Advantages or Disadvantages

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Introduction: People have different views about whether S+V/Paraphrase lại đề bài (it is
widely recognize that). While there are benefits to…., there also good reason why it might
not be beneficial to…. /Although _____ contributes hugely to ____, _____ can also cause
serious issues
Body 1: On the one hand A is advantageous is several aspects
The first one is that ……
Second, …….
Body 2: One the other hand, …. bring significant disadvantages /
Turning to the other side of the arguments, ____ could be one of the major disadvantages
of _____
From a business perspective…. / In terms of educations, …. /From a social point of view
In conclusion, while there are benefit to …... , there also good reasons why it might not be
beneficial to……. in term of ………. / Through ____ has some disadvantages in terms of
……., it offers many advantages as well regarding
Advantages or disadvantages
Dạng 1: analyze both advantages and disadvantages of a topic without giving
personal opinion
In your opinion, what are advantages and disadvantages of this topic?
What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of living in small
Dạng 2: analyze both advantages and disadvantages of a topic and comment
directly on whether the topic has more advantages than disadvantages
Do you feel this working arrangement has more advantages or disadvantages?
Do you think there were more advantages or disadvantages to being part of big

Introduction: Introduce the topic by paraphrasing the statement, then give a clear about
whether there are more advantages or disadvantages
Sentence 1: (Paraphrase question). It is undoubtedly the case that/ it is widely recognized
Sentence 2: Giving your whole opinion: While there are benefits to …., I would argue
that there are outweighed by the disadvantages. / Although the benefits of ___ are
undeniable, I personally reckon (= believe, consider) that the disadvantages
overshadow/surpass its advantages. / While this trend may have potential drawbacks,
Body 1: On the one hand, I have to concede/admit that ……. Is beneficial/
advantageous in several aspects
The first one is that ……
Explain: This means that ……
Give example: For instance, ……
Second, …...
Explain: This means that …. Give example: For instance, …...
Body 2: However, I am more convinced of the advantages offered by …...
Idea 1 and development: The first one is associated with
Idea 2 and development: another merit/setback worth mentioning
Conclusion: Conclude by summarizing your opinion in a different way.
In conclusion , despite the advantages of A regarding __ các khía cạnh đã phân
tích_____ I am completely in favor of ___B___ since their benefits are much more
considerable regarding/ in term of …… / In conclusion, the benefits of ____ should not
be overrated as the disadvantages regarding ___ are weightier
Exercise 1: In your opinion, what are advantages and disadvantages tourism?
A. Giving the idea
I. Advantages
act as a meatal therapy /treatment -> help people to relive
- take part in recreational/ activities during holiday do not have to work
For ex: beach: sun lathy, play game
-> relive stress
Economy: help to develop local’s economy
= bring for local citizens = providing services
Ex: Transportation, tour guide
= bring income by self-hard crafts, local production
-> earn money to improve standards of live cultural
Culture: Promote cultural exchange + understanding between people from different
cultures -> preserve traditional cultures and heritage = encourage tourists to learn
about the local culture + support traditional cultural practices
Educations: help to widen knowledge about tourist destination = arrive at the
destination, have chance to mingle with local people -> learn about their of way
life -> become more social understanding -> avoid cultural destination
II. Disadvantages
increased pollution, and water shortages -> increased number of tourists +
activities that they engage
Ex: +> create waste -> pollute.
+> car + boats -> contribute to air + water pollution.
Economy: boom-and-bust industry -> susceptible to changes (ảnh hưởng bởi
những thay đổi) in the global economy Explain: volatile(biến động) + job losses+
economic + economic hardship in tourist destinations
Ex: recession(suy thoái) -> unemployment + economic hardship in tourist
Culture: commercialization of cultural, traditional custom -> tourist attraction
Explain: loss of cultural identity -> give up traditional way of life to serve tourists.
Ex: see traditional dances or ceremonies -> put pressure on local people to perform
them even
B. Assignment
People have different views about whether tourism is beneficial or not. While there
are benefits to tourism, there also good reason why it might not be beneficial to
On the one hand, I have to concede that tourism is beneficial in several aspects. To
begin with, tourism can help to develop local’s economy. This is because,
travelling activities offer a wide range of job, which can take responsibilities. For
example, becoming tour guide to introduce to them about local culture and show
them around or tourist can use services from local people such as transportation
and booking accommodation. Consequently, this can support unemployment for
local communities and improve local’s standards of living. Additionally, tourism
can help to widen knowledge about tourist destinations. One reason for this is that
tourist arrive at the destinations, they will chance to mingle with local people, they
learn about their ways of life, which mean that become more social understanding
and avoid cultural destination.
On the other hand, I suppose the disadvantages of travelling would eclipse those
analyzed benefits. Firstly, tourism can have negative impact on the environment.
This is because, tourism brings increased number of tourists, as well as the
activities that they engage in it. A typical example of this is when increased number
of tourists go to the popular beach and create a lot of waste such as plastics bottle
and food wrappers. As a result, this tourists can pollute the beach and surrounding
waters, harming creature life and making the area less attractive for tourists.
Another setback worth mentioning is that development of tourism would pose
threats to local tradition as tourism from different cultural may bring with them
new values and practices which may conflict with the traditional values and
practices of local community, which can led to the loss of cultural identity, as
people may abandon their traditional ways of life in order to cater to tourists. Take,
Vietnam, for instance, in the villages, civilians have started to wear modern clothes
instead of traditional clothes, and they have also started to east western food
instead of traditional food.
In conclusion, while there are benefit to tourism, there also good reasons why it
might not be beneficial to environment and cultural in term of pollution and change
Sample 1: In some countries, ordinary citizens are allowed to keep a gun in their
houses. Some people think this is a good idea, while others disagree. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
Band 9.0: Whether the public should be entitled to own a gun at home has been a
topic of vigorous debate, with some fervently advocating this idea. Others, myself
included, however, believe that private gun ownership would come at the expense
of many serious consequences for society, and should thus be banned.
Granted, proponents of the right to bear arms might argue that everyone has the
right to protect themselves and that it would be perfectly justifiable to have a gun
for self-defense in the face of threats. Prohibiting personal firearms, they say, could
instill in citizens a sense of resentment, which might even escalate into social
discontentment on a grander scale. This can be seen in the US, where the attempts
to control private gun ownership have sparked vigorous controversy among the
populace. In some states, the situation is even more extreme, with thousands
joining protests to challenge the authorities.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned arguments, I side with opponents of giving
people freedom to possess a gun at home. The primary reason is that ensuring a
sense of security among the populace does not necessitate the entitlement to
firearms. Strengthening the rule of law and increasing surveillance through
widespread implementation of CCTV systems are viable alternatives that can
improve public security. Vietnam is a perfect example of this. Despite its
prohibition on private gun ownership, this country consistently ranks as one of the
safest countries in the world, highlighting the effectiveness of alternative security
Another reason for my stance relates to the potentially catastrophic consequences
of private gun ownership. The US, for example, has witnessed a disturbingly high
rate of gun-related violence. Mass shootings, facilitated by easy access to firearms,
have tragically claimed thousands of lives over the years, and the cost of this self-
defense 'privilege' seems unjustifiably high.
In conclusion, while there are theoretical justifications for allowing individuals to
own guns at home, I am against this policy, given its detrimental repercussions.
Prioritizing alternative means of ensuring public security, such as strengthening
legal frameworks and implementing surveillance systems, presents a more viable
route to safeguarding public.
-Written by Thanh Nguyen – The IELS Coach
Exercise 2: Schools are organizing a lot of extra-curricular activities for
students. Do the Advantages outweigh the Disadvantages?
A. Giving the idea.
I. Advantages.
Idea 1: develop new skills and interests -> learn new thing and explore different
interests = discovering news talents + passions -> not have known about otherwise
EX: drama club -> might discover -> lant for acting + performing
Idea 2: reduce stress and academic pressure -> tight school schedule + a lot of
homework -> stressful and stress -> dangerous for child’s health and physical
Ex: after finishing school subject -> organize extra-curricular activities like
football, badminton, basketball, etc -> reduce pressure and stress in studying.
II. Disadvantages.
Idea 1: time-consuming and take away from student academic -> commit time and
effort outside of school hours -> not have known about otherwise
EX: schools organize extra-curricular activities like many sport to practice outside,
-> take away from the time that students have available for studying
Idea 2: expensive, especially if students participate in a lot of activities ->
overpriced regarding extra-curricular : membership fees, uniform, travel and food.
Ex: students participating in one or two activities organized at school -. may not
purchase a lot of cost.
B. Assignment
It is widely recognized that there are a lot of extra-curricular activities for students.
While there are benefits to extra-curricular activities, I would argue that these are
outweighed by the disadvantages.
On the one hand, I have to admit that extra-curricular is beneficial in serval
aspects. The first one is that they can help students develop new skills and
interests. This mean that extra-curricular can help students learn new things and
explore different interests by discovering news talents and passions that they might
not have known about otherwise. For example, they can help students join the
drama club which might discover that they have a talent for acting and performing.
Second, they can help students reduce stress and academic pressure. This means
that the tight school schedule and a lot of homework, which can be stressful and
pressure, which can lead to dangerous for child’s health and physical development.
For instance, after finishing school subject, they can organize extra-curricular
activities likes football, badminton, basketball, etc, which can reduce pressure and
stress in studying.
However, I am more convinced of the disadvantages offered by extra-curricular.
The first one is associated with time-consuming and take away from student
academic. This is because extra-curricular activities require students to commit
time and effort outside of school hours. For example, schools organize extra-
curricular activities like many sport to practice outside, which can take away from
the time that students have available for studying. They can be expensive,
especially if students participate in a lot of activities are another setback worth
mentioning. This is because there are overpriced regarding extra-curricular such as
membership fees, uniform, travel and food. For example, students participating in
one or two activities organized at school, which may not purchase a lot of cost.
In conclusion, the benefits of extra-curricular should not be overrated as the
disadvantages regarding extra-curricular are outweigh.
Exercise 3: High school entrance exam is a compulsory condition for students in
grade 9 to continue their study. Do the Advantages outweigh the Disadvantages?
A. Giving the idea.
I. Advantages.
Idea 1: ensure that students -> admitted to high school have necessary academic
skills -> successful in their studies and to graduate
EX: provides students -> support-> tutoring (extra classes) -> into high school
Idea 2: competitive environment -> exam -> important + score -> affect their
chances -> admitted to the school
Ex: identify excellent students from top to bottom -> create a sense of competition
among students -> study harder
II. Disadvantages.
Idea 1: stress + anxiety -> result exam -> decision chance -> learning opportunities
3 years in high school + contribute significantly
EX: students -> worry -> results -> they are afraid of not getting the desired
results + also not getting into high school -> increase pressure and stress for
Idea 2: unfair to students from difficult backgrounds ->
+> few opportunities to prepare for entrance exams
+> often have to work extra to help the family
Ex: +> do not access the Internet -> not be able to access video lectures + review
+> can have to work extra to help the family after study time -> not enough study
B. Assignment
It is widely recognized that High school entrance exam is a compulsory condition
for students. While there are benefits to this practice, I would argue that these are
outweighed by the disadvantages.
On the one hand, I have to admit that high school entrance exam is a compulsory
condition is beneficial in serval aspects. The first one is that entrance exams can
help to ensure that students who are admitted to high school have necessary
academic skills. This mean that students are more likely to be successful in their
studies and to graduate. For example, the entrance exam provides students with
additional support such as tutoring or extra classes. This can help all students get
into high school. Second, they can also help to more competitive environment.
This is because they know that the exam is important and that their score will
affect their chances of being admitted to the school. For instance, the entrance
exam helps them identify excellent students from top to bottom. This can help
them create a sense of competition among students, which can help students study
However, I am more convinced of the disadvantages offered by high school
entrance exam is a compulsory condition. The first one is associated with stress
and anxiety, including for students. This is because, the results of this exam will
decision chance the learning opportunities during the 3 years of high school and
contribute significantly to their future. For example, When the entrance exam
comes, students often worry about their results because they are afraid of not
getting the desired results and also not getting into high school, which can increase
pressure and stress for students. They can also be unfair to students from difficult
backgrounds are another setback worth mentioning. This is because, students from
disadvantaged backgrounds often have few opportunities to prepare for entrance
exams or often have to work extra to help the family. For example, they do not
have access to the internet, which may not be able to access video lectures and
review materials or they can have to work extra to help the family after study time,
which not enough study time
In conclusion, the benefits of that high school entrance exam is a compulsory
condition should not be overrated as the disadvantages regarding extra-curricular
are outweigh.

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