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第二套 Part2


我们每个 P1 题目提供 2-5 个答案,P2 提供 5-10 个答案,对应不同专业/男女/年龄/爱好等人群。


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我们跟多位 10 年以上经验的资深雅思考官合作,提供口语 /写作一对一和小班教学,提供长期和短期备考课程。


串联版 Part2 目录以及使用说明

串联版 Part2 指的是一篇范文回答多个话题。具体分类看看以下目录就知道了。


但是有些话题问的方向不一样,如果用同一篇范文来回答的话会有跑题嫌疑。所以有些串联的话题我们还是写了 2-
3 篇范文,根据问题的问法稍作了一些修改。但是大体上的内容和思路都是一致的 ~

我们的素材都是经过店主和外教一起编写和检查过的哦! 您可以放心使用哦!其实外国人在生活中有一些常用的口头上

如果觉得素材有错,亲先检查一下资料是否最终版本,确认无误还觉得奇怪的话欢迎来咨询我们客服 ~ 千万不要觉得不

“the majority of the girls were content discussing about how handsome or how affluent their
boyfriends were.” 女孩子们都在热烈地讨论他们的男朋友有多帅。

这是现代英语的另一个特征,就是外国人在口头上都常常会省略掉介词。这里就把 were content with discussing

的 with 去掉了。这在口语上是完全没问题的,但大家在写作中就尽量要避免哦。


(一)备考小伙伴 ................................................................................................................................................. 4
01-02:没见过的有趣陌生人 + 想法有趣的人.......................................................................................... 4

(二)留学生 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
03-04:成功的同学 + 成功的经营者 ......................................................................................................... 6

05:中文很好的外国人 ................................................................................................................................. 7

(三)宿舍规定 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
06-07:有益的广告 + 重要规定 ................................................................................................................. 8

08:给他人建议........................................................................................................................................... 10

(四)BBQ Party ................................................................................................................................................. 11

09-10:刺激的活动 + 聚会 ....................................................................................................................... 11

11-12:逛公园 + 感到累的活动 ............................................................................................................... 12

(五)奖学金 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
13-14:改变人生的时期 + 困难任务 ....................................................................................................... 14

15:等待美好事情 ....................................................................................................................................... 15

(六)拉萨 ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
16-17:感兴趣的地方 + 美丽的城市 ....................................................................................................... 16

(七)家庭旅行照片 ........................................................................................................................................... 18
18-19:喜欢的照片 + 一幅画 ................................................................................................................... 18

(单独话题) ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
20:感兴趣的科学领域、 ........................................................................................................................... 21

21:感兴趣的历史时期 ............................................................................................................................... 22

22:糟糕服务............................................................................................................................................... 23

23:电脑出问题........................................................................................................................................... 24

24:喜欢烹饪的人 ....................................................................................................................................... 25

25:钦佩的运动员 ....................................................................................................................................... 26



01-02:没见过的有趣陌生人 + 想法有趣的人
Describe an interesting person who you have never Describe a person who always has interesting ideas
met, but would like to know more about. and opinions.
You should say: You should say:
who this person is who this person is
how you heard about this person how you knew this person
what interesting things he/she has done what kind of ideas he/she has
and explain why you'd like to know more about this and explain why you think this person’s ideas and
person. opinions are interesting.

Not long ago, I met an interesting girl called Arya in an online IELTS study group. Since then, we’ve begun
chatting frequently on WeChat and share our study experiences with each other.

A:Though I've yet to meet her in person, I really hope to find out more about her.

B:Also, it didn't take me long to find her a creative and smart person.

Arya is very active in the study group, often discussing her experience in preparing for the exam with others.
Attracted by her passion, I took the initiative to talk with her online. She has many interesting ideas and has had
many amazing experiences. For example, regarding a short-term exchange programme abroad, she shared with
me the funny and exciting stories of her life and studies in a different culture. In addition, with an active mind,
Arya not only focuses on her studies, but also enjoys discussing current social issues with others and expressing
her opinions. Her unique opinions often inspire others to engage in deeper discussion and thought. Thanks to her
extraordinary ideas and open-mindedness, our chats often prove enlightening and demonstrate to me the
importance of exposing oneself to different viewpoints.

A:In summary, despite having never seen Arya before, I am attracted to her personality, experiences, and ideas.
I very much look forward to getting to know her better.

B:I find Arya's views intriguing because she always brings me new perspectives to solve problems.

She is such a charming person that any conversation with her can always trigger my curiosity and propel me to
pursue new knowledge and insights.


不久前我认识了一个有趣的人,她叫 Arya。我们是在一个雅思学习群里认识的,我们经常微信聊天和互

《没见过的有趣陌生人》 尽管我从未真正见过她,但我非常希望能更多地了解她。

《想法有趣的人》 没过多久,我开始逐渐发现她是一个充满创造力和智慧的人。

Arya 在学习群里非常活跃,经常跟其他人分享备考经验和交流心得。我被她的热情所吸引,于是开始主
文化背景下的生活和学习经历,这些故事总是令人感到有趣和兴奋。另外,Arya 的想法非常多样化,她


《没见过的有趣陌生人》 总之,尽管我从未真正见过 Arya,但她的个性、经历和想法让我渴望能够

《想法有趣的人》我之所以觉得 Arya 的观点很有趣,是因为她总是能够给我带来新的思考角度。




03-04:成功的同学 + 成功的经营者
Describe someone you studied with who is successful Describe a person you know about who runs a
in his/her life. successful business.
You should say: You should say:
who this person is How do you know about this person
where you studied together What kind of business does he/she run
when you studied together How long has the business been running
and explain why you think this person is successful And explain why you think his/her business is
in his/her life. successful.

Well, I recently learned that there’s a successful entrepreneur at our university, an international student named
Michael from Kazakhstan. I came to know this person at the opening ceremony for our academic year. During
the ceremony, he took the stage on behalf of the international students, and spoke much about his studies and life
in fluent Chinese.

Copyright by Anxiaoya. Michael and I are enrolled in the same program, which means we share a classroom
together every week. He’s a pretty friendly and good-looking guy. I’ve spoken to him a few times during class.
His Chinese is so fluent that we can communicate without difficulty. He told me that he followed his father to
China to help run a business, and that it was his father who taught him how to speak Chinese. Now, he is engaged
in international trade while studying, and he also visits factories or meets with clients regularly.

I think Michael is a real success story. Despite being just a student, he employs what free time he has and foreign
language skills towards running his own online store on Amazon. He buys small, inexpensive products made in
China and then sells them at a higher price to various parts of the world. I’ve heard that his store is well run and
sells domestic products to increasingly more foreign regions now.

While other students are focusing on their studies, he is courageous enough to start his own business at the same
time. You know, it’s tough to start a business. His bravery in the face of such great challenges is a highly valuable
characteristic to possess. I believe he is my most outstanding classmate. Personally, I believe him to be a brilliant
person deserving of my respect.

我的确知道我们学校有一个成功的创业者,他是一个来自国外的留学生,名字叫 Michael,来自哈萨克

我和 Michael 学习同一个专业,因此我们每周都会一起在教室上课。他是个很友善的人,长得也很帅。

我认为 Michael 是个成功的人,他虽然只是个学生,但是他利用课余时间和外语优势,在亚马逊上开了



Describe a person from another culture who speaks Chinese very well.
You should say:
who he/she is
which country does he/she come from
how he/she learned your language
and explain why you think this person speaks Chinese so well.

I recently learned that there’s an international student at my university who speaks Chinese very well. His name
is Michael, and he originally hails from Kazakhstan.

I came to know this person at the opening ceremony for our academic year. During the ceremony, he took the
stage on behalf of the international students, and spoke much about his studies and life in fluent Chinese. At the
time, I was sitting quite far away and couldn't see his face clearly. If the dean hadn't introduced him as an
international student beforehand, I might never have even realized that he was a foreigner!

Michael and I are enrolled in the same program, which means we share a classroom together every week. He’s a
pretty friendly and good-looking guy. I’ve spoken to him a few times during class. His Chinese is so fluent that
we can communicate without difficulty. He told me that he followed his father to China to help run a business,
and that it was his father who taught him how to speak Chinese. From pronunciation to comprehension, Michael
started to learn Chinese step by step. Time and effort have combined to make Michael the great Chinese speaker
he is today.

He's the first foreigner I've ever met. Getting to know him was quite an interesting experience because chatting
with a foreigner in Chinese is truly a magical thing.

我的确知道我们学校有一个中文说得很好的外国人,他是一个来自国外的留学生,名字叫 Michael,来


我和 Michael 学习同一个专业,因此我们每周都会一起在教室上课。他是个很友善的人,长得也很帅。




06-07:有益的广告 + 重要规定
Describe an advertisement you have seen that you Describe a rule at work or school that you think is
think is good. important.
You should say: You should say:
what it is for what it is
what it shows how you knew this rule
when and where you saw it what happens if people break it
and explain why you think it is a piece of good and explain why you think this rule at work/school is
advertisement. important.


I saw a really good ad recently. It was posted both in the hallways of our dorm and at the entrance to the building.
This ad was intended as a reminder for us to be mindful of electrical safety. It aimed to inform all the students
that the use of high-powered electrical devices is not allowed in student dorms to reduce the risk of fires.

The ad's content is pretty straightforward. There's an image showing a student using an electric kettle, but it's
covered by a big red "NO" symbol. There's also some brief text explaining why these appliances are banned and
the punishments that students would face if they broke the rules.

I first saw this ad at the beginning of the semester. The dorm supervisor handed out pamphlets expressing the
same information. What’s more, they posted it on the bulletin board in the dorm building so that every student
would see it. Copyright by Anxiaoya.

This advertisement doesn't use complex language; it simply conveys a clear message through a single image and
a small amount of text. I believe this kind of public service announcement is very useful. The dormitory is a place
where students live in close quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the event of a fire,
students will possibly have only a little time to evacuate. The use of electrical appliances can present serious
threats to the lives and property of others. So, in my opinion, it's an outstanding ad that serves as a clear warning
while keeping things simple and easy to understand.








I believe the rule about not using high-powered electrical appliances in our dorms is important. It's all about
keeping life in our dorm safe. I first heard about it from the dorm supervisor when I moved in, and there are
reminders posted on the dorm bulletin board to ensure that every student can see it.

Basically, this rule means we can't use stuff like electric kettles, induction cookers, or electric heaters in our dorm
rooms. It aims to reduce the risk of overloading circuits and causing electrical fires.

If someone breaks this rule, the school takes action. They might start with a written warning, telling you to stop
using those high-powered appliances. If you keep breaking the rule, things can get more serious, like getting a
disciplinary mark or a campus-wide scolding.

I think this rule is very important. Campus fires happen more often than you'd think, and a lot of them are caused
by students using unauthorized electrical appliances. The dormitory is a place where students live in close
quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the event of a fire, students will possibly have
only a little time to evacuate. The use of electrical appliances can present serious threats to the lives and property
of others. So, the ban on high-powered electrical appliances in the dorms is really all about creating a safe and
peaceful dorm environment.







Describe a time when you gave a piece of advice to someone.
You should say:
who you gave advice to
what it was
how this person reacted to the advice
and explain whether you feel you gave this person the right advice.

Just a short time ago, I had a chat with my roommate Arya, and I offered her some advice. It was a friendly
reminder not to use an induction cooker in our dorm. It was at the start of the school year, and she brought an
induction cooker from home, thinking we could all have a hot pot party in the dorm.

However, I knew that our school has a rule against the use of stuff like electric kettles, induction cookers, or
electric heaters in our dorm rooms. I was first informed of it at the beginning of the semester when the dorm
supervisor handed out pamphlets with this information. What’s more, they posted it on the bulletin board so that
every student would see it.

I suggested to Arya that we shouldn’t use the cooker in our room and instead go out to a hot pot restaurant to
celebrate the beginning of the school year. At first, Arya didn't think it was a big deal. I strongly told her that our
dormitory is a place where we live in close quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the
event of a fire, we will possibly have only a little time to evacuate. Moreover, students who broke the rule could
receive a disciplinary mark or possibly even a campus-wide scolding. Eventually, however, she agreed with me,
and we had a good time celebrating outside.

I believe I gave Arya the right advice. True friends should always look out for each other and give a heads-up
when they see a risk. It's all about avoiding any bad consequences down the road.


不久前我给了我舍友 Arya 一个建议,也是一个善意的提醒,那就是不要在宿舍使用电磁炉。那时候刚



于是我建议 Arya 不要在宿舍用电磁炉,我们可以一起去火锅店庆祝开学。一开始 Arya 不以为然,觉得

会被警告,甚至会被记过和处分。后来 Arya 被我说服了,她愉快的接受了我的建议。

我认为我给了 Arya 正确的建议。好朋友就是应该在发现风险的时候及时提醒对方,不要贪图一时的方



(四)BBQ Party

09-10:刺激的活动 + 聚会
Describe a time when you did an exciting activity Describe a time when you went to a party that you
with other people enjoyed.
You should say: You should say:
what the activity was when and where the party was held
where you did this activity what/who the party was for
why you did this activity what you did at the party
and explain how you felt about it. and explain why you enjoyed it.

One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special BBQ party with several friends to celebrate our upcoming
graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and is not far
from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

We bought an abundant amount of food in advance. At the park, we immediately set about preparations for the
barbecue, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air was
filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable. After the BBQ, we even played my favourite game, Werewolf, wherein we
were each assigned a role and attempted to guess the identities of each other. Under the tense and exciting
atmosphere, I got fully immersed in the game, finding new surprises and challenges in every round.

The BBQ party was particularly memorable for me because, before that, I hadn't felt such excitement for a long
time. The party not only allowed me to enjoy delicious, handmade food, but also deepened my friendship with
my classmates. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and will cherish this wonderful memory
forever. Copy right by An xiao ya.






11-12:逛公园 + 感到累的活动
Describe a time when you enjoyed visiting a park or Describe a time when you felt tired after doing an
a garden. activity.
You should say: You should say:
where it was what activity you did
when you went there when and where you did this activity
why you visited there why you did the activity
what it looked like and explain why you felt tired after doing this


One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special trip to a park with several friends to celebrate our
upcoming graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and
is not far from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

As a famous forest park in my city, Dafushan Park hosts not only a spacious green for visitors to take a stroll and
rest, but also a beautiful lake for them to row boats or walk alongside. Breathing in the refreshing park air, my
friends and I rode bicycles along the forest path and took many nice photos.

As the sun was about to set, we decided to make our own food in the park's barbecue area. We set to the
preparations, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air
was filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable.

This experience was particularly memorable for me because, before that, I hadn't felt such excitement for a long
time. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and will cherish this wonderful memory forever.








One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special BBQ party with several friends to celebrate our upcoming
graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and is not far
from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

We bought an abundant amount of food in advance. At the park, we immediately set about preparations for the
barbecue, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air was
filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable. After the BBQ, we even played my favourite game, Werewolf, wherein we
were each assigned a role and attempted to guess the identities of each other. Under the tense and exciting
atmosphere, I got fully immersed in the game, finding new surprises and challenges in every round.

We enjoyed ourselves so much in the park that we lost track of time, and it was late into the night by the time we
finally returned to our dormitory. As much as I enjoyed the party, I began to feel tired after a long day of
barbecuing, gaming and socialising. Without even the energy to take a shower, I fell asleep as soon as my head
hit the pillow, but it was surely a pleasant exhaustion. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and
will cherish this wonderful memory forever.


供烧烤区域和炉具供游客使用。微 信小 程序:安小 雅口 语素材。





13-14:改变人生的时期 + 困难任务
Describe a time when something happened that Describe something difficult you did and be proud of
changed your life in a good way. it in your work or studies.
You should say: You should say:
what happened what you had done
when and where it happened why you did this
how you felt about it how difficult it was
and explain how this changed your life in a good way. and explain why you felt so proud of yourself for
doing it.

When it comes to describing something difficult that I encounter in my studies, I would like to talk about the
first-class scholarship of our university which I earned last year. It is a big thing that I am proud of.

Last year I tried to win the first-class scholarship. It is based on the academic performance of each semester, and
the students whose average score are in the top five of the whole grade are awarded a scholarship of 5,000 yuan.
It is a very tough challenge for me because there are 400 students total in my whole grade.

I wanted to earn the first-class scholarship because it was a lot of money for me! If I were to win the scholarship,
I could travel to other cities and eat tasty food during the winter vacation. Aside from this, it was also kind of an
honor for me.

It is an arduous process to earn the scholarship. I devoted myself to studying and trying to get better scores in
every examination. I did this until the day I found out that I was on the scholarship list, I was so excited that I
couldn't believe it was truth!

This scholarship makes me very excited and satisfied. It means my whole year’s effort was paid back. I shared
the good news with my family and friends and they all envied me very much. My parents also said that they were
proud of me. The praise from friends and parents made me feel that my efforts were rewarding. I love the feeling
of winning awards and will continue to concentrate on study this year.


谈到学习中遇到的困难(让生活变得更好的事 a positive change in my life),我想谈谈我获得奖学金的

绩为基础,平均在年级前 5 的学生可获得 5000 元的奖学金。要知道我们年级有 400 多名学生,这无疑


名单上有我,我兴奋的在宿舍手舞足蹈起来。微 信小 程序:安小 雅口 语素材。

这份奖学金让我感到非常兴奋和满足(让我的生活变得更好,change my life in a good way)



Describe a time when you had to wait a long time for something nice to happen.
You should say:
what you were waiting for
how long you waited
why you had to wait
and explain how you felt when the nice thing finally happened.

I still vividly remember how I waited for almost a month for our college to announce the scholarship award last
semester. Fortunately, I finally got the scholarship.

The scholarship is based on both academic performance and volunteer activities undertaken each semester. The
students whose average score rank among the top five of the whole grade are awarded a scholarship of 5,000
yuan. This process involves complex scoring and reviews from the professors, so it takes nearly a month to
confirm the results.

I wanted to earn the first-class scholarship because 5,000 yuan is a lot of money for me! If I were to win the
scholarship, I could travel to other cities and eat tasty food during the winter vacation. Aside from this, it would
also be kind of an honor for me. I devoted myself to studying and tried to join in more volunteering activities.

After submitting the application materials, every day of waiting was suffering for me. I kept checking my email
hoping to receive good news as soon as possible. When I received the award notification, my heart was filled
with joy and satisfaction. It meant that my whole year of hard work had finally paid off. I love the feeling of
winning awards and will continue to concentrate on my studies this year.



名在年级前 5 的学生可获得 5000 元的奖学金。这个过程需要经过复杂的评分和老师的审查,所以需要





16-17:感兴趣的地方 + 美丽的城市
Describe the part of your country that you find most Describe a city which you think is beautiful.
interesting. You should say:
You should say: where the city is
where it is how you know it
how you know about it what it is famous for
what people can see and do there and explain why you think this city is beautiful.
and explain why you find it most interesting.

Lhasa is a very interesting city and is one of the most famous travel destinations in China. Located on the Tibetan
Plateau, Lhasa is one of the highest cities in the world. It is home to the world-famous Potala Palace, and it is
also the holy land for followers of Buddhism worldwide.

I was first introduced to Lhasa through social media, where many travel bloggers recommend it as a travel
destination to their followers. This is because Lhasa boasts a unique geography and culture, making it stand out
in terms of both scenery and heritage.

A:Most scenic spots in Lhasa can only be reached by car. Therefore, the majority of tourists to Lhasa generally
rent a car upon arriving so they can go wherever they want at their own convenience.

B:Lhasa is renowned worldwide for its high altitude and Tibetan culture. Its unique geographical conditions
give rise to a distinct climate, allowing tourists to witness its unparalleled plateau scenery unimpeded.

If I have the chance, I will definitely go to Namtso; one of the three holy lakes of Tibet. Aside from the clear lake,
visitors can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. I would also like to visit the famous Potala Palace,
which is an iconic landmark of Lhasa.

Lhasa is a magical and interesting city, where the air is thin, but the people are full of faith. I once saw a video
on social media that really touched me. It showed Tibetan people in simple clothes, braving the wind and rain,
setting off from their homes. Every few steps, they would kneel down and bow their heads in reverence. Their
destination was the holy Jokhang Temple. Seeing their powerful faith and devotion made me want to go to Lhasa
and experience it for myself.



A 《感兴趣的地方》:拉萨的大多数景点都需要自驾才能到达,因此,大部分的游客来到这里的第一件

B 《美丽的地方》:拉萨以高海拔和藏族文化闻名全世界,独特的地理条件造就了拉萨与众不同的气候,





18-19:喜欢的照片 + 一幅画
Describe a photo you have kept that makes you feel Describe a painting or drawing you enjoy looking at.
happy. You should say:
You should say: when and where you first saw it
what it shows what it was about
when and where the photo was taken what you know about the person who create it
how often you look at it And explain why you enjoy looking at it.
and explain why this photo makes you feel happy.


In my room, there's a photo on my desk in which I look particularly photogenic. It always brings me joy when I
see it. It's a pic from a family trip we took last year, when my family and I headed to the countryside for a chill
weekend. Copy right by An xiao ya.

In the photo, we're all standing by a lake. The trees in the background are lush and verdant, and the lake water is
clear as crystal, reflecting the trees and the blue sky like a mirror. The sunlight bounces off the lake surface in
different colors. The whole picture is so vibrant, showing off how beautiful nature can be. We're all smiling in it,
and you can tell we’re all having a blast.

Every time I walk into my room, this photo catches my eye. To me, taking pictures is like keeping a record. It's
a way to capture all those little moments in life, preserving them for posterity. While my camera may not be the
fanciest, and I'm by no means a pro photographer, this photo is still deeply meaningful to me. That's because life
is full of moments worth capturing and sharing with the people in your life who matter. This pic always takes me
back to that family trip – a special time filled with laughter and warmth, spent with those I love most.







In my room, there's this cool landscape painting hanging on the wall. It always brings me joy when I see it. I got
it on a family trip a few years back, when my family and I headed to the countryside for a chill weekend.

It was painted by a local artist who totally nailed capturing this beautiful scene on canvas. I don't know much
about the artist, but you can tell he loved nature and knew how to paint it just right.

This oil painting depicts a tranquil lake and the surrounding scenery. The trees in the background are lush and
verdant, and the lake water is clear as crystal, reflecting the trees and the blue sky like a mirror. The sunlight
bounces off the lake surface in different colors. The whole picture is so vibrant, showing off how beautiful nature
can be.

I really like this oil painting. To me, painting is like taking a photo. It's a way to capture all those little moments
in life, preserving them for posterity. This painting always takes me back to that family trip – a special time
filled with laughter and warmth, spent with those I love most.







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串联版 Part2 目录以及使用说明

串联版 Part2 指的是一篇范文回答多个话题。具体分类看看以下目录就知道了。


但是有些话题问的方向不一样,如果用同一篇范文来回答的话会有跑题嫌疑。所以有些串联的话题我们还是写了 2-
3 篇范文,根据问题的问法稍作了一些修改。但是大体上的内容和思路都是一致的 ~

我们的素材都是经过店主和外教一起编写和检查过的哦! 您可以放心使用哦!其实外国人在生活中有一些常用的口头上

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“the majority of the girls were content discussing about how handsome or how affluent their boyfriends
were.” 女孩子们都在热烈地讨论他们的男朋友有多帅。

这是现代英语的另一个特征,就是外国人在口头上都常常会省略掉介词。这里就把 were content with discussing 的

with 去掉了。这在口语上是完全没问题的,但大家在写作中就尽量要避免哦。



Describe an area of science that you are interested in
You should say:
what it is
when and where you first heard about it
how you get more information about it now
and explain why you are interested in this area of science.

I have been interested in AI since I was a kid, having watched many movies that explore the idea of rapidly
advancing AI developing its own thoughts to the detriment of human society. However, I always felt those movies
were somewhat exaggerated.

It was around a year ago that I was made aware through social media just how rapidly AI technology is developing.
For instance, software like ChatGPT can engage in conversations based on users' needs. It helps users to plan
trips, write papers, and even edit computer code. In the real world, AI applications are diverse, ranging from self-
driving cars to AI-generated art and smart home devices.

I now habitually follow news related to AI and tech products. As AI is increasingly being applied to daily life, I
would like to keep abreast of these developments. I plan to do this by buying some smart home appliances to
make my life more convenient.

I believe that in the near future, AI technology will find applications in many aspects of our lives and work. Of
course, the rapid development of artificial intelligence has also raised some concerns for me. With more and
more jobs being replaced by AI, I need to gain a deeper understanding of it and seek a career that won't be easily
replaced by AI to ensure my continued employability.


电影。这些电影都宣传了一个理念,那就是发展迅速的 AI 将会产生自己的思想,从而严重破坏人类社

大概是去年,在社交媒体上了解到 AI 这项技术正在飞速发展。例如 ChatGPT 这款软件就可以根据用户

AI 的应用也非常广泛,例如自动驾驶,AI 画画,智能家居设备等等都是 AI 技术的应用。


我相信在不久的将来,AI 技术将会应用于我们生活和工作的各个方面。当然,人工智能的飞速发展也让
我产生了一些担忧因为越来越多的工作能被 AI 所替代,我必须更加深入的了解它,找到和从事不会被
AI 替代的工作,这样才能保证自己存在的价值。


Describe a period in history which you are interested in.
You should say:
when it was
what happened
how you first heard about it
and explain why you are interested in this period of history.

The Ming Dynasty is a period of history that I’m greatly intrigued by. It spans hundreds of years from the 14th to
17th centuries. The Ming Dynasty was one of the most magnificent dynasties in China. During that time, not only
did some famous events occur, but many commonly known heroic figures also emerged.

I first learned of this historical period when I was in history class of junior high school. With the help of the class
and the textbook, I learned that the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty was born to a family of impoverished
farmers, which was why the Ming Dynasty valued agriculture and despised commerce so much. During this
period, the power of the Ming emperors achieved new heights, introducing new systems of government unknown
to previous dynasties. I’d like to learn more remarkable details and facts about the history of the Ming Dynasty
that are less well known.

The history of the Ming Dynasty resembles more of a microcosm of the greater history of China, which spans
thousands of years. Both its glory and darkness are important threads of world history that every history lover
should familiarize themselves with. Formerly, I only understood the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu
Yuanzhang, to simply be a talented ruler. However, history paints a wilder picture of his life. His life journey
from a regular farmer, to becoming a monk, later leading a rebellion as a general, and eventually governing the
entire country, is equally inspiring as a human story as it is a historical chronicle. It invites one to speculate on
the kinds of difficulties and dangers he underwent during this period, and how his mentality evolved. These
fascinating historical details and vivid characterizations are what intrigue me most about the Ming Dynasty.






Describe a time when you received bad service.
You should say:
where and when you received bad service
who gave you this bad service
what happened
and explain how you felt when you received this bad service.

Not long ago, I went to a new supermarket near my university, but I had a really bad experience with their service.

This happened on a weekend afternoon when I had a sudden urge to drink a bottle of cola on my way back to the
dorm. So, I decided to stop by this supermarket. I spent some time searching for cola in the refrigerated section,
but I couldn't find it. I had to ask a salesclerk nearby for help, and to my surprise, she seemed completely oblivious
to my presence, playing on her smartphone. Only when I got closer did she impatiently tell me that they were
out of stock. When I asked about the price of a specific product, her response was very indifferent. She simply
told me that she didn't know and didn’t even try to help me find it out. To make matters worse, the cashier at the
checkout kept taking with her colleague, leaving me waiting for a long time before I could finish my shopping
and pay. The whole shopping experience was terrible, and I felt neither respected nor valued.

Though this supermarket may be the only one near the student dorms, that’s never an excuse for lackluster service.
This poor service left me feeling very annoyed. It's clear that the staff here have not received proper training, and
their attitude and behavior made me feel unwelcome. If they don't try to improve the quality of their customer
service, I doubt I'll ever shop there again.



我感到自己没有受到尊重和重视。微 信小 程序:安小 雅口 语素材。



Describe a problem you had when using a computer.
You should say:
what it was
when and where you had this problem
how the problem was solved
and explain how you felt when you had this problem.

Not too long ago, I had an issue with my computer crashing. It was towards the end of last semester, and I was
playing a video game with my buddies. Just as we were getting into the game, my computer suddenly conked
out. It was working fine one moment, and then, out of the blue, the screen went completely black. I was super

I figured it might simply be frozen, so I tried rebooting it. But no matter what I did, my computer just wouldn't
respond, and refused to start up. That's when my roommate Anna suggested it could be a hardware problem and
advised me to go get it sorted.

I rushed over to a nearby computer store before they closed for the day. The guy there checked it out and told me
that the graphics card had fried, causing the whole startup issue. To fix it, I needed to get a new graphics card.
That's when I remembered I had bought an extended warranty when I first got the computer. So, I called up
customer service, and they told me that the warranty covered any hardware problems which occurred within two
years of the purchase. All I had to do was send it in for repairs. Hearing that, I finally felt relieved.

Having your computer suddenly give out on you is a real pain, but luckily, I had that extended warranty.
Otherwise, I might've had to shell out nearly a grand to get it fixed. It just goes to show that having insurance
can really help out with life's unexpected curveballs. Copy right by An xiao ya.



我以为只是电脑死机,想尝试重启,但是无论我怎么操作都毫无反应,我的电脑无法开机。舍友 Anna




Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.
You should say:
who he/she is
how you knew this person
who he/she usually cooks for
and explain why you think he/she enjoys cooking for other people.

My grandma is someone who absolutely loves cooking. Her dishes are better than those in some fancy restaurants,
no kidding. She's the pride of our family, and I've known her forever since I grew up in her house. She's this
super nice and lively old lady.

So, Grandma cooks every day, but her favorite thing is making a feast for us on major holidays. I think that's
when she really shines in the kitchen. She believes cooking a tasty meal is the best way to show love. Whenever
we all get together, whether it's for a special occasion or just a regular gathering, Grandma whips up all kinds of
yummy dishes. She loves trying out different recipes, from old-school classics to new and trendy cooking styles.

After retiring, many old folks feel lonely, but having a hobby they're passionate about can really brighten up their
days. For my grandma, that's cooking. She loves cooking for us because it's how she expresses her feelings. She
often says that seeing us enjoy her food is what makes her the happiest. Plus, she thinks traditional family meals
are super important for keeping the family close and tight-knit.






Describe a successful sportsperson that you admire,
You should say:
who this person is
what he/she has achieved
what you know about his/her life
and explain why you admire this sportsperson.

To be frank, I don't care all that much about sports, and never have ever since I was a young child. However, I
do still know of some famous athletes, and in my opinion the most impressive one is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player from Portugal. What I know about him is limited to what I've seen in the
media, including on the news and in advertisements. He is very handsome and has a bright smile. These qualities
are part of why he has impressed me so much. If my memory serves me correctly, he was Nike's sneaker
ambassador, and for a while, you could see him in adverts at bus stops and subways across the city.

Co py right by An xiao ya. After some time, I became interested in him, and I began searching for news
concerning him on the Internet. I found out that not only did he have a handsome and charming image, but he
was also a world-class football player. His talent and skill have earned him many football prizes and he has won
many competitions. He is a talented athlete, but he is also very diligent and self-disciplined. I know of many
talented players who often become lazy and indulge themselves once they become famous, leading to a rapid
decline in their athletic performance. But Ronaldo is very strict with himself, following a healthy diet, and never
eating junk food. During the holidays, he continues going to gym. It is for these reasons that I admire him so


最深的应该就是 C 罗了。

C 罗是一名足球运动员,个子很高,金发飘飘的。我对他的了解仅限于媒体上看到的新闻和广告。从我

少有天赋的球员,但他们往往在成名后就懒散和放纵自己,导致他们的竞技状态下滑地很快。但 C 罗非


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