate conditions in which organizations and
c 'MA(l individuals that work on HIV/AIDS prevention and
control activities get the appropriate training and

1'Y'hm Ot/1j.
ni7;. support; encourage bodies at different levels to work in
focus by collecting complete support enabling to
?tLA'ti O'r'I'w ?'fk.i-Au1•'. 1'111,
develop the society's awareness;

111"1ifl°i1 A

26) tthAA wtYr Ah:ñ 11ui;4'1' fthit 19 26) Aware the society of the region using different
c"I'°.'1/ 'fl'ItLc mc"? clhc.e, methods that fulfilled awareness and healthy conduct
,('1'A1l'I ll iA?" fk't'-Afl which does not expose for AIDS and COVID 19 to be
('Iñ,S 1195''Y' ,C,'I'i IA developed in the region;

27) Lii' (I1"FI'ic (tl?i:Ja (L(i!,IIA'P 27) Cause women, youths and other parts of the society
"I'2Atii A.,n°1' S.'rfl'I'-A1l h'it'i who are highly exposed for this disease get the
?nh/hA J1n necessary information to be able to prevent themselves

lI''t' M.1(J) (Jfl/i 11(fl41t KLfY'i from the disease;

28) h4A ,C ?L' w 0 1:;how-",)q 28) Work hard for the enforcement of human rights of
1't w J;f1j.
Yii M1;-1- people who live with virus, patients and orphans due to

i - rf- t; iiu'q3 the case of AIDS, youths and their families, and ensure
'.'.1111C 11'" .C.'-"A the observance of same by others;

,I,w fl4.fr' lI': (,1)r:

28. ?q*h tL 28. Bureau of Justice

flA,ñtf jj4gqn ?'I'tYi'i'1(Th (1),e0"
Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
?°11.X.ir!O) VYI'fflh14 Li"' 'iAA provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
'j:-'Ih n.c' S'9.htA• 'tIClIC ,v'nc Justice shall, pursuant to this proclamation; have
I'h•- A:- the following particular powers and duties:
,a 72 ?M8/.- llda.-T 1,A.Vf 17il i91 'NI .'tL't frrt: 18 TI: 15 +1 2014 .n" TtaAmhara National Regional Stale Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 7

1) flLA }?/i NL94 c?g'I'a 1) Work for the application of thecriminal jw

?mA 7&A. (thA? '(Yr policy being prepared and approved by

'f"/'•'f federal government in the region; coordii

monitor and ensure same;
2) Establish and implement a system to col
2) tflii.A ait'r (JYA I'ih awZAP
organize, analyze and disseminate crini
justice information in the region:

3) 11h'1 7i'i £'!.' sAA (J°Y11//I' qç 3) Work as Chief Advisor of the Regi

"1i' Government in matters of law;

4) 4) Ensure implementation of the direc

/AT1, approved by the federal ministry of justic

the region to crosscheck consistency of
(14A- i"Ir'h
prosecutor's decision-making and use of pc
i u&(' ThA? (n-tiP 'I"1'k.q (J')"
of will;

5) 4111,t"i-1'h°/ S'(31 fl 1J5D 5) Organize an oversight implementation unj

lh'ht? uiJiJ'/4' af)Atn;1-;1 - (D-1 V 07Ye..)"IT ensure that decisions made by prosecutors

at111c(D made in accordance with law: identify,-

?rAc ?4'P'PC /'Pi
based on research, take corrective meas
iA o'i'c1-
based on findings and causeto be taken by
e.'?'A 11I. "ir

1rAI.ñi' Y.9.C9A!
6) Register associations and non-governm
6) "Mil itYl(ft iii1I 2C u1u'I'1flC
organizations established on basis of non-1
and operatingin the region by crossche
I01?A (1)-01r
their legitimacy in collaboration with rel
fit) Aft

bodies; supervise and cancelsame

collaboration with concerned bodies c
;: (iai- 'inc r4 1luti4-A AC'IA
VV 73 I'?Y. 'lI.f )IA4'r v3110 iIti h1 .tlt frrC 10 IC 15 .47 2014 9.P The Amhara Nalonai Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 73

7) f1hAA mt1'? oki ' t"I"cuu't' 7) Register commercial associations operating for
tIw profitmaking in the region by receiving and
reviewing their founding documents, bylaws
and amendments and ensuring their legitimacy;

'Ifr1lA" llcouo cancc

(l(14JJ.191 (Jotj'1/lA

hll.t) Il/( h'fl)1i 70'I1' 1 ?(lh Oti 8) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
h'1'W 7 articles from I to sub-article 7 hereabove,
tI'(UltI U''ul) 'n':cA concerning criminal cases:

U) 11A4 th'i AA(' ?iil''f tl?/ft'A1l1' A) Without prejudice to the prosecution authority

?'I'Cirnw given to the regional revenue authority in other

law..followup and direct the legitimacy of the

CY: 11,1, 1' /-M11 tic
process of criminal investigation which lied
(12'ñ.tì "I'tan ?oYA PCCU.

('i 4'r.:'I iq.ywI'fl) ul)7 under the jurisdiction of the regional as well as

the federal courts and commenced by police

being priorly notified to it; cause the

fl'j'unL '(D'eA 9'CaD 'r, 42i:1'
completion of investigation on commenced
()%('(pJ /fl. tThl'11F
criminal investigation being reported and
'I1'.'O)' ?'YnctIeI YC.9A
properly investigated;

ñ) 1110111 '1I'1" an'i 'i'!- (J),t?9' t1w'iA B) It may terminate criminal investigation or

tF'i:J oi'ç 11'? A

, resume same when it is clearly known that there

' (:Uv. is a condition of public interest or non-criminal

liability: ensure the implementation of the
c''I 4:/ in ; A '1°c cat.
investigation inline with law, and give the
.I'PA jy,,vj' iitA rcuntJ
necessary order to police or other party having
t1;h 11 i"tJ'0' a'ohcw',l ;Y'1'1A
power of investigation to crime in relation to
hlL.i) '1"/'l/,"I' ,9C fltYftI AT&ti
these activities;
(1),cr (JY,'t:A mnc'CauC /AaA(lfl,

A't'Ani A4 )''iA
o 74 7'7. ild( tiMe 'W14 h7 tIC 13 IC 15 2014 'Ir ThArntiara National Regional State Zlkre HIQ Gazette No. 18 January 22, 2022 page 74

th) 1W'Can c°'I1'1l'' 'i'c CD"I C) It may request the necessary assistance fn
?1 A(ll9 tjf,. 'Y h7'(i.(i flh"A police onrecord investigation study
decision making process; inform prosecut

rrnrA (''I'7il"! 'kg. cIAm S9.4'fl.- and court decisions given on criminal record
concerned police; verify complaints submit
(Il1i ii,1 (1)'t,1
by police on dicisions given by prosecutions
("l.a°ñh"hD' .'7Ji ?(14'A
all levels concerning criminal investigati
9"Cuu untI'?'fl"'!
records, and makes decisions thereof;

(J) iiet ¶"t1.'CF

u1) (1'I5L''l"v ,CA'lA

D) Without prejudice to the right of litigation
(11)) fl.'(ft 1tj 41L-h? 1!C$'.
prosecutors found at all levels in the para]
fl?•t ic' I1F4 ').,'''r 11hi1i','i'
courts,review no-proceeding decisions made
,t.',Jt un'fl'j hY'I'mfl'I' tf'
(1ii(: P'f1.('i- •li1 ciiti lower prosecutors, cuase the immedi

correction if it faces errors; and give i

proceeding decision on completed investigat

records in the light of law and evidence;
'9"(:'1)- (JDI'7.f1'7' hhlc haVA44
'1(: (JU('/"f ??,etihtitir wii

E) Facilitate speedy decision-making condition

u') 'I'.? (I)"ñ"i' .j/I'(1D(J)* (i;VI•
cases of red-handed crimes, work
collaboration with police and other stakehob
guJJA ?ill.U9°
h?'&ti'i h1hJ'Iw n,i'•1

.9C iiic Y,'"-A

) (iw':'A 74 tPñi'1. flm'i"12 ao'rt

F) Give order to police to criminal case sum

witnesses in time and bring the witness

11,1. ñ2 A() t'I'1I
court, and give the necessary protectio

S'9' 4'IL-ii'? ñ(11 j.jfl (j).0, 'P0 J1 prosecution witnesses when necessary;
n 75 t'h?e. .I't t,Aitt ".}ltt -tOg s'i .tt.'t In: 18 TC is I4 2014 1.r Tb Ambaa National Regional State Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 7

A) ?r icYi scsc iVi'L nAcA G) Determine conduction of guilt negotiation,

CC negotiate, determine alternative remedial

measure to be taken, and monitor its

i implementation;

i) O -I48i?iñrn ciJIM H) Apply the prosecution power, pursuant to this

frttir 'gjc; proclamation, given it by the Revised Regional

237/2008 r fldb('I 10AT Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission

017/i4 Establishment Proclamation No. 237/201 6,the

YI 07. 'i?t i9**9"c
/'A11' Revised Establishment and Determination of its
I1'1.I ?mwA'' t'wa11n
Powers and Duties of the Executive Bodies of
wr: ?1i75 V77MA f1(v'qw wr:e
the National Regional State Proclamation No.
'ft'PC 254/2010 9.r M 11it' WY
254/2018. and other laws to the Comission and
ii"1'1IF "i.Thc e -r
Tade Bureau as its context;
r' A94. ?l1Em
P'A'fl 1111. U WP 4~/21' nlwe, /

4') fl1flC (34t1) 11R, ?1.t.Yao- fl''.'' 1) Without prejudice to the prosecution power
O't'ñh'i' iThAA '111.$"i o.c. mu, given to the regional revenue bureau pursuant
wr.c OAA ii s'tAaiw ?iLd'ft- to this proclamation and other law regarding

(111!'!' P'A 11 V'Inifl'I' tf' criminals committed on tax, institute suit on

thAA' i'")/" fluwhA flw'A behalf of the regional government concerning

criminal cases; terminate suits when it finds
anuJC:FA tVh'iHl 'r1'r
necessary for the public good, and cause the
04A'1. u'c' A.ri'kn iA f'i'IA
resumption of terminated suits;
?1"i?i iti t''L'I"PA YC.9A

fi) 'I7 C 1kEi 11oYA 'i&e. ?9JV9lw' J) Monitor the implementation and enforcement of
15nj.ç +O'lt' aA1W1 criminal decisions and orders made by courts;
ahfltw h;J"l"A ?j1an. cause corrective measure to be taken by

hq'. (J)g,r ifl applying the case to the court which made the

fA'I'h1'A htJ'r O7W decision if same are not executed or their

implementation is not in line with law;
Mina 1C M ft"/aoAh)
iC9 i'S(flA.t YCA
it 76 r'7• ,IA1i "r7tlI' }jl1e ,h? .JkL"I *1,: 16 it: 15 .f} 2014 %Y- the Amhara Natonat Regional State Z,kre Hig Gazette No 18 January 23. 2022 page 76

-I-) flC 10 ?°'LIDA ?w'A "1-Y K) Organize or ensure the organization of syste
na1(lfl. enabling to properly implement crimi

?9.frii'A f4A wgr penalties made by court;

Jhn' Y?'1A!

1) s"iI' ,,1i. 1.h1hI$l} A.:J flA.h L) Submit death sentences to President of

Republic and monitor their implementation;

9) IdrfldtC '1'i' fltu'Ah'I. -

9) Concerning Civil Matters:

U) ?iAA i'iitic 'v,,"- (J1l')•c A) Negotiate, argue, enforce. respect, and moni

the rights and interests of the people

government of the region;
YX.C.2A vaiii.till e,-fl

A) "iiAA un/,/-,'1 - B) Make the proper oversight in order not

regional government institutions' wealth

hL("IItlC .I"11L1' li''Ac Ir'r(:
property to be improperly wasted and exploit

C) Conduct contract preparation and negotiati

h) TE? t1.!.Ao tl"I.(1)'l gti
in the region based on determination
(1"I.a)A'I(I) antJ1. '

Ia1Jin regulation to be issued following

1flAA' on'}( 71 1 1 ?1)'A proclamation in collaboration with conce

iii;c •?ItIi
bodies, make preparation of contract docun
rJ/JJ/ (' •E•i1' s';i- 'iin
and negotiateor consult concerned bodies \
''i'r 'A •OA" (i

flA,A•i' it believesthe regional government offices

'J1'9"C 'ivA A'iY..i

.'(:..-(: .,(C,9A ()Mt' public rights and interests will be harmed;

S'u'Ah;J1() itI f°ThA I
ic 77 Th2?..4I,I..h.f )pAI ".117i1 iu i7 :'U..I 4rI: 18 •lC 15 .I1 2014 1.r I he Arthaza Nati onal Re. ceial State Zikre Hi. Gazette No, 16 Jaruar 23, 2022 77

an) hCIC ii'IP tr fl14 tkU'P D) Provide advice to government offices on

11iChC a*1' hw.o. flEJ"i' 74W necessary matters before, after, and during
A1o'r1,AJf cn/-'/,? (L-r'
f ¶I91C debates: show directions, and cause the
execution ofdecisions in accordance with the
1 -bL 3PT1 Y?IfAI 0h"l
cnwI' ?C$ (D51 fi°'U
h/1JC k4'11f-h1 w"1h..A-1 (J),(7) E) Render no-proceeding decisions on civil
fl°4'C1ii!' ?t1tdv11dC cn'l14l'' 'kg, records sent from or submitted by lower

?hA ?4'c11r fl 51 A'9A' prosecutors; approve the decision by reviewing

same when complaint is submitted to it or by its
?PC k441.4h"1 flA(flG) (Th"l
initiation on a decision made by lower
i' A4cnnI wg.r flA
prosecutor; reverse, or give an alternative order;
(flf(D- ' ''C" C flA
(J)5P •fJ' '61I1I W'lA
F) Make prosecutors found at all levels debate
1..) Oc'.i.'kn YA -? fl't IA'l'
cases in parallel courts as plaintiff or defendant,
ft11 u1h"i?i',' w$iMJ' fllh61i'0
andcause the litigation of cases by receiving
'khhcc MLkI. Ifs'
same without respecting the level if it finds
(i3w' 'f(1
qay;Je f.1CpA
G) The details being detennined by a regulation or
'p:t! n°ir (D.c.
directive to be issued in the future for
ft"Ln1 $?fl wP" anuvf ?aI1('
implementation of this proclamation, make
iY" ?tA? a°'/-"I' uof1/,f
efforts to arrive at an agreement via negotiating
i1 hMn. ,C fA'I1fl1F(VIoJ.
each other if disagreements araise from the
?di'lhh3C i%1' fma }j?(J'
regional state offices on civil cases; and give
CA QCA fl°'/SC wfi ' final decision if they fail to agree;
"P* $C.,9A

AJA 7 ?GDZ/i w?i

'i) 1IiW ?/L m(UIn• J'e.

H) Institute suit before federal and regional courts.
1(J) any judicial hearing body or arbitration
C-Y wJ' YA-1-1 hA' conference on behalf of regional public offices
c'u'rit tJo/J3f R4 flan(DhA except offices and organizations those have
their own prosecutor due to their unique work
-, 78 tiA4 ''ti#1 IIti ,? :'lI."I •frrC 18 rC 15 •.j. 2014 'tr The Amhara National Regional State Zdcre Hig Gazette No, 18 January 23. 2022 page 78

I1s?.Ac fliAA fl,4: render response, negotiate and debate when they are
S'?i'1'"/A' 'ltl)b iti 5?i0IPC;FA
&h(iñ9' aAñ g(r)A

I) Conduct oversight workson civil litigations o

I') DA JiJ' ?c'VlD' 'M-.: Y'lI)
civil suits and right enquiries where public

offices having their own prosecutor due to thei:

?i.I'Ivfldi.1. h(ic S'uni1'I unique nature of work are litigants, and assis

when asked legal support;

yhc(DcA thl (mnt 'i'I

J) Litigate and negotiateon behalf of cooperative
II) (1h"/ rrf.(J)(l',(J). ?'1.'Ilil cO(ji' il',(

,i:i' '1'1kYl' /i/. (Jd1.IU(/;i., when they sue as well as to be sued in matten

Iiin' (1)h1 (h(9 AJi(l ( exceeding the amount of money specified b

law, and provide other legal support as deemed;

K) Cause effect of compensation and observanc

t1(l)'.A hqg
their civil benefits by instituting suit am
c''.A'l u(oc '01141 i'ñ( o°hhC
litigating thereof on behalf of rigorous victim
'I'9" 'tIa) (A'1I
of crime and unaffordable for litigation
I12116P ?tJ"i
vulnerable children for harm, poor womer
disables, the elderly and HIV/AIDS patient
ci1*ki el riii.e (hU9fl! WiA' through negotiation or before the regions
wr on :cs' nY•c courts and other judicial bodies;
nA,(l*) ?vc', i*
fluDo/'1.+S flcvhhC ?'itIiJ
I1uI v.qf'rc hfl1h.0 Th
vt 79 t'?1. 9th.i.'e )IAf idi 1 :'IL"I HI. 18 rC 15 .1 2214 '" The Amhara National iIe.ronal State Zkro H • Gazette No. 18 Janua 23. 2022 .a 7

) OhAA un'r1,w anwf 1Lflc L) Decide to resolve disputes through negotiation

flAA on civil litigations araised between the regional

c'(Ivfl/I'-A'n hIAo' au'ihA 1' 1ViA government offices and other sections of the

?5*h'MbC hCU* M?' society in need of support, and litigate on behalf

of the government officesif it is not resolved
AaniF'I' (J)t1'A fl'CC
through negotiation.
i)-)'' r '1''L,I?1 ?I'

1 0) 't1"i 10) Concerning Legislative Drafting and Consolidation


U) hiAA an7p'4 t"J'' A) Prepare draft proclamations, regulations and

S&7tt'i 1I1i1VI', 'tI'flA t4I' I directivesreceiving legal proposals imanated

from the regional government institutions;
develop same maintaining their quality when
llAA'" 'ti"I' ItI2"t'(1) (.'I'CflA'
submitted to it being prepared by other bodies;
m114 YflA.':A
provide appropriate numbers for use of
flh" Ahti'(C
simplification and monitor their officiality to
7tJ 'HU7 4''1Q011- 4'rc 'l''1i?
the public concerning prepared directives;
Ah'1I'll ntJFn Ch:J"I'1 A

A) 1thAA' WtVI' ?'I'Af B) Monitor the comformity of legal drafts

"ifil,Fim ?W11 1. '14'Y' h- prepared by various bodies in the region with
Un1p'rIq' (r, hiAnc hA the Constitution as well as the laws of the State

h°1)I' PC ?'V'la' as well as the federal state; submit professional

MnircIm fl+'F feedback to direct concerning sections;

t1)AhrJ'f'1D' itA1
(Il) ?liAA un"i"//1 1 i'l C) Ensure the applicability and uniformity of the
regional laws; and closely followup the

.(7.1r1A 1 performance of the regional executive offices in

accordance with law;
u'r1pI i(ILt0'1.
Pt1'W" flrhl cntPth' IhcwcIw
fl+cfl hJMAI
80 fh"74. •IIh.. liA41! '11 IIIIE d,? :ll.'I •I11: 18 ri; 15 I'Y 2014 3t' . Gazette No. 18 Janu
The Arnhara National Re- tonal State Zikre H 23. 2022 •a.e till

an) fl,w/,. fI'} ?iA? D) Submit recommendation by preparing same

fl?'MI,(n• Ync wfr fltVt°f f(im'i the regional government on the amendment
1(flf' !14fl QtIIfl,. existing laws of the region through reviewir
and causing to be reviewed by others; cause ti
approval by preparing drafts necessary to ti
ainmendments submiting to the concerm
ñ"i(J0 1;J"I'(n.
authoritative bodies upon permission

lv) ?;h'? I1'I'ciiAhI' 'hAñ'. E) Advise the regional government institutions

legal matters;

F) Cause the gain of proper capacity building fi

'iauiVi h'!' I Utr'! prosecutors enabling them to develop the
fllhJJc attitude, knowledge and skills continously an
$'rFfl- lI', t'iii.ai S''I'9' fl"l:J level-by-level;

(i) 'ui1 s,11' A"114,971" ,Jt\ lt' G) Organize legal awareness programs to ti
AiA( u0'7/') (lA,A)A(1lc.I regional government officials, other nominee
elected officials, civil servantsas well as priva
?iñ' tIC sector participants as demeemed as necessary

L1.'i1 t) .4 fth lh1 as to ensure the rule of law; provide same at

anc-"iicf fH.A 01A ar

cause to be provided;


?i) ?)iAñc IthAA 9' H) Carry out the collection and consolidati
works of regional and federal laws applicaF
?Im.'J'AA within the region.
-it si it.siMW ,.ti(:t. iiti ,h! .'iii tic is -it: is +3 2514 3,r [tw AmSara National Regonai State Zikie Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page Ci

11) A119!q OtaAh.I': 11) Concerning Human Rights:

ti) ' fl9rq gn'fl4 'rAh fl'f'a(lhI' A) Investigate and cause the investigation
?9A'Cfl' iln's$ '
I : ii:
ofappeal s and complaints submitted
fsC,2A concerning human rights violations:

A) ?11AA ijn'ltterl an/'f (1A7" Mk B) Closely Follow up and support about the

Wif1P1 inclusion of human rights issues by the

a°'ftI '1'W'} fi'I"I'
regional government plan:
(lAUDEr,. 01'Cfl y'74.A

di) C) Develop free legal aid delivery strategies.

,CA'C9A monitor their imp lementation. and

coordinate parties to be engaged in the field;

11c(ih ?9.A"I i''' fti'I'Ml/0A

(ID) 'jqç h01LunAhJ.Thfl, ii1'l'' 2C D) Monitor the implementation of the National

n€wN1flc flafl. Human Rights Action Plan issued by federal

level in the region in collaboration with
fldi'1? f1°,'I £nJft' c'i.'ci.i ii°C'!-
concerned bodies of the issue; coordinates
"/flC fliAA' (D'(i'P fAn
activities of participants at the regional
level, and report same to appropriate
fA'I 1l'fl/,A 'il'Ffi MrIzms i1'i'i4-
/7'0 Y't'C'IA

w) 07'A.(l (r1IU'c O°'U°'LY lkt 'Pflfrc E) Visit people in police station and correction
4'P'PC /"C center, ensure that their treatment and
iiffuIttfl.c n;h? detention is carried out in accordance with
aoç1,-' .(&J1'1A' i'7' 'I-'1AL4PA law, and take legal measure against those
I1'f"lA A''1 flh E7 (I°1P0' who transpassed law;

?cr:' w(iqA wM'

rK 82 rh-7(. in.(i ri' 10 P1 lb .01 2014 .r 11w Amhara Na8onal Re..orlal SLate ZMcre Hi. Gazette No. 18 JaitUa 23. 2022 • •0 11

11-6-fl M1ni1 ay.Jç F) Provide human rights and legal-awareness

1P:1' flwA -1-71 7 10 th7 kOWW education in various ways so that the

?A () h q 1/1 NT%trl IIYU5' regional people become obedient to law and

cause the respect of lawfully recognizing
'iflWl un fl'l'c '4"I' - h"1 'ruc'1'
their human rights and obligations, and
ou(:• 'ti"! iii'I
coordinate the activities of those involved in
the sector;
ñ) Out f I'$tm ngr ?'flJln- G) Monitor the implementation of international
7fi48 yJ..q)
S'(i19"1' (1i0' and continental human rights treaties
1Añ (J)tvr •('l'O} ratified or adopted by the country;


?i)NU P'C'H-:J'c L() uc.-ott•c H) Perform human right activities on

'tYi c"tkI-Afl multifaced sectors such as gender and
AIDS, and inclusive of vulnerable groups;

el)) ñ't)I ao'fl' ' ?9.aAht TCi1'1 I) Coordinate, support, and monitor projects

f(i'I'Ffi/A concerning human rights;

fi) 'k-W.h'tLL'?l1:J'IuI)' .i4I I1hA 'IY'L' J) Coordinate and assist in the preparation of
national implementation report on human

11it (J1Jfl rights treaties that the country has received

upon request from concerned bodies.

1 2) Concerning the Administration of Attorneys:

12 ¶'in114'i il'I'aoAh.I':_

ii) i1t,''4ñ 'C A) Render, renew. suspend. and cancel license foi

!A"1A"I' "1.(''fl' (111141' lhli'? attorneys giving prosecution service in th

('(l'\ regional courts level;


(flf1'i1' 'IA"1ñ"I' ;''1'r oI'(:1l B) Closely followup and monitor the provision o
services of attorneys:
Ix 83 c'k. hAt1 .''170•1 n)r 10 .;8.11 4rC 18 r; 15 .1 2014 lj' The Amhara National ReonaI Slate Zkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 1

(I'I) MiX, 4- 94 6
, 1;I tr Li) '11k't-Afl C) Cause on the provision of free legal aid services
c'rr aofl'I' to vulnerable sections of the society by

n"1".lifl(: ?"7A (nfl'1" c'tniii coordinating private attorneys, attorneycivic

'fhi11.t' (fl A associations having special prosecution license

in order to respect the justice aquiring rights of
y'1D' c'AJi.A "'i1l fl"1tI'lo(:
?hu1 the vulnerable poor sections of the society.
i,: 1A'?A0I 1Yi"i

1 3) s'ñ,i• 9'1Ii'15' °'J/YJ'}' fl.I.(jDAh'I•: 13) Concerning Registration and Verification of

J) lHiitA• (1)ti'r 'gV,Y.f
A) Verify and record the legality of documents
in the region;
A) I.e,'I1(iIniA 'iI 'Y1" (l)A' B) Register sales contract of immovable
properties by verifying the legality of same;
C) Block and filter when fraudulent document
or improperly verified and registered
V+1. ") ,I ?'I'antl'lfl MK-
document is found, and delete when it is
improperly provided.
tq'i (L7r ,e,(IctlA::

14) '1A'1A"I hiV'l'1 c'I';J' "1'Ii') (1'!- 14) Concerning the Followup of Service Delivery,
9"1'l(: i!'!'t } 11'I oAh.I :— Grievance Handling and Ethics:

U) fOL11J(J
?"1Ar1l.Im.' ?L'11"Y A) Design service delivery strategies by
identifying the prioritize customer needs
n'rci 11unAS"i c''iA'I (V'1'P
through study;

A) 11"lA'P tr'i ifiDA s'"i:'cn• B) Verify complaints and suggestions given by

'I"Iiltl° ("hA private as well as in common by receiving

(1)11' them, and give fair decisions therefor;

RA ('}.fl.'. .lI.k,. hA 411 ,.6,A.h,,I.J I. *'I*llIfl)
•I1tflhIIIIdId fld.SJUIIW rcyiuiiai Oldit tIPdV fl9 uateLlv flU. 1 0 .JdIIU@Iy 44. 0.1CC U00 01

di) ,('U'Y iP tl/' ", YA C.) Institute suit on prosecutors and attorneys at all
;h'l'' levels who committed fault transgressing this
proclamation and other exisiting laws as
properly before prosecutors administration as
well as discipline council of attorneys, and
Mit-v.cr ir', i1nfl)i' S&T&
debate thereon;


CT)) D) Respond to appeal cases to be submited to

tJ)tP1 :C tl'I'.('YII
regular courts on decisions made by the
1.4'tly',-11h'11)c infl4l' )nitIaDAhF
office regarding desciplinary decisions on
t7D/Afl1 Q,'j: (lW1l:Iw. (J) J 5D e3
prosecutors and attorneys; debate for same
Aafi?: ft4'i t1'0L'tCfl' ?j?,°1OS
presented in courts;
'j•1q'i (JIJj tYv'lA 'C.e t1,

1'(:o ,e'•A

iii) ?t*a- iihiAiño i(V'1'1" E) Work in integration with concerned bodies

enabling to the proper implementation of
service delivery, grievance handling and
1dfP (1 U9" '1ñaufP'S
ethical rules and regulations of the
institution by all professionals and support
1'Ifl1 hn/I(i) I1ii'lll 1 si'in
staff after the proper understanding;
A1110A )'W h"L all AhJ'1w ii'i'rI'

) iiui.'m• (flt11' ?Aw'1' F) Closely monitor the implementation of

thA(V change programs in the bureau and the

9() T?1P a1'i'l' (I+C11 effectiveness of the regional justice reform,


1 5) IlILU Pi h1l10 (l' ?'I'.Yi')')(J) I'tn1)'I' 15) Without prejudice to the provisions of this
tr- proclamation above,
'1LC -
The head of the Office shall:
in 65 tJ/fl AVP NAVe "?'iAt- 'It}I h? .1f.'I lrrC 18 ii: 15 .+) 21114 'i.o' Ihr Amhara Nationai Regional State Zikre Hg Gazutte No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 85

U) ?rnAc h'fld'bC-Th A) Take over the powers and duties assigned to the
M ,DA11. O14Aw' ?IAA' Commissioner by the amended Establishment

rlq(:c o-'jic i": aij of the Regional Ethics and Anti-Corruption

4p;( 'ft'PC 237/2008 HP' tc llAA°1 Commission Proclamation No. 237/2016 and
other laws regarding criminal and civil cases;
(h1' nl'"i.?i',. I'A'riu•

B) Revise the no-proceeding decisions given or the

IH'untth"I' Ii sAA' 1It$1 'l/P'A'fl results of criminal charges litigated by public
?°8L Ofrfl,-h W9CI' ?h(i prosecutors administered under the regional
4'cflr n"i , aiP revenue authority regarding crimes committed

lit) 'vLc 11t)t,9"1:a). on tax; and as may be as necessary when an

error is found, by causing files to be presented
that are decided at different levels, it may cause
(1L.''1. tJ3'
the case to be seen again and the mistake be
corrected after the cases are pleaded before an
UDl1"/41I' i1)W'C1 S"t'.Ya tnFI1'
authorized court;
IL';,c .1,.y1 N1975 ?0,V)4IeI+IW
/A'fl 'lAi.n (0 i- r

h) /tI);I) '?'11,4410-h°1 ao'Ii.Y ''t1 C) Present the draft public prosecutors'

ll;)1' AhAA 9"iC 111'

administration regulation prepared by the
regional public prosecutors' administration
PIC'IA &sJI'r :'1'l/.1 f'C:'A
council to the council of regional government
and implement same upon approval;

an) D) Appoint, administer and dismiss the public

aniv/.'l C.1i1A prosecutors at different level in accordance with

the regulation to be issued;
,a 86 rh"2. iA1'C "''18 i11,/. h1 .'li."I •i'r(: 18 ,'C IS 'I') 2814 ,.r Th.Arnhara NaJjona4 Regonal Stale Z,kre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 10

iv) flriA W fl'i 0frflf'i- E) Revoke, alter, amend the decisions given b

I0 'I(n iJ'2'•i' •e116.A deputy bureau head and other prosecutors o

iti'A (J),./" iqs refer for re-examination or revision by the on

'I/ 1h• wr,r (fl"1'1U") 1l(rnJ that has given the decision;

16) hll.0 Mel ?Uantih'I:'!. 16) Without prejudice to the above provisions, thi
tr'Ia) ?(1.L ',/%,a)* 'liAA head of the bureau shall serve as the Attorney Genera
tiJ'fl,-!1"l IJ .!ñ/A::
of the Region.

29. crc !PJ' [U? 29. Bureau of Peace and Security

Without prejudice to existing or subsequent provision
of other laws, the regional Bureau of Peace an
S 1i?,TJo). til'(Hh11' tJ" S1AA (')"
Security shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have th
r o.e' tll1u %P:'
following particular powers and duties:
IIC1IC /'A'flt 'I''1l8'I

1) t1iAA ci'1i'1' A'I" A'"ltiintll' ,e,tvA 1) Work for the protection of peace in the region
follow up and ensure the maintenance of la

01AM S•A i"' 1 1/"I

2) Cause the accessibility of proper laga
c fla°'I411lC fW'1'n-9" ?iA?l- protection of citizens and communities residin
itiYc t1fl.w' in any place of the region in collaboration wit
'I1.4' ri f.?.C2A pertinent bodies of the region and federal state:

3) S'hAñ' '11I41 (l'l'l° -ic 1"rI'

3) Devise mechanisms enabling to obseve peac
khIu: S3''Lyi'i6 0.1);:Y.:, security and freedom of the regional people;

4) S'i''" Y-r1 O(Jo7dl.lS n9ti44.1 4) Cause the execution of continuous awarene

and mobilization activities to be carried out i
S"/''liLc r1'ck i"i'ii. '}.'j1cwh/• the society regarding to building and promotir
peace values:
i87 l'h'//.. 144.'l 1iA4e "tet'' iIhI N1 :ttL"t +i't: 18 TI: 15 A-1 2014 5.Y rhe Amham National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 3 March 10, 2019 page 17

5) flhA?' w(19' fl a(' pç 5) Work with pertinent government bodies,

?t'(lf? 9(.1l in cultural and religious institutions to develop the
culture of respect and tolerance among
'I'hJ'?''( fltJ' fl/-AI'1 unlihA iCtI
individuals and groups or different religion as
no t'u'h'1flC ?ao2JA 'IUA IkPI11C
well as faith followers residing in the region:
?'1UAc ?t1 . ,aI,( 9C. flar)+NC

6) Paralyze in advance, by pursueing them, the

6) -a/J
activities of those individuals, groups and
tic flr'Ii'lIIFP tfl fl'o"71"' T+9-
organizations that try to disband the
A R, flnC 74w' ñ°W/Ji
constitutional order, by force and thereby
o;i)c I1a°hJ"1'A
jeoparadize public and government interests in
'tiqoFwi q'q" J'u4icA a clandestine manner, and provide the necessary
'1'1L4 $C,-)A protection thereof;
7) fliAñ wtYF fl'I'P4" ?t1J"1 t'C 7) Create favorable conditions for the pacific
chir in h01 hAA'") 'c settlement of misunderstandings and conflicts
?°'I.th 1(l'11'i 1'i"Y'1 11(i'V"PC arising between the bottom administration
levels in the region as well as neighbouring

ut''i g/r(I regions;

8) Identify causes of local conflicts through study;
8) AM UST 1'P-f'1 uv'(1 ?ifl
take prevention measures in order not the
wrc tfA 1'fl'S-(lfl wg
society lead into conflicts and instability, and
'L(u° ?°-ahhi
cause the measure to be taken by others;
g.w(i-'A flA,e14 N140M.

9) o'rc 'L 't'..1t ?"1'P4 u'i 9) Identify causes of conflicts having been
NfA 16PI &h(v' 'ltYI'i Ilanc'I supported by studies; strive to resolve same

hu I fl , D' fl(Jnfl4)9D upon its emergence using traditional and

,Yr'A 7' m(YF

modern conflict resolution mechanisms, and
carry out stabilization of actors and conflict
•I' rhcw•cA

41d.1.q' hA4P .iTh.t. .l,.,.r i p . onai Rionat State Ztkre N Gazette Na. 8 Januar 23, 2"

10) See to it that the peace and security of the

10) wA 'iIP (iI'.Yr llanh"thA
regions people is safeguarded through an early
?tAñ h1It1 ('YP fl'i'I ,e(liittl.4'A
prevention of the commission of crimes; and
fla ) '),'?A uli'h 'I'°l'IC "I
encourage the community so that the latter may
(t'°c '''ii'
participate in crime-prevention activities and
'k(t1flI' fl/.,+J'A
hence-force take care of its own peace and
security as well as extend the appropriate
support thereof
11)V 1'h ./,a?LI.i S"1,.(,/'I'-l1, (?.'ç 11) Follow up that prisoners of law are confined in
suYi 11a7,IJ(J).lg U'i;J 'fiflh1I'I'iI)i such away as not to disrupt the peace and
fl4Fj7(fl. i'Con(p a)( "/'itkP security of the community, are properly

ii.'ii 10(1) _ corrected and rehabilitated back to social life

and released from detention as competent
citizens as well as ensure that appropriate
measures are taken to such an end.
1 2) IMAA. (1)t'r 1a1!ill ?h'? )tth'l 12) Cause the enhancement of the role of law
it11ec han€(i' enforcement members and their leaders.
r JD.1lF')' iii'ltI"1' to thi'i- belonging to the region, in becoming public

°" servants by building their capacity in the areas

a.jç of handling and protection of human and

fla°'fl'1 ?MI"fl ',"I p.
democratic rights as well as regarding the
'kM1C f!CA

13) iiAA ?'&tic Aii 'Yr;J' 13) Initiate policies, laws, strategies and working
07. JfltltW procedures in which the regional police and
other security institutions are to be directed;

YJDI1I'1t study their needs of necessary manpower,

S"1etA:Iw Vta) ;),t.A 'i'ic armament and other supporting materials with

the view to accomplishing their mission and

?An"i' tIfIc1Oi' ,('rncA
cause its fulfillment thereof as per the studies;
11'pc'I: HrYi: lki)'I"I:
a()OL1A. (CA
89 c'?/. •it.84.8 )iM'e '"1i84 tiN/. dl .-,iJ.'q 4'r1: 18 'r(; 15 ,+' 2014 tO' The Amhara National Regional State Zihre Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 89
14) '1W fl°i°jh't' 14) Issue and renew license, supervise and delete
ji lIA w4iA5 Mmw lh'hl Wt1'Ffl same when it has been given deligation by the

'I'/0hm 111A Ei'' '1fl,4' /"

federal government in respect of parties who

t1DW °'J1 .'' A°'LLA'i )i'i'+ L4'' NV1IA want to engage in private security guard
organized by law;

1 5) ñiAA '1.ñYi 0,"!' i1i1 ?(mn 15) Without prejudice to the responsibilities given
5g /I1.jL.
t'f.'I'mO4' ifs' hl'1't1 ulñw. to the regional militia office, supervise the

MIA 'htl'l"i tiliAt' undertaking activities of arming, licensing and

(n(rr j)ea/ ,)''i'!' uU(flh14.(' 'j'I1c renewing same in respect of those institutions

.I.*II1ric and private persons qualifying to carry guns for

ao'i/(' .A.9I1)
self defense purposes in the region _in the
iAttI S"I(Li'(D'I' ..4' ?untin't'c
recognition of federal pertinent body; and
"J,eji /k1.$1:1 Iliqii. cF0hc(J)'I1J)'
follow up illegal transfer of firearms
1'!-aYT' ?1uC un'/('


1 6) I1''L' a°h'thA 1Y'1I9° U"i i1J*c 16) Maintain working relationships with the

(111'II10 .)''r!' )iu'li14' /'1t.' hl'1fI appropriate federal government and other

i'Vlm ''ri,"-ic Afri" h* bodies in matters of involiving in conflict

prevention, management and resolution as well
PC ?''/ 'i'iiYi Y.CPA
as public safety and security observance and
1L9 uY:th' LJ'A::
thereby resolve problems in common forums.

30. I/7I9' fl 30. Bureau of Tourism

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
li'I'iflhl'I' u';' sAA- "I:41I1" 1I.C° provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
S 111I't'4' 'IIC.'IIC ,'Aa1'c Tourism shall, pursuant to this proclamation, have the
following specific powers and duties:
, 90 Y?"Y4. ii tiri4 ''!i1' IItk ,1.i ."lL"l 'Ir'i'(: 18 i1 15 .+') 21114 1,9 ih, Amhara National Regional State 3kre I4g Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 90

1) ?I/"1Ir A9' 4'1g ?0yY7m 1) Initiate policies, strategies and lega l

frameworks to ensure the sustainability 0:

01/54)f tourism development; prepare a detailed

hc h 0P1/E S'A"I'I' program for its implementation in line with the

"t'('1"lun 1101C aC V -iiii: regional and national development directions

and applies same upon approval;
(u'1'r 'I''I'1/j'l VV.C,9A

2) 'iAi "AP ic icur 2) Promote tourism by promoting the region

11U'1C (J)(I'F c 114fl'6I' U'h good image and tourism resources at home and
I1"16IP(I)l' 'l.1I" A4,4,A:- abroad:
3) Cause the region's tourism, community-based
3) \A S'I';1,J° ?'1111e(1tl 't'c
uxi()() frç and eco-tourism attractions to be organized an
na1fl.I,ii(Dt, l/1W° 'lilY developed for the tourism market through
1 t1"ifl)'
identifying and promoting them:
j1P,an Y.C2A
4) ?I1,11r ?'lIlf 'Fc' 1WTh'I,t': 'IA Ci 4) Increase the economic role of the sector b)
researching the tourism market on activitie
fla°tW'i' it'1iP lilY fla°i.A"i ti'I stakeholders conduct, searching for tourisn
S"l(lY -'(i(1C flun(i:nC market and creating market ties;
i!'c?i Y,9A

5) qk(1 'I:CII','° (Jn(flJ(1. qgia.

5) Cause same to be competitive by making nev
flaljr . ij i(: vi';iir a'5' tourism attractions be developed, existin
1l(JDU''I A0t1! ?i '//Ai1'I: ic ?'I"i'UY° tourism destinations be strengthend througi
t1t7oi1l infrastructures and product and service o
tourism be grown in type and amount;

6) Work for the registration of the regiona

6) icO'i U.M. I1rnrn"' c qq.ti
heritages as the world heritage when they mec
"I:CiI9' 00(1 Lfl1 'i' '/ (111
the standard through identifying the region'
heritage status and todevelop new tourisr
attractions, strengthening the existing one wit
infrastructure; cause the provision of herItag
h'.X21'\I'u• ,c'.C;)A ?a'o(' 9" maintainance and care, and also rend.c
professional support;
Ix jt'i hyj 'ii ?th .? .'H."i Mc 18 ii: 10 .+} 20114 'Lr Th Amhara Naucoat Re. onal State 71kre H! Gazette No. 18 .ianUa 23. 2022 91

7) ?I'61IP ?'!IL? ipç. flTht,J ?lflf 7) Lead by integrating market trade mark
rA1i (S1liY14U111) 5"1' fl°'i+c (branding) works through conducting tourism
market research:

8) Casuse the promotion of sports, exihibition and

8) I1lAt't (l)i1'p vt"ci
coference tourism in the region;
?i'Ff1i'I 't/'U't
9) Make the regional natural and man-made
9) ?I'/'FS Am A.?i (JVtIL)fl resources to be studied, preserved and utilizec

f)l1' hbq.(Iv1 h'J being comfortable for tourism;

rKTh t'r 'Lv' i.tUnA

10) The sector will be supported by technology

10) UC fl'1:1"A, ncc rcrc research and its contribution to the region's

ic 1c /thiñ ?fflcIn' economy; monitors its performance;

'I'i ?'kft"1 fJ'C.,7A


11) Enable national parks in the region, parks:

11) (1AA' wti'1' ?0 i. i'i flI
protected areas and comm unity-wide protectec
'riii' (i"Y hc
areas as well as wildlife preserved places
generate economic benefits for the community;
(;J5D 'PI"P

12) Work in collaboration with the environmental

1 2) 19Ai t1"1.'i protection Authority regarding parks and othei
?'I:/, 1i" im.?jj protected areas found in the region, tourism
2'iA1i"' 11'f'unAh'I' hhti11. 'i't14 'lñ/'A'1'. destination and tourism services;
C 11HFflC fiJ/g\
13) Set up a system that will increase the private
1 3) fl'I:/;IW° HCi A°'lI' ?IA llCi' tG:c
sector participation in tourism sectoi
"ic' "ii 9 ti1A (lk AI
development; creata conducive environment fo

JAJ 14) Deternim standards of tourism service providei

14) t't/,ti' t-*'"11'
ir 92 lh6I. ),A4f '.')FIjl• tiN/. .41 .i'i •hit: 18 N: 15 +1 Al The Amhara National Rogonal State Zlkre Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 92

15) IThAñ• mtvP lit? IA I/,'nr 1Ii' 15) Provide service qualification assurance fo
A1.AUIK. ?i'!i'Tho. 11d! parties to be engaged in Hotel and Tourism
O'j)'j6bJ, ,C,A1A sector in the region;

16) lThAA tmtiV fl'I'UP IICT. A°LA07 "IA 16) Evaluate project proposals of parties to b
hh'll rtA4c "AA A1A1 ?Tr) engaged in star hotels and similar services ii
iIiIO)'' (Ian 19 19° ?itTht 'l(JD'r'f' i'( the tourism sector in the region and transfe:

?'1/.a°Ah'hn 'ti'I"tA'..A same to concerned body to get investmen

17) htlir i-Pc1 a'yp nan'r1p
n"ifln,ir 09mG M lilA c"t-iV"K. 17) Work in collaboration with stakeholders for th

'1.'1' ,('Ao ?'I'flP ':i; provision of quality tourism product and servic

17I,IA1 fi-oin parties engaged in tourism actor such as ii

1Aln4 ,,,)'A ll/i hi'c h'Vi*
government, community, association an
C *'IFflC fla(nC
18) ?iAA ICI19° P1C 1L' 18) Facilitate conducive environment so that the
ri Regional Tourism Council contribute its rob
expected therefrom;

19) S'"1.4(u''; "t1,C/4AA ''ti g.A,('A 19) ldentif and record tangible and intangibb
heritages and work with various stakeholden
'ih1 (D'r l(OV II(l)(n•(:
p Aunh'\hAc 1il57•' A°tilil°Ati iñ'
and partners to prevent the illegal heritag
transfer and return of looted heritages;
'IA 'C1' 2C i1!' PC (1flflC

20) CO1 ili:m? w(I 20) Work incollaboration with concerned bodies s
c'tI(: ?1't'.' 1'o that heritage holdings have legal boundaries

9nAht"Tw hi''! 1I4141C w4.A holding certificate and administration plan;

21) flliAA' 0°'Lri ?c1Ir q?3i'-'i ?ç 21) Deterniin the fee of tourist entrances and oth
un(lU'fl P1' 'P' ?anlo.Yc 'AA'i' services at tourist destinations and attractior
I'fY tuo ll'r(;-) found in the region;
i,: 93 £W7t. 'lI,h1.9 NA49t "111)4' Al.;.i .'IL"l 4111 : 18 'rc '5 4"1 2014 'It" TheAmhara National Reg:onal Slate Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 93

22) flhA6 wti'r r1CUrI ?rfl 22) Collect, compile, analyse and disseminate
fmcI'A 4IcA tourism-related information within the region;

23) htll9" 177.'IJFI:c1; hiAi' A"/I 23) Setup a system to integrate a satellite account in
;)C 11u'I' 1 lt1C ?I/;Ii1 the regional and national economic account system
in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and
the Regional Planning and Development Bureau;

31. ?A,W h9c'c 0 1k1 31. Bureau of Women, Children and Social


rI?ñi" 'h'' it)'It."I ?iThD' w,r W.v. Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
f. ç)a1/$•j.j. \'Y 'I'(flfl'I' U'c ?hAñ' provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
Women, Children and Social Affairs shall, pursuant to
hqc'), c 'i•'t 'ii fl.(' nitu i'
this proclamation, have the following specific powers
unu ?aLh..t iic"iu: ,RA'1nc
and duties:

1) fltA? (1)4YP i,i: w4c4 &'iy"

1) Initiate policy proposals with the view to
i tiA t1-f'71 1P1
enforcing the right and interest of women,
(i0tltfluIll: ?"U'4. ?2'&(. (huw:r'
children, elders and disables in the region; make
'iti&A°t1.Y tiA'l'i1 fla''I1'ti the necessary follow up by devising
I- A
, implementation strategies;

2) i'hi I1A 2) Oversee the implementation of international

(111'FI' Il'Y and continental conventions on the rights of
t'1i4i (fliAf women, children, disables and elders in the
, I'Le.Y"d1. t'LrcFl)• t"I"I'A Y,C,9A region;
3) "fhh.J-I "i S'°'/"i1li11 'P11.4' Nq 3) Coordinate efforts taken place in the region to
'hç'(" 2'-'i •iiiiI ti'i implement the national women's, social

u1iAA (J)t1'r protection and children's policy;

94 ?M/.. iAtt "')1h? 011/. 2.7 .'ILl •frtC 18 Ti: 15 .•l
"l 2014 "J The A',,flara National Regonai Slate Zjkra lhg Gazette No. 18 r
Janua y 23. 2022 page ol

4) IThAA h'i' ?017.10 X' 4) Make the necessary followup and support b
devising a sytern enabling policies, 1aw

TCth4c development programs, projects and report

qy'yç prepared by the regional state include gende]

children, elders and disables; ensure th
participation and benefit of women, children
flun'jZ j 'Um'} i'4'Ac 71 f.(C.')A
elders and disables in the process;
ic' ic
11 A

fl2'iY ?'' )'iA 5) Jdentif' discrimination and harmful traditions

practices committed on women, children, elder,
?9.YuD. i'L at/p1q :C'LF' n'c and disables through study, and initiat
1Iu00' 'ni u )a7(JyJ,qqf(fl... t'O'i*(Ib recommendations onhow to avoid same an
thOT monitor the implementation;

6) At 1'lv+ Y'Iw fl?4Afl A4 6) Carry out continuous awareness an

11'Uantth'I 1V"1it1/.-Afl' ll'X f&m %"I'lfl mobilization activities enabling to change th

(flAihf ?u'f'S'C ?° f(ii' bad attitude attached to the society regardin,

sections of the society having special needs;


7) fl1h'lc &?J ;h0-(1)'r ThDtThCS 7) Devise procedural sytems in collaboration wit

1A('' iAni 41111111'i A1 concerned bodies to prevent child traffickin

migration, labour exploitation and oth
¶A-I' 'hThA IV VhIP&-C
violations of right;
Jñh;J'I'(J) ii'1 'C
x 95 VS"U IIAVC 9tA4't '117A' iih. ;,. .'lI.'l *rt; 18 ¶C 15 +9 2014 1.5m TI, Amt,ara National A - .ional Stale Zikre Gazette No. 18 Jane 23, 2022 '15

8) (i4 ?IIanS'I' onJ1c flAt ) Submit a recommendation to the regional

h?J'1tm ?t"iI fl'1Th •ioo';' government on how to give special attention

and support to increase their participation

oal,Ii(.(Ic regarding economic, social and political affairs

liT 1:iI is'i lit?:
in consideration of the women's impact of
inferiority and discrimination for centuries;
(f°ñ(flf' M"1JAO"l' 1)'t1:J tThAA'
followup the implementation thereof
Y4'C'lA 2vI"i'ifl<'

9) (ifS i'iA i'f') ll'nAA w1i'P 9) Monitor the representations of women and
O°'IAam ?P' I"FC v/'A11c'1; ç'ç)/ disables in employment, training and promotion

ktfr opportunities in the region as well as in various

n9.' committees organized to implement same;

tin Dh'\1"(D C,h.rJt")A

10) Monitor the allocation of womenin decision-

1 0) 'I'i?c ?liAn a17fz.'.
i1i\' (1)- '
making positions by various regional
u1W"1'l) (i"L",'i' (lrJ'$JJ flunuu.S?.IF Z.7.t'
government bodies and submit by identifying
11'1 !h• tin onn ItD' !',h:J"t'tA
qualified women to decisive bodies found at all
(I)' ii4'I' Yt'C'lA
11) Provide an overall support to women, children,
'1..I'?•'i.' , i' s' :'J.T. D. uI elders and disables to fight for their rights and
interests being organized in their free will

anhllC accordingly the type of their respective

problems and to fully participate and benfit in
/'°C3' 't1fr' flaoAll9"
11Ad/ building democratic system, good governance
stI1t)JA,5Df (J)tl'P
and development activities, and monitors their
11(JUJ'ñ' I)011;I:w.
performance in their perspective establishment;
tt''LIV',' Vñ'H'(;'I Y .,')

ii't1ou'iii h'7'1'11
i"tO)ifl' t1nF(r1i" 11ti(:.(I
op 96 I'8Yi. l(.5.i.'l bA'tI: '-51A1 Jta si 8 'cc 15 'I")
1 2014 .? TSp Amhara Nauomj Regwal State Zi8re Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 pagel 96

12) fl'Ui'I ?"i 12) Conduct and cause to be conducted studies

i? 7'If'ei 7iA t improve the living conditions of women

lower living standard, children, elders, disab

?'H1'h411 i'4''} ? A 0744A and other vulnerable groups to socio-econori

problems; implement programs and projects
'rci' YI'VA krn'i YtC
formulating same; and provide the necess
Teh.'1°i'c Te)ifl" QL1U4O
support to organizations operating for t
flliu P\ml ' 'i'u°/'C'I'W'
'1'l Y::A

13) /'C''I'-?t" t1°i°Ah'i i'i II'/,(' 13) Work in collaboration with non governmer

'iA If',' C12.1 h'I'A?. ,1111111 organizations, various community iflstituti(

(fl I*i1'c h/t'iFa' hA,4i- 9lfl/

c and their own women's assocations regardi

'I"li1( e,IJ(A gender issues;

14) S'?':' iA','I1' 1 81ti/t. 1,t,(yt

14) Conduct trainings and workshops help:
VAT. tosecure gender equality, strengthen wome
participations in various activities and char
c.;,I lJ1(r1:I r114,lIU,
society's misconceptions about worn
Pi'!14A evaluate their results;
Ywovol"17A --

15) Conduct trainings and workshops helping

15) if'Y MA
secure fair, social and economic benefits
)o7)fl.qç .hc'9f'l 7C q' ?11k'I'A11
elders, disables and other socio-econol
''r 9Mqc
vulnerable groups;
A°'1&VP ?aL2. ,-'Ainc3P-'"c

m 97 ?7'. •Udt. hA4 o1?t flti. 1M :'IL'l 1'11: 18 PC 15 .4 2014 %9- The Anhara National El onal Slate Zikre Hi Gazette No. 18 Janua 23. 2022

16) th9cI1 i,rrc iIIA 16) Findout resources helping for the
A°U'1flç MiA? H,W A°'A implementation of programs and projects that

T?rc support women, children, elders and disables and

atjaU ?"l.w'A tJfl contribute to the sustainable development of the

region; followup the utilization of the support to
YAAA 't•Pc h9 AhFfa i1'i4
improve the lives of these sections of the society
.9C (lootJ"W" ?11114'l(Hl
with concerned bodies;
iAai i1,ewi' A",?j'jA p(;
O)'Th:F1Y7 (iña" I1'i hJ'MA
17) ?i'7111 IItn* hi''' PC Ilun'I'HlC 17) Implement policies designed to protect safety
S'h9I gU'r h4nh1I' of family and children and to care marriage

n01175 jfl;J: --'c°i g('''h'lhfl system in collaboration with pertinent bodies:

?' 170f 9C,9A!

1 8) MA 18) Followup and control action plan and

c (bA '1'2'vV' c"rfk'I't'itl implementation of different bodies working at
11 16hA the center of women, children, elders, disables
and other vulnerable groups; coordinate them to

A 1 kn.A have integrated procedure, and set up procedure

of accountablity;

19) ?117M2 t1/L1 1'a'U 7'& °f'i ohi1 19) Enforce the implementation of the country's
MIA A- social affairs policies and laws in the region;
(C2A 20) The details being determined by a regulation to

20) 'ICJI. ,(),U' hP:c 'itli'5'P 119(flal be issued for the implementation of this

1I i'; il/A/ø. 15 proclamation, administer the existing support

gp(1 and rehabilitation centers for the elders and

c'hA i'If'i
disables, and cause the establishment of similar
:sôc inu,
centers and organizations in different parts of
iiA4 cn•i'F tl'IA.t' ).qfl5iJj. 'V
the region;
t:n). tiD( A c:Ei
't*u fC2A
it 98 £Ae14. il.Ii.'! )IA181 '.il ilk. d/ '8."? hp?: 18 'iC 15 .'I"} 2014 .r the Amhara National Regional State Ztke Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 'iS

21) ?"I')1kq ','(° (fll')' ,t?,wJ.q. tI't' thAA' 21) Coordinate the overall efforts of the region t

tI-A'fl •vic'e 'v ftvI"I1kA eliminate harms of social life; establish an

'fLI wc 'qç 1A Mh organizes victims of serious problems such

(J)J?) prostitution and Street living;
'(l)i?.'I •(ti4Os1A '

22) i°1'111 i'VI'(J)' 1' 2C flc°t'lOC 22) In collaboration with pertinent bodie
formulate alternative support strategies to th
O'IL'P' (iw- w?i hY.,9PIT Phy't' AM.
provision of necessary support for groups of th
society exposed for serious social and economi
?'11'I'(fl 1"!I1.w'' S'i2ti h'JAA"t'
problems due to natural and artificial disaster
identify vulnerables and coordinate the support
.lSp(b1 '1AYA t)4.' ('(iI"lfl•A

23) (I'Un(91° if'i 1Lhef07 23) Identify and organize data of direct safety-rn

(I)t'r I1+'FJ' In.4'°?. t11/'I'-tfl program users in rural as wellas urban; work i

uoC integration with concerned bodies for the


24) Devise a modern information administratic

24) S'Al)' h9c c AA°' aij

system regarding women, children and oth

Y'?C 'I'2"tq' ?"i11/'I'-A'1l iifrf'
social and economic vulnerable groups of tF

25) 'VflI' 'I'':"1'' 25) Establish social protection institutions, suppo

(J).([lj"tJ 1h tU'i l"!'A and monitor for their success;

26) 1l' 26) Work in collaboration with concerned both

so that civic volunteer service system to I
9/6e' ?11Y1'-t'lfl A° m.4i0111. ?qjh established and social and economical problen
h°AhFhn i' C IIHH1C wA:: vulnerable groups of the society to be benefite
IX 99 ?h1. tiA4l "17A'1• ,stu 4,7 .ii."i tr'rC 18 IC 15 #9 2014 tr 1bAmhara Natiora, Regional State Zrkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 99

27) ?°' Ah I'm' iitIV' fl'Thl'(1flC ?c 27) Work focusing on giving the appropriate
ooAi9° itW47c (416ç awareness and training to parents and guardians

Vfli'fl'ift tic •ii1'' ' UI (I) on children 's well-behave and personality

'I1I1.W '?'ltl. /'nc i1a'ntiii'1' ',(',

building, support, care and rehabilitation by
coordinating concerned bodies:
ñ'rF u'4A

28) Ofnyg Yl1 AI- ic tInmc 28) Devise and implement local alternative support

Y(fl ;h9cl (1 1"1' n ow: and care systems including adoption to benefit

(fltI'P q1 iah// 6Lb -:c Vfli11ifl. IlgJ vulnerables due to various reasons and

'i'm 4'°'l. orphaned children.

Lffl+' AA' fM'A

32. ?walf S tiTC'' 1lc? 32. Bureau of Youths and Sport

Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
fl,t'o1. h' "I'$Y1'1io)' (flM° W$41*
provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
?0?.!'i77W' V'M'(1ll1'I' tf'' iIti Th147
Youths and Sport shall, pursuant to this proclamation,
t7C'' O.C. ?9.h'1'ttI' rn :iic /"A 'i c
have the tbllowing specific powers and duties:
1) f1iAñ- O)(V'P ?l(11)''. uofl!.c 'rii" 1) Generate policy ideas to protect the rights and

A°WihflC S"IJ. ,.
'7'ñ.(i. di'i(''1 interest of the youths in the region, make the
fo61ji ?0'1tliA1.Y tiAi•'i1 Ik''M'ti necessary monitoring by formulating
i nip 1cm cntation strategies;

2) w'ii IFi'anAh'I' ?WIIF u',c-f': 2) Work, monitor coordinate and supervise the
T&Aj1 mic woon- implementation of national policies, packages
ACM- IThAt nWP 'tL?a° I and strategies issued regarding youths;

hi"MA 4'1rnA
3) (J)(1J..f. (fliAA 2"ñ'0i'i' 3) Closely monitor opportunities for youths to
91fl'I ~I't4(' (n-tvr 1lldI' actively participate in the region's political,
economical and social activities;

titwti'i 11tC41 ,tMi:J'I"A

ie 100 I'h'5/. 1hh4.'C )iAtft ".r',A iitii. ;ii .JIL'9 iTC 18 TI' 15 .r 2014 ir TbeAmiata National Regional State Zikve Hig Gazette No, 18 January 23, 2022 page

4) (BH' VS JFo ''1 ii 4) Provide an overall support to youths to fig

their rights and interests being organiz

A1r1a)• athflC their free will accordingly the type of

UJ'IAc flY 'I iAJ'1
respective problems and to fully participat
/'-'C°r' ?IJ uleioAiP' M'I'.C' flA0t1'!
benfit in building democratic system,
governance and development activities,
?'.Vi+•c ls(nfruhL5D h '. U"i'
monitors their performance in their persp(
I14'1'(J)' h?'f'Dn ('"tJ,'" f1 1'(:.n

5) (J)h1I'.I1 °'MhA h.'C'iw ?"U' fI1f 5) Followup and control action plan
WOO`) ?'fl'IC jtIY'c h.'/5r implementation of different bodies worki
Y,' 11iiA , ,j'q! "•(: v'"/Fa the center of youths;

6) 'iAA (J)"H 1thA(9u 11, fl 071,,P 6) Organize and coordinate social mobili:

"'!V fldC'1 Id -W1 '1 Utfi '1th%' and participation forums enabling the re

;J'ii ("104' ?I"flct'1'fl youths to know the culture and histo

nation, nationalities and pople of the regi
well as the country;
7) Coordinate the expansion and acculturati
7) S'D"1)'"' Vil l .4g' ),'iA*i'!. 11hAA
youths' volunteer servicein the region; or
(10 A )fl'
and support volunteer service associations
YP1 ,e,A'1A
and control the activity;

8) Render reinforcements by preparing

8) fl(n"14'' uA - I";q? iii'; 'I'iii,4'°'L''' II'Y
directive to youths, individuals, volui
?44 i1lCV Yi'c AV. S'i.ill hut'%'I'
organizations those have made sign.-
'V'1im 0)'1Y1' J• I1, 1jt
contribution regarding the over all partici
ti7'C' IP"1t44 'ic flbhJi'IA1ll
and beneficiary of the youths and have s
iY1Y creativity and skill, sport mdiv'
A. H.) °111k"I' communities, civic associations, governi
3jlf u' lAO tintin/,$' and non-governmental organizations thos'
fl9IIJg' °'!fl J'J 7 0"'TC-i-1 ('i111A Afltn made significant contribution regardin

Yi'11A promotion and strengthment of sport;

Ic 101 £?'7. -041-T hAve ".}sh) tIN/. J,1 .5'I •I,C 18 11: 15 .r 2014 ir TbaArn11ara National Reona State Ziare Hig Gazette No 8 January 23. 2022 page 1110

9) maHT 1 h°tli'i m41-: h''f1i 9) Work in collaboration with concerned bodies to

utm iu v'uir ni make youths wel-behaved, active and lover of

iftTi;J' I'O) h"1' 'i ,ICT flo'h'hA OP'i- country and give national service by protecting

'?'l(: 'ic inc il/ii them from social harm, drugs and negative
foreign cultures as well as other harmful things
~1c 't1ghl '1%°M"1' ~ti'h'fl hhFITh
for their life; monitor its implementation;
JC fl''' u'A

10) (flOdI utr)'flLf tI1I. I 10) Prepare standards for youths' personality

a' p)ç building institutions, sport frequent places and

?ti7'Cl JIl IJ}.1y
training centers; cause the construction of same
(;J'q(M YIL'A
at all levels and the provision of service of
qJ'i(l; t,I1&I11 1670-
already constructed ones being hold in sense of
flW.D' cj.'r ?'I$'.0 Ch' ohlnn:I',4
ownership by administrative levels found at all
U i7A1A'°4' tA(in C,9A" ?1i? hM
levels; provide support same have legal

11) Establish, coordinates and direct the Youths'

Development Fund to ensure the over all
participation and beneficiary of the youth;
v 102 l')I7. •II.k/.. }IA4' -11 710- U)l 1 •RLal •rx: 18 IC 15 .+3 2014 .t' TlieAmhara Nahota! Re i onal Stale Zjkre 6a2e0e No. 18 Jaflua 23, 2022 e 02

12) thA(' w'fl' ?S tTL*-Th tin ii' 12) Gather, organize and analyze the regional youths

ai.4° yAqAq' gI'rI'cA and sport-related basic data, and disseminate same to

A7.tih:1 1i) iii40' concerning bodies; conduct youth-oriented research

c"rcc rcrc f'iVA ??'Amc activities: cause the provision of training for youths and
sports development by prearing training standards and
vcp.Tc çjp , $'I1,9
capacity building packages in collaboration with
iruc t*°'i :'c Ou'I"fflC
educational institutions, and monitor its
AOTP /a)Ainc 1qfi'r

13 CI 11't'(J('h't' I1UIC-'iI"i tIU11

13) Work for the application of policies and
,'A5i'•c ti'!'•'I:9'l' IfliAñ 'i'P i)YI'- strategies issued by national level in the region
A'fi H' O°1L'l'l UJCOU' (liiAA tVP being properly indoctrinated; followup,
'k'Nfl ,wA1 .(1'I 11.fl.Ai coordinate and monitor thereof:

14) c'hA?v (17-C'I' "* ?w 14) Cause the approval of draft laws and

1. i1' 'f' n°'IH,9f'1 'IW regulations preparing same enabling to realize

/171 unñhJ(J). iv!' WI'CI' ('tI'A the regional sport development by submitting
them to the concerned bodies of the issue;
followup and control their implementation;

15) 1thAA' i}ti'P ¶"I'AY ti7C4'T M4 15) Establish sport projects, in the region, in

)'11L5"'? (n,e'" I().7'C'I special way that different sports to be expanded

.)p"f flanA?I' in different places or by identifying natural

resources those could be used for development
flAg U',:J' ?i'12'C't F')r' 'I'*°'!"
of the sport; and make the necessary support
('cJ9g\: f')fl(fl' 04A 5'C,9A

16) 'r11'l'41I1 16) Make the society to participate in sport

activities and be beneficial from them, where
the society live, work as well as learn, by
It"! I11Loh1cfl.1
preparing societal-wide sport participation
'1tl. tl(i7'cJ'e Ii'1.4'(b i"1i,i.c 'j'(n4")•
1K 103 lh'7. lld../.. 11A4t "ii0+ iGi ;j -I 'It."? lr: 18 'Ft. IS .t't 21114 S.i' the Amriara National Regional Stale Z,kre Hig Gazette No. 18 Januety 23. 2022 page 1113

17) V-PAST, ?711, °1Ui'1Afl.f I1 fla'nrnI'P 17) Collect sport revenues by using different

?t'i7'C'I' 7fl5P Y(ifl(i11A t'ti7C"t °'hflN' revenue collection systems: audit the account of

?'I.A11A11' M. ItflW., 07A1 A07.,(' 40 sport societies that the collected money is

uE(%i utilized only for the achievement of their

(91)7'V hIa '1rA
objective, and control therefrom:

18) (1iAA tVP 11ti7C+ 'un'f 18) Prepare standards for affluents to be engaged in
'hU'tH YiIIA' sport investment in the region; give professional
anw-)' ?anf N1A license in line with the standard: and control the

ra "W.1 observance of same:

19) W'l'Ffl 'i'VFw M'\' ,C fla°aihC 19) In consultation with pertinent bodies, follow up

fl(flTl t416 a1LJOh44 1;

fl:1"4t' U'Y the construction of physical exercising places in

ft1i youths personality centers, big resorts, real-

estates, hospitals. schools, condominiums,
1L9 '°'°/f 1L4f: flku'fc t-i'e
factories, industry villages and soforth areas,
flczu'1AtI' ?,A'4' i'it1fl9
and give support therefrom:
tiiA 11,4' I't4't't. cnp'f J.5fl)

9D1V J'f'(fl. (D,P J071:FIW'


20) t7'C' A/-I,- ?°'ia 20) Follow up that sport persons those are

i9- 1 w'P fl9(r1'1 n1y'i'c OThDWC embraced under clubs due to sale and transfer,

il' 1fliM J'P4- 07C'f"4' 'JAfl+ by considering the importance of sport for job
creation, do not exposed for labour exploitation:
'flilfl'l ?'C(V1tn hJ'I"A
give the necessary professional support and
PA11c "io c tiioc A"fl-
give license for those parties operating their
work opening their own sport training and
(°'Lfhcw' M'i' •I"iflw'} cn.f'f
personality development centers;
(qA ir f$CA
21) Issue standards for sport societies to be
21) 1thAA w(i'1' O?!?.kn. A"I.*4un'
established at each level in the region: establish
"7i1k Ci' YoY'JA
them based on the standard: give license, make
work contract, coordinate their programs, and
WA .(,eJIA TC1'tw"
control themfrom:
F m 104 tM7. IIdw.'f itt4't "titt3 iItt Si :'U."l 'PiC 18 'rc 15 'S"t

22) flhAA' wiYr fl?X(n' cti70


23) Vh A A

'tin'h<. .('Y.(:;)A

i 'n?hF'1w i 1 '
2114 tr

meAmhaxa National Regional State Zukre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 104

22) Cause the

strengthenment of sport councils at all
levels in the region;
23) Prepare standards of the regional spoil
competitions; conduct competitions li
establishment and

collaboration with concerning bodies of the

?kYll;)9" tL4' (''1IA issue: give them license to organize

I 24) IfliAñ

i•iVt' Lc°w' tii'i"1

& I

th2'1 ?C4$'-"1

i7'Ctir tri

24) Take and cause to be taken legal measure
on sport persons as well as supporters whc
committed ethical defect during play ir
order to sport wel-behaviour to b
developed in the region:
0 0)) AI/4WA/4s C.)1%

2) A'Vf? (?tL7CI' n } fl°?h'' 25) Give administrational decision througi

0 1'1 Mv - u'ihA investigating misunderstandings createc

?"I.'it)-" au 1l(l4'.'f' between sport societies and other partie

4Yi0'I Th A"1A concerning regional sport competitions;

26) fihAi' wtrV '1u'ri ti2'C4Y' -'f1?m

26) Work for cultural sports in the region to b
;ht711; &Hl more known and their own law am
regulation to have been made; encourage t
be improved and grow: and give suppor

27) O'iiAi'' O)ñ'I' h"i'II/.'I'-i'm' thereof;

"','p-' 27) Facilitate conditions in which sport wear:

c'tic tin' 'ti 2' (- -'1-'r &T'; '-

and materials in line with the capacity o

h triG (J)t1'P'/" tr'i
regional society to be produced, and to b
ui(: ng';): arA1
gained from in the country as well a
outside the country through support:
it 105 ?W'. A0l '110' illii ,'? .'H.'l 'Ii: 8-)If.* 15 .1"l M-
2014 ' The Ainhara NaIonal Regional Stale Zikre ftg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 105

28) hlrsAñ "?.tf W7-1. 117 &A-T- 1V°11..U' 28) Work hard for the transmission of physical
.f*ats )C tlim+flh1C i11lt'1'-ñfl m:Jahhhi. exercise and youths and sport awareness

s'r', ''iA i1,4'' ?1A4A,c ?w4c creation lessons useful to the society through

t'ti?'Ct' "fl1jft 01I1)ii1fl''i, ci radio as well as television and other media

alternatives in collaboration with the Regional
1) tS"9' U", fl'Lc' k ur 0
Media Corporation and other media institutions;

29) hiA/ (1bc 'rfi.J' IL(:' ;)C 0o'-NfflC 29) Implement health-related activities those have

I'l'?ii' YIW'.l inc'ii relation with sport by incorporating them with

its plan in collaboration with the Regional
r"1'l.I oI'r: ?'iF .ehcin'cA::
Health Bureau.

33. cvc A"?I fl 33. Bureau of Planning and Development

%'i'.','JicI) i)$J° J)t' Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent

provisions of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
' .ic
Planning and Development shall, pursuant to this
"1.h•1'ñ-I- ':iciu: la*
proclamation, have the following specific powers and

H 01AVIT '''1/1' L.'it' 2'?(L5411c
1) Design, enrich, and approve the draft policies
and strategies of the regional government in
o4'.'i .0 flaa/ç utic 11aI.1((:
consideration and conjugation with equivalent
i'iA 'UP '(iU4'A federal government frameworks:
2) ?J'"111.c ?Aj°1'I' 47'ii.(L iiicc 2) Conduct economy and development policy
'iA •tth'i ?2JIhdJ1J.
analysis and studies: identify strategic socio-
?,&?A itcc ' c-lY• 11''):i'i economic issues; submit policy
(J)(1I,)1 (JDIJJ/'f' S'?A.& "l1t: dlai(lIe recommendations to the concerned body based
A 1J11.unAM'n) hiA fI'(:'lA on the result of the analysis and research, and

'rc1c 'c'°c conduct policy research;

) JA?V' 'C ?aih,?c ?9' '1.0,

3) Conduct economic research helping to develop
the short, medium and long term development
V A "'14-
plans of the region: prepare general economic
and social condition standards and
106 '74- 1I.K/f NA46 "'111• ilN .11 :'II."a +.4: 18 Ti: 15 .VI 21114 1.8' The Amhara National Regional State Zikre Nig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 202 page lod

fltfl/4 4) Prepare short, medium and long term

?w/A 1ThAA ??.JP development plans based on the country's

?iiP'C "ihWc s'ii'r 'LlI A0h1 development strategies and that shall be

O1' YH.9A
implemented by the regional government;


h 77.aDñhJ. fD* P°'t'I' .:c flun'NJfl(: 5) In collaboration with concerned bodies, devise
thAñ' 1hflfl 'I'h'I oA"I'(; S'A" a system helping to ensure the equitable
development and development beneficiary of
eJ/ 1.qIjr jf u
i:J"IA the regional people, and monitor its
?iAi ''/i-"'f 1lI'??P' AiAi''
6) Work as being the center of preparation of
h'i''t IIA
short, medium and long term development and
?uiht S,19mfl 1lI
good governance, monitoring, implementation
?a'AIiJ" ?'(1',YC oiYi and evaluation for organs of the regional
.Ii'l1l(:'; "i9''I"1 "1111A government_ especially for the top executive
and administrative body of the region;

?'th1i 61 iA'I cnY//'f 't'tI"I" 7) Monitor and evaluate the implementation,

'cii( 2c 'ill effectiveness and effort of short, medium and

long term plans of national regional government
institutions with greater professionalism and
honesty; receive plans and reports for each
?1L.o9" .(uDl'().
sector by deviding into strategic focus areas for
fl('l:?.i JD/J1. h4.iA"
this purpose, and prepare a comprehensive
t't'tic oi'c 1, 7C +T t?'I'fVtA
report submitted to the top leaders;
"LI'C1kn ?I(11,4'AA
TC' ftl;'A

n . Ac 8) Timely transfer to the top leaders and pertinent

cancc executive bodies by deeply examining and

fl'PA'I'+ tluD 11nII hI'i°'1Y
analyzing results found from the monitoring
9JIw .'C A1Vi,(', n.<.
and evaluation with their estimated
çjq /%/fl) < tI' ii'v' 1lWII:
a 107 £M7. 'll,l..V 1tA'VI "'}"M'1' iOu. 11 •'tl."p 'luri: 18 'ii: 15 +1 21114 5.9, The Amhara National Re!tonal Slate Zikre Hi, Gazelle No. 18 ,Janua 23, 2022 • -e 107

) VNCO nct' 1'4 o°'lmchc 11hAA' 9) Establish a comprehensive monitoring and

Ag A u/J evaluation system that ensured accountability in
which various governmental institutions,
private institutions and non-governmental
11AL(D ?9f4.1l''
organizations are fully involved in the region
strengthening interpersonal relations, and
followup its implemetation;
0) '' a1r?07 /'3CtH A°1It+pwI'5 10) Perform public relations activities assisting the
1ThAi' uD y?,!' (e t*9* 11' 1Y"!tO promotion monitoring and evaluation system
yaij (1cJ/
f' ctt 'flu
(7'l piJf'} and indoctrinate in the regional government
institutions; devise a system in which the skill
1'1tv'I1l(: 411,t: /o' /4(11/
)'i""I' of executive organs at all levels to be built from

iuA"t h'i.R. (JL('. 1.I1, S'!!1'i'lt1-I' tiA-t time to time regrading the adaption and
implementation of the system;

1 ?A1I O1' A'?4 ?tur 11) Conduct a study of system improvement to

Wir A°inchcc achieve development plan as well as to

u ('?1) 'I' ):°'I1 N It r strengthen the execution capacity of the

S),wC(. "1?ii,( 'pc 1iti'A government and for the creation of sustainable
institutional capacity; on the basis of the study

submit recommendation regarding to
11-1'(J'Ah"I (J)'l'1 h"itl
organization of institutions to concerned body;
i'ii YI'C'IA
12) Inform the result of feasibility and relevance
2) fla°/-'-"' Il* flao'y'//uf ptc
evaluation on development projects planned to
ic '.09" i''iu ?1lI' be implemented in the government budget,
ri tAmI3 government-guaranteed loans and other similar
budget sources to concerned body;
1P'707 tl'°/hcaY IJnb'I:' f°'!an/h1'm

3 'A"11 T"U Th" Tth4 13) Cause the implementation by devising a system
fl'j°HC2'I 11/ ' of development plan programs and projects

'ithA 9"W preparation; provide technical advice service

):, 9 1
i'P(i'-C't'V'IA and capacity building support;
w 108 t'?Ot• •lI.I*.. tIA11 •"ii 101/. ,fti .'IL') 811( 1 i': TheAmhata National Regional State Zikre lug Gazette No. 18 January 23, 202 page lug

14) W hd3 7. ht'Fw'V)iAA- 14) Cause the study, preparation and evaluate, in
hhtl+ 'IC ti'nc consultation with concerned bodies of the

(lcu'iht'c 1li'9' 1.11, (?A9' 6IP,1 regional government, projects that could be

WtI'P &''t)ltA ?/.'7'11'(flJ; 11iAA reflected in short, medium and long term
development plans and could be implemented by
the regional government;
VLI t:L .'X.C.9A
);) I]r aI

15) 1flittñ 'h'c ç/:s; f' 15) Monitor, evaluate and prepare report on the

0 11 1"0 implementation of projects carried out to achieve

'A"1* i'i'I'Yi':.
the short, medium and long term development
plans in the region;
/.7CI' YIlpA

16) iA9'3 94'5 IIM"e ?ti:J'*M:hti; c:i- 16) Establish a system of data collection in the

:J'iA an4A.tJ(Y.Y' insi''1'

region on the basis of international and national

iP''f 1fluA• VR,.OI1A11 statistics and geo-spacial information standards;

monitor and enforce same;

('A LAlle1A

17) ?iAñ' S"I' 'r uii' ?1 -(i J?IA 17) Collect andcompile data of natural resources,
geo-spacial, agriculture, industry, production,
(JLJ/ :c'y services and so on of the region, and disseminate

ñLañht'fw. same to concerning bodies;

I"iAkA i
14ç ó:•
18) AhA/ fl'4 18) Conduct surveying, mapping and geographical
research activities having importantance of
sustainable development and growth of the

ftvNF1k.A region;

19) i':"!'! `'1(7(141(11 19) Supervise the data collection activities ol

AV ç'jt;'.(' t'(:' 1c institutions, approve procedural standards and
)çgn.t; Ily1,5J):'. .VY.4'A sampling methods, and render assurance 01

(P1t )')61l g,tIa1i accyracy;

7K 109 •il,i..t.0 hA9 "'111ii3 itt..' i1 ;'il.'q •i: 18 i'C 15 .'1 2014 '1.Y" TheAmliara National Re.ionat State Zkre Hi. Gazelle No. 18 ianua 23, 2022 .a.e IOn
20) flhAt'I 20) Make administrative boundaries for urban and
ñII'*am ?hN"1ç ?unC rural administrative levels to be established

?ChT Th(H'/4$?.0 w(i' un being identified in boundary in the region; make

M 1lc(im4 ?iC:J' /'8:

mappings by giving identification codes,
organize demographic data, and distribute them
to users;
I(w4 0 I9i.r ,((i/'iA

21) tlliAñ (D('P ?"üiti 21) Generate macro-economic datain the region,

I(I14'9'lJ" '•'"A and disseminate same to users;

22) ),w',hltn qct1 22) Conduct research concerning demographic

9"c91c AMA; aDZO issues, organize the data, and disseminate same

(nfr°U'r f(iA to users;

23) Coordinate and direct the activities of both
23) unY'1/-"Ft9' Ii'i 9Y7/':J1? ,('AU"i
governmental and non-governmental
fl'flh1e1?tJ)' t'/'"i-h'1It1 ?&(1.
organizations regarding the implementation of
the National Population policy; work in
FI't'iAi ,('ti't'l1kA
integration with these bodies;
h',lLv h'i4'' ;-'C fnq't;;-I' t•A

24) I1iA?' i"IiI.)4. 24) Collect information enabling to have fair budget
(JYu/''i i'!'
formula and in line with the regional
?"LtICt1.l siic i'C;IA
development plan of the regular and capital
'Y'i hiA?i' ?A"ll 'i'.' c
budget requests being prepared by the regional
t7c'tlllw- P,j!P:(:c ,d1q? cu' cn34
government bodies; transfer same with
I i't1 ;1: 1('iA
suggestion to bureau of finance;
a,'s"i ;: ArI1fl ne
IN 110 iI.h 1A4 "10.I• tI)W ;hl .'U.'I 4ri: 18 (: 15 .#' 2014 1.9. 11w Amhara National Regionai sate ZjKre Ftq Gmette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page ito

25) htnC m(I'S hwLl fAIJ' 25) Make development programs and project
tY, flfl cp-'F '9.'I'C(1' submitted by local and foreign non-

' 1}' T'th41 hhAA governmental organizations as well asinter

;yI'.t: 2C 70,9'fl Mifl fC,9A governmental comply with the regional

development plan, as well as submit
()'P JP TC'-HiD"
comprehensive report to concerned body by
hi(IUi"g. ?hAi° /'7Cf C
preparing their performance report in
It Ilt1h1lI2:i*
consideration with the regional consolidated
0"1.a0(1h'1'(P iA fq'qA::
6) VN V C H1L.! /i'l 'mI,t?,111c hI}YO
26) Coordinate, support and follow up concerning
li';°7 (aDfltl+ iW ?9.°AhJ'1w'
bodies to build resilient green economy to
climate change;

34. ?(OLA AcUc ?(an' u'fl' A9 34. Commission of Civil Service and Human
frøj7j, Resource Development

fle1 w,} 2AiIU ?'I..'i'1'1w• wg. Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
p °'1.errkw t?.mfl+ U" ?hAA (pitA provision of other laws, the Regional Comission ol

(CIiMc Aa)- ifli* AO1I1 fr"L11' (?9h'I'ttt' Civil Service and Human Resource Development shall.
•uc-JIc /'A"1c ,fr7q4 pursuant to this proclamation, have the following
specific powers and duties:
1) 'A?i• (LILA (CiiM 11'h'ntTh'I 1) Generate policies, laws and regulations
regarding to the civil service of the region

Ac ?ilinic cause the determination of salary scale, variou

fI'I'/'S ?Ao• allowances and benefits through study. ant

conduct research on various issues of humat
'''5 Y1iVMA
2) AiAñ hI141 ')flhtTh' ?UD'°1P'+
2) Generate and revise policies, laws an
'?tr"i' a'ii'1&ivA t'l $"'
regulations regarding the provision of publi
funA ,,(1 41iaAi hiAA iWC
service given regional people; make servic
?ñh 'M'(J} fl blj• Jj,
delivery support and monitorfor institution
'i'1A"1ñ. '(v'l'P i+1'A found from region to the lower level; identif
1L' Ill';+ gJ?YA problems by research;
1A 111 Yh1. 414b' hA4 11A+ ilt,/. 3.1 .1It,fll 'lit't The Amliara National Re orial Slate Zikra H Gazelle No. 18 Janua 23, 202 a III

3) ñhAñ il'W ?i1+ ) Submit a recommendation to the concerned

?a!i'fn. ?eNIC7* body by studying institutional reform works

n"i'rci Aahl.,nñhITh hiA ?(n.11I. (I1lfl enabling for contribution to sustainable

f'I'CflA &itI'.V9" hJMA development to the region, followup upon

approval, support, assist institutions to be
C.2A t'*"lt' flh'Pt'C rn'iI
strengthened in procedure and implement works
in the appropriate way, permit necessary
h'II7'I ('I'cinA ?°'I.I'CIF
positions individually submitted from
i"ii 'p'. a n(i.' ,MA

4) 'rticc i1Wi(i' 'i'c1 4) Conduct job evaluation and grading study,

monitor and support for its implementation;

5) 1UiAA- VAA.A ((uJi r1tj,a7r. Ilcnctc 5) Cause the establishment ofa system of modern
?'I''yt\ ('ilW1 t)'fl- ' Ln3(.cc A"-)- and complete human resource management and
9 c, "i A development utilization in the civil service
ul'I'i'IC institutions of the region; followup and support
for its application;

6) 1thAA (tJLA ' j( "t$?, 'I'A(i

6) Establish procedural system enabling for the
effectiveness of implementations of various
??kn'P T.1/1' wmt'°/ ñ"7'/7
change programs in the civil service institutions
?07ffl1A ?i'PC P'C' IV.)A
of the region; monitor, evaluate and support
19-707c 'c f'bA h(j)
same; advise the regional government offices
ig, kwA thiA 'oV1/
same to be implemented:
un/"(' ft'I f"Ihi
7) Prepare the performance evaluation of the
7) ?iA?V
regional government employees; support and
v8r win (JflCfl1lI' .eLI.lL'i
monitor for their implementation upon
(/4Jo -
/ -" t/1 V1 (1AaDTO-
i C:)A
8) S'iAA ' 'an''//' 8) Issue a directive of the regional civil servants
t)11 /4' r°/ w'1A human resource operation, support and

(J'(:Lr I'hA" x'.s:c -A followup for its implementation to be on basis

1u7c aDC11 VaM t'dY of law and principle, take corrective measures
in case of implementation violating law and
&.Y9" 04Y"1 i1y": ?,(1)(iqA
rA I1V.'1: 7I91 1-fill, IIU(. ,I,•J .'H.J T.N. 1O i't: It, .1 3 3r lee Pffir3aia National Regional Slate Zikre Rig Gazelle No. ie January 23 OUZJ page 112

9) 1ThA?I (nt1"P 'lP'I' 9) Render decision through its administrative court

?9J'I'Cflh 'J hi aF': at the substance level of appeal cases on taken

flhflt?' ?t.&'F&' 1"Fi h;h OJ"L!' actions regarding suspending from work, illegal

flggooflj un,cij a),CP tlu*UPI holding or termination of salary due to rigorous

disciplinary punishment, right violation due to
r. flA 70' ?UIJ ?a°'fl'
employment injury or leaving of work and
aA &Y7FP wr ?f"/ u++yc
service by public servants in the region:
?i'1A1n+ 'Th/.Jb MaDAIH. fl'twM.
crs'i ?9C1iA 71 7/4
flM'I'MC iCi' 114: i'1 acrec
fli' g ?,AaIA
10) thAA ?JDV1P"!' t.i'1 tic'Iic 10) Keep detailed data of the regional civil servants
tio/X an'1I'70 ,C,1lA IVIVOT by recording same; compile statistical data, and
0:5D YmcA rnn -J"1ç tL4"t establish an effective and qualified mode rn

YAw HaDW ¶'a°i ,i:+ fl&'A information system;

11) 1thAA (ULA (tcrt) uuDc'l

11) Cause the establishment of a system enabling
to qualify with education and training and
11ii'I ufl"!' 'icn/i.0 IThAA
centrally lead the human resource developrneni
U/ tJ1' ?"11.J't ?i1t'"
through identifying capacity gaps seen on t h
flc°AS'' o'!r v(:'!c
regional civil servants for the presence 01
P'Amc A07fl4J.'! c ?A(D U11
modern complete human resource managemeni
A 13 +1 IFI'°'fliA uuh'
in the regional civil sevice, followup its
?93tilA /cP'! ?'LIItJ fC,'A application, support. take the necessary
11I''1C '?J a'PA" ,ehf'A corrective measure when the procedure 15
t'cr ?C9 w(1/4A::
35. Authority of Environment and Forest
35. Th'iqac £' '1'flfr qW\afl
Without prejudice to the existing or subsequen
?Lrr1w i'I'1I1fl'1' trc VhAA. i'rn.c n
provisions of other laws, the Regional Authority o
TAd' '1Ae'A 11' fltt,u jq Pt.')' )aIJhr,A.,)'
Environment and Forest shall, pursuant to thi
'uciic p'A'uc 1'11(144- Y'<FA: proclamation, have the following specific powers an
Ix 113 1ti'1.i ftl.'t trA4q o',",i'l1' 11he .10 .'il 4'rr: 18 'IC 15 .•i't 2014 9.9". ThAmhara National Regional Stale Mitre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 113

1) nhAA'r ifl o? .m''/p'1' ?t$rn 1) Coordinate activities enabling to ensure the

?h'iflfl. .,u'",'I' 1P?1 ?(; flU'Ml ?ii'lU. achievement of environmental safety

?'&A. nt'P (h4' ur1J&'i'h1 unCtrW h°il objectives provided by the regional as well as
the regional government and basic principles
°'uI'w ')i' S'9..('t'(- I"1'l/•I'
set in the local policy of the country

/() 2) Prepare, evaluate and supervise draft

2) hlq'fl 'iIw Il?i hñ,fr' iW
environmental policy enforcement laws,
]a?(nA1:j'I1). 11fc li','PD ;i -iin 'C
programs and strategies in consultation with
llu"aoWic /.II11 ?t'i1l. ?'AJL 9t.?"/i3
the relevant authorities, other stakeholders
anCL! -'7tl(',c tA'I yrl2A
and the resident population;
'1d1°1°'1i\I 411Ihi1A

3) AM'C ,fl+ Aor ?"lf?AFiC ki4TV,, 3) Coordinate resilientgreen economy to climate

At9 change (green development works); monitor

(Thc} ,5D)

and support for the implementation of impact

f1Q'flA tTh?C 1'fl1'- An'F 'f'.,3t'P' fltf'i
mitigation and resistance systems by
?tIC anp'f 1kf &e c oc1P) "!cIAy
including in their plan on sector offices
c'**°Lf A12 1 1'*074' no qrw (ntvP
vulnerable to climate change, and ensure their
hitn- "q1'H1<. 11Ac e2
reduction of the heating gas emission;
S'I" ii'1/t ;YlI A'l"f (J(I1'

4) Vi'i'1iL:. ))'J f' Auniilll'I' (1)." 4) Create contacts with pertinentoffices to

o°7c(J)P' tJ't,:' V+191 (JJ,CJJ"

protect the environment well-being or to
rehabilitate the damaged or degraded
''l(1 unA( 't.e'i°ir 1 '/'l•11
environment in any way, and provide capacity
I\'t'(J) uD/*3Y 1L1 .,9C
building support as needed;
K' 'i'i'i

5) ?in. 1i?'c 11i'r °h/hA%' 5) Cause for theimplementation of local

(e7fl4(T)(flC :o) -; ?flll1' 1,'l'-an'h Wg.") standards issued to prevent and control
environmental pollution and wastage by
ui1 n"14'I' ?wn '1Iifl
establishing a standardized laboratory;
'I. V_.d1 "j. ?Y,.(;JA
6) Devise a regional-wide system enabling to
(.,)flqo1/)1 U", (V'lA 10:n(7h/i(l.l?c
conduct environmental impact assessment on
flh.°tl.f'e t'A''1"I 7AA.5°'1 (lA1'i- Yc
on public as well as private projects, social
('C'J -1t1) 'i$ tMflh1. tOo'
and economoic development policies,
?7Y(i1A MA iL4' P'C' MkA!
strategies, laws and programs;
is: 114 lMn. 11Ji.' hA 11jlI' 'UW .Ni .H."i 4.r1: 18 i'(: 15 .r 21114 ¶ ThArnhara National Regional State ZiKIe lug Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 114

7) ulh'i'lfl. ag. cIuJaIc O'H'"VC 7) Provide training to green enterprises engage



c h*ruc n,'1

0)6p SIP ej-

?i }I'1Q.
?°'i.w. 91fl4
on environemetal damage in and outsid
schools, clubs, environmental concemin
associations and associations to be engaged i

I AAiii'lfl. YYr'

+bb q'P'f AY, °fl'Ift ?tclw. ,tlAmc

)I'*A Nq 9'i
OMC 1b

fg ,9A1
environmental issue to aware aboL
environmental well-being issue and climat
change impacts; followup and support
formulate and expand when there is be

I rir'
8) i°1flfl
]''1fl) aPf tkfl
1IiAA nti'P O°1 (unh'\hAc
..9C fluu't'flflC
experience, recognize and encourage goo
8) Conduct studies to prevent desertification an
reduce negative impact of drought in th
•ii tOW 4"th "u'tifA• rci.1 regionin collaboration with pertinent office
Pi prepare solutions and creat favorable condition
'iqu&Imr rJ U. FP'i' .PóA I for their implementation;

9) ah1uo1ThJ .;E:(n. oIt\ C'

fl'fl 9) Monitor and support for the implementation c

om1t-t'1nc ?44'5 ?/.1' M11 tv vii Nq integrated solid waste management and dispos
systems in urbans through coordinatin
/C1' flh'Ir' I1i1e
concerned bodies and the society, cause for th
i'H.Ac f.C,2 A 4'j?j
implementation green technologies to recyci
wastages, encourage and establish contr(
YfltF1'A 1 ?'IP'11C /C+ MI/'A

10) flA°i'' j'fifç fli Jn'' aDc'/- 10) Prepare or cause for the preparatio

n)(l'r )aI jM ?h11(IO. ?L' ofenvironmental feasibility calculating fommk

n('.ç and calculation system included developmei
alll(Ie '1'Ffl
plans and investment programs in collaboratic
}i'1w ai"dY nIFf 2C (1a't'll1C ftIA
with pertinent bqdies, and monitor the
O)9" NTU1,99 YC.'A UJTh/°
application as if necessary;
/FO)' 'L!t'
I N 115 rk14. 4I.h.•l tiA4i tfli :'IL'q 4l'C 18 Pt 15 .V 2014 The Amhara Nationai Regiona' Stale Zre Hig Gazette No 18 January 23. 2022 page 11 5

11) tIW* ?tMw ?VP 11) Suggest in consultation with pertinent offices

m4'l'rc Ars": ?i'1fl. ilA' onlack of sustainable natural resources use

fltA'1 ?1uHh?thA 11ai.t . and practices, environmental degradation or

pollution preventive systems or use of

Cl) (11 af)

encouragement systems;
U Y) /'1 (Fl thU A h'1' a 11/fl fl

i lt uI.iI Y4'C'lA

12) h'7'111 iVI'n v/-'f 11F1 ;C 12) Devise a system expeditingfor the collection,

(l('°(flJh(: 'i'11L d7114 A.iA'(fl' organization and use of environmental data in

collaboration with pertinent bodies, cause for

/RJC9r its application;

,I 11. ) A A V,

13 ?iii'J1l' 'FIL4' rcrii 13) Coordinate and encourage environment and

forest protection researches, and conduct by
itself as needed;
it1A'1'rl" '(i ('1il//A

14) q?q(jj. ?h1 ."915° Unw* 14) Enter into any land, compound or other place
' PHI. 'rii 'i' I Y :J'Pf vhflI'aJ}. under the jurisdiction of rural and city
A"M.'YJ'P 1rimC in Ilh't°? it''LC administration to ensure the observance of

/'A"1 /'C (J)"1.7', I environmental protection obligations on basis

t1ee1(' flU. (J),',J" M flJ ,'1flA ofertinent legal provisions; inspect anything
necessary for carrying out its responsibility,
and take any sample;

I ) iAg hi10. t)''iJ' 11''l I1't1)4PdI: 15) Make the addressability or distribution of the
(0 Ah1tfl regional environment condition by preparing

N'MiACA ('r'11 ?AP' same periodically to the government as well

as to people;
116 v)t. th4'e 11• - •fl)J/. .? .'lI"J +i'(: 18 'r 15 .4) 2014 ar. The Amhara National Regonai Stale Zlre I-hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page I I

16) a'1V fiUfl' ?i'1Q. rvc1' 16) Promote non-formal environmental education

oC'I-1k1 y(41' programs, provide the education, and make

,W'1A i'ifloJe ', ,

fl"fl collaboration with pertinent offices to
incorporate environmental issues into the
*ruC"t' /C-rUC
formal curriculum:
w1io 'viw fl••
,9C "HlIlC f.C,9A

17) 17) Encourage or assist in the preparation of

Tf fl')* environmental protection action plans and

projects; seek supports for the implementation
r/'IA nr,c'i. oi'Mc ThN
of the action plans and projects;
° J107Y ?°'/iJ(. ,LI5fl?(' fAAA i

118) trlc I' ?iI'1n. j"t'' 'qc 1 8) Issue directivesof national -,vide environmental

ti"ii' 'Ptl.4'c imJ'4'P W1 flhAI' security, forest and wildlife protection and use
to make applicable in the region, and cause for

f3J their applicability:

0`13 aD fit '1C tj?.
1q.wi C,9A
19) Render advice or if possible and upon the
19) ?M'lfl. i1yinc 11IL4' i'4'907.
fl71J5/G/ a%7ç flqi agreement of the environmental council finance
or technical support to any organization or
Wi9" Mifi %)717JZA
individual working as the primary objective of
environmental handling and protection;
cMeS w7' I,lriji M aJA

20) 1'F'fl YItm uo/°/,f (Lfl OUt) 20) Provide the appropriate advice to pertinent
offices on carrying out their responsibilities by
flA,? h'i'i'
this proclamation and other laws, and submita
fl°'LO)a111' 1)'iF 'U? 'I"IILni' S'PiC
recommendation to the Regional Government
A'1A i'i.'rIP
on matters that need to be corrected as
crt &wA'l1w 119;)IF 'I.'
tThAt't 7P" Va)- A% (h!l'fl Y4'C'1A!

117 t'?.1t. fld,.4 hA4 r17AI' i!N .,1 M'1 18 'ii: 15 +1 2014 .r TheArnhara National Regional State Zikre I4ig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page It?

21) i1'H1 i'i1n un/f O,4 21) Prepare local standards based on scientific
flcnunlihC fl4JUMT5 flh'i'19.ftl anC(y and environmental principles and applicable

'i ? P1j 7'11 &tJ', 1.1* in consultation with pertinent offices, provide

?Wi'l1L KZAPTYLL1A and disseminate information to concerned

n' bodies of the issue;

Aa%aD AhJ--Ta)-M'r A"1A

22) 11i'i'111. 49, ?°?.t?'CA' 'it ?4'/P(? 9° 22) Consult the regional government on

(m precautionary measures to resist natural as

tf, w?i NK ;) Pl-I M°**r
well as man-made emergencies happened on
an environment:
uo tP/,w
23) VVIAA- 1 ¶}i'1fl. 'Ffi.4'5 VK1 $?,t'J' 23) Provide training and professional support to
11°Lc°?h'I 7W' i'Ffl 1WIw M44- appropriate bodies in matters relating to the
/-Atinf;'; ai'cj .'7i 9,01A environmental protection and forest holding
of the region:
24) ç1qç 9'flI °I.f°'fli
24) Prepare, issue, renew, and cancel certificate
9•fmi c-F')c 'Y' VA,4-7-
of competence for organizations and
07 1-,J761% MK7 02A Aahit: X'iA
professionals those consult and study
environmental and social issues;
25) flhAA ON'I'P S'° L$.'aY ?t U11' 25) Monitor and supervise the transfer of forest

wai) 'UwmC resource products taken place in the region:

26) thAt 1411't4141 fl&C '(il* hff1I 26) Devise a system on how the regional people
Aahhl*c m4'4'P t1X. flI 1/1'I1L &fiS get sufficient awareness about the wildlife
?1Afl (1A '1AA (1/c handling, development and use; cause for its
?.wA •flCI1 ?.'.c '(iii'I' application, facilitate conditions so that rear
(pfl4 1q 'flfffi, wildlife species get special protection and
P"1IIa) uP'),-1 Yow,-O- A
IN 118 Th1. '.h.0 )IA 4'1.
' '110' 01". -'W? .'Il'l •h'l'(: 18 'r 15 .41 21114 'ir Th Amhara National Re 23, 2022 •-'e Its

27) iil'Ffl Ii''PW' ?iI ( * .0 fla'I"1flC 27) protect care and collect data of areas as well as
fliAA in(Y1 water (wetland) swampy lands (places)

rh41 I 1?1917J1TM _ bordering rivers and lakes security found in the

i'k U"? w',' (cPfl') MiA 4-14,907 region in collaboration with pertinent bodies;

UD,4) cause problems faced therein to be solved:

(t.$D i.'>)

'h'IhflA uu/3 qtq1

'}q.f'T1• ygc)A

28) ? 1I-ha)'1' ?iwC1. YD c 28) Conduct studies helping to improve the

??iI1I1. handling, utilization and development of

AOh biodiversitv. ecosystems and other

ha1 "irc ('I?1?1A "i,riti
environmental resources; and take short.
'rcn YiAA o'rc eic TWT
medium and long term solutions to specific
?i1C '°iM'i /JI 'au+db
problems identified by the study:

29) ?Mflh1. W fl+ _Y- 1 ittaoiMii' *cnS 29) Conduct cost valuationstudies regarding

'peri yi I.AA t14a°c(1) J}i1b' environmental resources.cause for the

uøiP'r ich,irr(c rri incorporation of the environmental resources

value in their feasibility formula on basis of the
fliPii,.'i4- '0110
valuation result when programs and projects are
U'fH' 'i-) Vi'I* Y.CA 1 fl'7flI.
designed, and cause for the adequate
wI'' U.C(m o7t;T-avu ?'i'lfl. U11'
compensation payment accordingly the asset
flUfl' '"cw go-' j'uoa]aj
valuation for any damage happened during the
implementation on the environmental resource:

30) ?iiilfl. 1ih A"I(ihIlc /UAfl1' 30) Carry out investigation and monitoring works
onactivities of governmental and non-
i'iciC flh'v'1fw an'[p!"1ç
governmental institutions authorized and
u/','3'I? '1Atf'i' H:07t' I'71C &
responsible to observe environmental security,
(?9" cac ?HA /•5' yhcwcA
and take appropriate measure on against those
5j1,J'ffl)'' fffi1i1F 'IA'I'wn-+ /$?
who do not carry out their responsibilities:

i'l( •ll,ti. '! 1iA4T ''lifil ilit ,l,i :'sl.") •h')'l 18 Ti: 15 .l"l 2014 The knhara National Regional Stale Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page In

31) %II(1. 'Iv) 1P7"1$D I'j}tj' 31) Develop strategies for conducting
'°T1(tñ' tIAY' r,l',?AA 7C41' environmental impact assessments, render

11 ufl9flCaflC corrective suggestuions through reviewing

1))r,:i', aJ1\ 'I'ti'14i,iAr' I1I1LiL. reports, and render acceptance license on

parallel to correctly submitted documents;
ui1':i• ''qc ',er)"J' L.4'.t' t?d'i''lA
2) h081,unAhJ1W , hi'i'' ,7C Uun'f'lilC
')'? 32) In collaboration with the concerned parties, it
ifliAA' (ft'1'P '°i:i'1'I' tI'AYS c'' shall study, delimit, register, administer and
° 7'01"'c' Pill developdifferent forest types, parks and other

'ncA preserved places found in the region in

u1A,i4' ?.ñtm'
collaboration with concerned bodies of the
issue, and case same to be developed by
33) Prepare and cause for the preparation of
forest resource use and handling plan
A'I'i u til )'n s'i'i , ç j1.eii enabling the region's forest resource provide
$11;LA significant economic and ecological benefits;

34) 'iAi'V> U'flt' un lltuntq (n"!

34) Organize and analyze the forest resources of
the region in a modern way;
J() Jn('..
(1) IlL'!' 35) Provide consulting and technical support to
develop the overall capacity of the forest
'/A1A"+ '
cnf d t,?1a1g products manufacturing industries, and
t':"i °116I1G'J" .('EI;L'h develop supportive frameworks;

36) IthAA' tn.ti'P ?1.'Lc "PO4'

36) Coordinate on top of forest protection use
(JtjtI)(/" h' ijilq.c and administrative works taken place in the
liii' 'iI I region:
37 rc wnE')' 37) Conduct value chain and marketing ties for

iti.c forest product results, deliver the results to

IN 120 i).h IIAvlt "'0iti1 iiN 2,1 'ga I'il: 18 n' 5,t'} 2014 5.8' The Amhara National Regional State Zikre lOg Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 120

38) thAn' S',, UIVI' AM'C '1k Ani' 38) Conduct studies on the contribution of the

fl-t'a°Ah regions forest resourcefor climate change, and

¶c1i- .e!AA rrc (D.(n.4• coordinate the implementation of research

I'1'kq findings;
}&tj.'J fI4lfl/A

39) ?1t' IIC fl$ '1114' ifr'I'" ? 39) Support and monitor the private sector to have
u/fl5}f f.$TJ ' significant contribution on forest protection
'1Au WW'PO
useand marketing works.
'Y,,'/ji 104A YC.9A::

36. inr7p4 iu' 36. Bureau of Government Communication

ann4 w', M'I''I° ?I'fl'kJJ iD.M'° W Without prejudice to the existing or subsequent
Wrn( 1'i'.'l'rn11+ u"' thAA provision of other laws, the Regional Bureau of
h°'1.r.h1i' 'Iqç Government Communication shall, pursuant to this
11C'IIC P'AW 11t1.+ proclamation, have the following specific powers and

1) thAA an'/" 'Pi duties:

"J' fl'°Ifl f7'iA1/"H 1) Serve as the main source of information for the
regional government, disseminate governmental
o°A'VY fl)iA'i'I 7/W')
a1/. w"i'1c messages and publicize decisions and stands of
?U., V7 (D
the regional government on regional matters;
i*r ninc M

2) 1thA hIP4-CT V, 2) Actively follow criticisms and suggestions
?9A'nI kOic 'mI.Ani' Y?11 givenon the regional government stands and

fl4 ghFt/A' ?'1141 procedures, disseminate the result to the

n01IA(lAflc flan''' tmm'V '!.'W concerned regional government bodiesby

collecting and analyzing the public opinion;
ioAhJ"fw thAA an'p1-4' Iit

3) ?inC n(i'Pc cn•' aD VIV •flhI';Y 3) Conduct a survey of local and foreign media

?-'I"M* HP' '"' f'i'!A day-to-day reports.-

4) fliAi ao11W4 r&&5'jc flMf1 4) Organize and coordinate public discussion and
dialogue forums to appropriately aware and
(Jflljfl, secure transparency on the regional state
n9tf1Ic 1AYr1"
policies and different regional as well as nation•
huqq' ?Wc ?9'thC
wide issues;
i' fILiA. Y(I'141414'A
Ix 121 l'h'. '.i4'C lA1l '1til' title. .30 .'iILl P.i't: 18 n: 15 .l" 21114 tO" t1ieArihara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page i2l

5) (ThAA' (W' ?au19 'fl¼'AI 5) Carry out networking activities on behalf of the

YhcwcA regional government, and conduct web-site

AaJHfl' f'i&qi I exchanges:

6) iThAA AU7C wtYF IJ'i n'' tflC 6) Provide periodic statements to the region, local
,9ILm fl?n) (V]it and foreign journalists
7) rgg flw'"w -3,M'3 lc?: &'FwlO* 7) Provide extensive information to represent the

fl'L',11w. HthW '!VJ' ?'kwhA ñ44, region in the right image the region should be
D( t'"1A Q1Añ' &t known for by the outside world, prevent and
defend misinformation spread on the region:
I"VH 5'' h'\h'' ar41,4-A!

8) (1iiA' ?11&L?P ii ao/C ?'Vi'L'c. 1'1

8) Facilitate conditions if there are press
'•c ?"I,Am 2It'1 cP1 conferences and press release given by the
n.t • U.5D1 fLmJ$Ai gnJ'
regional top leaders. call formass media, make
flhtY CmA 'J'qJ.' fl4'!jP them present their questions in order and get
'th'tA 34'Cfl'5 P'\?i u"i response for:

9) ?iAñ D'r/,ws hII i1o1r 9) Create favorable conditions for top officials of
1'fl1'-AO fliA the regional government to talk the public
meeting in person and better understand the

1lau'fl' ?P' h i'P (i' ll implementations and eventsby visiting various

h1'} tl(DA /c°'1'iifl ft1'ñ' institutions.-

VJP) I.'1'A

10) IfliA1 COA-untl't ,WC w4iAc ?u'mn 10) Render appointments to the regional

%iAA t*°'i') ?hThfl 1,,* 5") institutions' public relations heads when it is

?iun-'f A9A` fiLl', IJL given delegation by the head of government.

and remove from head position when necessary;
122 £?1. 4) t)A41! ')i1i1 iih/. 2 11 :'U,"I 4'rC 18 1'C IS .i} 2014 1.5 rheAmhara National Regional Slate Zikre I-kg Gazette No. 18 .anuacy 23, 2022 page 121.

37. M A,Ao ?hAA UD}lp'+ 37. About Other Executive Bodies of the
Regional State
MLa% 1) Other Executive Bodies and institutions of the
1) (h./'I? iA"I? }"lP"t: AJ1 National Regional State shall continue to

ML°'I. i'c 1"*"1'" function in accordance with the provisions of

;wY IW'$'riw uuw/0' ch,'fl U"i,i- their respective established laws;

/hn' j49M/.:: 2) The following Executive Bodies shall be

jj/ directly accountable to the I-lead of Government

2) ?Lhnttl' io07.
of the National Region:
1l411F A'fldi'1 C6A 1C
A) The Office of Ethics and Anti-corruption;
U) '/"',-r'1Cc aD.('; B) The Management[nstjtute;

() )/A)(. jtin/.(' C) The Vital Events Registration Service;

h) ?w"i h•41' "'1I7'1 ?i7A?4 D) The Science and Technology Commission;

E) The Administration of Governmental Development
on) cwc
9I' c-( 1?C Enterprises;
F) The Grand Renaissance Dam Coordinating Office.
3 )The following Executive Bodies shall be accountable

3) SLh1'e' it1, 07. IIi'\1' rntt' ThAñ to the Regional Agriculture Bureau:
A) The Disaster Prevention and Food Security
°1'flCS O.
U) ?M' a°MhAc r°71 P(c
B) The Agricultural Research Institute;
?) ?i11C rcrc
C) The Office of Livestock and Fish Resource
(UI) ti"i P1 Ufl' A074- Wihk+
1l1, '
D) The Cooperative Expansion Authority;
UD)t111' P' Ot1(kf. °'th41A/'A!'1
E) The Agricultural Quality and Safety Authority;
?141C r45 KTWI- 4) The following Executive Bodies shall be
4) ?°'LhI' M<iY"1. n!' tThAA accountable to the Regional Bureau of Peace and
MtPc VPJ W .e,trcA:- Security:
U) A) The Police Commission;
B) The Correction Centers Commission;
C) The Militia Office;
•ix 123 cMyi. .tLhie hMe till/ i •'.wq •Ir(: 18 15 ..I) 2014 7 ThArnhara National Regional State Zike Hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 123

5) S'/h'I'A' kioe.907, 1Vl 5) The following Executive Bodies shall be

accountable to the Regional Tourism Bureau:
A) The Heritage Protection Development Fund Office;
U) ?1'Cti h1Il .4 A0h1I. 'i il.
B) The Mulualem Cultural Center;
A) '1)A "/i'ThA
h) ?"7. hUfl 11 2—J(4i "IóhA:: C) The Amhara People History-Memorial Center;

6) The Industrial Parks Development Corporation shall

6) S'hq.ñ'(, :Ji:'i
be accountable to the Regional Industry and Investment
Ast Bureau;
7) The Urban Planning Institute shall be accountable to
7) the Regional Urbans and Infrastructure Bureau;
8) The Water Development Fund Office shall be
8) S'cn A117'1 Yi!I' (L' accountable to Water and Energy Bureau;

An;c 'iC. Il.i (J'%A I

9) The Kobo Girana Valley Development shall be
9) ?l(' i' ?iAl Im''i'I' AiAA
accountable to the Regional Irrigation and Lowland
on('I'''j ;?7 'iIIY')•
Areas Development Bureau;
1 0) ' u' 'ri1.Y' hqg(: 'Iiii''if Au(
10) The Road Administration shall be accountable to
YtP'iA the Regional Road Bureau;
11) The Legal Institute shall be accountable to the
Regional Bureau of Justice;
1 2) S'i•11.'I'—(ii1 iR'; 'i:': ñ'I:"IS"t' 12) The Public Health Research Institute shall be
'I'(Ili'I1 AiiAA- aLc iii: YU";A accountable to the Regional Health Bureau;

1 3) "ic hy,1"I 1ti 'ui'I 13) Lake Tana and Other Water Bodies Administration

A'i'lrLc 9.1 1111.'J' 'IAP'A'TV} shall be accountable to the Environment and Forest
Conservation Authority;
171l1 ''.h? .'II.'I 4ir: 18 p1: 15.43 2014 ir The Anthara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 124

38. t4 0 L 'i'4' OkD' i''an 38. Establishment of Executive Bodies at

All Levels
nt, anLftn

) 1111.1) 'P• "n''Yl' ?'I'I:'l(rn; 'liA?- 1) The executive bodies established in accordanc e
Ig(: ii!i ii'° - Vin- with this proclamation and which are membet 5

I1hAA• of the regional administrative council may

organize their departments in each zone or the: r
respective offices in the region as necessary;
flAJFm. Af1J

2) ffliiñ oti'r a/. 2) The national and woreda administrations foun

I(") ll'IAw in the region shall have the right to establish

ti'('1Ia /'-'A"i o'nv-'!

executive bodies departments and offices which
they found necessary for sustainabi
'Hc I4m i1A1?"l' MIA'/. ir,(n
development and accelerated service i
accordance with the powers vested in them b
oor(5D .(1' uI'li' t9**JD
the revised regional constitution:

Cflfl 3) Pertinent executive bodies of the region shall b

3) flltu ?1,4'? (2) tic n'inw-
anipt' ?11h-Aflc Dt responsible for providing appropriate support t0
the requests made by the national and wored
administrations for the establishment of publi C
institutionsin accordance with the provisions C f
(J"'P/'i' 11"1'? ~°/'Ffl f'1m• ?hAA-
sub-article (2) of this article.
mti.W"1. i'' 'I'1ftw ,t!9E ?a0fl(0
125 l'k"8t. •b..t.'l hA4l "1111I illa. ti1 :lL'I 8'rL: 18 i4c5.+1 2014 'tr The Amhara National Regonal Slate Zalre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 12;



39 i44 tii 39. Organizing Executive Bodies

?hA1' A'I'Y.0 hC 10' VhAA-1 i1t.9. In addition to making changes based on research
i('nAh'E ii'rc} 'U?, regarding the organization of the executive bodies of
rn.(fl1'. h°'J$? 0'1C q.q the region, the regional administrative council has
given permanent deligative power to establish new
institutions, determine their duties and responsibilities.
?u'wA hMw .0 1Mi:
merge one with another, as well as to remove from
ni-°i aow. ,vAa1c I'711m
their position in accordance with law;
1'kYhW" 011.1) i'P
'Thi* *'1. ?rn1iAc /1'A"H 1JA::

40. c(if°L Aw'I' 40. Change of Nomenclature

owr;t1 'WPC 101/1996 'r iS flhP 'I'FC The Regional Disaster Prevention, Food Security
264/2011 un,v/.+ 1'uin. ?AA Program and Special Needs Coordination Commission
rjohfthA P/fl rti'tc Tc"u'rc At established in accordance with Proclamation No.
?0172i. Mfl0i' °W1'l"l(l/f h"I.7i 0M' 101/2004 and Proclamation No. 264/2019. the

'I'Y'C 221/2007 ¶r ?.t**cow' S'ia°C Leadership Academy established in Proclamation No.

Mtf 07. i W&k 'WFC 234/2008 .P 221/2015 and the Regional Science. Technology and
Information Communuication Commission established
in Proclamation No. 234/2016. the Public Development
fr"L,.haI a17j np? 4'PC
Enterprises Support and Monitoring Authority
236/2008 9r" N'*4 a0 w ?a//4 A°'/*
established in Proclamation No. 236/2016. the Vital
cYi- j9j'j iH'A 'Ut/'-'A'1H fl'fl
Events Registration Agency established in Regulation
19i: 120/2006 t"I'**a°W ?(J)'ñ hi'11'
No.120/2014, and the Amhara Peoples Martyrs'
P'il'li 'i. OWP?. lI'FC 160/2001 .r Monument office established in Proclamation No.
?h1 *tiuW . ?W"h MI11 A"lO;J* c°1'AOJ 160/2019 respectively have been renamed in
(hWA ?hL' ft accordance with this Proclamation
fflU) wr: anwth' hitu nJ1 ?'nñh'I'rn
?tiyalL ilw'F 4'C 1V4PA:-
m 126 r?'?. 1rA46 "1181 illt/. ..i -Pv. 18 n: 15 2014 ¶.. TheArn6ara National Reg!onal 51214 zikre I-Pg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 1.10

1) ?hi avh/IhAc 141 P(i'1"' 1) The Disaster Prevention and Food Securit
Iioj Commission;

2) ?P'€ ui°/,C 2) The Management institute;

3) ?Wi' fr"j7j 3) The Science and Technology Commission;

4) The Public Development Enterprises
4) n1/t A°'I' C31'i M1'LC
5) V aW h-~+I--- i1'i(1
5) TheVital Events Registration Service;
6) i°'h tIfl I-Ji 0761]A::
6) TheAmhara Peoples History-Memorial Center,

41. AA I?j 41. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws

1) t1/' 'I,CI SiiAA• itL°'I. M'' 1) The Existing Regional Executive Bodi

/"A'1c ii'i4 unwiW Establishement and Determination of their Powers an

Wk 'I'FC 264/2011 1.r (}IM) Duties Proclamation No. 264/2018 (as amended) h
been repealed and replaced by this proclamation:
:?ic 1Htv Wr fI4:I:A::
2) ?h'tA!' h1Y flhl.0 iP' 't'7&PA:- 2) The following laws are repealed by th
0) thAA' mI" I'fl-1 uvRadf IL* proclamation:

A9** ?nY'kn WP A) Proclamation No. 263i'2019 Issued to Establish th

263/2011 9'."i Regional Office of the Attorney General;

A) thAtV NO ACii.ti fr"I?i A"?**r

B) Proclamation No. 265/2019 Issued to Establish th
?w1m WP 49'C 265/201 1%9m !
Regional Civil Service Commission;
h) ?hAA' tTC'' hatl.ib A°**P
?walw. WP C) Proclamation No. 266/2019 Issued to Establish th
'IPC 266/2011
Regional Sports Commission;
an) ?'i'1fl) ?.'c ?C tI?i 'lilfr'I
D) Proclamation No. 232/2016 Issued to Establish th
A9 qpJa
'**°'u WHI.
Environment, Forest and Wildlife Conservatio
'frPC 232/2008 'frI
U') c,AA 96 U'flt A91
E) Proclamation No. 238/2016 Issued to Establish th
f (VI7**1D ?(P"lw Regional Mineral Resources Development Prornotio
WPfr' 'I'1'C 238/2008 Agency;

?x 127 W'M. 1h.# 1iA4 '3144 0tu1 .1 .'ti."I •r: 18 i'C 15 +1 204 tr. The Arnhara National tegionai State Zihre F-hg Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 127

/) cn'rl,w* F) Regional Administrative council Proclamation

V(I1L n* ia**r ?ipalw. IrpAA No. 18572019 Issued to Establish the Regional

UD(1eIt'C 'ThC fl,' e'rfl VPC State Communication Affairs Office;

182011 19'::

3) hitu 4'C' a/ç)q U/: 3) Any law, regulation, directive or customary

$H1 UDUD(,(' WM° ?io'ii j1W/..0 practice contrary to this Proclamation shall not apply to
the matters covered by this Proclamation.
int.v i't': wi'P nt?i.',*

42. ,n11+ 1; JP AA0?t1MA 42. Transfer of Rights and Obligations

Pursuant to Proclamation No. 264/2018:
owr; 'h'VC 264/2011 r uotp/A:-
A) The rights and obligations vested to the
U) n'I' fl'l'cn(h'1 ThAA 'hnC gu'
Regional Rural Land Administration and Use as
i'i.cc nI'r I' 'L U tThAA
well as to theUrban Development, Housing and
h't°'I A0n7+ ft4S h('4i?i'
Construction Bureaus concerning land are
o.c'p'i 'li'l'N'(i) ti1l u'41'E'%'
transferred to of the State have been transferred
ii'i nu.0 wr oI1w
to the newly established Land and to the Urbans
P'A"1' flfriw and Infrastructure Bureaus in their respective
filtU WP' i.Vi w appropriateness in accordance with the powers
ILC? fflr Ahic (JUEJJ'f' vested in them by this Proclamation;
1U1 'MAA

?) 'ctiS" A14' B) The rights and obligations given to the Regional

ithAA incc 'kU' ThAA w5' Agriculture, as well as to the Regional Water.

u'c ii.'iC. Ufl'I' AahI+ flC'P Irrigation and Energy Development Bureaus
regarding Irrigation Development issues have
tA'PIw ?tM. icc
been transferred to the newly established
1111.1) hP? i.qji w't'**a°o S'iAA
Regional Irrigation and Lowland Developmeni
ao( 4,,\O1J
ii1lfl.50 A"/- 1U'
a 128 I'?'. 'I I1 hAVC ittu dl .fl'I $PC 18 V. 15 .I 2014 3.r TheMiham National Reonal State Zlkre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23, 2022 page 128

h) OWP 4!'PC 238/2008 9 AkAfr C) The rights and obligations granted to th

°'io.e 0-0' A9' 9A4.t<f IPA. Regional Minerals Development Prornotic

I'A'rai aofl')' Agency under Proclamation No. 238/2016 ha

;rTh (flS. 'I'**uflfl) been transferred to the newly establishe

nitv rpt0 ?iAA
Regional Mineral Development Bureau in th
9i)tY U1H ,°1"I fl I'Ag.pA
an) fliP i'rc 263/2011 an:vth D) The rights and obligations vested in th
iThAi' .i'1'& j4'fl,-h nf-'/,C fl,' Regional Prosecutor General Office i
? 'ifl afl.ç J5D accordance with Proclamation No. 263/201

OU 2ITt Mu w$ i**anw S'iAt have been transferred to the newly establishe

ç11 (L 't"tA&PA Regional Justice Bureau in this Proclamation;

iv) 1thPN 4'PC 264/2011 'r iYrfllnc E) The rights and obligations vested I
j.fr'a'j -Hinc o •i rw c'in@ Proclamation No. 264/2019 to the Bureau
anflç oitu W WY Finance and Economic Cooperation have bee

tiAA 'fun fl.c transferred to the Regional Finance Burea

established by this Proclamation:

/) -n',$ fl' ,nAh't ThP 4'Fc F) The rights and obligations granted to tF
264/2011 H' GDW/ iThAñ Regional Road and Transport Bureau I
inj,eç //A7C* n.e' IA'rin)- accordance with Proclamation No. 264/201

?fl<- or1c niiu regarding Road have been transferred to t

?iY.M (fl IuiJfl wiJiA CD''j,t' newly established Regional Road Bureau undi

ILC' rMA/PA this Proclamation:

A) 11hP 'I'rc 264/2011 9P u°'/t- G) The rights and obligations granted to tF

iThAñ• "tP'(Mq 'I/?, fl.C' Regional Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs
1'A'P'I'm r,n* au'11Yc J51' accordance with Proclamation No. 264/201
?'? i111flF1n 11U.0 iP (J).. have been transferred to the Bureau of Lab1

'fI*go. 1'c P-'A(nc n and Training as well as to the Bureau

q up J)ç 1 gIfçç aIjfly Women, Children and Social Affairsin the

respective establishment by this Proclamation:
14w:i: flA MA'PA i
129 rW"M. 1 h.I1 iA4'e ''}iAl iih dI '11 ,1 Irrc 18 'il: 15 .4'J 2914 't.r Th Arnhara Nalionai Regi onal Stale Ziltre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 120

?i) oWr 4'TC 264/2011 9 cnw H) The rights and obligations given to the Regional
•jr'j j a'nfc Technic, Vocational and Enterprise

A1nh! (U? I'APt'w r,fl- n?.ic Development Bureau in accordance with

Proclamation No. 264/2019 have been
I1il.0 WP'
transferred to the newly established Regional
rt**UflD. sAA- /' P'Arnc w
Work and Training Bureau in this
fli1P? irc 264/2011 9r ';'
I) The rights and obligations granted to the
gThiM M'Pç g')' Regional Peace and Security Bureau in
?11' aoi111c lutu wr accordance with Proclamation No. 264/2019
cotp t**aD(Th ?hA A'W' have been transferred to the newly established

YP flA 'MA/.PA! Regional Peace and Security Bureau established

in accordance with this Proclamation:
II) (,rf!ç h9cI aoAi1 nwr
J) The rights and obligations given to the
4'rC 264/2011 .r aDw tThAA Regional Women. Children and Youths Affairs
h9cIc fl)"FF' '11$ iU' Bureau in accordance with Proclamation No.
i'(i'rIrn ?'ifll' iu4l1; 9J9) 264/2019 regarding women and children have
IltU) WP u°tvA' j1qti O) been transferred to the newly established
I'**a0D' ?iAA' AA'1' hPrI*c Regional Women. Children and Social Affairs

av,w- T 'IP.Y 11.1 rMAPA Bureau in accordance with this Proclamation:

J)fl1' itictiA1H I1iP 'h'FC K) The rights and obligations given to the

264/2011 +.r inwth- tThA? Regional Women, Children and Youths Affairs

tIc..c w1-) n.c: 'tur in accordance with Proclamation No. 264/2019

concerning Youths, and to the Regional Sport
"c' O'I'a°ñh nWP 4'?C
Commission in accordance with Proclamation
266/2011 r uv' ThA/ tlTC't'
No. 266/2019 concerning Sports have been
h"Vi I'A'Ptw' fl' an1Hic
transferred to the newly established Regional
J.5D) flfl) jtJ
Youths and Sport Affairs Bureau pursuant to
t**aJ) ?liAi wl4ic tiT(:'t'
this Proclamation:
ik' fl.0 t'AL'PA
er 130 £h1• fl.5.7l JrAI '101
01 J7 :'l't ti'r'C 18 aC 15 .i3 2014 '1.r [he Amhara National Regional State Zikre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 23. 2022 page 1 30

) nWrt I'PC 265/2011 uDwj' L) The rights and obligations granted to th

sThAt (UtA (Ciit "1.?i' 'h'VPhm Regional Civil Service Commission ii

ao.fl4!.1q J.5n DIlL) WP accordance with Proclamation No. 265/201

i.Vi OK thA?L- (LJLA have been transferred to the newly establishe


Regional Civil Service and Human ResourCf
(iCn.tiS ?Arn 0'I1' h9.?i
Development Commission;

) flWP 'I'PC 264/2011 °,.'P ao'J'/* M) The rights and obligations given to thf

tThAt°' 'MI h"Lu1' 'J*lNrn r,ui< Regional Planning Commission in accordanC(

ao1H'c tz DILL) W y. with Proclamation No. 264/2019 have beer

w.?. transferred to the newly established Regior a

aDtPjf' Mu **tJ°w ?hAñ
Planning and Development Bureau 11
Tf%'c A91 o.c rMATA!
accordance with this Proclamation;
) OX..HI 'I'PC 181/2011 9.9" aflUJ/
N) The rights and obligations granted to th

ThA1' c 01,w, 1Jb7 fI'tw' Regional Government Communication Affa

fl,!' 'Ii'P'Iim r,t. 4ii1 Office in accordance with Regulation N 0
litti) )'P? anw/.1' kIA.A 181/2019 have been transferred to the nev 13

w 4-**IJ1J W. hAñ' established Regional Governme n.

uiaj 'M?'i W 't'LAd.'PA! Communication Affairs Bureau in accordanCf
with this Proclamation;

1) fle1pa
4'FC 232/2008 9 0) The rights and obligations granted to t

iThAA P.0 't'l Regional Environment, Forest and Wildli f(

'rn.i'c A°' IhVAAfly) 1'N'n Conservation and Development Authority ir

accordance with Proclamation No. 232/20 1(
?'ifl<-'i a"•nlc nn.v ir
have been transferred to the re-establishec
'ic (pg **u'n ?hA( M'l1Lc
Regional Environment and Forest Protectior
'11fr 01"A1' .MAtPA::
Authority by this Proclamation.
131 3.Ik,t.# 3tA4'8 m.Th1 oh,. ;,,i .'i't i•c 18 ?C 15 .'I2 2014 3.11 The Amhaz Natonat Regional State Z4cre Hig Gazette No. 18 January 213. 2022 page 13

43. ?an?I,YMf '},fl 43. Transitory Provisions

4Y.P &A flui'P' 'MC 264/2011 P tJnRJ'/.4' Sectors previously established under Proclamation No.

't*(Iwuo)' ?'fl'S IlILU itP? cnIJJ/' Ui 264/2019 andare not included in the newly reorganized
(fl,t ?iAA t&Y7. M' Executive Bodies of the Region in accordance with this
Proclamation shall continue to be carried out under
A'I'in4'i'i?l ?/ llCG rM
flUiJ **' n/1'/ (
institutions which are organized in this Proclamation
iMfi hA1,907. ,, Q,4
and original owners until they are incorporated under
Mh°U'H /Ji fltLU WP.' a'"I fl'J(i"
other new executive offices to be established in the
(%/"/,(D I'.?.9"' q A f L +'
T mm.-l- +*91'
future.However, the applicability of this provision shall
I°!I1'' uahcwcf1w') R,4'pj.:: fl;'
be terminated after three months since the publication
1fltAA 'U - h°i .flV'1 JII" hw'i h3 vc of the proclamation by regional Zikre Hig Gazette.
fl-),A r)fl) ,fl aTJ. *'lA

44. 1-fl p'1fl 44. Power to Issue Regulation

?iAA' a''X'C MC t1t' ?Ut.0 WP'e The Regional Administrative Council may issue
.'9L5 1r unt. regulations requiring to the full implementation
$?J(1) &fa)1 Y,)
, -A A:: provisions of this Proclamation.

45. ananf ?0'Iai'14 P'A"fl 45. Power to Issue Directive

Without prejudice to the common power vested in the

f1lI.0 WPt iO4'V 11 'Oti iiHW 1 iA
Executive Bodies of the Region under the provisions of
((i) /'C iThAA it°'i. i'\'t
Article 11, Sub-article I Number (G) of this
?'I'Atnw ?Wi 18'Aa1' h1f'tin4' tr';' (:O(-
Proclamation, the Head of Govrnment may issue
g.u'v h 1 Y. c MIM urnv4 i
detailed Directives for the full implementation of this
?d1Lnrnh sw'1 i1IiA u',i tiir Proclamation Regulations to be issued on basis of the
?°.A'fri 'IIC,UC ov jn(,f5IJ (if wal proclamation.

46.wr 'ucii 'iti, 46. Effective Date of the Proclamation

$?,U WP' f1hA?' i4h1 2tV1 This Proclamation shall come into force as of its
publication on the Zikre Hig Gazette of the regional
J't1° hw'flh1 +' e.9-C ?' ,e.IrcA::
qc qc
Done at Bahir Dar,
'PC 15 2014 '+.P 1h
This 23 Day of January, 2021.
fPAfrA h4.A (/C)
Vilkal Kefale (PhD)
?h" 4ld.'I MAT aV1P'4' TtILY'
President of the Amhara National Regional


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