Borra Dor

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Section 1.

Description of Your Students and the Learning Environment

Demographics Chart
Who are your students? Children 5 to 7 years old
What grade? 1st grade
What is your topic? Members of the family and their importance
Time spent in your research? 3 hours
What did you do? Investigate each of the family members so that
the children realize that there is not only mom
and dad but also other members of the family.
How did you feel? I was happy to research and choose this topic
because it is very interesting and important for
the level of the children.
Did you take into account teaching and Yes, I did. It is very important to take into
learning theorists in choosing your topic for the account such factors as teaching theorists, as
age of your students? they dictate exactly how to work and how to
explain the topic.
Did you take into account the teaching and Yes, I did. It is very important to understand at
learning theorists for choosing your topic for what level and at what age an important topic
your students’ age? should be taught so that according to their age
the child acquires this information.

Section 2. Identifying the Topic You Will Teach and Its Relationship to your
students´ grade.

Members of the family and their importance

According to (Kong, s.f.) Family provides for kids' basic needs when they are born and help them
survive in this world. It is the place where kids learn about this world and acquire abilities to use
their senses, speak the first words and take the first step.
Kids should know how family is very important and significant to their lives. They must know that
they have their family to turn to in the hour of need. This will enhance their self-confidence and
make them feel relaxed while facing a stressful situation. This self-confidence and sense of security
will make it easy for them to face the world.

I spent a lot of time to know the importance of this topic for children, as it is important for them to
know the people around them. And that every family is different.
I think that talking to children about the role of family and parental values in their lives, through
practical actions are two ways to enlighten your children about the importance of family.

In this century we must take into account many important factors that make the subject of utmost
importance, for example there are many families that now consist of two moms or two dads, this is
a topic that children are not used to see in society so it is important to give them to understand that
every family is different and that anyway it has to be accepted.

It is essential for children to know how to correctly call each member of their family in a second
language (L2). Family members are the first people with whom a child interacts and, therefore, we
should not underestimate their role in the process of child socialization. It is through interactions
with the family that children gain a better understanding of themselves and the people around them.
Section 3. Identifying Specific Learning Objectives.

Based on (Peña, 2021) Having a family is a legitimate and fundamental right of children.
It is because it is through the family that children learn the basic principles of coexistence
and the skills necessary to develop their potential as individuals and to face adult life in

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Students will learn about the unconditional support provided by the family.
2. The importance and value of the family.
3. Accept and respect the thoughts of others.

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