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Digital India has achieved 5 years and 25 years of internet in India.

From 15 August 1995

today we are about to reach 2024. For 5 years digital India has become poor and for 5 years
internet has become poor. Because India is a poor world, if we look globally then India is in
top 2. If we look at it in terms of adapting internet technology, India is in the top 2. By the
end of 2020 i.e. by the end of this financial year, the digital economy is estimated to be
approximately 1 trillion dollars although due to Covid there have been some changes in the
estimates, this is also possible but most probably it will be crossed because Due to Covid,
digital technology has been given greater emphasis. India is basically global IT backoffice.
No matter how many big multinational organizations there are, no matter how many
multinational companies there are, you will see that everyone who has a support office, a tech
support office, they are there, they are in Bangalore, they are in Gurgaon, they are in
Maleshwar, they are in Noida because they are near India. Talent and talent is unbeatable,
talent in India is so much that you will see global IT backoffice and there is another reason
also. One such talent is available cheaply, meaning the cost of labor is in India, labor means
you understand manual labor means labor in terms of industry means when you talk about
industry, when you talk about the factors to perfect the industry. If you are talking, then you
are a human resource, you can also use labor term for human resource, human resources are
here, they are very cost effective, people are ready to work at low prices, why in India? ?
Because the population is very high, unemployment is very high, disguised unemployment is
why people are ready to work at low prices and that is why the tech offices of the whole
world are built in India. Where is the tech support office? Sir, where is the tech support
office? In Hyderabad, Pune. That is how the Digital India program has been launched.
 9 years of digital india
 29 years of internet in india (15th august 1995 to 2024)
 Globally, India is only behind China, that is, India is in top 2 if we talk about adapting
 India is striving for a $3.7 trillion figure in the current fiscal year. The International Monetary
Fund's World Economic Outlook database for October 2023 projects India's GDP to reach
$4.95 trillion in 2026.
 India is basically a Global IT Backoffice means tech offices of all big Multinational companies
are located in Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai Why? because india has talent and talent
is unbeatable so talent is so much that it is a global it backoffice. There’s one more reason
you get labor at cheap in india. labor cost in india is cost effective because more population
and disguised employment.

That's how Digital India was launched in 2015, it's been 5 years now. So what is the vision of digital
India basically, what is the vision and what is the objective? Then we will see what are being
implemented in the direction of digital India and after that what are the challenges with digital India.
So the first vision is that infrastructure is built as a utility, now utility is integrated, things of utility
like electricity is there, water supply is there and so is digital infrastructure, that has a utility to every
citizen. What is the meaning of infrastructure as a utility to every citizen? This means that high speed
internet facility should be available at every home, that is the core utility because the most core is that
if there are other internet related facilities, if there is no internet connection, how will you find the
internet facility on the phone, How to connect with Nitesh sir, how to apply for driving license online,
how to check bank account balance, how to apply for scholarship, so what is the core utility – high
speed internet service. This is a path breaking initiative, i.e., Bharat Net. Bharat Net, which has sold
almost 4 lakh kilometers of optical fibre. When we are talking about this today we have covered more
than 4 lakh optical fiber in India. So the point to be noted is that what we are talking about is that
apart from the fact that 4 lakh km of optical fiber has been built, our focus on Bharat Net is the rural
areas of India, because in the urban areas we already have that digital infrastructure. , so those who
are rural areas, those who are far flung areas. And today the ground reality is that at times you will
find that internet connectivity in rural areas is better than urban areas. You can find many such
examples here. so Bharat Net project has been a path breaking initiative and it is said that some things
that happen, they happen in generations, some changes happen, that these changes happen these days,
this year will go well, these 2 This year or these 3 months will go by. But such changes are happening
which are transformation, which are helpful for the coming generations. Bharat Net is such a project.
What are you doing in this project? They are laying optical fiber and trying to reach remote areas
through internet connectivity.
Cradle to grave digital identity. Cradle means from cradle to grave. They are talking about UID,
Aadhaar. Aadhaar gives you faceless governance. Before you can be identified from the photo, there
will be leakages, the photo will be manipulated, someone will get the benefit of ration, someone will
get the benefit of government schemes. Now Aadhaar will work, biometric, unique identification,
lifelong, a single identity and this single identity is required for taking the benefits of government
schemes. now we are in the era of faceless governance. JAM trinity- Jandhan Aadhaar Mobile all
linked. This way your money won't go anywhere else. Your money will come to you through direct
benefit transfer. Leakages will be reduced. What used to happen earlier was, they sent money to you
and they ate half of the spring, half of the afternoon, and by doing this you got just a little. So you got
a little bit of a mile, how much the government sent that much of a mile, that's why JAM trinity has
been done. Jandhan mobile Aadhaar has been linked to everyone, direct benefit will be transferred to
your account, money will be transferred directly to your account, Modi himself will transfer it to your
Common service centers in villages, rural areas or semi-urban areas, there are such centers where you
can go online to do whatever work you need, whether you want to avail government schemes, need to
do some work related to Aadhaar, birth certificate, death certificate. You can get scholarship and other
things from your common service centre. It has different names in different states, like the CSC
project which is going on in Rajasthan has been going on for a long time, it is also very successful, it
is called eMitra in Rajasthan, it is called Pragya Kendra in Jharkhand.
Shareable Private space means space for you on the public cloud.
Safe and secure Cyber-space. We are talking about cyber security.
The objective is to prepare India for the knowledge future. Another objective is being transformative
that is realize IT = India Tomorrow. The second is making technology central to enabling change. And
develop an umbrella program covering all departments.
so what are the 9 pillars of this scheme? The first pillar is broadband highway. The second pillar is
universal access to mobile connectivity. 3rd is public Internet access program meaning public places
like wifi hotspot are created. 4th is reforming government. through technology. 5th is eKranti. We are
talking about eKranti meaning electronic delivery of services. 6th is information for all. There is
information for all the people. When you go online, everything will become easier to do, it will
become easier to search for information. 7th is electronic manufacturing. Now there should be no
import dependence on electronics. Today if you talk about mobile phones, laptops or chips, you will
see that we import all these things mostly. Some mobile phones are also assembled in India. They are
just assembled, they are just assembled, not manufactured, channels have come since spring. So you
are dependent on electronic manufacturing. iss bar basically ye 5 years of digital india hain, this
digital india should lead to the atmannirbhar india. digital india which will help you in becoming an
atmannirbhar india. So it is about electronic manufacturing, it is about jobs in IT sector, and especially
post covid this is going to be very important where the need is still there, and there is more need, this
sector will emerge more in the times to come. So the IT sector will emerge more in the times to come.
Toh IT sector which will offer jobs is going to be a great help for people of India. so these are 9
In this eKranti there will be technology for education like there is talk about whether we can develop
cost-effective tablets which have pre loaded NCERT books, can such technology be developed and
whether it is cost effective if such technology is found for education. This will make a lot of
difference in education because it is still very difficult for schools to have physical setup. Even if
private schools run the programme, what will they do for the government schools? What facilities will
they provide for the government schools? So if we can develop such tablets in which NCERT books
are preloaded then it would be very good. Technology for health. Now you see the current situation
eHealthcare. When Covid came, the pressure on hospitals became so bad that they had no beds, no
staff, so the topmost hospitals of Delhi, Maidan Garhi, Fortis people started Max Saket. Bangalore has
started that you will stay at home, your testing will be done at home, and you will be connected to
your daily online medium through consultants, your nurses will be connected, you will be given some
devices at your home so that you can monitor yourself at home, the nurses will be taking your
readings. How will it be and according to it your treatment will be given, medicine will reach your
home, doctors will also connect with you, all the systems will run online, doctors and nurses are
sitting in the hospital and you are sitting at home and the whole system is running from there. hain.

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