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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________ Date: ______________

A. Real images are those you can see, feel, hear. They exist. Make-believe images
are those that do not happen in real life. They are in your imagination. Look at
these images.

Write the letter R if the image is Real, and write the letter B if the image is a
Make-Believe image. Write the letter of your answer on the blanks.

1. 4.

2. 5.


B. Facts tell us what happen. Facts can be proven to be true or not. An opinion is
a belief or a feeling about something. People may disagree or disagree with an
opinion. It cannot be proven to be true or untrue.

Read each sentence. Write the letter F if the sentence is a fact and O if the
sentence is an opinion. Write the answers on the blanks.

_______ 6. The Americans feel that Mr. Joe Biden will be a better president than
Mr. Trump.
_______ 7. Scientists have discovered a vaccine for Covid 19.
_______ 8. The latest survey established that there are 105.6 million Filipinos.
_______ 9. My father thinks that men are stronger than women.

_______ 10. The government reports that there are 42,046 barangays in the
C. Images suggest a theme or a meaning. Colors and lines are used to convey a
meaning. Look at the following images and answer the questions. Write the
letter of your answers on the blanks.

11. What is symbolized by this image?

a. love c. progress

b. health d. freedom

12. Which image symbolizes hope and new beginnings?

a. c.

b. d.

13. What is the value or trait suggested in this print?

a. cooperation c. kindness

b. perseverance d. politeness

14. Which image symbolizes hope and new beginnings?

a. c.

b. d.

15. What is the value or trait suggested in this picture?

a. respect for elders c. strong family ties

b. love for learning d. guidance of a parent

Use this image to answer the questions 16-17.

16. Which image symbolizes hope and new beginnings?

a. Save planet Earth c. Love our family
b. Put Earth into our hands d. Use our hand properly

17. Write one sentence about how you can protect the earth.
Example: I use water wisely.



18. Write one sentence about this image.



19. Write a sentence about what these lines mean
to you.



20. Write a sentence about the meaning of these




21. Give a title to the painting below.


22. Write a sentence about how the children feel.

23. Can you write the title of a song or a poem that the painting reminds
you of?


24. Write a sentence about the birds.


25. Write a sentence on the time/season of the that is shown in the painting.


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