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March 25, 2024

[ ]: import numpy as np

[ ]: def lucky_draw_hard():
while True:
# Increase the number of tickets
tickets = np.arange(1, 22)

# Randomly select the winning ticket

winning_ticket = np.random.choice(tickets)

# Limit the number of guesses

max_guesses = 3
guesses_remaining = max_guesses

# Initialize score
score = 0

# Welcome message
print("Welcome to the Hard Lucky Draw Game!")
print(f"Guess the winning ticket number (between 1 and 20) in␣
↪{max_guesses} attempts.")

# Loop for guessing

while guesses_remaining > 0:
# User input for their guess
user_guess = input(f"Guess {max_guesses - guesses_remaining + 1}: ")

# Check if the user's input is None or empty

if user_guess is None or user_guess.strip() == "":
print("Please enter a valid guess.")

# Check if the user's guess is a valid integer

user_guess_int = int(user_guess)
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a valid integer.")


# Check if the user's guess matches the winning ticket

if user_guess_int == winning_ticket:
print("Congratulations! You've won the lucky draw!")
score += 1
elif user_guess_int != winning_ticket:
print("Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.")
guesses_remaining -= 1

# If no correct guess within the allowed attempts

if guesses_remaining == 0:
print(f"Sorry, you've used all your attempts. The winning ticket␣
↪number was {winning_ticket}.")

# Display final score

print(f"Your final score: {score}/{max_guesses}")
cont = input("Do you want to play again? Y/n").lower()
if cont == "n":

[ ]: lucky_draw_hard()

Welcome to the Hard Lucky Draw Game!

Guess the winning ticket number (between 1 and 20) in 3 attempts.
Guess 1:
Please enter a valid guess.
Guess 1: 9
Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.
Guess 2: 6
Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.
Guess 3: 18
Congratulations! You've won the lucky draw!
Your final score: 1/3
Do you want to play again? Y/nY
Welcome to the Hard Lucky Draw Game!
Guess the winning ticket number (between 1 and 20) in 3 attempts.
Guess 1: 4
Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.
Guess 2: 8
Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.
Guess 3: 13
Sorry, that's not the winning ticket number.
Sorry, you've used all your attempts. The winning ticket number was 17.
Your final score: 0/3
Do you want to play again? Y/nn

[ ]:

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