Mockboard #3 - Criminalistics

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Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics

1. This was the year when further experiments in instrumental lie detection were conducted. This was also the year when Dr.
William Marston began his research on blood pressure changes as symptoms of deception;
A. 1921 C. 1901
B. 1915 D. None of this
2. Produced the first practical revolver and famous revolver in history.
A. Samuel Bilibid C. Samuel Colt
B. Samuel Wesson D. Samuel Garand
3. Who coined the word “Photography”?
A. Dancer C. Petzval
B. Herchel D. Talbot
4. It is a dogmatic principle of fingerprints stating that man’s fingerprint cannot be forged.
A. Principle of Dactyloscopy C. Principle of Variation
B. Principle of Constancy D. Principle of Infallibility
5. It is the process of making out what is illegible or what has been effaced?
A. Decipherment C. Erasure
B. Examination D. Restoration
6. In 1914, this pioneer in the field of lie detection published an account of his research on respiration changes as a symptoms
of detection.
A. Dr. William Marston C. Leonarde Keeler
B. Vittorio Benussi D. Harold E. Burtt
7. The cylindrical passage of the bullet.
A. Muzzle C. Bore
B. Breech end D. Muzzle end
8. What is the branch of law, which deals with the policies, rules or regulations, ethics and control in the practice of the medical
A. Forensic medicine C. Medical Jurisprudence
B. Legal Medicine D. Medico-Legal
9. Secondary small letter classification is the exhibition of the small letter symbols of arches, tented arches and radial loops
A. Before and after the index finger of both hands
B. Only after the index finger of both hands
C. Only before the index finger of both hands
D. Before and after the index finger of left hand
10. He latter partially confirmed the result obtained by Benussi and improved upon his technique. However, he considered this
repiratory method of less diagnostic value than the blood preasure technique.
A. Dr. William Marston C. Cesare Lombroso
B. Vittorio Benussi D. Harold E. Burtt
11. Who is known as the father of Modern Photography?
A. Daguerre C. Petzval
B. Niepce D. Talbot
12. What is the primary purpose of photography in questioned document examination?
A. Photograph makes clear what is otherwise may be hidden or indistinct
B. Photograph is useful in showing delicate discolorations due to chemical erasure or other fraudulent changes
that may be otherwise overlooked or interpreted.
C. By means of photographs, a writing in question can be accurately be enlarged
D. Photograph serves as a record of the initial conditions of disputed document
13. What kind of death is characterized by complete persistent and continuous cessation of the vital functions of the brain,
heart and lungs, which maintain life and health?
A. Apparent C. Molecular
B. Cellular D. Somatic
14. It is a handgun that gives greater number of shots, easier to load and with better grip.
A. Rifle C. Revolver
B. Pistol D. Back up gun
15. In the test procedure be conducted with the subject the requirement should be;
A. No test should be conducted after obtained confession and admission of guilt
B. No test should ever be conducted without a pre-test interview
C. No test should be conducted if the subject refused
D. No test should be conducted with out voluntary consent
16. What is the first practical photographic process given to the world?
A. Calbotype C. Polaroid
B. Daguerreotype D. Talbotype
17. What is the interruption in a stroke, caused by removing the writing instrument from the paper?
A. Shading C. Pen lifting
B. Retracing D. Retouching
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
18. It refers to the rigidity of the whole body due to the contraction of the muscles, which starts 3 to 6 hours after death,
completed at 12 hours and remains so far 36 to 48 hours.
A. Algor Mortis C. Livor mortis
B. Instanteneous Mortis D. Rigor Mortis
19. A rifle of short length and light weight originally designed for mounted troops.
A. Rifle C. Carbine
B. Musket D. Shotgun
20. The blotting out or smearing over of writing to make the original invisible or undecipherable?
A. Writing C. Obliteration
B. Disguised writing D. Insertion
21. The science of identification by means of fingerprints. It is derived from two Greek words, DACTLY which means FINGER and
SKOPEIN which means to EXAMINE.
A. Dactyloscopy C. Chiroscopy
B. Poroscopy D. Podoscopy
22. Under the U.N. term, small arm is a type of firearm designed to propel projectiles ______________.
A. More than 1 inch in diameter C. 1 inch in diameter
B. Less than 1 inch in diameter D. None of the above
23. Under the legal status of polygraphy, the admissibility of the test results is subject to the;
A. Discretion of the prosecutor C. Discretion of the judge
B. Discretion of the examiner D. Discretion of the investigator
24. Who designed the Leica Camera?
A. Barnack C. Land
B. Draper D. Vogel
25. A branch of police science which has as its primary function to determine whether an evidence bullet or cartridge case was
fired from a particular firearm, or the science which deals with the identification of firearms through the ammunition fired from
A. Internal ballistics C. Firearms identification
B. Ballistics D. None of the above
26. This caused by the absence of heat in the blood.
A. Algor Mortis C. Livor Mortis
B. Instanteneous Mortis D. Primary Flaccidity
27. The providers for the recording variation in the flow of or passage of an imperceptible amount of electrical current through
the hand;
A. Kymograph C. Galvanometer
B. Sphygmograph D. Onoscope
28. In connection to typewriting identification, this term is used to include letters, symbols or numerals?
A. Typeface C. Platen
B. Characters D. Alignment defects
29. in plain whorl, an imaginary line drawn between the deltas
A. Must touch or cross at least one of the intervening ridges within the inner pattern area
B. Must touch or cross at least one of the intervening ridges within the outer pattern area
C. Must not touch or cross any of the intervening ridges within the inner pattern area
D. Must not touch or cross any of the intervening ridges within the outer pattern area
30. A gigantic bow or catapult used by prehistoric men to throw missiles and large objects such as stones against enemy forces.
A. Ballistics C. Ballien
B. Ballo D. Ballista
31. The two innermost ridges which run parallel surround or tend to surround the pattern area.
A. Divergence C. Ending ridge
B. Typelines D. Core
32. What is the purpose of the card or number test?
A. Symptomatic C. Simulation test
B. Control test D. Guilt complex test
33. What is known as the developed sensitized material?
A. Film C. Positive
B. Photography D. Negative
34. It is the settling of blood to the lowest part of the body, causing such part to become dull-red or purplish in color, which
becomes apparent after 4-6 hours from the time of death and becomes fully established after 12 hours.
A. Cadaveric Spasm C. Post Mortem Lividity
B. Instanteneous Mortis D. Primary Flaccidity
35. It refers to additional, unnecessary strokes not necessary to the legibility of letter forms or writings, but incorporated in
writing for ornamental or decorative purposes.
A. Hiatus C. Retracing
B. Embellishments D. Loops
36. Of the following, one is among the major section of the polygraph machine;
A. Kymograph C. Sphygmograph
B. Alarm D. Cardiosphygmograph
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
37. The science which deals with the motion of projectiles and the condition governing that motion or the study of natural laws
relating to the performance of gunpowder in the firearm.
A. Forensic ballistics C. Firearms identification
B. Ballistics D. Forensic
38. It is a type of fingerprint pattern belonging to whorl group. It consists of two separate loop formations with two separate
and distinct sets of shoulders and two deltas.
A. Radial Loop C. Double Loop
B. Ulnar Loop D. Central Pocket Loop
39. Its function is to record the skin resistance of the subject;
A. Cardiograph C. Pnuemograph
B. Galvanograph D. Cardiosphymograph
40. Immediately after death, there is complete relaxation and softening of all the muscles of the body. This is known as ..
A. Algor Mortis C. Instanteneous Mortis
B. Cadaveric Spasm D. Primary Flaccidity
41. The first application of photography in law enforcement was confined to the problem of …
A. Evidence C. Personal Identification
B. Investigation D. Surveillance
42. Is a mental disease in which an individual loses his ability to write although he could still grasp the writing instrument?
A. Agraphia C. Tremors
B. Transitory change D. Tremors of fraud
43. Its function is to record subject false wave amplitude, relative blood pressure changes and variation there from;
A. Cardiograph C. Pnuemograph
B. Galvanograph D. Cardiosphymograph
44. A Wizard of modern firearms and pioneered the breech loading single shot rifle.
A. Elisha King Root C. John M. Browning
B. Eliphalet Remington D. John M. Seagul
45. It refers to the instantaneous rigidity of the muscles, which occurs at the moment of death due to extreme nervous tension,
exhaustion and injury to the nervous system or injury to the chest.
A. Algor Mortis C. Rigor Mortis
B. Cadaveric Spasm D. Primary Flaccidity
46. It is the ridge count of the first loop appearing from the right thumb of the left ring finger excluding little fingers of both
A. Final Classification C. Secondary classification
B. Primary Classification D. Key
47. What is the average speed of light?
A. 120 mi/s C. 186,000 mi/s
B. 16,000-25,000 mi/s D. 1,000,000 mi/s
48. Kymograph moves at a uniform rate of how many inches per minute?
A. Six to twelve C. Four to eight
B. Ten to twelve D. Two to six
49. What is a comprehensive study of a dead body performed by a trained physician using recognized dissection procedures
and techniques, primary to determine the true cause of death?
A. Autopsy C. Onoscopy
B. Cranioscopy D. Phrenology
50. Is the art of attempting the character or personality of an individual from his handwriting?
A. Interpretation C. Examination
B. Graphology D. Agraphia
51. The tiny elevations or hill-like structures found on the epidermis of the skin containing sweat pores.
A. Middle Phalange C. Proximal Phalange
B. Ridges D. Furrows
52. An oblong or oval hole produced by an unstable bullet striking the target at an oblique angle to the bullet’s longitudinal axis.
A. Yaw C. Keyhole shot
B. Gyroscopic action D. Tumbling
53. Who develop the Zone Comparison test technique, which used in polygraph examination?
A. Cleve Backster C. Fred Allan Kate
B. Leonard Keeler D. William Marston
54. Is a writing which has no readily visible or legible writing for they have been made by using sympathetic ink?
A. Writing offsets C. Writing impressions
B. Secret writings D. Contact printing
55. It is that point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the center of the divergence of the type lines. It may be a bifurcation,
an abrupt ending ridge, a dot, a short ridge, a meeting of two ridges and the first recurving ridge located nearest to the center
and in front of the divergence of the typelines.
A. Core C. Pattern Area
B. Typelines D. Delta
56. What is an autopsy, which after a meticulous examination with the aid of other examinations does not yield any definite
cause of death?
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
A. Negative C. Positive
B. Neutral D. Reactive
57. The changes in the direction of the light when ever it passes from one medium to another is known as the phenomenon of..
A. Diffraction C. Refraction
B. Reflection D. Transmission
58. He devised an instrument capable of recording changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and respiration simultaneously.
A. John A. Larson C. Dr. William Martson
B. Angelo Mosso D. Sir James Mackenzie
59. Is an ink used for blotting or smearing an original writing?
A. Superimposing ink C. Aniline inks
B. Secret ink D. Indelible pencil
60. Father of modern ballistics.
A. John C. Garand C. Horace T. Garand
B. Oliver S. Garand D. Col. Calvin H. Goddard
61. An ancient method of ordeal practice in Bengal, Indian and other western country in case of theft committed? In certain
tribes. The leader will call everybody and requested them to submerge their hands up to the elbow and return on the next day
to show if their skins were found blistered, they will be adjudged guilty.
A. Red hot iron ordeal C. Boiling water ordeal
B. Rice chewing ordeal D. Trial by combat
62. What is the artificial and common way of preserving the body after death?
A. Embalming C. Putrefraction
B. Maceration D. Skeletonization
63. The small loop formed by strokes that extend in divergent directions as in letters like b and c?
A. Eye loop C. Foot
B. Baseline D. Hook
64. It is the part of loops and whorl which appear the core, the delta and the ridges which we concerned in classifying patterns
A. Pattern Area C. Typelines
B. Bifurcation D. Divergence
65. A device used to measure the velocities of projectiles.
A. Stereo microscope C. Caliper
B. Onoscope D. Chronograph
66. In fingerprint pattern, if the lines are called ridges, the spaces between the ridges are called
A. Furrows C. Enclosure
B. Bifurcation D. Ending Ridge
67. The Australian authority who stated that “all investigative work is nothing but battle against lie.”
A. Cesare Lombroso C. August Vollmer
B. Cesare Becarria D. Dr. Hans Gross
68. It refers to the bouncing movement of the light.
A. Diffraction C. Refraction
B. Reflection D. Transmission
69. An element added to complete certain letters?
A. Staff C. Slant
B. Connections D. Diacritics
70. It refers to the pulverization of the body into ashes by the application of heat.
A. Cremation C. Mummification
B. Maceration D. Putrefaction
71. An instrument or device used for physical examination of evidence bullet:
A. Comparison microscope C. Compound microscope
B. Stereoscopic microscope D. Comparator
72. In ridge tracing, if the left delta ridge goes inside the right delta ridge and there are two or less intervening ridges, the
tracing is.
A. Inner C. Outer
B. Meeting D. No tracing
73. The round outer side on the top of the bend, crooks, or curved on some letters like M and N?
A. Hook C. Hump
B. Hitch D. Foot
74. A circumferential groove generally of a knurled or plain appearance in a bullet or cartridge case.
A. Neck C. Bullet or cartridge case diameter
B. Cannelure D. Gas check
75. A well known person in the field of criminology an accredited as one of the early people to conceived the idea of utilizing
instrumental test in lie detection.
A. Dr. Hans Gross C. Cesare Becarria
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Cesar Lombroso
76. What is the taking out of a body from its tomb or gravesite, which can be done only upon a lawful order, with permission
from the Department of Health?
A. Exhumation C. Mummification
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
B. Maceration D. Putrefraction
77. When the rays of light bend around the object especially if the object has a sharp edge, this is known as …
A. Diffraction C. Refraction
B. Reflection D. Transmission
78. The base or bottom of a letter that lies on the line of writing?
A. Baseline C. Hump
B. Central part of the body D. Foot
79. Podoscopy is the scientific study and examination of the
A. Palm of the Hand C. Sweat Pores
B. Sole of the foot D. Teeth Structure
80. Yes or no answers limits subjects all questions are required;
A. To avoid mistake C. To avoid destruction of writing chart
B. To avoid distortion of tracing chart D. To avoid detection
81. The rear part of the barrel that has been formed to facilitate loading:
A. Feeding ramp C. Breech block
B. Breech end D. Chamber
82. What is the general term applied to all forms of violent death, which results primarily from the interference with the
process of respiration or the condition in which the supply of oxygen to the blood or to the tissues, or both, has been reduced
below normal level?
A. Adipocere C. Flaccidity
B. Asphyxia D. Marbling
83. This is known as the “one step photography”
A. Calbotype C. Polaroid
B. Daguerreotype D. Talbotype
84. The percentage of the accuracy and reliability of the science of polygraph in the research was conducted by the U. S.
researchers is.
A. Is about 95% C. Is about 90%
B. Is about 99% D. Is about 100%
85. Fingerprints should be taken on an ___________ fingerprint chart, as this size has been generally adopted because of
facility and desirability of uniformity.
A. 7”x7” C. 9”x9”
B. 8”x8” D. 10”x10”
86. The beginning and ending strokes of letters, both small and capital, in which the pen touched the paper without hesitation,
beard, hitch, or knob?
A. Buckle knot C. Hump
B. Eye loop D. Blunt
87. The pin fire cartridge was developed in 1836 by
A. John Marlin C. Elisa King Root
B. Henry Deringer D. Le Faucheux
88. Which of the following refers to the examination of dental records in determining the identity of the body?
A. Craniology C. Pathology
B. Odontology D. Toxicology
89. He is the father of polygraph.
A. Dr. Hans gross C. Col. Calvin H. Goddard
B. Cessare Lombroso D. Dr. William Marston
90. What is the type of lens is ideal in stakeout and surveillance photography because it would make it appear that an object is
very close to the photographer?
A. Normal Focus Lens C. Telephoto Lens
B. Short Focus Lens D. Wide Angle Lens
91. The horizontal and looped strokes that are often used to complete like letters D and F?
A. Hook C. Loop
B. Buckle Knot D. Hitch
92. In ridge tracing, if the left delta ridge goes outside the right delta ridge and there are three or more intervening ridges, the
tracing is
A. Inner C. Outer
B. Meeting D. Either inner or Outer
93. Which of the following Photographic rays has the longest wavelength?
A. Infrared C. Visible
B. Ultraviolet D. X-ray
94. It is the disruption of the anatomic integrity of a tissue of the body.
A. Asphyxia C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Wound
95. Loops which flow towards the direction of the Ulna Bone are called
A. Radial Loop C. Ulnar Loop
B. Double Loop D. Central Pocket Loop
96. This section records the normal respiratory action or movement of the subject and changes on the chart.
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
A. Cardio section C. Pnuemo section
B. Galvo section D. Pen section
97. Ruled or imaginary line upon which the writing rest?
A. Whirl C. Foot
B. Baseline D. Blunt
98. The curved forward part of a bullet.
A. Body C. Core
B. Cannelure D. Ogive
99. It is a kind of wound, which is caused by sharp-edged instrument.
A. Incised C. Punctured
B. Lacerated D. Stabbed
100. Which of the following permits one to open and close the lens of a camera completely, so that light may pass through and
expose the film?
A. Film C. Light Tight Box
B. Lens D. Shutter
101. It is the type of fingerprint pattern in which one or more of the ridges flow or tend to flow from one side of the impression
to the other with the rise or wave in the center.
A. Plain Arch C. Radial Loop
B. Tented Arch D. Ulnar Loop
102. That mechanism in a firearm which causes the cartridge case or shell to be thrown out from the gun.
A. Ejector C. Extractor
B. Ejection port D. Ejector port
103. What is a kind of wound, which is caused by sharp-pointed instrument?
A. Incised C. Punctured
B. Lacerated D. Stabbed
104. A writing weakness portrayed by irregular and shaky strokes?
A. Transitory change C. Disguised writing
B. Obliteration D. Tremors
105. What is main working part of the enlarger, which contains the light source, condenser lens, negative holder and lens?
A. Enlarger Base C. Enlarger Head
B. Enlarger Column D. enlarger lamp
106. It is the scientific study and examination of the palm of the hand
A. Poroscopy C. Palmistry
B. Chiroscopy D. Podoscopy
107. The number of inches traveled by a bullet to make one complete turn.
A. Pitch of rifling C. Twist of rifling
B. Width of lands D. Caliber
108. Includes the addition of writing and other materials between the lines or paragraphs or the addition of whole pages to a
A. Alteration C. Examination
B. Interlineations D. Forgery
109. What is the holder of enlarger head and commonly serves as a rail in controlling the height of the enlarger head?
A. Enlarger Base C. Enlarger Column
B. Enlarger Carrier D. Enlarger Lamp
110. Which of the following markings is found on a fired bullet?
A. Breech face mark C. Firing pin mark
B. Number of land and grooves` D. Ejector mark
111. It refers to a kind of wound that is caused by sharp-edged and sharp-pointed instrument.
A. Incised C. Punctured
B. Lacerated D. Stabbed
112. What type of sunlight will produce a strong shadow because the source of light is not covered and the objects or subjects
appear glossy in open space due to direct sunlight and reflected lights coming from the sky, which act as reflector?
A. Bright C. Glossy
B. Dull D.Hazy
113. It is considered as the most skillful type of forgery?
A. Traced forgery C. Simple forgery
B. Simulated forgery D. Counterfeit
114. What is the process of obtaining photographic magnification of minute objects by using a camera attached to a compound
A. Macroscopy C. Photomacrography
B. Microscopy D. Photomicrography
115. When the physical injury is located at the site of the application of force, this is known as..
A. Contre Coup Injury C. Coup Contre Coup Injury
B. Coup Injury D. Locus Minoris injury
116. Which of the following markings is found on caliber .45 fired cartridge case.
A. Depth of grooves C. Ejector mark
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
B. Pitch of rifling D. a and b
117. A single ridge that bifurcates and meet again to form a single ridge.
A. Short ridge C. Enclosure
B. Bifurcation D. Dot
118. If the physical injury is found opposite the site of the application of force, it is called as
A. Contre Coup Injury C. Coup Contre Coup Injury
B. Coup Injury D. Locus Minoris injury
119. What is done when one retouches or goes back over a defective portion of a writing stroke?
A. Pressure C. Retracing
B. Shading D. Patching
120. What type of photographic paper is used in enlarging or projection printing?
A. Bromide C. Nitride
B. Chloride D. Oxide
121. The stillness of the rotating motion of the projectile in flight.
A. Velocity C. Yaw
B. Gyroscopic action D. Range
122. What is the intentional act of looping or cutting off any part of the living body?
A. Abrasion C. Maceration
B. Laceration D. Mutilation
123. Which of the following photographic rays has a wavelength of 400-700 milimicrons?
A. Infrared C. Visible
B. Ultra Violet D. X-ray
124. When the physical injuries are located at the site and also opposite the site of the application of force, this is known as ..
A. Contre Coup Injury C. Coup Contre Coup Injury
B. Coup Injury D. Locus Minoris injury
125. Built the first fully automatic gun, utilizing recoil of the piece to load and fire the next charge in 1884.
A. Hiram Maxim C. Joshua
B. Vieille D. Davidson
126. It refers to a condition of a woman who permits any form of sexual liberties as long as they abstain from rupturing the
hymen by sexual act.
A. Demi – Virginity C. Physical Virginity
B. Moral Virginity D. Virgo – Intacta
127. If the film speed is ISO 100/21 what is the aperture setting under the bright sun lighting condition.
A. 1/250 f11 C. 1/125 f16
B. 1/125 f11 D. 1/250 f16
128. It is defined as the willful, deliberate and painless acceleration of death of a person.
A. Euthanasia C. Sadism
B. Suicide D. Avulsion
129. What lens spreads the light coming from the lamp of the enlarger? It is also made of two convex lenses, and in some
instances it is made of a flat piece of diffusing glass.
A. Condenser C. Wide Angle
B. Telephoto D. Zoom
130. If the physical injury is located not at the site nor opposite the site of the application of force but in some areas offering
the least resistance to the force applied, this is known as …
A. Contre Coup Injury C. Coup Contre Coup Injury
B. Coup Injury D. Locus Minoris injury
131. It is the part of the camera that controls the size of the aperture or lens opening and the amount of light that passes
through the lens.
A. focal length C. Rangefinder
B. Lens diaphragm D. Viewfinder
132. It is an impression made by the ridges on the inside of the first joint of a finger or thumb which may be seen though the
medium of sweat, ink or any other ingredients capable of producing visibility.
A. Fingerprint C. Deformed print
B. Smudge Print D. Fragmentary Print
133. It refers to the softening of the body when immersed in the water.
A. Cremation C. Mummification
B. Maceration D. Putrefaction
134. It is the distance between the nearest object to a camera and the object between them.
A. Crest C. Focal Length
B. Depth of Field D. Wavelength
135. What is the state of not knowing the nature of sexual life and not having experienced sexual relation, which applies to
children below the age of puberty and whose sex organs and secondary sex characteristics are not yet fully developed?
A. Demi - Virginity C. Physical Virginity
B. Moral Virginity D. Virgo - Intacta
136. A general formula used in exposure setting of an average or normal subject under a hazy sun lighting condition in ISO
400/27 is:
Mockboard #3 – Criminalistics
A. 1/250 f16 C. 1/500 f8
B. 1/125 f11 D. 1/250 f8
137. Blood stains found on a piece of linoleum are best collected for analysis by:
A. Removing all of the linoleum
B. Scraping the affected area with a sterile knife
C. Scrubbing a sterile cotton swab onto the affected area
D. Using a syringe to draw a sample of blood
138. This is a kind of defect due to inability of the lens to bring photographs rays of different Wavelengths to the same focus.
A. Astigmatism C. distortion
B. Chromatic aberrations D. chromatic difference Magnification
139. It is condition whereby a woman is conscious of the nature of the sexual life but has not experienced sexual intercourse,
which applies to women who have reached sexual maturity but have not experienced sexual intercourse.
A. Demi – Virginity C. Physical Virginity
B. Moral Virginity D. Virgo – Intacta
140. A laboratory test used to determine whether a blood sample if of animal or human origin.
A. Precipitin test C. Paraffin test
B. Chromatography D. Spectrophotometry
141. It refers to the laceration or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse.
A. Abrasion C. Incision
B. Defloration D. Laceration
142. This is a problem usually encountered by a photographer when he uses a flash unit.
A. Double image C. Parallax
B. Key-stoning effect D. Synchronization
143. If blood is in fluid condition, what is added to avoid contamination of the specimen?
A. Formaldehyde C. Saline solution
B. Alcohol D. Distilled water
144. Who was the French Criminologist who devised a system of identification scheme through body measurement popularly
known as Anthropometry?
A. Alphonse Bertillion C. Francis Galton
B. Edward Henry D. Juan Vucetich
145. It is the specific tissue response to injury by the living or inanimate agents, or to electrical, chemical, extremes of
temperature or mechanical trauma characterized by vascular dilatation, fluid exudation or accumulation of leucocytes in the
A. Amputation C. Inflammation
B. Avulsion D. Mutilation
146. Evidence which offers least resistance to decomposition.
A. Blood C. Hair
B. Saliva D. Semen
147. What is a process of dissolution of tissues by digestive action of its enzymes and bacteria that results to softening and
liquefaction of tissues and usually accompanied by liberation of foul-smelling gases and changes of the color of tissues?
A. Decomposition C. Putrefaction
B. Maceration D. Saponification
148. This applies to women who have had previous sexual act but had not yet given birth.
A. Demi – Virginity C. Physical Virginity
B. Moral Virginity D. Virgo – Intacta
149. The forensic technique of criminal investigation usually applied to death cases involving poison in the commission of crime
is known as:
A. Pathology C. Toxicology
B. Serology D. Odontology
150. When a person is going to commit suicide with a knife, history has shown that the person will generally select the region of
the heart, the throat, or the ____.
A. Wrists C. Face
B. Stomach D. Skull

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