Annual Function

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Atul: “Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, faculty members, and beloved

students, a very warm welcome to the 12th Annual Prize Night, 'Wings of Change,'
presented by RVS International School. It's a pleasure to see such a vibrant
gathering here today, brimming with anticipation and excitement.”

Sejal: "Indeed, today marks a significant milestone in our school's journey, a

moment where we celebrate not just academic excellence, but also the spirit of
camaraderie, creativity, and growth that defines our institution. I am Sejal Sharma of
Standard 12”

Atul:”and I am Atul Singh of Standard 12 as well.

To commence this auspicious evening, let us begin with the traditional Aarti & Teeka
Welcome, symbolizing the invocation of blessings upon all present here.”

Sejal:"And now, we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your
presence here tonight is a testament to your support and dedication towards
nurturing the future generation."

Atul:”it’s essential to extend our heartfelt gratitude to ________________________

_________________________________________________________present here.
Your presence adds immeasurable value to this occasion.”

Sejal:”As a token of our gratitude and respect, we would like to give bouquets to the
dignitaries, for giving us their valuable time and making this event more memorable."

Atul:”Om Gan Ganapataye Namah

Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha।
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarvakaryeshu Sarvada॥

"And now, with reverence and devotion, we invite all the dignitaries to step forward
for the Lighting of the Holy Lamp, with Ganesh Vandana; marking the
commencement of this auspicious event under the divine blessings of Lord

Sejal:”May I now, humbly request all the dignitaries to kindly take their seats and
enjoy the grand event.
Next on our agenda, we have a Welcome Dance prepared by our talented students,
a mesmerizing performance that sets the tone for the rest of the evening.”

Atul: "Audience, Let’s extend a resounding round of applause to our performers. As

we continue our journey through the festivities, let us take a moment to reflect on the
significant milestones achieved by our esteemed institution. I now have the honor of
inviting our esteemed Principal, Miss Asha Sharma, to present the School's Report,
highlighting the remarkable achievements and progress made over the past

Sejal:"Thank you, ma’am, for your gracious words. As we reflect upon the
accomplishments of our school, let us also take this opportunity to express our
gratitude to the individuals who have played pivotal roles in shaping our journey.
With deep respect and gratitude, we extend an invitation to the dignitaries to join us
on stage, escorted by our principal ma’am."

Atul:"And now, it's time to honor our Chief Guest………………………………………..,

a visionary personality whose presence enriches our gathering today. I invite our
Chairman sir, Mr. Binda Singh , to felicitate the Chief Guest with the utmost respect
and admiration. EVERYONE, let us shower our applause upon them with a
thunderous round of applause."

Sejal:"In the spirit of sharing knowledge and inspiration, let us now lend our ears to
the insightful words of our Secretary sir, Mr. Bharat Singh, whose speech embodies
the ethos of our institution."

Atul:"Thank you sir for your overwhelming words; Everyone, please give him a
spirited applause.
And now, without further ado, let us welcome our esteemed Chief Guest
……………………………….. ….to share his/her thoughts and insights with us. Cmon
audience! Where is the resonating applause!?”

Sejal:"A huge round of applause for our chief guest

As we absorb the wisdom imparted by our Chief Guest, let us also celebrate the
achievements of our students. It's time for the much-awaited event for which we
have gathered here, the Prize Distribution ceremony, where we honor excellence
and dedication in various fields."

Atul:”I request all the Dignitaries to take their seats.
And now as we proceed, let’s lighten the mood with a delightful performance by our
Pre-Primary Students , performing a dance that embodies innocence, joy, and
boundless energy. Audience, put your hands together to boost up their performance!

Sejal:"What a Beautiful performance by our little performers. Please give them A big
And now, let the rhythm of 'Medley Songs' fill the air, as our melodious singers take
us on a musical journey, blending melodies from different genres and eras."

Atul:”Audience let's create a symphony of applause for this Soul-Stirring

But the celebration doesn't end here! Brace yourselves for a breathtaking Fusion
Dance, a fusion of tradition and modernity that transcends boundaries and
captivates our hearts.”

Sejal:”What a Wonderful dance performance. Isn’t it worthy for a thunderous

applause!? It is!
And now, let us sway to the rhythm of 'Western Songs,' a celebration of diversity and
harmony, as our talented vocalists mesmerize us with their soulful renditions.”

Atul:”What a melodious performance it was.Everyone please give a huge round of

Ladies and gentlemen, as we gather here tonight to celebrate the 12th Annual
Prize Night, 'Wings of Change,' it's important to recognize the challenges our
students face in today's digital age”

Sejal:”With the rise of social media, we students are constantly bombarded with
images and messages that can have a profound impact on our self-esteem and

Atul:”That's why, amidst the festivities and celebrations, we've chosen to shine a
spotlight on this issue through a thought-provoking skit .
Everyone please give a burst of applause to show our appreciation.”

Sejal:” Everyone Give a huge round of applause for this life-like performance ,it was
a powerful reminder for all of us to use social media responsibly and to prioritize real
connections over virtual validation. Well guys, you all have watched Fusion
Dance, right? So why should we leave behind the singing genre? And saying that, let
us invite the choir that will be singing 'Fusion Songs' from different states, celebrating
the rich tapestry of cultures that make our nation truly unique.”

Atul:”Everyone please give a huge round of applause for the resounding
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be mesmerized as we present to you a Fusion
Dance dedicated to Bharat like no other. This performance transcends boundaries
and celebrates the rich diversity of cultures from different states.”

Sejal:"Truly spectacular! Let's unleash a chorus of applause! to our talented

performers for their breathtaking performance.
And as we near the end of this memorable evening, let us express our deep
appreciation to all those who have made this event possible. I now invite our
esteemed……………………………. …….to deliver the Vote of Thanks.”

Atul:”A big thank you to our ………………………… for eloquently expressing our
appreciation and acknowledgement to everyone involved in making this event a
Sir/madam please have your seat.”

Sejal:"Before we bid adieu, let us come together to sing our School Song, a melody
that resonates with pride and unity, reminding us of the bonds that tie us together as
one family."

Atul:"And now, as we conclude this evening of celebration and camaraderie, let us

rise as one to pay homage to our motherland with the recitation of the National
Everyone please stand up for the National Anthem……; National Anthem Begin……"

Sejal:"Thank you, everyone, for gracing us with your presence and making this
event a grand success. Until we meet again, may the spirit of 'Wings of Change'
continue to inspire us all. Goodnight and God bless!"


Side notes::
When an guest arrive after commencement of the ceremony:
“We are blessed to have the presence of ___________________________ amoung
us. I would like to request chairman sir/ secretary sir/ director sir to welcome them
and present them a bouquet. ”

1) Aarti & teeka Welcome
2)Welcome Address //by anchors
3)Giving of Bouquets to the Dignitaries.
4) Lighting of the Holy lamp with Ganesh Vandana (background music)
5)Welcome Dance
6)Principal's Report
7)Taking the dignitaries on stage escorted by Principal Madam
8)Felicitation of the Cheif Guest by Chairman Sir.
9)Secretary Sir's speech
10)Cheif Guest's speech
11)Prize distribution
12)Dance by Pre Primary Students
13)'Medley Songs
14)Fusion Dance(Western)
15)Western Songs
17)Fusion Songs(Inter State)
18)Fusion Dance(Inter State)
19)Vote of Thanks
20)School Song
21)National Anthem

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