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Research Methodology

Research Design
The study uses the phenomenological design to examine the perceive effect of online
gaming addiction on students in University of Cebu. Victoria Anne Sublette and Barbara Mullan
(2012) states that common physical and psychosocial effects attributed to online video gaming
are social isolation, increased aggression, and negative academic and occupational consequences.
In consideration of the bias in reporting negative consequences of video gaming, a systematic
review was conducted to evaluate the evidence of the effects of Massively Multiplayer Online
Games (MMOGs) on those who play them. In the sixteen studies that met the inclusion criteria,
analysis revealed that only those players who were classified as “addicted” or engaged in
“problematic game play” experienced significant negative consequences, with many gamers
finding positive aspects to video gaming such as enjoyment, feelings of achievement, friendship,
and a sense of community. However, significant limitations in the studies point to the need for
further research so that appropriate treatments and interventions can be developed for
problematic game play.
Research Locale
The study will be conducted in University of Cebu – Senior High School Main Campus.
It is located at J. Alcantara St., Cebu City. The UC – SHS is an educational institution producing
competent, excellent, and well-rounded Senior High graduates. The institution, University of
Cebu, was founded in 1964 by Atty. Augusto W. Go. It offers programs in preschool, grade
school, junior & senior high school, undergraduate degrees, and post-graduate degrees. Its vision
is to “democratize quality education; be the visionary and industry leader, and give hope and
transform lives” so as its mission is to offer affordable and quality education responsive to the
demands of local and international communities. It promotes the core values “ICARE” which
stands for Innovation, Camaraderie, Alignment, Respect, and Excellence. UC - SHS offers
Senior High Program in Academic tracks such as STEM, ABM, HUMSS, and GAS and also
Technology-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) tracks such as Arts and Design, CSS, Travel
Services, and Cookery. This study will be conducted for Senior High School students, subjecting
them for awareness and be critical on the aspect of playing computer games. This study is
limited to 15 Grade 11 STEM strand students who play computer games.

Research Informants

The specific study computed standardized qualification of the informants to get an ample
population of the students whereas resolving candidates as valid informants in the study, each of
them must passed and compiled as to male or female (1.) ages, ranging from 16-18 years old; (2.)
currently enrolled within the University of Cebu Main Campus SHS, (3.) students University of
Cebu Main Campus SHS, Cebu City for not less than six months and (4.) must have willingness
to participate the aforementioned research.
Research Instrument
The researchers will use a semi structured interview questionnaire in gathering the data
needed for our research. The semi structured interview is designed to ascertain subjective
responses from persons regarding a particular situation or phenomenon they have experienced.
(McIntosh & Morse, 2015). The questionnaire will be made with open ended questions and will
be written in English and Cebuano to accommodate for informants who do not speak and
understand English fluently. Questions target the sub varieties like how gaming affects their
lives, how it makes them feel and the reasons why they were addicted.
Research Procedure

Data Gathering
We, the researchers, shall get a transmittal letter from the principal before conducting the
study. After the principal has accepted the letter, purposive sampling will be used to identify
qualifying informants. The qualified informants will then be given informed consent to ensure
that they are aware of the study's goal and purpose, as well as the risks and their rights when
participating in it. Furthermore, the interview will be conducted at the convenience of the
participants once they have consented and signed the informed consent form. Google Meet will
be used for the interview. In addition, when interviewing the participants, the researchers will
employ a semi-structured interview guide. To clarify unclear replies, follow-up questions will be
asked. We will also record the entire interview to ensure that no important information is missed.
Data Analysis
Before the researchers submit the final output, the researchers will reduce the large data
into smaller ones in order for the readers to understand the info easier. They will use analytical
and logical reasoning to find a more useful information from the data. The researchers will need
to gather only the most important details about the info and gives a simple meaning about it or
translation about it. It is one way of making the research simple but understandable to the

McIntosh, M. J., & Morse, J. M. (2015, August 14). Situating and constructing diversity in
... - sage journals. Situating and Constructing Diversity in Semi-Structured Interviews.
Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

Sublette, V. A., & Mullan, B. (2012). Consequences of play: A systematic review of the
effects of online gaming. International journal of mental health and addiction, 10(1), 3-23.

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