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1. How many people are in your family?

 There are __________ in my family.

2. Do you have brothers or sisters?

 Yes, I do. I have ____________ brother/s and/or sister/s.

3. What do your parents do?

 My mother is a _____________.

 My father is a ____________.

4. Do you live with your family?

 Yes, I do.

 No, I don’t.

5. What do you like to do with your family?

 I like to _____________ with my family.

6. What is your favorite memory with your family?

 My favorite memory with my family was when we _________________.

7. How often do you see your relatives?

 I see my relatives _________ in a year.

8. How do you celebrate birthdays with your family?

 We ____________ when it’s someone’s birthday in our family.

9. What are some rules your family has?

 Some rules in our family are _______________________.

10. Have you ever had a big family party?

 Yes, I have. We had a big party at _____________.

 No, I haven’t.

11. Do you look more like your mom or your dad?

 Some people say I look like my ________.

 I think I look like my _________ more than my ___________.

12. Do you have a family pet?

 Yes, I do. I have a ______________.

 No, I don’t.

13. What do you like best about your family?

 The thing I like best in our family is that we are ______________.

14. Who is the oldest person in your family?

 My __________ is the oldest person in our family. He/She is _________ years old.

15. Do you have cousins? How many?

 Yes, I do. I have ___________ cousin/s.

 No, I don’t.

16. How often do you eat meals together as a family?

 I ___________ eat meals with my family.

17. Who wakes you up in the morning?

 My _________ wakes me up in the morning.

18. Do you have family chores?

 Yes, I do. I ___________.

 No, I don’t.

19. What do you and your family do on weekends?

 We ___________ on weekends.

20. How do you and your family spend time together?

 We usually ___________ when we spend time together.

21. What do you like to do with your parents?

 I like to _____________ with my parents.

22. What do you like to do with your siblings?

 I like to ____________ with my siblings.

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