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Air University

Mid-semester Examinations
Course Name: Data Science Date: April 01, 2024 Instructor: Dr. Mehdi Hassan
Time: 8:00AM-11:00AM Mode: Close Book
Submission: Online via GCR
Instructions: There are two problems given to you and it is expected to solve these problems
and submit it to GCR. Evaluations will be made using the training, and test set RMSE, and
Adjusted Squared R.
For Even Roll Numbers:
1. Consider the Car price prediction data. You are required to apply the Multiple
Regression and for the used car price predictions.
2. The dataset is separated into two parts (Train and Test). In the Test dataset the price
needs to be predicted by your proposed model and submit a CSV of the predicted
price. The evaluation of your model will be made using your provide values against
actual values.
3. Perform all pre-processing steps that you have already covered in the labs.
4. Submission will be a Jupyter notebook file in which the code and its output must be
visible and a CSV file of predicted values.
5. In case of any copying content, the AU Unfair Means Case policy will be applied.
1. Consider the data of Insurance payment in which you are supposed to predict the
insurance amount name Charges.
2. Do the required pre-processing steps.
3. Predict the Male insurance amount using Multi Regression.
4. Do a statistical T-Test to see either Male and Female are paying equal amount for
health insurance?
For Odd Roll Numbers:
1. Consider the Life expectancy data provided by the UNO.
2. DO the pre-processing steps while designing your model.
3. Data is split into two categories (Train and Test). Train model on the training dataset
and predict the values of the test dataset and submission will be made for the
predicted values.
4. Submission will be a Jupyter notebook file in which the code and its output must be
visible and a CSV file of predicted values.
5. In case of any copying content, the AU Unfair Means Case policy will be applied.
1. Consider the data of Insurance payment in which you are supposed to predict the
insurance amount name Charges.
2. Do the required pre-processing steps.
3. Predict the Female insurance amount using Multi Regression.
4. Do a statistical T-Test to see that Females are paying higher charges compared to the

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