Film Analysis

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I.Background Of The Film
It explores the imagination of Ishaan Safary. An artistic 9 years old boy but
he's performance in school is poor.His parents send him to a boarding school so he
can learn a lesson.A new art teacher Nikumbh Khan that knows he has a dyslexic
and helps him to overcome his disorders. He found his self-happy for everything
he wants to imagine. The letters he sees are moving and when he writes, his letters
and numbers are sometimes inverted.In doing art his thinking is very good and he
draw what his mind want and he can made a great art.

"Like Stars on Earth" is a poignant film that delves into the life of Ishaan
Awasthi, an 8-year-old boy struggling with dyslexia. His days are marked by
academic hurdles, misunderstanding from his family, and the constant feeling of
being different. Ishaan's artistic abilities remain unnoticed amidst his academic
struggles, leading to frustration and a sense of inadequacy. However, everything
changes with the arrival of a new art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh. Nikumbh,
with his perceptive and unconventional teaching methods, recognizes Ishaan's
learning disability and sees beyond his academic performance. He patiently guides
Ishaan, helping him unearth his artistic talents and instilling in him a newfound
sense of confidence and self-worth. The film beautifully navigates the
transformative journey of Ishaan, emphasizing the crucial role of understanding,
patience, and individualized support in nurturing the potential of a child. Through
the relationship between the teacher and the student, it powerfully highlights the
importance of acknowledging and celebrating the unique abilities of each
individual, ultimately advocating for a more inclusive and supportive educational

Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi: He is an imaginative
and creative young boy who faces difficulties in school
due to dyslexia. He is portrayed sensitively by Darsheel

Ram Shankar Nikumbh: He is an unconventional and

empathetic art teacher who recognizes Ishaan's struggle
with dyslexia and takes it upon himself to help him.
Aamir Khan plays this role with warmth and
Maya Awasthi: Maya is Ishaan's mother, portrayed by
Tisca Chopra. She loves her son deeply but struggles to
understand his learning difficulties, often feeling
frustrated and helpless. Throughout the movie, she learns
to understand Ishaan better and supports him in her own

Nandkishore Awasthi: Ishaan's father, played by Vipin

Sharma, initially struggles to connect with his son's
interests and challenges. He is focused on Ishaan's
academic success but gradually learns to appreciate his
son's uniqueness, especially with the help of Nikumbh.

Rajan Damodaran (played by Tanay Chheda):Ishaan’s

best friend in his boarding school (New Era High
School) is very friendly, helpful and understanding. He
is himself physically disabled but excellent in studies.

Yohan Awasthi (played by Sachet Engineer):A

supportive, caring and understanding elder brother stood
for Ishaan in problem he had.

i.Camera Angle
The angle they’ve
use in this scene is the eye
level shot where you can see
the close up reaction or
expression of the character
who is acting. the elements
that they use here in this angle
is the emphasis, emphasis
means having a focal point for
your graphic artwork. The
design needs to have the principle of emphasis which means something that
becomes the focus or gets attention first, so it means that the emphasis is being
used in this picture because the audience is going to focus on that one character
because of the camera angle. the one element they use is the proportion, proportion
in design refers to the relative size of the elements just like in the picture. there’s a
relative size of element which the character use.
ii.Framing and Composition
As you can see the
subject, object and background
are arranged and placed with the
frame to make the scene more
realistic. the background is
kinda blurry for us to stay focus
on one subject but atleast we
can see the people in the
background. we can apply the
contrast, one of the elements of
graphic design and layout. because we can see that there’s a pattern of people. the
one that in the middle wear a light and bright color of shirt that can attract the eyes
of the audience. this can enter to the contrast of color. the second one is the
proportion, in this pic they show the good and right angle which we can more feel
what’s going on in that scene.

In this picture we can already
know the feeling of the character based
on it’s lighting. we can see that the light
is on the characters side for us to feel
more what’s the presence of that scene.
the elements that i can put here is the
contrast, in all angle you need to put
contrast for us to see what or where the
audience should focus. and the second
one is the emphasis, we should focus on
one subject and that’s is the subject or the character. as you can see there’s a metal
that can possibly block the camera,but as we know about the camera angle and
other stuff about camera so that we can make a way for us to watch a good movie.
iv.Shot Size
In this picture you can see the
close up shot of the character in the
movie where u can identify the
elements of graphic design and
layout. the two elements you can
relate in this picture is the proportion,
as you can see the camera angle is
close to the subject or the character
which can lead to a better effect on
that scene. i can relate this picture in
proportion because proportion talking about on how the object may affect to the
audience. and the second one is the emphasis, instead of focusing on the
background you should focus on thr character.
v.Color Palette
We choose this scene
because as you can see the scene
was dramatic that’s why that’s the
filter they’ve use. we can apply here
the contrast from the elements of
graphic design and layout. with
contrast you can more focus on the
subject or character, as you can see
they use contrast on the characters
shirt so that the audience can see that there’s a person. the other elements you can
see in this picture is pattern under of rhyth. if you can see the tiles in the back of
the subject they are just the same of the tiles infront of the subject. there was a
pattern between them.

vi.Depth of Field
In the this
picture you can see the
sharp focus on the main
character. we can apply
the emphasis and
proportion in this scene.
because emphasis and
proportion are just like
same, it focus in how the
audience will focus on one character or other else.
Like Stars on Earth" incorporates typography in various ways to enhance its
storytelling. The film utilizes typography in its title sequences and intertitles to set
the tone and context for different scenes or transitions. The typography often
reflects the emotional or thematic aspects of the narrative, employing different
fonts, sizes, and styles to convey moods or emphasize particular moments. For
instance, during emotional or pivotal scenes, the typography might be more
expressive, using vibrant colors or unique fonts to evoke feelings or highlight the
significance of the moment. In contrast, during introspective or reflective
moments, the typography could be more subdued, employing simpler fonts or
muted colors to create a sense of introspection or contemplation. Overall, the
typography in "Like Stars on Earth" plays a subtle yet impactful role in
complementing the narrative and evoking emotions that resonate with the


"Like Stars on Earth," a cinematic marvel crafted under the directorial
guidance of Aamir Khan, transcends the boundaries of storytelling to intricately
weave a tapestry of emotions, societal introspections, and human resilience. At the
heart of this masterpiece lies the poignant journey of Ishaan Awasthi, an eight-
year-old struggling with dyslexia, whose narrative serves as a mirror reflecting the
intricate layers of the human experience.Darsheel Safary's portrayal of Ishaan
Awasthi is a tour de force performance that defies mere acting; it embodies a
symphony of emotions, resonating with viewers on a visceral level. Safary brings
an unparalleled depth and authenticity to Ishaan's character, navigating through the
turbulent seas of a child's inner world with a nuanced finesse that leaves an
indelible mark on the audience.Aamir Khan's directorial finesse delicately unravels
the complexities of Ishaan's journey, meticulously painting a canvas that intricately
portrays the struggles and triumphs of a child grappling with dyslexia. The
deliberate pacing of the narrative serves as a poignant vessel, allowing viewers to
embark on an emotional odyssey, traversing the peaks of Ishaan's joys and valleys
of his fears with a profound sense of intimacy.

Beyond the mesmerizing performances, "Like Stars on Earth" emerges as a

societal commentary, spotlighting the limitations of an education system that often
fails to accommodate diverse learning styles. It fearlessly confronts the stigma and
misconceptions surrounding learning disabilities, advocating for a more inclusive
and compassionate educational paradigm that celebrates individual differences.The
film ingeniously integrates the therapeutic power of art into Ishaan's narrative,
presenting it as a catalyst for self-expression and healing. Through vibrant and
visually arresting sequences, the film invites the audience into Ishaan's vivid
imagination, showcasing the transformative potential of nurturing creativity in
education.Moreover, the exploration of familial dynamics within Ishaan's
household adds another layer of emotional resonance to the narrative. It delicately
portrays the strain and misunderstandings between Ishaan and his family,
culminating in a poignant realization and transformation fueled by empathy and
The visual storytelling in "Like Stars on Earth" is a masterclass in itself,
employing stunning cinematography to craft a mesmerizing visual tapestry. From
dreamlike sequences capturing Ishaan's flights of fancy to nuanced depictions of
his emotional turmoil, each frame is a canvas painting a vivid portrait of his inner
world.The musical score, composed by the talented trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy,
complements the narrative exquisitely, evoking a myriad of emotions. The soul-
stirring melodies and evocative lyrics weave seamlessly into the fabric of the story,
heightening the emotional impact of pivotal moments and amplifying the film's
resonance.In its entirety, "Like Stars on Earth" transcends the realm of cinema to
become a catalyst for introspection and societal reform. It stands as an enduring
testament to the profound significance of empathy, acceptance, and holistic
education in nurturing the potential of every child. This cinematic masterpiece,
with its profound storytelling and stellar performances, etches itself as a timeless
beacon of inspiration, leaving an everlasting legacy that continues to illuminate the
path of enlightenment and compassion in the world of cinema and beyond.

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