Boris Johnson Speech and Lesson Plan

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Boris Johnson has delivered his first speech after his Conservative party won a landslide majority in the

December 2019 general election, at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in central London.

Well my friends, good morning everybody.

My friends, well we did it. We did it. We pulled it off didn't we - we pulled it off, we broke the deadlock, we ended
the gridlock, we smashed the roadblock.

In this glorious, glorious pre-breakfast moment, before a new dawn rises on a new day and a new government, I
want first of all to pay tribute to good colleagues who lost their seats through no fault of their own in the
elections just gone by.

And I of course want to congratulate absolutely everybody involved in securing the biggest Conservative
majority since the 1980s. This was literally, literally, as I look around, literally before many of you were born.

And with this mandate and this majority, we will at last be able to do - what? ( Audience: "Get Brexit done".) You
were paying attention.

This election means that getting Brexit done is now the irrefutable, irresistible, unarguable decision of the
British people. With this election I think we've put an end to all those miserable threats of a second referendum.

And I say respectfully to our stentorian friend in the blue, 12-star hat - that's it. Time to put a sock in the
megaphone, and give everybody some peace.

Johnson says he will work "night and day, flat out" to prove his backers right

I have a message to all those who voted for us yesterday, especially for those who voted for us Conservatives
for the first time.
You may only have lent us your vote, you may not think of yourself as a natural Tory. As I think I said 11 years
ago to the people of London, when I was elected in what was thought of as a Labour city - your hand may have
quivered over the ballot paper before you put your cross in the Conservative box, and you may intend to return
to Labour next time round.

If that is the case, I am humbled that you have put your trust in me and you have put your trust in us.

I, and we, will never take your support for granted. I will make it my mission to work night and day, to work flat-
out to prove you right in voting for me this time, and to earn your support in the future.

I say to you that in this election your voice has been heard - and about time too.

Because we politicians have squandered the last three-and-a-half years in squabbles about Brexit, we have even
been arguing about arguing, about the tone of our arguments. I will put an end to all that nonsense and we will
get Brexit done on time by the 31 January.

No ifs, no buts, no maybes - leaving the European Union as one United Kingdom, taking back control of our laws,
borders, money, our trade, immigration system, delivering on the democratic mandate of the people.

At the same time, this one nation Conservative government will massively increase our investment in the NHS.
The health service that represents the very best of our country with a single beautiful idea, that whoever we are
- rich, poor, young, old - the NHS is there for us when we are sick. And everyday that service performs miracles.

That is why the NHS is this one nation Conservative government's top priority. So we will deliver 50,000 more
nurses, and 50 million more GP surgery appointments. And how many new hospitals? ( Audience: "40".) We will
deliver a long-term NHS budget enshrined in law, £650m extra every week.
And all the other priorities that you, the people of this country, voted for.

Record spending on schools. An Australian-style points-based immigration system. More police - how many?
(Audience: "20,000".)

Colossal new investments in infrastructure and science, using our technological advantages to make this
country the cleanest, greenest on earth, with the most far-reaching environmental programme.

And you the people of this country voted to be carbon-neutral in this election - you voted to be carbon-neutral by
2050. And we'll do it.

You also voted to be Corbyn-neutral by Christmas by the way, and we'll do that too.

You voted for all these things, and it is now this government, this people's government, it is now our solemn
duty to deliver on each and every one of those commitments.

It is a great and heavy responsibility, a sacred trust, for me, for every newly-elected Conservative MP, for
everyone in this room and everyone in this party.

And I repeat that in winning this election we have won the votes and trust of people who have never voted
Conservative before, and people who have always voted for other parties.

Those people want change. We cannot, must not - must not - let them down. In delivering change we must
change too.
We must recognise the incredible reality that we now speak as a One Nation Conservative party literally for
everyone from Woking to Workington; from Kensington, I'm proud to say, to Clwyd South; from Surrey Heath to
Sedgefield; from Wimbledon to Wolverhampton.

As the nation hands us this historic mandate, we must rise to the challenge and to the level of expectations.
Parliament must change so that we in parliament are working for you, the British people.

That is what we will now do, isn't it? That is what we will now do. Let's get out and get on with it. Let's unite
this country. Let's spread opportunity to every corner of the UK with superb education, superb infrastructure,
and technology.

Let's get Brexit done. But first, my friends, let's get breakfast done.

Thank you all very much for coming. Thank you all very much.

Lesson Plan – 31/12/2019

Autumn 2 lesson 7 - Speeches - Spoken Lanuage Unit

Text title Resources/Online Timings Suggested Learning objective/s Learning outcome/s

page:30 for students to about 10 minutes- Discuss Boris Present information Students to identify pathos, ethos and
pathos, logos and ethos and make notes Johnson’s classical verbally logos in the speech
Election results rhetorical devices. background and his
2019: Boris Read speech relationship to the AO1 Reading - Identify Practice writing a section of a speech about
Johnson's victory as a class - 8 Ancient Greeks as and interpret explicit a victory of some sort in one of the strands.
speech in full 2019-50777071 mins. context to the and implicit information
speech and ideas. Students to read their section of speech
Photocopies of speech in comic Watch and peers to begin to discuss the effects
sans - Size 14 speech from Split class into three Make a range of created.
10.19 7 mins. groups with A3 sugar contrubutions to
paper to write ideas discussions Understand more techniques to add to the
20 mins range of rhetorical features used in
grouptask Work collaboratively speeches

10 mins to Demonstrate
listen to presentation skills in a
speeches formal setting

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