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Post-Romanticism -late romantic characteristics extended into the 20th century

Electronic Music -any type of music created whole or in part by electronic means-
Jazz -a uniquely American musical style developed initially by African Americans in New Orleans,
Chicago, and New York
Serialism -a compositional approach developed in the 20th century by the Second Viennese School
Expressionism in music -marked by extreme dissonance, angular melodies, irregular rhythmic groupings
Neo-Romanticism -characterized by heightened emotionalism
Indeterminacy - relied on randomness and chance to determine some of the aspects of the music and its
Impressionism in music -use of non-traditional scales: modes, whole tone, pentatonic
Neo-Classicism -a post WWI style marked by a return to absolute music and traditional formal structures
Performance practice - term applied for musical techniques employed in a specific musical genre
during specific musical eras.
musical setting - is a musical composition that is written on the basis of a literary work.
Musical composition- refer to an original piece or work of music, either vocal or instrumental
lead sheet - creation of a basic outline of the song
melody - ordering and disposing of several such a manner that their succession pleases
the ear
harmony - rendering audible of two or more simultaneous sounds in such a manner that their
combination is pleasant

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