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GROUP MEMBERS:Comeda, John Rhay., Abellanida, Tisha Grace., Sumrano, Jidel

3. Based on your analysis, what is the Filipino understanding of who is Jesus? What Filipino culture
relates well with Jesus? What images of Jesus best fit the said culture?

Answer: In the Philippines, Jesus is widely seen as a compassionate figure, embodying love and mercy.
Filipino culture resonates with his teachings of kindness, humility, and family values. The images of
Jesus as a caring shepherd and a supportive friend are particularly embraced in Filipino communities,
reflecting the deep connection with compassion and community bonds.

4. Bring this into your reflection and work on the paradigm of growth in faith in slide no.15 What do your
life experiences tell you about Jesus?

Answer: In our journey of faith, it all begins with our daily experiences (Lex Vivendi) shaping the
foundation. Prayer (Lex Orandi) then becomes our response and reaching out to God, deepening our
connection. Faith content (Lex Credendi) is unveiled through prayer, reflecting our image of God, while
reflection (Lex Reflectendi) enhances and opens new dimensions in our life, creating a continuous cycle
of growth.

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