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Practical 3

Craniometry: Introduction to the instruments, Selected measurements on


AIM: To determine the various Craniometric points, and to perform the given measurements.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Skull, Spreading Caliper, Sliding Caliper, Tape


Craniometry is the recording of measurement of the bones of cranium (skull and mandible). The
objective of craniometry is to study the form and shape of human skull. Different landmarks are
used in measuring craniometric measurements. Hence let us understand what is a landmark? A
landmark may be defined as a definite anatomical point or an indefinite point located by
geometrical relations which form the termini of the direct measurement. But according to the
manual of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometr y
(, a landmark is an identifiable skeletal point which generally lies close to
the body’s surface and is the marker that identifies the exact location of a measurement site. They
are found by palpation or measurement and can be used to define anatomical correspondence
between individuals.


Basion (ba): It is the point on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum which is cut by the
mid-sagittal plane. This point lies exactly opposite to the opisthion (o). Bregma (b): It is the point
where the sagittal suture meets the coronal suture.

Euryon (eu): It is the point which lies most laterally of the skull on the parietal bones.
Anatomically, it is an indefinite point. This landmark can only be determined while taking the
maximum cranial breadth.

Glabella (g): It is the point on the frontal bone between the two supra-orbital 178 Practical Manual
ridges of the forehead. It is the most projecting point on the mid-sagittal plane.

Gonion (go): It is the most posterior, inferior and lateral point of the angle of the lower jaw formed
by the posterior margin of the ramus and the basal margin of the mandible.
Gnathion (gn): It is the lowest point on the lower margin of the mandible in the mid-sagitta l

Nasion (n): It is the point where the frontonasal suture meets the mid-sagittal plane.

Nasospinale (ns): It is the point on the lower margin of the pyriform aperture projected in mid-
sagittal plane. If the nasal spine is not too strongly developed, the landmark may be determined
by drawing a straight line touching the lowest points of the margins of right and left pyriform
apertures. Nasospinale lies at the point where this line is cut by the mid sagittal plane.

Opisthocranion (op): It is the most posterior point on the occipital bone in the mid-sagittal
plane. The position of the landmark can only be determined while measuring maximum cranial
length. Anatomically it is an indefinite point

Opisthion (o): It is a point where the posterior margin of the foramen magnum cuts the mid-
sagittal plane.

Zygion (zy): This is the lateral most point on the zygomatic bone. Zygion is determined while
taking the bizygomatic breadth.

Bregma (b): It is the point where the sagittal suture meets the coronal suture.

Lamda (l): It is the point where lambdoid suture meets the sagittal suture.

Petrion : It is the landmark where the Frontal, Parietal and temporal bones meet.

Instruments like spreading caliper, sliding caliper, steel tape are used while recording craniometric


Calipers are the most important instruments available for measuring distances between two definite
points. There are two types of calipers-Spreading and Sliding.

Spreading Caliper : This instrument is available in two sizes i.e 25 cm long for taking smaller
measurements and another one 60 cm long for taking the measurements on Pelvis and hence it is called as
Pelvimeter. The caliper comprises of two long arms which are curved outwards and bounded at one end.
A meter scale is 179 Craniometric Measurements fixed to one of the arms and passes through the socket
on the second arm. The spreading calipers are made with blunt or rounded ends and sharp or pointed ends.
The spreading caliper with rounded or blunted ends is used to make measurements on living human
being, whereas, the spreading caliper with sharp or pointed end is employed to record measurements on
skeletons. The calipers are graduated up to one millimeter.

Sliding Caliper: The sliding caliper is used for measuring linear measurements or shorter breadths. The
sliding caliper consists of a 25cm long straight scale graduated on both the sides. There are two crossbars,
one is fixed at the upper end of the metal plate while the other is fixed on a sliding casket. The crossbars
are projected to an equal distance on both the sides of the scale. One end of the cross arm is sharp and
pointed whereas the other free end is blunt. The sharp ends are used for taking measurements on skeleton
while blunt ends are used for taking measurements on living human beings. The calipers are graduated up
to one millimeter


Maximum Cranial Length (g - op): It measures the straight distance between glabella (g) and
opisthocranion (op). Instrument: Spreading Caliper (Pointed end)

Maximum Cranial Breadth (eu – eu): It is the maximum breadth (width) measured on the skull on right
angle (90º) to the mid-sagittal plane. Instrument: Spreading Caliper

Maximum Bizygomatic Breadth (zy – zy): It measures the straight distance between two zygia (zy)
which are the most laterally placed points on the zygomatic bone. Instrument: Spreading caliper

Basion-Bregma Height (ba – b ): It measures the straight distance between basion (ba) and bregma (b).
Instrument: Spreading caliper
Nasal Height (n – ns): It measures the straight distance between nasion and nasospinale. Instrument:
Sliding Caliper

Horizontal Circumference of skull (g-op-g): It is the maximum circumference of the cranium in

horizontal plane over glabella (g) – opisthocranion (op)- glabella (g). 184 Practical Manual Instrument:
Measuring tape


Craniometrics Landmarks/points Readings/Measurements

Max. Cranial Length g-op
Max. Cranial Breadth eu-eu
Maximum Bizygomatic Zy-zy
Basion-Bregma Height Ba-b
Nasal Height n-ns

Result: The given craniometrics measurements are taken and recorded.

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