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Computer Architecture

Unit 1
1. Functional Units
○ Diagram
○ Explanation
■ Input
■ Output
■ Memory
■ Control
2. Addressing Modes
○ Definition
○ Types
○ Explanation
■ Definition
■ Example
■ Diagram
3. Instruction Formats
○ Definition
○ Types
○ Explanation
■ Instructions fields
■ Example
● Conversion (High - MIPS Assembly - Machine(decimal & Binary))

Unit 2
1. Binary Multiplication
○ Definition
○ Diagram
○ Algorithm and Flowchart
○ Example
2. Binary Division
○ Definition
○ Diagram
○ Algorithm and Flowchart
○ Example
(Note: Practice few sample problems in both multiplication and division)

Unit 3
1. Hazards
○ Definition
○ Types
○ Explanation
■ Definition
■ Example
■ Diagram
■ Solutions
2. MIPS datapath and control
○ Datapath elements
○ Control signals
○ Diagram: datapath with the control unit

Unit 4
1. Flynn’s Classification
○ Vector
2. Multithreading
○ Definition
○ Types
○ Explanation

Unit 5
1. Cache memory
○ Definition
○ Types
○ Explanation
■ Definition
■ Diagram
(Practice problems related to above topic)
2. DMA
○ Definition
○ Bus Arbitration
■ Definition
■ Diagram
■ Explanation
3. Virtual Memory
○ Definition
○ Diagram
○ Explanation

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