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1)Eosinophil-Allergic reaction
Histaminase release
Basophil -Inflammatory reaction
Realeases histamin,serotonin,heparin etc
Neutrophil-Phagocytic cells
Lymphocytes-2 types-B&T-Immune response of body
2)QRS Complex-Depolarisaton of vetricles which intiates ventricular
contraction.This contraction starts shortly after Q & marks the beginning of
3)All the components of nodal tissues are auto excitable.
SA Node acts as a natural pacemaker of heart because its autoexcitable tissue have
the ability to generate heart impulse at highest rate(frequency) ie highes rate
of depolarisation for SA Node
4)A specialised nodal tissue embedded in the lower corner of right atrium close to
Atrioventricular septum, delays the spreading of impulses to heart apex for about
0.1 sec.This delay allows the atria to empty completely.
Ans)The delay in transmission of impuse fromSAN to the ventricles provided by AVN
prevents simultaneous contraction of ventricles and auricles.This allows atria to
empty completely before ventricles start contraction.

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