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The diagram illustrates the stages in the growth of a bee, from birth to maturity.

Overall, it is obvious that this is a natural cyclical process with four steps, initiating with bee eggs
being laid and culminating with becoming adult bees. The bees’s life cycle generally takes 34 to 36

At the first stage of the process, female bees lay one or two eggs every three days, and an egg then
hatchs into a larva after 9 to 10 days. At the following step, the larva caps the cell and spin a cocoon
itself and develop into a pupa, the baby bee then develops its eyes, legs, and other body parts.

Once the bee’s cell is totally hatched, the bee spends 5 days going through the first moulting period.
After 7 days, it goes through the second one and develops full body parts but still small in size.
Within 9 days, the bee’s size gradually increases to turn into the yound adult and the life cycle begins

Ex2: The maps below show the changes that have taken place at the waterfront area of a town called
Darwin between 2009 and 2014.
The two maps illustrate how a town called Darwin developed from 2009 to 2014.

Overall, it is clear that there was a dramatica development turning a rural town into a more
urbanized one. The most striking features were demolishing industrial area to make way for
residential buildings, along with constructing a harbour.

In the southern village, the industrial area was flatterned in order to make room for a number of
trees and amenities. A new footpath, which ran in the westeastern direction through the vegetation,
had been built directly to the sea in which a new harbour had been constructed. In addition, more
residential houses were extended north of vegetation in the centre of the town, and a university was
also constructed east of these.

In the north of the village, two large swimming pool to the East of the town remained unchaged
along with the fishing area to the northeast. In the convention center, the industrial area was
replaced by a new swimming pool adjacent to the school which still existed to the west.

Ex 3: The two maps below show an island before and after the construction of some tourist facilities

The given two maps depict an island’s pre- and post-development states by constructing some tourist

Overall, it is clear that there is dramatic development turning a natural island into a tourist
attraction.the most striking feature is that more tourist facilities and recreation are erected on the

Look at the first map, it is obvious that palm trees were mainly planted to the north and east of the
island without any man-made features or accommodation. In addition, there is a beach to the west
of the island.

Turning to the second map, in the east, the number of palm trees remains unchanged; wheares,
there are many tourism services added to the north and south of the island. A reception and
restaurant are built in gthe center and the vehicle tracks are created for tourists to go to. The vehicle
tracks also lead to a pier where visitors can use kayaks in the sea. Moreover, the reception is in the
middle of two clusters of accomodation which are connected by footpaths. The footpaths alsao lead
to the beach area now used for swimming.

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