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Time - 3:30 Hours Date : 31 Mar.


RAS Mains Test Series - 2024

Paper - II [Unit-II]{General Science & Technology}

Name : .........................................................Batch No. ......................... Medium .......................................

Enroll No. ...................................................Room No. .........................Sheet No. .......................................

Evaluation Excellent Good Average Poor

Understanding of Question



Keywords and Facts

Neat and Legible

Flow Chart / Diagram / Maps etc.

Paper -II [Unit-II]
General Science & Technology

Part A

Part B

Part C

Total Marks / 200

Hindi & English / 40

Examiner Name_
Page No. [1]
Note: Attemt all questions. Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks.
15-15 2

Q.1 Define Isobar.

Q.2 Write about any four characteristic properties found in gases.

Q.3 Write the names of any four ores of copper.

Page No. [2]

Q.4 Define pH and also give any two practical examples.

Q.5 Give the names and uses of any two radioactive substances used in health and medical field.

Q.6 Define Paramagnetism.

Page No. [3]

Q.7 What is specific heat capacity?

Q.8 Comment briefly on “Loudness of Sound”.

Q.9 Define dispersion of light.

Page No. [4]

Q.10 What is “Ammeter”? In what order is it connected in the electrical circuit?

Q.11 Name the digestive glands involved in the human digestive system and the hormones secreted by them.

Q.12 Explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of dengue disease.

Page No. [5]

Q.13 What do you understand by “Three Parent Baby”?

Q.14 Comment briefly on Insulin hormone.

Q.15 What is 'colour blindness' in the context of human eye?

Page No. [6]

Q.16 Give a brief introduction of ISRO’s “Sarita Programme”.

Q.17 Write the names of any two currently prevalent generative artificial intelligence platforms.

Q.18 What is meant by "Quantum Supremacy"?

Page No. [7]

Q.19 What is the recently discussed “Mission Divyastra”?

Q.20 Write any four characteristics of ‘Big Data’.

Q.21 Name the varieties of crops with high nutrient content developed in India through the use of biotechnology.

Page No. [8]

Q.22 Define ‘Metaverse’.

Q.23 Write the names of four 'Vyomnauts' selected for Mission Gaganyaan.

Q.24 What is Heliosynchronous Orbit? Write its use.

Page No. [9]

Q.25 Comment briefly on space wave communication.


Note: Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.
50-50 5

Q.1 Explain the structure of graphite and write its uses in daily life.

Page No. [10]

Q.2 Explain corrosion with examples and suggest measures to prevent it.

Q.3 Write a short article on nitrogen fertilizer.

Page No. [11]

Q.4 What is interference of sound? Explain its types.

Q.5 Why is Newton's first law of motion called the law of inertia? Give any two examples of this in daily life.

Page No. [12]

Q.6 Explain superconductivity and explain its applications.

Q.7 Write the harmful effects of alcohol consumption on human health.

Page No. [13]

Q.8 Explain the functioning of the human heart.

Q.9 What is asexual reproduction in plants? Write a short article on its budding method.

Page No. [14]

Q10. Comment on the following technology- 1. Bharat GPT 2. Bharat QR
1. 2.

Q.11 Write a short article on face recognition system.

Page No. [15]

Q.12 Highlight the main features of Bharat Semiconductor Mission.

Q.13 Write a short article on applications of nanotechnology in agriculture.

Page No. [16]

Q.14 Comment on the following- 1. INS Jatayu 2. MH-60R Helicopter
1. INS 2. MH-60R

Q.15 Highlight the main points of the National Quantum Mission.

Page No. [17]

Q.16 Give a brief introduction to Extended Reality (XR) and explain its possible applications.

Note: Answer the following questions in 100 words each. The question carries 10 marks.
100-100 10

Q.1 (a) In the context of metallurgy, explain the difference between calcination and roasting.

(b) Explain the chemical formula and use of "Quick Lime".

(c) Write the main components of following- i. Gobar (Bio) gas ii. Coal gas
i. ii.

Page No. [18]

Page No. [19]
Q.2 Comment on the following-
(i) Frequency and uses of infrared Rays.
(ii) Working of Tube Light.
(iii) Explain the difference between  and  spin states in the context of nuclear magnetic resonance.

(iii)  

Page No. [20]

Q.3 Comment on the following regarding blood transfusion:
(i) Requirement
(ii) Process
(iii) Diseases caused by carelessness.


Page No. [21]

Page No. [22]
Q.4 "India has immense potential for the development of Artificial Intelligence and will emerge as a major
center at the global level in the future.” In the context of the above statement, discuss the efforts being
made to promote Artificial Intelligence in India.


Page No. [23]

Q.5 Comment on the following-
(i) Aditya L-1 Mission
(ii) LIGO-India Project

(i) 1

Page No. [24]

Q.6 Write a detailed article on the development of science and technology in Rajasthan.

Page No. [25]

Page No. [26]
Q.7 Mention the contribution of the following Indian scientists-
(i) Prafull Chandra Rai
(ii) Dr. Panchanan Maheshwari
(iii) C.V. Raman
(iv) Salim Ali


Page No. [27]

Page No. [28]
RAS Mains - 2023 (Hindi & English)
Time : 30 M Marks - 40
(1/2 × 10 = 5)

1. = 2. =

3. = 4. =

5. = 6. =

7. = 8. =

9. = 10. =

(1 × 5 = 5)
















Page No. [29]

16. 2023

Page No. [30]

Q. Identify the error/errors if there is any and rewrite the given sentences (Marks:1×10=10)

1. He asked me that if I was fine.



2. The teacher said that the sun rose in the east.



3. He asked me what was I doing.



4. Mother forbade me not to run in the sun.



5. He proposed his friends that they should have a picnic.



6. He requested that he may be allowed to come in.



7. The players exclaimed with sorrow that they had won the match.



8. Pamela said that man was mortal.



9. Mr. Robinson asked his son what he wants to be when he grew up.



10. The girl wondered where had the sparrows gone.



Page No. [31]

Q11. Write a letter to the editor of the Times Of India, New Delhi, expressing your suggestions on child
labour in India. (Marks - 10)

Page No. [32]

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