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Mở đầu : Our painting with the topic “ Healthy and unhealthy food”

was drawn by all member of the group 3

Sweet (kẹo ngọt) candy is a food that most people like because it’s
very delicious. But eating too much candy will increase blood sugar
levels, lead to obesity
Ice cream (kem ) is a cooking food for hot days. You shouldn’t eat
too much because they are harmful to your healthy.
Cake (bánh ngọt) contain a lot sugar. So you should eat a little cake
French fries (khoai tây chiên ) are high in fat and salt, wich may
increase the rick of heart disease.
Fried chicken ( gà rán) is one the most delicious foods on earth.
Eating a lot fried chicken lead to overweigh, heart disease and cancer
Brocoli ( súp lơ) contains many vitamin A,C,K , phosphoun and
minerals that help strengthen the immune systems , keep fit and reduce
stress. It’s both delicious and nutritious.
Meat (thịt) provides a lot of protein and fat for the body. It helps you
have energy to study and work.
Fruit (trái cây) contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber , is a
healthy food source, easy to find in daily life. It helps us to maintain
healthy weigh and have a healthy heart and skin.
Chicken eggs ( trứng gà) are one of the healthiest foods for humans
that you can eat every day. Eggs have many nutrients help you healthy
skin, bright eyes.
There are many nutrients in mushroom (nấm) that will help you have
bones, strengthen your Immune system and prevent cancer.
Kết thúc : The first wealth is health. So protect your health while you

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