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ABIR - 01723856285

Problems on Time and Work

[Solved by- Mostafa Kamal Abir]

1) Six men can complete a work in 5 days if they work for 8 hours per day. How many days will 4
men take to do the same work if they work only 5 hours per day?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

6×5×8 = D×4×5
⇒ D = 12 days [Ans]
2) 50 men can do a piece of work in 12 days working 6 hours a day. How many hours a day would 60
men have to work in order to do another piece of work twice as great in 16 days?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

50×12×6 = (H×60×16)/2
⇒ 60×8×H = 50×12×6
⇒ H = 7.5 hours [Ans]
3) If 18 pumps can raise 2170 tones of water in 10 days working 7 hours a day, in how many days will
16 pumps raise 1736 tones of water, working 9 hours a day?
[BB - AD – 2014]

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

(18×10×7)/2170 = (D×16×9)/1736

⇒ D = 7 days [Ans]

4) 5 press compositors can set 625 pages of a manuscript in 16 days of 10.5 hours each. Each page has
60 lines and each line has 40 letters. In how many days of 8 hours each, will 10 compositors set 1000
pages of a manuscript, each page having 45 lines with 50 letters in each line?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

(5×16×10.5)/(625×60×40) = (10×D×8)/(1000×45×50)
⇒ D = (5×16×10.5×1000×45×50)/(625×60×40×10×8)
⇒ D = 15(3/4) days [Ans]
5) If a typist can type 125 page, 36 lines each, 11 words to each line in 5 day, how many pages of 30
lines each and 12 words to each line can he type in 6 days?

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

5/(125×36×11) = 6/(P×30×12)
⇒ P = (6×125×36×11)/(30×12×5)
⇒ P = 165 [Ans]
6) A computer typist types a page with 20 lines in 10 minutes but he leaves 8% margin on the left side
of the page. Now he has to type 23 pages with 40 lines on each page which he leaves 25% more margin
than before. How much time is now required to type these 23 pages?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

10/(1×20×92) = T/(23×40×90) [90=100-(8*5/4)]
⇒ T = (10×23×40×90)/(20×92)
⇒ T = 450 mins i.e 7.5 hrs [Ans]
7) A book consists of 30 pages, 25 lines on each page and 35 characters on each line. If this content is
to be written in another note book consisting of 30 lines and 28 characters per line, then the required
no. of pages will how much percent greater than the previous pages?

Solution :

⇒ P = 31.25 i.e 32 pages
∴ Increase % = [(32-30)/30] × 100 = 6.67% [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

8) 64 persons can dig a trench 50 m long 2 m wide and 2 m deep in 5 days working 12 hours daily. In
how many days, working 8 hours daily will 80 persons dig another trench 75 m long, 4 m wide and 3
m deep?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

(64×5×12)/(50×2×2) = (80×D×8)/(75×4×3)
⇒ D = 27 days [Ans]
9) If it takes 10 days to dig a trench 100 m long, 50 m broad and 10 m deep, what length of trench, 25
m broad and 15 m deep can be dug in 30 days?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

10/(100×50×10) = 30/(L×25×15)
⇒ L = 400m [Ans]
10) If 80 lamps can be lighted 5 hours per day for 10 days for Tk.21.25, then the number of lamps
which can be lighted 4 hours daily for 30 days for Tk.76.50 is:

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

(80×10×5)/21.25 = (L×4×30)/76.50
⇒ L = 120 [Ans]
11) One robot, working independently at a constant rate, can assemble a doghouse in 12 minutes.
What’s the maximum number of complete doghouses can be assembled by 10 such robots, each
working on separate doghouse at the same rate for 2.5 hours?

Solution :

Applying MDH method :

1×12 = 10×150/W
⇒ W =125 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

12) 20 carpets are to weave by 40 women in 50 days working 8 hours per day. After 20 days, order of
6 more carpets came. To complete the total work on time, how many more hours per day they will
have to work?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

(40×50×8)/20 = [(40×20×8) - (40×30×H)]/26

⇒ 800 × 26 = 6,400 - 1,200H

⇒ 1,200H = 14,400

⇒ H = 12 hours

∴ Required more H = (12-8) i.e 4 hours [Ans]

13) A garrison of 3300 men had provisions for 32 days, when given at the rate of 850 gms per head.
At the end of 7 days a re-enforcement arrives and it was found that the provisions will last 17 days
more, when given at the rate of 825 gms per head. What is the strength of the reinforcement?

Solution :

Remaining day = (32-7) = 25

So,3300×25×850 = M×17×825

⇒ M = (3300×25×850)/(17×825)

⇒ M = 5,000

∴Strength of enforcement (5000-3300) i.e 1700 [Ans]

14) A project manager hired 16 men to complete a project in 38 days. However, after 30 days, he
realized that only 5/9 of the work is completed. How many more men does he need to hire to complete
the project on time?

Solution :

Remaining Day = (38-30) i.e 8 days

Applying MHD method:

(16×30)/5 = (M×8)/4

⇒ 2M = 16×6

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⇒ M = 48

∴ Required M = (48-16) i.e 32 [Ans]

15) A contract is to be completed in 46 days and 117 men were set to work, each working 8 hours a
day. After 33 days, 4/7 of the work is completed. How many additional men have to be employed so
that the work may be completed in time, each man now working 9 hours a day?

[Probashi Kallyan Bank: SO – 2014]

Solution :

Remaining days = (46-33) i.e 13 days

Applying MHD method:

(117×33×8)/4 = (M×13×9)/3

⇒ 39M = 117×33×2

⇒ M = 3×33×2

⇒ M = 198

∴ Required M = (198-117) i.e 81 [Ans]

16) A contract is to be completed in 56 days and 104 men were set to work, each working 8 hours a
day. After 30 days, 2/5 of the work is completed. How many additional men are to be employed, so
that the work may be completed in time if each man works 9 hours a day?

[AI-Arafah – 2011]

Solution :

Remaining days = (56-30) i.e 26 days

Applying MHD method:

(104×30×8)/2 = (M×26×9)/3

⇒ 78M = 12,480

⇒ M = 160

∴ Required M = (160-104) i.e 56 [Ans]


ABIR - 01723856285

17) Mr. X signed a contract for building a road of 1920 meters long within 120 days. He employed
160 workers for this task. But after 24 days he found that only 1/8 of the task has been finished. If
Mr. X wants to finish the road in time how many additional workers he has to employ?

[BADC (AO) -2017]

Solution :

Remaining days = (120-24) i.e 72 days

Applying MHD method :

160×24/1 = M×96/7
⇒ M = 280
∴ Additional men to be employed = (280-160) i.e 120 [Ans]
18) A builder engages 25 men working 8 hours a day and they can finish it in 4 weeks. At the end of
the 12 days he finds that only one-fourth of the work is done. How many more men should he engage
so that all men working 10 hours a day may complete the apartment in the stipulated time?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

25×12×8/1 = M × 16×10/3

⇒ M = 45

∴ Additional men to be engaged = (45-25) i.e 20 [Ans]

19) An engineer undertake a project to build a road 15 km long in 300 days and employs 45 men for
the purpose. After 100 days, he finds 2.5 km of the road has been completed. Find the number of
extra men he must employ to finish the work in time.

[Combined 8 Banks & FT’s (SO) -2019 - Cancelled (AUST)]

Solution :

Remaining work = (15-2.5) i.e 12.5 km

Remaining Time = (300-100) i.e 200 days

Applying MHD method:

(45×100)/2.5 = (M×200)/12.5

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⇒ M = 112.5
But, Number of men cannot be fraction
∴ M = 113
∴ No. Of extra men to be employed = (113-45) i.e 68 [Ans]
20) A job is to be finished in 60 days. 40 men start the work, each working 8 hours a day. After 20
days, just 1/4 of the work is finished. How many additional men need to be engaged to complete the
work on time, if all of them have now been asked to work for 10 hours a day?

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

(40×20×8)/1 = (M×40×10)/3

⇒ M = 48

∴ Extra men to be needed=(48-40) i.e 8 [Ans]

21) If a certain number of workmen can do a piece of work in 25 days, in which time will another set
of an equal number of men do a piece of work twice as great, supposing that 2 men of the first set can
do as much work in an hour as 3 men of the second set can do in one hour?

Solution :

2F = 3S
⇒ F : S = 3 : 2 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

3×25/1 = 2×D/2
⇒ D = 75 days [Ans]
22) Fifteen men take 21 days of 8 hours each to do a piece of work. How many days of 6 hours each
would 21 women take, if 3 women do as much work as 2 men do?
[BB-AD – 2016; MBA-IBA: 54th intake; Jun-2015]

Solution :

3W = 2M

⇒ W : M = 2 : 3 [Efficiency]

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Applying MHD method:

15×3×8×21 = D×6×21×2

⇒ D = 30 days [Ans]

23) A piece of work can be done by 16 men in 8 days working 12 hours a day. How many men are
needed to complete another work, which is three times the first one, in 24 days working 8 hours a
day, the efficiency of the second group being half that of the first group?

Solution :

F : S = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

16×8×12×3×2 = M×24×8×1

⇒ M = 48 [Ans]

24) Working 11 hours/day, 24 men and 33 women can complete the construction of a road in 78 days.
The working capacity of 3 women equals to that of 1 man. Now, the authority decides that the road
is to be constructed in 55 days by working 13 hours/day. If there are only 27 women present how
many men will be needed?

[MBA - IBA: 60th Batch; May-2018]

Solution :

3w = 1 m

⇒ w : m = 1 : 3 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

(24×3+33×1)×11×78 = 55×13×(27×1+m×3)

⇒ 105×11×78 = 55×13×(27+3m)

⇒ 3m+27 = 126

⇒ 3m = 99

⇒ m = 33 men [Ans]


ABIR - 01723856285

25) If 9 engines consume 24 metric tons of coal, when each is working 8 hours a day, how much coal
will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of former
type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type ?
[BB – Officer (Cash) – 2017]

Solution :

3F = 4L
⇒ F : L = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

9×8×4/24 = 8×13×3/w
⇒ w = 26 [Ans]
26) If 30 men working 7 hours a day can make 12 tables in 18 days, how many days will 45 women
working 9 hours a day take to make 32 chairs? Given, 4 men can make 3 tables in the same time as 3
women can make 4 chairs.

Solution :

4 men can make = 3 tables

⇒ 1 man can make = (3/4) tables
Again, 3 women can make = 4 chairs
⇒ 1 woman can make = (4/3) chairs

Applying MHD method :

(30×3/4 × 7×18)/12 = (45 × 4/3 × 9 × D)/32
⇒ (15×3×7×9)/12 = (15×4×9×D)/32
⇒ 21×9×32 = 36×D×12
⇒ D = 14 days [Ans]
27) For making a table it needs human labour 3 times the labour needed to make a bench. 6 workers
can make 36 benches and 5 tables in 12 days. How many days will 10 worker need to make 61 benches
and 8 table?

Solution :

T = 3B

⇒5T = 15B

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ 8T = 24B

Now, 36B + 5T = 36B+15B=51B

Applying MHD method:

(6×12)/51 = (10×D)/85

⇒ D = 6×2 = 12 days [Ans]

28) Helpers are needed to prepare for the fete. Each helper can make either 2 large cakes per hour
or 35 small cakes per hour. The kitchen is available for 3 hours and 20 large cakes and 700 small
cakes are needed. How many helpers are required?

Solution :

2L = 35S
⇒ 20L = 350S
∴ Total S cake = (350+700) = 1050 S cake
∴ Total H = (1050/35×3) = 10 [Ans]
29) In a factory, one worker can produce one piece of m in 15 minutes and one piece of n in 20
minutes. How many workers are needed to produce 200 units of m and 300 units of n in exactly 10

[MBA-IBA: 55th intake; Dec-2015]

Solution :

Required W = (15×200 + 20×300)/(10×60) = 15 [Ans]

30) The daily wages of a worker is Tk.100. 5 workers can do a work in 10 days. If you pay Tk.20 more
daily, they agree to do 25% more work daily. If the proposal is accepted, then the total amount that
could be saved is –

Solution :

RT = 10×(4/5) i.e 8 days

∴ Saved amount = (5×100×10-5×120×8) = 200 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

31) 20 men can finish a work in 30 days. After how many days should 5 men leave the work so that
the work may be finished in 35 days?

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

20×30 = 15×35+5×D
⇒ D = 15 [Ans]
32) A group of men decided to do a job in 8 days. But since 10 men dropped out every day, the job
got completed at the end of the 12th day. How many men were there at the beginning?

Solution :

8M = M + ( M-10) + (M-20)+....+(M-110)
⇒ 8M = 12M - 660
⇒ 4M = 660
⇒ M = 165 [Ans]
33) 50 daily workers can complete a dam project in 40 days. If 30 of them work daily and the rest
work in every alternative day, how many more days will be required to complete the project?
[BB-AD - 2018]

Solution :

30×D + 20×(D/2) = 50×40

⇒ 30D + 10D = 2000

⇒ 40D = 2000

⇒ D = 50 days

∴ RD = (50-40) i.e 10 days [Ans]

34) Ten men working together can do a certain job in 56 days. If on the first day, one man starts the
work; on the second day, two men join him; on the third day, three men join, and so on, with exactly
n men joining the work on the nth day, find the number of days in which the work would be

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Let, each man work 1 unit of work per day

So, 1+3+6+10+---+n = 56×10

⇒ n(n+1)(n+2)/6= 10×56

⇒ n(n+1)(n+2)=6×10×56

⇒ n(n+1)(n+2)=14×15×16

⇒ n = 14 [Ans]

35) A contractor employed 20 men to do a piece of work in 40 days. After 15 days he employed 5
more men and the work was finished one day earlier. How many days he would have been behind, if
he had not employed additional men?

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

20×D =15×20+25×24

⇒ 20D = 900

⇒ D = 45

No of days behind Schedule (45-40) = 5 days [Ans]

36) A contractor undertakes to do a piece of work in 40 days. He engages 100 men at the beginning
and 100 more after 35 days and completes the work in stipulated time. If he had not engaged the
additional men, how many days behind schedule would it be finished?

[Janata Bank – EO – 2017]

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

100×35 + 200×5 = 100×D

⇒ 100D = 3500+1000

⇒ 100D = 4500

⇒ D = 45

So, No. Of days behind schedule = (45 -40) i.e 5 days [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

★ Shortcut : (100×5)/100 i.e 5 days [Ans]

37) A contractor employed 30 men to do a piece of work in 38 days. After 25 days he employed 5 men
more and the work was finished one day earlier. How many days he would have been behind, if he
had not employed additional men?

[Pubali Bank – 2014]

Solution :

Applying MDH Method

30×25+35×12 = 30×D
⇒ 30D = 750 + 420
⇒ 30D = 1170
⇒ D = 39
So, No. Of days behind Schedule = 39-38 i.e1 Days [Ans]
38) John appointed 25 persons to complete a small bridge in 40 days. After 20 days he appointed 15
more workers and the bridge was completed 5 days earlier. If he had not appointed additional
workers by how many days he would have been behind the scheduled time?
[IBA MBA-59th intake – Dec-2017]

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

25×D = 25×20 + (25+15)×(40-20-5)

⇒ D = 44 days

So, No. Of days behind schedule = (44-40) i.e 4 days [Ans]

39) 30 worker needs to complete a work within 20 days. After 10 days the work stopped for 6 days
due to bad weather. How many extra workers will be needed to finish the work on time?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

⇒ 4M = 300

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⇒ M = 75
So, Extra men to be needed = (75-30) i.e 45 [Ans]
40) A contractor undertakes to complete a work in 130 days. He employs 150 men for 25 days and
they complete 1/4 of the work. He then reduces the number of men to 100, who work for 60 days,
after which there are 10 days holidays. How many men must be employed for the remaining period
to finish the work?

Solution :

Approach - 1 :

(150×25)/(1/4) = (100×60)/W
⇒ 150×4×25 = 100×60/W
⇒ 25W = 10
⇒ W = 2/5
∴ Remaining work = 1 - (1/4+2/5) = 7/20

Now, (150×25)/(1/4) = (100+M)×35/(7/20)

⇒ 100+M = 150
⇒ M = 50 [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

150×25×4 = 150×25 + 100×60 + 35×(M+100)

⇒ 35M + 3500 = 150×25×3 - 100×60
⇒ 35M = 1750
⇒ M = 50 [Ans]
41) 300 workers are set to build a dam in 21 weeks they have done 60% of the work, but subsequent
rains lasting 4 weeks washed away 25% of what they had done. The job is resumed by 200 workers.
What is the additional time it will take to complete the work?

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

(300×21)/60 = (200×D)/55

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⇒ 21×5×55 =200×D
⇒ D = 231/8 or 28(7/8) weeks [Ans]
42) A contractor employs 200 men to build a bund. They finish 5/6 of the work in 10 weeks. Then
rain sets in and not only does the work remain suspended for 4 weeks but also half of the work already
done is washed away. After the rain, when the work is resumed, only 140 men turn up. The total time
in which the contractor is able to complete the work, assuming that there are no further disruptions
in the schedule is –

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

(200×10)/5 = (140×T)/3.5
⇒ 140T = 1400
⇒ T = 10 weeks
∴ Total Time = (10+4+10) i.e 24 weeks [Ans]
43) Four persons, each of whom works at the same rate, were to complete a job according to a
schedule. However, because of an argument, two of the 4 quit after working for 1 day. The remaining
persons finished the job, but it required 2 more days than what had originally been scheduled. How
many days were originally scheduled for completion of the job?

Solution :

Applying MHD method :

4×D = 4×1 + 2×(D+2-1)
⇒ 2D = 4+2
⇒ D = 3 days [Ans]
44) A work is done by 30 workers not all of them have the same capacity to work. Every day exactly
2 workers, do the work with no pair of workers working together twice. Even after all possible pairs
have worked once, all the workers together works for six more days to finish the work. Find the
number of days in which all the workers together will finish the work?

Solution :

29+6=35 days

Each worker will be working with others 29 which means each worker will work for 29 days [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

45) Twenty women can do a work in sixteen days. Sixteen men can complete the same work in fifteen
days. The ratio between the capacity of a man and a woman is –

Solution :

20W×16 = 16M×15

⇒ 20W = 15M

⇒ M : W = 4 : 3 [Ans]

46) If 5 men or 9 women can do a piece of work in 19 days, then in how many days will 3 men and 6
women do the same work?

Solution :

5M = 9W
⇒ M : W = 9 : 5 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

5×9×19 = (3×9+6×5)×D
⇒ 57D = 45×19
⇒ D = 15 days [Ans]
47) 10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to complete the work. How
many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?

Solution :

10W×7 = 10C × 14
⇒ 7W = 14C
⇒ W : C = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

10×2×7 = (5×2+10×1)×D
⇒ 20D = 20×7
⇒ D = 7 days [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

48) If 3 men or 6 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days, working 7 hours a day; how many days will
it take to complete a piece of work twice as large with 6 men and 2 boys working together for 8 hours
a day?

Solution :

3M = 6B

⇒ M : B = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:


⇒ 105 = 14D

⇒ D = 7.5 days [Ans]

49) If 2 men or 3 women or 4 boys can do a piece of work in 52 days, then in how many days 1 man,
1 woman and 1 boy complete the work?

Solution :

2M = 3W = 4B

Lcm is 12 so,

⇒ M:W:B = 12/2:12/3:12/4


Applying MHD method:

2×6×52 = (6+4+3)×D

⇒ D = 12×4 i.e 48 days [Ans]

50) If 2 men or 3 women or 4 boys can do a piece of work in 17 days, then 5 man, 5 woman and 6 boy,
working together can do it in –

Solution :

2M = 3W=4B

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Applying MHD method:

2×6×17 = (5×6+5×4+6×3)×D
⇒ 204 = 68D
⇒ D = 3 days [Ans]
51) If 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days working for 8 hours a day, how many
men working with 6 women and 2 boys take to do a job four times as big working for 5 hours a day
for 12 days?
[IBBL – 2012]

Solution :

20M = 24W = 40B

⇒ 5M = 6W = 10B
⇒ M:W:B = 6:5:3 [ Efficiency ]

Applying MHD method :

20×6×12×8×4 = (6×5+2×3+6M)×5×12
⇒ 3840 = 180+30M
⇒ 30M = 3840-180
⇒ M = 122 [Ans]
52) 12 men or 18 women or 24 boys can complete a work in 15 days. 10 men and 20 boys started the
work and after five days six women joined them. In how many days can the remaining work be

Solution :

12M = 18W = 24B

⇒ 2M = 3W = 4B

Applying MHD method:

12×6×15 = (10×6+20×3)×5 + (10×6+6×4+20×3)×D
⇒ 1,080 = 600 + 144D
⇒144D = 480
⇒ D = 3.33 days [Ans]

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53) A man and a boy together can complete a job in 81 days. Two men and 3 boys together can
complete the same job in 36 days. In how many days can four men together complete the same job?

Solution :

81(M+B) = 36(2M+3B)
⇒ 9M+9B = 8M + 12B
⇒ M = 3B
⇒ M : B = 3 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

81×(3+1) = 4×3×D
⇒ D = 27 days [Ans]
54) 4 men and 3 women finish a work in 8 days. 2 men and 4 women finish the same work in 10 days.
In how many days can 3 men and 1 woman finish the work?

Solution :

8(4M+3W) = 10(2M+4W)
⇒ 16M + 12W = 10M + 20W
⇒ 6M = 8W
⇒ M : W = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

8×(4×4+3×3) = (3×4+1×3)×D
⇒15D = 200
⇒D = 13.33 days [Ans]
55) 2 large and 1 small pumps can fill a water tank in 4 hours. 1 large and 3 small pumps can also fill
the same water tank in 4 hours. How many hours will it take for 3 large and 4 small pumps to fill the

Solution :

4(2L+S) = 4(L+3S)

⇒ 2L + S = L + 3S

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⇒ L = 2S

⇒ L : S = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

4×(2×2+1) = (3×2+4×1)×T

⇒ 10T = 20

⇒ T = 2 hours [Ans]

56) 25 men with 10 boys can do in 6 days as much work as 21 men with 30 boys can do in 5 days. How
many boys must help 40 men to do the same work in 4 days?

Solution :

6(25M+10B) = 5(21M+30B)

⇒ 150M+60B = 105M+150B

⇒ 45M = 90B

⇒ M : B = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

6×(25×2+10×1) = (40×2+B×1)×4

⇒ 90 = 80 + B

⇒ B = 10 [Ans]

57) 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in
10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?

Solution :

8(4M+6W) = 10(3M+7W)
⇒ 16M + 24W = 15M + 35W
⇒ M = 11W
⇒ M : W = 11 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

8×(4×11+6) = 10×1×D

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ 8×50 = 10D
⇒ D = 40 days [Ans]
58) 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days, while 3 men and 2 boys can do same work in
8 days. In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy do the work?
[RAKUB: SO-2016; JBL AEO-2015; PBL-2014]

Solution :

10(2M+3B) = 8(3M+2B)
⇒ 10M + 15B = 12M + 8B
⇒ 7B = 2M
⇒ M : B = 7 : 2 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

10×(2×7+3×2) = (2×7+1×2)×D
⇒ 200 = 16D
⇒ D = 12.5 days [Ans]
59) A team of 2 men and 5 women completed 1/4 th of a job in 3 days. After that another man joined
them and they all completed another 1/4 th of the job in 2 days. How many men can complete the
whole job in 4 days?
[BB – AD - 2014; Pubali Bank – 2013]

Solution :

12(2M+5W) = 8(3M+5W)
⇒ 6M+15W = 6M+10W
⇒ 5W = 0.M
⇒ M : W = 5 : 0 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

12×2×5 = M×5×4
⇒ M = 6 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

60) 4 men and 10 women were put on a work. They completed 1/3 of the work in 4 days. After this 2
men and 2 women were increased. They completed 2/9 more of the work in 2 days. If the remaining
work is to be completed in 3 days, then how many more women must be increased?

Solution :

12(4M+10W) = 9(6M+12W)
⇒ 2M = 4W
⇒ M : W = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

(6×2+12×1)×4 = (6×2+W×1)×3
⇒ (24×4)/3 = 12 + W
⇒ W+12 = 32
⇒ W = 20
So, Women to be needed = (20-12) i.e 8 [Ans]
61) If 5 men and 3 women can reap 18 acre of crop in 4 days, 3 men and 2 women can reap 22 acre
of crop in 8 days, then how many men are required to join 21 women to reap 54 acre of crop in 6

Solution :

(5m+3w)×22×4 = (3m+2w)×18×8
⇒ 55m+33w = 54m+36w
⇒ m = 3w
⇒ m : w = 3 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

(5×3+3×1)×4×54 = (m×3+21×1)×6×18
⇒ 3,888 = (3m+21)×6×18
⇒ 3m + 21= 36
⇒ 3m = 15
⇒ m = 5 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

62) If 5 men with 7 boys can earn Tk.3825 in 6 days and 2 men with 3 boys can earn Tk.1050 in 4
days, in what time will 7 men with 6 boys earn Tk.22500?

Solution :

6(5M+7B)/3825 = 4(2M+3B)/1050
⇒ (30M+42B)×1050 = (8M+12B)×3825
⇒ 42(30M+42B) = 153(8M+12B)
⇒ 21(15M+21B) = 153(2M+3B)
⇒ 315M+441B = 306M+459B
⇒ 9M = 18B
⇒ M : B = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

6×(5×2+7×1)/3825 = D×(7×2+6×1)/22500
⇒ 102/3825 = 20D/22500
⇒ 102/3825 = D/1125
⇒ D = (102×1125)/3825
⇒ D = 30 days [Ans]
63) Three men and two women can do a work in 4 days, while three women and two men can do the
same work in 5 days. Tk.44 is given to a woman for her day work. What amount is required for three
men and two women?

Solution :

4(3M+2W) = 5(2M+3W)
⇒ 12M + 8W = 10M + 15W
⇒ 2M = 7W
⇒ 2M = 7×44
⇒ M = 7×22
⇒ M = 154
∴ Required A = 4×(3×154+2×44) = 2200 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

64) Assume that 20 cows and 40 goats can be kept for 10 days for Tk.460. If the cost of keeping 5
goats is the same as the cost of keeping 1 cow, what will be the cost for keeping 50 cows and 30 goats
for 12 days?

Solution :

5G = C

Applying MHD method:

10(20×5+40×1)/460 = 12(50×5+30×1)/C
⇒ C = 1104 [Ans]
65) 24 men can complete a work in 16 days. 32 women can complete the same work in 24 days. 16
men and 16 women started working and worked for 12 days. How many more men are to be added
to complete the remaining work in 2 days?
[PBL Senior Officer/Officer-2017]

Solution :

24M×16 = 32W×24
⇒ 16M = 32W
⇒ M : W = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

24×2×16 = (16×2+16×1)×12+(M×2+16×1)×2
⇒ 768 = 576+4M+32
⇒ 4M = 160
⇒ M = 40
So, M to be needed = (40-16) i.e 24 [Ans]
66) 12 children take 16 days to complete a work, which can be completed by 8 adults in 12 days. 16
adults started working and after 3 day's 10 adults left and 4 children joined them. How many days
will it take them to complete the remaining work?

Solution :

12C×16 = 8A×12
⇒ 16C = 8A

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ C : A = 1 : 2 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

12×1×16 = 16×2×3+(6×2+4×1)×D

⇒ 192 = 96 + 16D

⇒ 16D = 96

⇒ D = 6 [Ans]

67) 12 men can complete a work in 8 days. 16 women can complete the same work in 12 days. 8 men
and 8 women started working and worked for 6 days. How many more men are to be added to
complete the remaining work in 1 day?

Solution :

12M×8 = 16W×12

⇒ 8M = 16W

⇒ M : W = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

12×2×8 = (8×2+8×1)×6+(M×2+8×1)×1

⇒ 192 = 144 + 2M + 8

⇒ 2M = 40

⇒ M = 20

So, M to be needed = (20-8) i.e 12 [Ans]

68) Sixteen men can complete a work in twelve days. Twenty four children can complete the same
work in 18 days. 12 men and 8 children started working and after eight days three more children
joined them. How many days will they now take to complete the remaining work?

Solution :

16M×12 = 24C×18

⇒ 16M = 2C×18

⇒ 4M = 9C

⇒ M : C = 9 : 4 [Efficiency]

ABIR - 01723856285

Applying MHD method:

16×9×12 = (12×9+8×4)×8+(12×9+11×4)×D

⇒ 1,728 = 1,120 + 152D

⇒ 152D = 608

⇒ D = 4 days [Ans]

69) 60 men could complete a piece of work in 250 days. They worked together for 200 days. After
that the work had to be stopped for 10 days due to bad weather. How many more men should be
engaged to complete the work in time?

[Combined 5 Banks (Officer Cash) – 2019 (AUST)]

Solution :

Applying MHD method:

60×250 = 60×200 + (50-10)×(M+60)

⇒ 60×50 = 40(M+60)

⇒ M+60 = 75

⇒ M = 15 [Ans]

70) 12 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days. 18 women can complete the same piece of work
in 60 days. 8 men and 20 women work together for 20 days. If only women were to complete the
remaining work in 4 days, how many women would be required?

[Sonali Bank - Officer (FF) – 2019 (AUST)]

Solution :

12M×36 = 18W×60

⇒ 2M = 5W

⇒ M : W = 5 : 2 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

12×5×36 = (8×5+20×2)×20+W×2×4

⇒ 2160 = 80×20 + 8W

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ 8W = 2160-1600

⇒ 8W = 560

⇒ W = 70 [Ans]

71) 10 men can finish a piece of work in 15 days. 8 women can finish the same piece of work in 25
days. Only 10 women started working and, in a few days, completed a certain amount of work. After
that 3 men joined them. The remaining work was completed by 10 women and 3 men together in 5
days. After how many days did 3 men join 10 women?

Solution :

10M×15 = 8W×25

⇒ 3M = 4W

⇒ M : W = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

10×4×15 = 10×3×D+(10×3+3×4)×5

⇒ 600 = 30D + 210

⇒ 30D = 390

⇒ D = 13 days [Ans]

72) 6 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days. 8 women can complete the same work in 18 days
whereas 18 children can complete it in 10 days. 4 men, 12 women and 20 children work together for
2 days. If only men were to complete the remaining work in 1 day how many men would be required

[Combined 4 Banks – 2019; Sonali Bank SO (FF) – 2019 (AUST)]

Solution :

6M×12 = 8W×18 = 18C×10

⇒ 2M = 4W = 5C

⇒ M : W : C = 10 : 5 : 4

Applying MHD method :

6×10×12 = (4×10+12×5+20×4)×2 + M×10×1

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ 720 = 360 + 10M

⇒ 10M = 360

⇒ M = 36 [Ans]

73) 100 cows can graze a field completely in 15 days, while 60 cows can do it in 30 days. How many
cows are needed to do it in 10 days?

Solution :

Let, quantity of initial grass is ‘g’ unit

and rate of increase of grass per day is ‘r’.

g + 15r = 100×15

⇒ g + 15r = 15,00--------(1)

And, g + 30r = 60×30

⇒ g + 30r = 18,00---------(2)

From (1) & (2) we get,

15r = 300

⇒ r = 20

And, g = 1500-300 = 1200

Now, 1200+10×20 = 10×C

⇒ 10C = 14,00

⇒ C = 140 [Ans]

74) 10 cows can graze in a field for 15 days and 20 cows can graze in the same field for 10 days. For
how many days can 30 cows graze in the field?

Solution :

Let, quantity of initial grass is ‘g’ unit

and rate of increase of grass per day is ‘r’.

g + 15r = 10×15

⇒ g + 15r = 150--------(1)

ABIR - 01723856285

Again, g + 10r = 20×10

⇒ g + 10r = 200----------(2)

From (1) & (2) we get,

5r = - 50

⇒ r = -10

So, g = 300

Now, 300+ (-10)×D = 30×D

⇒40D = 300

⇒ D = 7.5 days [Ans]

75) The grass in a field increases at a constant rate. 17 cows can eat up all grass in 30 days whereas
it takes 24 days for 19 cows. 4 cows were sold from a herd after the herd had eaten grass for 6 days.
It took 2 more days for the herd to eat up the grass. How many cows were in that herd initially?

Solution :

Let, quantity of initial grass is ‘g’ unit

and rate of increase of grass per day is ‘r’.
So, 17×30 = g + 30r
And, 19×24 = g + 24r

On solving,
6r = 54
So, r = 9
And, g = 240
Now, 6×C + 2×(C-4) = 240 + 8×9
⇒ 8C = 320
⇒ C = 40 [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

76) Grass in a lawn grows equally thick and at a uniform rate. It takes 24 days for 70 cows and 60
days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many cows are needed to eat the grass in 96 days?

Solution :

Same as 75
Ans- 20 days
77) In a pasture, grass grows at a uniform rate per day. If 40 goats graze, the grass is exhausted in 6
days, if 20 goats graze; the grass is exhausted in 16 days. If the grass is exhausted in 12 days, find the
number of goats grazing.

Solution :

(40G - x)×6 = (20G-x)×16

Now, (n×1-8)×8 = (20×1-8)×16
On solving, n = 32 [Ans]
78) A tank can supply water to a village for 40 days. If a leak at the bottom of the tank drains out 10
liters per day, the supply lasts for 30 days only. For how many days will the supply last if the leak
drains out 20 liters per day?

Solution :

40C = 30(C+10)
⇒ C = 30 L
Now, (20+30)×D = 30×40
⇒ D = 24 days [Ans]
79) A town is supplied with water from a big overhead tank which is fed with a constant volume of
water regularly. When the tank is full, if 32000 gallons are used daily, the supply fails in 50 days.
However, if 37000 gallons are used daily the supply lasts for 40 days only. How much water can be
used daily without the supply ever failing?
Solution :

50(32000-G) = 40(37000-G)
50G - 40G = 1600000-1480000
⇒ 10G = 120000
⇒ G = 12000 gallons [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

80) A, B and C do a job alone in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how many days can A do the job
if he is assisted by B and C?

[BB: AD – 2013]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 60 units

RT = 60/6 i.e 10 days [Ans]
81) A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days, B and C can do it in 24 days, A and C can do it in 36
days. In how many days will A, B and C finish it, working together and separately?
[BB: AD – 2017]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 72 units

Eff of (A+B) = 4
Eff of (B+C) = 3
Eff of (C+A) = 2
Eff of A = 4.5 - 3 = 1.5
Eff of B = 4.5 - 2 = 2.5
Eff of C = 4.5 - 4 = 0.5
RT of A = 72/1.5 = 48 days
RT of B = 72/2.5 = 28.8 days
RT of C = 72/0.5 = 144 days [Ans]
82) Abir can do a piece of work in 80 days. He works for 10 days and then Basher alone finishes the
rest of the work in 42 days. How much time would it take for the two of them together to complete
the whole work?
[BB: AD – 2006]

Solution :

80A = 10A+42B

⇒70A = 42B

ABIR - 01723856285

Now, 80×3 = (3+5)×D
⇒D = 10×3 i.e 30 days [Ans]
83) A, B and C can do a piece of work in 16, 32 and 48 days respectively. They started working
together but C left after working 4 days and B, 2 days before the completion of work. How many days
it took to complete the work?

Solution :

Let, Total work be 96 units

Now, 96 = 11×4+9×D+6×2
⇒9D = 40
⇒D = 40/9 days
So, Total Time = (4+40/9+2) i.e 10.44 days [Ans]
84) A and B can do a piece of work in 30 days, while B and C can do the same work in 24 days, and
C and A in 20 days. They all work together for 10 days when B and C leave. How many days more
will A take to finish the work?
[Combined 3 Banks – Officer (Cash) – 2018]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 120 units

Eff of (A+B) = 4
Eff of (B+C) = 5
Eff of (C+A) = 6
Eff of A = 7.5 - 5 = 2.5
Eff of B = 7.5 - 6 = 1.5
Eff of C = 7.5 - 4 = 3.5

Now, 120 = 7.5×10+2.5×D

⇒ 2.5D = 45
⇒ D = 18 days [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

85) To do a piece of work B takes 3 times as long as A and C together, and C twice as long as A and
B together. If A, B and C together can complete the work in 10 days. HOW long would A take alone
to complete it?

Solution :

B : (A+C) = 1 : 3 =3 : 9

C : (A+B) =1 : 2 =4 : 8

Eff of A = 12 -(4+3) = 5

Applying MHD method :

12×10 = 5×D

⇒ D = 24 days [Ans]

86) A can do a piece of work in 120 days and B can do it in 150 days. They work together for 20 days
then B leaves and A continues the work alone. 12 days after, C joins A and the work is completed in
48 days more. In how many days can C do it if he works alone?

[BSC 3 Banks (SO) – 2018 (AUST)]

Solution :

Let, total work be 600 units [LCM of 120 & 150]

Efficiency, A : B = 5 : 4

Now, 120×5 = 9×20+12×5+(5+C)×48

⇒ 120×5 = 180+60+240+48C

⇒ 120×5 = 480+48C

⇒ 48C = 120

⇒ C = 2.5

So, RT of C = [600/2.5] = 240 days [Ans]

87) A alone can reap a certain field in 15 days and B in 12 days. If A begins alone and after a certain
interval B joins him, the field is reaped in 7.5 days. How long did A and B work together?

[PKB (SEO) – 2018 (AUST)]

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

15A = 12B

⇒5A = 4B

⇒ A : B = 4 : 5 [Efficiency]

Now, 60 = 5× D + 7.5×4

⇒ 60-30 = 5D

⇒ D = 6 days [Ans]


88) A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, which B and C together can do in 16 days.
After A has been working at it for 5 days and B for 7 days C finishes in 13 days. In how many days
C alone will do the work?

Solution :

12(A+B) = 16(B+C)

⇒ 3(A+B) = 4(B+C)

⇒ (A+B) : (B+C) = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

Now, 12×4 = 5A+7B+12C

⇒ 48 = 5×4+2×3+11C

⇒11C = 22

⇒ C = 2 [Efficiency]

∴ Required Time of C = 48/2 i.e 24 days [Ans]

89) Rafiq, Shafiq, and Arif can alone complete a project in 10 days, 20 days, and 10 days respectively.
Rafiq started working on the project alone. Shafiq joined the project after 2 days. After working
together for 4 days both Rafiq and Shafiq left the project and Arif got in. How many days it took to
complete the entire project?

[BKB - Officer - 2017]

Solution :

10R = 20S = 10A


ABIR - 01723856285

Now, 10×2 = 2×2+3×4+2×D

⇒ 2D + 16 = 20
∴ Total Time = (2+4+2) i.e 8 days [Ans]
90) A is 20% more efficient than B and takes 40 days less than B to complete a job. B is 50% more
efficient than C. On this job, A works for 50 days and quits. Then B takes over and works for 120
days and quits. C completed the remaining work. The no. of days worked by C is –

Solution :

∴ A : B : C = 18 : 15 : 10 [Efficiency]
Now, 1 part is ≡ 40
⇒ 5 part is ≡ 200
So, Total work = 200×18=3600 units

Now, 3600=18×50+15×120+10×D
⇒ 3600 = 900+1800+10D
⇒ 10D = 900
⇒ D = 90 days [Ans]
91) A can do a piece of work in 40 days B can do the same piece of work in 60 days. A and B started
the work together in the first 15 dabs A worked with 50% of his efficiency, in the next l5 days B
worked with 50% of his efficiency. Now in how many days does the remaining work will be completed
if both of them work with their full efficiencies?

Solution :

A : B = 40 : 60 = 2 : 3 [Time]
A : B = 3 : 2 [Efficiency]
∴ Total work = 120 units
Now, 120 = (1.5+2)×15+(3+1)×15+5D
⇒ D = 1.5 days [Ans]

ABIR - 01723856285

92) A can do a piece of work in 16 days. Due to some problem, his efficiency reduces to 40%. B’s
efficiency also reduces to two-third his original efficiency. Now they can finish the work in 20 days.
Then in how many days can A and B together finish the work at 100% efficiency?

Solution :

A's Eff = 5 : 2

B's Eff = 3 : 2

∴ Total work = 16×5 i.e 80 units

Now, 80 = 8×D

⇒ D = 10 days [Ans]

93) A does a work in 45 days whereas B does the same work in 36 days. A start the work and was
joined by B after 18 days. If A gets total Tk.2350 as his wage, find the money B will get?

Solution :

A : B = 45 : 36 = 5 : 4 [Time]

A : B = 4 : 5 [Efficiency]

∴ Total work = 180 units

Now, 180 = 4×18 + 9×D

⇒ D + 8 = 20

⇒ D = 12

So, A : B = (18+12) : 12

⇒ A : B = 30 : 12 [Day]

Wage ratio = (30×4) : (12×5)


Now, 2 part is ≡ 2350

⇒1 part is ≡ 1175 [Ans]

94) If A and B work together, they will complete a job in 7.5 days. However, if A works alone and
completes half the job and then B takes over and completes the remaining half alone, they will be
able to complete the job in 20 days. How long will B alone take to do the job if A is more efficient
than B?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Approach -1 :

Let, Total work be 60 units [LCM of 7.5 and 20]

∴ Eff of (A+B) = (60/7.5) i.e 8

Let, The efficiency of A be 'a'

∴ The efficiency of B will be '(8-a)

As per question,

(30/a) + (30/8-a) = 20

⇒ 30(8-a) + 30a = 20a(8 - a)

⇒ 24 - 3a + 3a = 16a - 2a²

⇒ 2a² -16a + 24 = 0

⇒ a² - 8a + 12 = 0

⇒ a² - 6a - 2a + 12 = 0

⇒ a(a-6) - 2(a-6) = 0

⇒ (a-6)(a-2) = 0

Either, a = 6 or a = 2

Since A is more efficient than B, so, Efficiency of A = 6

∴ Efficiency of B = (8-6) i.e 2

∴ Required time for B = (60/2) i.e 30 days [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

We know, Required time for Together = [AB/(A+B)]

Let, B takes 'd' days

So, A takes '(40-d)' days


As per question,

[(40 - d)×d]/(40 - d + d) = 7.5

⇒ 40d - d² = 300

ABIR - 01723856285

⇒ d² - 40d + 300 = 0

⇒ d² - 30d - 10d + 300 = 0

⇒ d(d - 30) - 10(d - 30) = 0

⇒ (d - 30)(d-10) = 0

Either, d = 30 or d = 10

Since A is more efficient than B.

∴ B takes 30 days to complete the whole work. [Ans]

95) P, Q and R are three typists who working simultaneously can type 216 pages in 4 hours. In one
hour, R can type as many pages more than Q as Q can type more than P. During a period of five
hours, R can type as many pages as P can during seven hours. How many pages does each of them
type per hour?

Solution :

Let, The efficiency of P, Q and R be P, Q and R respectively.

Here, 5R = 7P

⇒ P : R = 5 : 7 [Efficiency]

And, R - Q = Q - P

⇒ R + P = 2Q

⇒ 5+7 = 2Q



Given, In 4 hrs (P+Q+R) can type 216 pages

∴ In 1 hr (P+Q+R) can type (216/4) i.e 54 pages

∴ P types = 54×(5/18) = 15 pages

∴ Q types = 54×(6/18) = 18 pages

And, R types = 54×(7/18) = 21 pages

∴ (P, Q, R) = (15, 18, 21) [Ans]


ABIR - 01723856285

96) Sumon had to type 80 pages per day to complete an assignment. He could type only 60 pages per
day and is left with 2000 pages to type in the last 10 days. For how many days has Sumon been typing?

Solution :

80(D+10) = 60D + 2000

⇒ 80D + 800 = 60D + 2000

⇒ 20D = 1200

⇒ D = 60 days [Ans]

97) Bob and David are two typists. One afternoon, they were each given 40 pages for typing. They
divided the work equally but David finished 20 minutes before Bob who took 2 hours for the same.
The next afternoon, they were again given 77 pages to type. However, this time they decided to divide
the work such that they finished typing simultaneously. How many pages did Bob have to type?

Solution :

B : D = 120 : 100 = 6 : 5

B : D = 5 : 6 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

(5+6) × W = 5 × 77

⇒ W = 5×7

⇒ W = 35 [Ans]

98) Anuj and Manoj can together paint their house in 30 days, after working for 20 days, Anuj has
to go out and Manoj finishes the remaining work in the next 30 days. If Manoj had gone away after
20 days instead of Anuj, then Anuj would have completed the remaining work in –

Solution :

30(A+M) = 20(A+M) + 30M

⇒ 10(A+M) = 30M

⇒ 10A = 20M

⇒ A : M = 2 : 1 [Efficiency]

ABIR - 01723856285

Applying MHD method:

3×30 = 3×20 + 2×D

⇒ 2D = 30

⇒ D = 15 days [Ans]

99) Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a
computer, while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together
on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?

Solution :

6R/32 = 5A/40

⇒ 3R/16 = A/8

⇒ 24R = 16A

⇒ R : A = 2 : 3 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method:

(6×2)/32 = (5×T)/110

⇒ 3/8 = T/22

⇒ T = 66/8 i.e 8 hrs 15 mins [Ans]

100) Abhishek starts to paint a fence on one day. On the second day, two more friend of Abhishek
joins him. On the third day 3 more friends of him join him and so on. If the fence is completely
painted this way in exactly 20 days, then find the number of days in which 10 girls painting together
can paint the fence completely, given that every girl can paint twice as fast as Abhishek and his friends
(Boys)? (Assume that the friends of Abhishek are all boys).

Solution :

Let, each man work 1 unit of work per day

So, 1 + 3 + 6 + 10+...+210

= (20×21×22)/6 i.e 1540 units

Now, 10G = 20B


ABIR - 01723856285

RT of 10G = 1540/20 i.e 77 days [Ans]


101) Working together, Jose and Jane can complete an assigned task in 20 days. However, if Jose
worked alone and complete half the work and then Jane takes over the task and completes the second
half of the task, the task will be completed in 45 days. How long will Jose take to complete the task if
he worked alone? Assume that Jane is more efficient than Jose.

Solution :

Same as 94

102) A, B and C have to read a document of seventy eight pages and make a presentation next day.
They realize that the article is difficult to understand and they would require team work to finish the
assignment. A can read a page in two minutes, B in 3 minutes and C in 4 minutes. If they divide the
article in to 3 parts so that all three of them spend the equal amount of time on the article, the number
of pages that B should read is –

Solution :

Let, Total work be 12 units


Applying MHD method:

So, B will read = 78×(4/13) = 24 pages [Ans]

103) A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 9 and 12 days respectively. If they work
for a day alternately, A beginning, in how many days, the work will be completed?

Solution :

A : B = 9 : 12 = 3 : 4 [Time]

A : B = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

∴ Total work = 36 units

Work anatomy :


⇒ (4+3) i.e 7 units can be done in 2 days

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So, 35 units can be done in 10 days

∴ Remaining work = 1 unit

1 unit will be done by A in (1/4) days

∴ Total Time = (10+1/4) i.e 10(1/4) days [Ans]

104) A alone can do a piece of work in 30 days, while B alone can do it in 15 days and C alone can do
it in 10 days. If in every second day B and in every third day C help A in doing the work, how many
days will be required to complete the whole work?

[Agrani Bank - (SO) - 2017]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 30 units [LCM of 30, 15 & 10]

A : B : C = 1 : 2 : 3 [Efficiency]

Work anatomy:

A + (A+B)+(A+C)+(A+B)+A+(A+B+C)+........

⇒ 1+3+4+3+1+6 i.e 18 units can be done in 6 days

Remaining work = (30-18) i.e 12 units

12 units will be done in (1+3+4+3+1) i.e 5 days

So, Total time = 6+5 i.e 11 days[Ans]

105) Three workers A, B, C working individually can complete a task in 30 days, 15 days and 10 days
respectively. If A starts the task alone and B and C help A in every 2nd and 3rd day respectively, on
which day will the task be completed?

[MBA - IBA: 60th Batch; May-2018]

Solution :

Same as 104 : Ans will be 11 days

106) A and B can complete a work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They started doing the work
together but after 2 days B had to leave and A alone completed the remaining work. How many days
did it take to complete the whole work?

[Sonali Bank Officer-2018]

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

A : B = 15 : 10 = 3 : 2 [Time]

A : B = 2 : 3 [Efficiency]

∴ Total work = 30 units

Now, 30 = (2+3)×2+2×D

⇒ 2D = 30 - 10

⇒ D = 10

∴ Total Time = (2+10) i.e 12 days [Ans]

107) A, B and C can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A and B started working
together, whereas C worked with them in every third day. Find the number of days required to
complete the work.

[BHBFC–SO – 2018]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 300 units

A : B : C = 25 : 20 : 12

Work Anatomy :


∴ (45+45+57) i.e 147 units can be done in 3 days

⇒ 294 units can be done in 6 days

∴ Remaining work = 6 units

6 units will be done by (A+B) in (6/45) i.e 2/15 days

So, Total Time = (6+2/15) i.e 6(2/15) days [Ans]

108) If Dave works alone he will take 20 more hours to complete a task than if he worked with Diana
to complete the task. If Diana works alone, she will take 5 more hours to complete the task than if she
worked with Dave to complete the task. What is ratio of time taken by Dave to that taken by Diana
if each of them worked alone to complete the task?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Approach - 1 :

Time taken for together = √(20×5) = 10 hours

∴ Dave takes = (20 + 10) = 30 hours

∴ Daina takes = (5 + 10) = 15 hours

∴ Required Ratio = 30 : 15 = 2 : 1 [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

Let, Dave takes 50 hours

∴ (Dave + Diana) take 30 hours

Since, Diana takes 5 hrs less, so She takes (30-5) i.e 25 hours

∴ Dv : Dn = 50 : 25 = 2 : 1 [Ans]

109) A started a work and left after working for 2 days. Then B was called and he finished the work
in 9 days. Had A left the work after working 3 days, B would have finished the remaining Work in 6
days. In how many days can each of them, working alone, finish the whole work?

Solution :

2A + 9B = 3A + 6B

⇒ 3B = A


∴ Total work = (2×3+9×1)

= 15 units

∴ RT of A = (15/3) i.e 5 days [Ans]

∴ RT of B = (15/1) i.e 15 days [Ans]

110) Two workers A and B working together completed a job in 5 days. If A worked twice as
efficiently as he actually did and B worked 1/3 as efficiently as he actually did, the work would have
been completed in 3 days. A alone could complete the work in –

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

5(A+3B) = 3(2A+B)
⇒ 15B-3B = 6A-5A
⇒ 12B = A
⇒ A : B = 12 : 1 [Efficiency]

Applying MHD method :

5(12+3×1) = 12×D
⇒ 12D = 75
⇒ D = 6.25 days [Ans]
111) A and B can finish a work, working on alternate days, in 19 days when A works on the first day.
However, they can finish the work, working on alternate days, in 19(5/6) days when B works on the
first day. How many days does A alone take to finish the work?

Solution :

10A+9B = 10B+9(5/6)A
⇒ 10A+9B = 10B+(59A/6)
⇒ 60A+54B = 60B+59A
⇒ 60A-59A = 60B-54B
⇒ A = 6B
⇒ A : B = 6 : 1 [ Efficiency ]

Applying MHD method :

6×10+1×9 = 6×D
⇒ 69 = 6D
⇒ D = 11.5 days [Ans]
112) A can build an entire wall alone in 10 days. B can demolish the same wall in a total of 15 days
when working alone. If A and B work on alternate days, A building part of the wall one day and B
demolishing part of the wall the next day, in how many days will the complete wall be built for the
first time?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

A : B = 10 : 15 = 2 : 3 [Time]

A : B = 3 : (2) [Efficiency]

∴ Total work = 30 units

2-day work done = (3-2) i.e 1 units

In the last day, work done = 3 units

∴ Remaining work = (30-3) i.e 27 units was done in (27×2) i.e 54 days

∴ Total Time = (54+1) i.e 55 days [Ans]

113) Machines A and B, working together, take t minutes to complete a particular work. Machine A,
working alone, takes 64 minutes more than t to complete the same work. Machine B, working alone,
takes 25 minutes more than t to complete the same work. What is the ratio of the time taken by
machine A to the time taken by machine B to complete this work?

Solution :

1/(64+t) + 1/(25+t) = 1/t

On solving, t = 40

The required ratio = (40+64) : ( 40+25)

= 104 :65

= 8 : 5 [Ans]

114) A manufacturing company uses two machines A and B with different production capacities.
When working alone, machine A can produce a production lot in 5 hours and machine B can produce
the same lot in X hour. When the two machines operate simultaneously to produce the same
production lot, it takes them 2 hours to complete the job. How many hours will the machine B take
to produce the production lot alone?

[Combined 3 Banks (SO) – 2018 (AUST); Janata Bank: IT Officer-2016]

Solution :

5A = XB

⇒ A : B = X : 5 [Efficiency]

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Applying MHD method:

5X = 2(X+5)

⇒ 5X - 2X = 10

⇒ X = 10/3 i.e 3(1/3) days [Ans]

115) Machine A, working alone at its constant rate, produces x pounds of peanut butter in 12 minutes.
Machine B, working alone at its constant rate, produces x pounds of peanut butter in 18 minutes.
How many minutes will it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their respective
constant rates, to produce x pounds of peanut butter?

[Sonali Bank (Officer-Cash) – 2019 (AUST)]

Solution :

A : B = 12 : 18 = 2 : 3 [Time]

A : B = 3 : 2 [Efficiency]

∴ Total work = 36 units

∴ RT = 36/(3+2) i.e 7.2 [Ans]

116) A machine P can print one lakh books in 8 hours; machine Q can print the same number of
books in 10 hours while machine R can print them in 12 hours. All the machines are started at 9 a.m.
while machine P is closed at 11 a.m. and the remaining two machines complete the work.
Approximately at what time will the work be finished?

[Combined 2 Banks Officer IT – 2019; Combined 2 Banks Officer – 2018; Janata Bank AEO – 2015]

Solution :

Let, Total work be 120 units

P : Q : R = 15 : 12 : 10

Now, 120 = 37×2+22×T

⇒ 22T = 120 - 74

⇒ T = 2.09 i.e 2 hrs

So, Time = (11+2) i.e 1 p.m [Ans]


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117) Abdul alone can finish a work in 6 days and Bakul alone in 8 days. Abdul and Bakul undertook
to do it for Tk.3200. With the help of Chinu, they completed the work in 3 days. If the money is to be
distributed among them according to the work they have done, how much is to be paid to Chinu?

[NBL-2012, BASIC Bank-2014, SBAC MTO-2014]

Solution :

Approach - 1 :

A : B = 6 : 8 = 3 : 4 [Time]

A : B = 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

Now, (4+3+C)×3 = 24

⇒ 7+C = 8


Now, 8 part is ≡ 3200

⇒1 part is ≡ 400 [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

Abdul got = 3,200×(3/6) = Tk. 1,600

Bokul got = 3,200×(3/8) = Tk. 1200

∴ Chinu got = 3,200 - (1,600 + 1,200) = Tk. 400

118) A can do a piece of work in 10 days, while B alone can do it in 15 days. They worked together
for 5 days and the rest of the work was done by C in 2 days. lf they get Tk.4500 for the whole work,
how should they divide the money?

[RAKUB: Off-2016; BB-AD: (FF) – 2015; BASIC Bank – 2014]

Solution :

Approach - 1 :

A : B = 10 : 15 = 2 : 3 [Time]

A : B = 3 : 2 [Efficiency]

A has done = 15 units

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B has done = 10 units

C has done = (10×3) - 25 = 5 units

A will get = (4500/30)×15 = 2250

B will get = (4500/30)×10 = 1500

C will get = (4500/30)×5 = 750 [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

A got = 4,500×(5/10) = Tk.2,250

B got = 4,500×(5/15) = Tk.1,500

C got = 4,500 - (2,250 + 1,500) = 750 [Ans]

119) The number of a days in which A and B can finish a work is 12 days less than the time taken by
A alone and 27 days less than the time taken by B alone. If A and B can finish the work in 15 days
with the help of C and if the total compensation of the work is TK.3000, find the share of C.

Solution :

A+B together takes = √(12×27)= 18 days

Ratio of efficiency, (A+B+C) : (A+B) = 18 : 15 = 6 : 5

So, C's efficiency = 6-5 = 1

Then, C's share = 3000×1/6 = Tk.500 [Ans]

120) A man can build a hut in 9 days; a woman can build the same hut in 12 days and a boy can build
that hut in 18 days. After working together for 2 days, the man left and the woman & the boy
continued the work for 2 days. After that the woman left too and the boy finished the rest of the work.
If the total wage for this work is BDT 7910, how much the boy should receive based on the number
of days worked?

[MBA - IBA: 60th Batch; May-2018]

Solution :

Let, total work be 36 units [ LCM of 9, 12 & 18 ]

M : W : B = 4 : 3 : 2 [ Efficiency ]
Remaining work after 2 days = 36-(2×9) = 18 units

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Remaining work after 4 days=18-(2×5) = 8 units

8 units can be done in 4 days by boy
[since his efficiency is 2 ]
So, M : W : B = 2 : 4 : 8 [days]
Boy's wage = 7910×[8/14] = 4520 tk [Ans]
121) A group of workers having equal efficiency can complete a job in 4 days. But it so happens that
on every alternate day starting from the second day, 3 workers are withdrawn from the job and every
alternate day starting from the third day, 2 workers are added to the group. If it now takes 7 days to
complete the job, find the no. of workers who started the job?

Solution :

Let, The number of workers be 'n'

∴ Total work be 4n

As per question,
(n + n - 3 + n - 1 + n - 4 + n - 2 + n - 5 + n - 3) = 4n
⇒ 7n - 18 = 4n
⇒ 7n - 4n = 18
⇒ 3n = 18
∴ 6 workers started working [Ans]
122) A Contractor employed a certain number of workers to finish constructing a road in a certain
scheduled time. Sometime later, when a part of work had been completed, he realized that the work
would get delayed by three-fourth of the scheduled time, so he at once doubled the no of workers and
thus he managed to finish the road on the scheduled time. How much work he had been completed,
before increasing the number of workers?

Solution :

Let the contractor initially employed ‘m’ workers who worked for ‘d’ days
and he estimated 4 days for the whole work and then he doubled the worker for (4-d) days.
So, m×d + 2m×(4-d) = 7m
⇒ dm = m

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Now, work done in 1 day = m×1 = m
Total work = 7m
Therefore, work done before increasing the no. of workers = (m/7m)×100 % = 14(2/7)% [ Ans]
123) In a factory, there are equal number of women and children. Women work for 6 hours a day
and children for 4 hours a day. During festival time, the work load goes up by 50%. The government
rule does not allow children to work for more than 6 hours a day. If they are equally efficient and the
extra work is done by women, then extra hours of work put in by women everyday are –

Solution :

(6 + 4)/2 = (6 + 6 + H)/3
⇒ 5 × 3 = 12 + H
⇒ H = 15 - 12 = 3 hours [Ans]
124) A contractor employed 200 workers. They finished 5/6 of the work in 100 days. Due to rain, the
work stopped for 20 days and also destroyed 2/5 of the work. After the rain 150 workers came to
work. In how many days will the work be complete?

Solution :

Let, Total work be 30 units

In 100 days, Done work = 30×(5/6) = 25 units
Rain destroyed = 25×(2/5) = 10 units
∴ Work to be done = 30 - (25 - 10) = 15 units

Now, (200×100)/25 = (150×D)/15

⇒ 800 = 10D
⇒ D = 80 days
∴ Total Time = (100 + 20 + 80) = 200 days [Ans]
125) A can complete a project in 20 days, and B can complete the same project in 30 days. If A and
B start working on the project together and A quits 10 days before the project is expected to be
completed, in how many days will the project be completed?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Let, Total work be 60 units

∴ A : B = 3 : 2 [Efficiency]

∴ Required Time for together = (60/5) i.e 12 days

Now, 2×5 + 2×D = 60

⇒ 2D = 50

⇒ D = 25 days

∴ Total Time = (2+25) i.e 27 days [Ans]

126) Two men and women are entrusted with a task. The second man needs three hours more to cope
up with the job than the second man and the woman would need working together. The first man,
working alone, would need as much time as second man and the woman working together. The first
man working alone, would spend eight hours less than the double period of the time second man
would spend working alone. How much time would the two men and the women need to complete the
task if they all worked together?

Solution :

Let, second man and woman together take ‘t’ hours

∴ First man also takes ‘t’ hours

Then, second man takes (t+3) hours

ATQ,2(t+3) - t = 8

⇒ 2t+6-t = 8


∴ First Man takes 2 hours to complete the whole work.

And, (Second man + woman) take 2 hours to complete the whole work.

∴ Required Time = (2×2)/(2+2) = 1 hour [Ans]

127) Two musicians, Maria and Perry, work at independent constant rates to tune a warehouse full
of instruments. If both musicians start at the same time and work at their normal rates, they will
complete the job in 45 minutes. However, if Perry were to work at twice Maria’s rate, they would
take only 20 minutes. How long would it take Perry, working alone at his normal rate, to tune the
warehouse full of instruments?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Approach - 1:

45(M+P) = 20(M+2M)
⇒ 9M + 9P = 12M
⇒ P : M = 3 : 9 = 1 : 3 (Efficiency)
Now, 20×3×3 = 1×T
⇒ T = 180 mins i.e 3 hrs [Ans]

Approach – 2 (Mental Approach) :

3M in 20 min; So, M in 60 min

Then, P in = (60×45)/(60-45) = 180 min = 3 hr [Ans]
128) It’s year 2025 and iphone16 has just been launched. Apple has claimed that it is the best iPhone
they have created so far. It’s 4 charging inlets have completely revolutionized the mobile market. If
only top and bottom inlets are used, it takes 20 mins to fully charge. If the right, left and bottom inlet
are used, it takes 15 mins to fully charge. If top, left and right inlets are used, it takes 12 mins to
charge. What is the fastest possible time in which the iphone16 can be fully charged?

Solution :

Let, Total Capacity be 60 amph

∴ Efficiency of ( T + B ) = 60/20 = 3 apmh
∴ Efficiency of ( RL + B ) = 60/15 = 4 amph
∴ Efficiency of ( RL + T ) = 60/12 = 5 amph
∴ Efficiency of ( RL + T + B ) = (3+4+5)/2 = 6 amphitheater
∴ Required Time = 60/6 = 10 minutes [Ans]
129) (x-2) person can do a work in x days and (x+7) person can do 75% of the same work in (x-10)
days. Then in how many days can (x+10) person finish the work?

Solution :

3x(x - 2) = 4(x - 10)(x + 7)

⇒ 3x² - 6x = 4x² - 12x - 280

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⇒ x² - 6x - 280 = 0

⇒ x² - 20x + 14x - 280 = 0

⇒ (x - 20) (x + 14) = 0

Either, x = 20 or - 14

But, x = - 14 Can NOT be used

Now, 20×(20 - 2) = (20 + 10)×D

⇒ 30D = 20×18

⇒ D = 4×3 = 12 days [Ans]

130) P and Q together can do a job in 6 days. Q and R can finish the same job in 60/ 7 days. P Started
the work and worked for 3 days. Q and R continued for 6 days to, finish the work. Then the difference
of days in which R and P can complete the job alone is?

Solution :

Here, (P+Q)×6=(Q+R)×(60/7)

⇒ 7P + 7Q =10Q+10R

⇒ (P +Q) : (Q+R)= 10 : 7

Now, 10×6=3P + 42

⇒ 3P = 18


∴ Q= 10 -6 = 4 ; R=7-4=3

∴ P : Q : R = 6 : 4 : 3 [Efficiency]

∴ Required Time for R = 60/3=20 days

∴ Required Time for P = 60/6=10 days

∴ The diff of R & R in (20-10) i.e 10 days [Ans]

131) A is 33.33% more efficient than B. They together worked for 2 days and complete 29(1/6)% of
work. Then B left and another person C joined whose efficiency is 20% less than efficiency of A. Find
the time in which C alone will complete the whole work?

ABIR - 01723856285

Solution :

Approach - 1 :

∴ B : A : C = 15 : 20 : 16 (Efficiency)
Now, 7 units ≡ 2 days
⇒ 24 units ≡ (48/7) days
Now, (48/7)×35 = 16×T
⇒ T = 15 days [Ans]

Approach - 2 :

Time , B : A = 4 : 3
Time , A : C = 4 : 5
So, A : B : C = 12 : 16 : 15
∴ Taken by C 15 days [Ans]
132) Rakesh can build an entire wall alone in 10 days. Mukesh can demolish the same wall in a total
of 15 days when working alone. If Rakesh and Mukesh work on alternate days, Rakesh building part
of the wall one day and Mukesh demolishing part of the wall the next day, in how many days will the
complete wall be built for the first time?

Solution :

Let, Total work be 30 units

∴ R : M = 30/10 : 30/15 = 3 : 2 (Efficiency)

At the last day when Rakesh's turns come, Rakesh build 3 units and work will be completed.

Now, (3 - 2) i.e 1 units can be done in 2 days

So, (30 - 3) i.e 27 units can be done in 54 days

∴ Remaining 3 units will be done by Rakesh in (3/3) i.e 1 day

∴ Total Time = (54 + 1) = 55 days [Ans]


ABIR - 01723856285

133) When A and B work together then they take 4 hours to complete a piece of work. When B alone
works at 75% of his efficiency then he takes 8 hours to complete half of the piece of work. Find the
number of hours A alone will take to complete the piece of work if he works at 75% his efficiency?

Solution :

Let, The efficiency of A and B be `A' and `B' respectively.

ATQ,4×4(A+B) = 3×16B
⇒A + B = 3B
⇒A = 2B
⇒A : B = 2 : 1
Now, 4×3 = (6/4)×T
⇒T = 2×4 = 8 hrs [Ans]
134) The number of a days in which A and B can finish a work is 12 days less than the time taken by
A alone and 27 days less than the time taken by B alone. If A and B can finish the work in 15 days
with the help of C and if the total compensation of the work is TK.3000, find the share of C.

Solution :

Time taken by (A+B) = √(12×27) = 18 days

∴ (A + B + C) : (A + B) = 18 : 15 = 6 : 5 (Efficiency)

∴ Efficiency of C = (6 - 5) = 1 unit

∴ Share of C = 3,000×(1/6) = 500 [Ans]

135) If 5 men and 5 women work together then they can finish a work in 5 days but if 5 women work
alone then they take 40/3 more days than the time required by 5 men. Find efficiency of one woman
is how much percentage less than one man?

Solution :

5(5m + 5w)/5w - 5(5m + 5w)/5m = 40/3

⇒(5m + 5w)/w - (5m + 5w)/m = 40/3

⇒5m² + 5mw - 5mw - 5w² = 40mw/3

⇒3m² - 8mw - 3w² = 0

⇒3m² - 9mw + mw - 3w² = 0

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⇒3m(m - 3w) + w(m - 3w) = 0

⇒m = 3w

⇒m : w = 3 : 1

∴ Required % = 2/3 i.e 66.67% [Ans]

136) Rakesh can build an entire wall alone in 10 days. Mukesh can demolish the same wall in a total
of 15 days when working alone. If Rakesh and Mukesh work on alternate days, Rakesh building part
of the wall one day and Mukesh demolishing part of the wall the next day, in how many days will the
complete wall be built for the first time?

Solution :

Let, Total work be 30 units

∴ R : M = 30/10 : 30/15 = 3 : 2 (Efficiency)

At the last day when Rakesh's turns come, Rakesh build 3 units and work will be completed.

Now, (3 - 2) i.e 1 units can be done in 2 days

So, (30 - 3) i.e 27 units can be done in 54 days

∴ Remaining 3 units will be done by Rakesh in (3/3) i.e 1 day

∴ Total Time = (54 + 1) = 55 days [Ans]

137) A, B and C can do a work together in a certain number of days. If A leaves after half the work
is done, then the work takes 4 more days for completion, but if B leaves after half the work is done,
the work takes 5 more days for completion. If A takes 10 more days than B to do the work alone, then
in how many days can C alone do the work?

Solution :

Let, Time taken by (A + B + C) to complete the whole work in 't' days

∴ Time taken by (B + C) = (t + 8) days

∴ Time taken by (A + C) = (t + 10) days

ATQ, t(t + 8)/8 - t(t + 10)/10 = 10

⇒5t(t + 8) - 4t(t + 10) = 400

⇒5t² + 40t - 4t² - 40t = 400

⇒t² = 400

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⇒t = √400 = 20 days

∴ A takes alone in (20×28)/8 = 70 days

∴ B takes alone in (20×30)/10 = 60 days

Let, Total work be 420 units

∴ Eff of A = 420/70 = 6 units

∴ Eff of B = 420/60 = 7 units

∴ Eff of C = 420/20 - 13 = 8 units

∴ Time taken by C = 420/8 = 52.5 days [Ans]

138) A and B working together completes a work in 24 days while B and C completes the same work
in 30 days. if C is 20% more efficient than B, then in how many days working alone A will complete
the whole work?

Solution :

Here, 24(A + B) = 30(B + C)

⇒(A + B) : (B + C) = 5 : 4 = 55 : 44
And, B : C = 5 : 6 = 20 : 24
Now, A + 2B + C = 99
⇒A + 40 + 24 = 99
⇒A = 35
∴ A : B : C = 35 : 20 : 24
Now 55×24 = 35×D
⇒7D = 11×24
⇒D = 37(5/7) days [Ans]
139) A is twice efficient as B. A and B together do the same work in as much time as C and D can do
together. If the ratio of the number of alone working days of C to D is 2:3 and if B worked 16 days
more than C then no of days which A worked alone?

Solution :

A : B = 2 : 1 = 10 : 5

(A + B) : (C + D) = 1 : 1 = 15 : 15

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∴ A : B : C : D = 10 : 5 : 9 : 6 (Efficiency)

∴ A : B : C : D = 18 : 36 : 20 : 30(Time)

∴ A worked alone 18 day [Ans]

140) A and B can complete a piece of work in 18 and 24 days respectively. They start the work
alternately starting with A and complete half work. After C is also joined them whose efficiency is
25% of A. If A,B and C work alternately then how many days will the work be completed?

Solution :

Let, Total work be 72 units (LCM of 18 & 24)

∴ A : B : C = 4 : 3 : 1(Efficiency)
1/2 of 72 = 36 units work can be done by A and B alternately.
7 units can be done in 2 days
∴ 35 units can be done in 10 days
∴ Remaining (36 - 35) i.e 1 unit will be done by A in (1/4) days
∴ Total time for completing half of the work in 10(1/4) days
Now, 8 units can be done in 3 days
∴ 32 units will be done in 12 days
∴ Remaining (36 - 32) i.e 4 units will be done by A in (4/4) i.e 1 days
∴ Total time = 10(1/4) + 13 = 23(1/4) days [Ans]


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