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The pie chart general the answer from 2 groups of people is undergaduate and

postgraduate in a random shool’s library. There are 3 solution are very good,
satisfaction, not good with introduced by 3 coulour: green, orange, blue.
Overall, there are a huge gaps beween those answer rates. In range of books,
undergraduate is higher than 15% postgraduate when they overate it, and the
rate of satisfaction of postgraduate is lower than the other 7%. As a result, the
underate of rrange of books in postgraduate is getting the higest rate with 50%.
In non-printed materials, the rate beween overate and underate of 2 groups is
extemely equal, their distance are 4%, the satisfation almost equal each other
with 20% in undergraduate and 22% in postgraduate. In general, undergraduate
get more positive feedback than postgraduate in 2 materials.

Economic progress is often used to measure a country’s success. However,

some people believe that other factors are more important. What other factors
should also be considered when measuring a country’s success? Do you think
one factor is more important than others?
When evaluating a country's success, economic advancement is commonly
prioritized, yet some argue for the equal importance of other factors. In my
eyes, the others aspects like social welfare, environmental conservation, and
political stability must also be considered.
Primarily, economic prosperity alone doesn't ensure a high standard of living.
Social factors such as healthcare access, education, and societal cohesion are
pivotal for well-being. For instance, strong healthcare and education systems
cultivate healthier, more skilled citizens, enhancing overall happiness and
Additionally, environmental preservation is vital for sustained prosperity.
Economic growth at the expense of environmental degradation risks the well-
being of current and future generations.
Lastly, political stability and social harmony are crucial for long-term
development. Countries facing political turmoil or social discord often struggle
to achieve economic prosperity.
In conclusion, while economic progress is important, it shouldn't be the sole
measure of a nation's success. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation
considering these factors provides a more accurate depiction of a country's
overall well-being.

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