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Reaction Paper

Brigada Eskwela and clean-up drives are commendable activities that aim to improve the conditions of
our schools and communities. Having recently participated in these initiatives, this reaction paper aims
to reflect on the experience and highlight the positive impacts of such activities. Participating in Brigada
Eskwela and clean-up drives fostered a strong sense of community. Iskolar ng Bataan from Barangay of
Cupang Proper came together for a common purpose. Witnessing the collective effort and solidarity
towards a shared goal. It demonstrated the power of unity in bringing about positive change in our
surroundings. Working as a team enabled us to achieve more in a shorter time span. It taught us the
significance of cooperation and how much can be accomplished when individuals come together. The
main objective of Brigada Eskwela is to prepare schools for the academic year 2023-2024. By
participating in this initiative, we were able to contribute to creating a better learning environment for
the students. Painting walls, maintaining facilities, and beautifying the surroundings made a significant
difference. Witnessing the transformed school environment left a lasting impact on me, as I realized how
small efforts can create a big impact. Clean-up drives helped raise awareness about the importance of
maintaining a clean environment. We collected and disposed of trash, properly segregating recyclables
along the way. The satisfaction derived from seeing the results of our collective efforts was
immeasurable. This practical involvement evoked a sense of purpose and personal growth, emphasizing
the importance of active participation in community-building initiatives. Brigada Eskwela and clean-up
drives are indispensable activities that foster a sense of community, collaboration, and environmental
consciousness as an iskolar. Engaging in these initiatives not only enhances the quality of educational
institutions and the cleanliness of our surroundings but also brings personal growth and fulfillment. As
an iskolar of bataan and as a student I will continue to support and actively participate in such activities
to create a better future for ourselves and those around us.

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