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Global War 1936


Changes from v4.0

National Reference Sheets - Build Charts:

As Minor Powers: CCP, Free France and KMT are no longer able to purchase Mountain

Free France able to purchase Foreign Legion.

National Reference Sheets - Great Britain:

Special Ability - Island Nation:

Only apply if London is the capital.


0.2 Glossary:

Added “Capital”
Clari ed on some Reference Sheets.

Home Country - Vichy:

Added Corsica

1.5 Convoy Lines:

Clari ed:
Convoy lines that end in sea zones are marked with an arc.
1.7.7 Cities:
“naval facilities”
“port, dockyard or shipyard”.

1.8 Straits and Canals:

Naval units and aircraft move through straits or canals like they would crossing sea zone

1.12 Burma & Ledo Roads:

Function as railroad.

3.3 Strategic Objectives

USA - American Technological Supremacy:

Bonus changed to:
1 Heavy Strategic Bomber, 1 Jet Fighter & 1 Strategic Rocket to be placed at an eligible
factory (once per game).

CCP & KMT - Chinese Civil War:

Bonus changed to:
1 Major Factory to be placed in a city land zone or
1 Medium Factory to be placed in a land zone
(once per game, per 14.3.1).

CCP - Spread the Revolution:

Replaced with "One China"

USSR - Paci c Expansion:

Objective changed to:
Possess South Sakhalin and all of Manchukuo.

Bonus changed to:

1 additional Strategic Rail Movement in all regions (each Player Turn).
1 additional Strategic Naval Movement (each Player Turn).
USSR - Propaganda War:
Renamed to Rapid Industrialization
Bonus changed to:
1 technology die roll (each Player Turn).

USSR - Access to the Mediterranean:

Bonus changed to:
Can use its Factory Movement special ability to move 1 Minor Factory outside Home
Country (each Player Turn).

4.7 Alignment - Romania - Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Clari ed / added:
Germany may Align after France has surrendered.

4.7 Alignment - Iraq

If, at the beginning of the German / Italian Production Phase

4.8 Soviet Sphere of Influence

Within this sphere, USSR can attack without declaring war, even if the neutral nation has
previously Aligned with another Major Power.

Within this sphere, USSR can attack, even if the neutral nation has previously Aligned with
another Major Power. If the Minor Power has not previously Aligned, it becomes
Controlled and is at war with USSR.

4.11.2 French Navy

Increased scuttled by one, reduced Vichy by one.

4.11.2 French Units on MAP and in Aligned Major Powers’ Land Zones:
any French land units or aircraft
8.2 Developing Technology
Until USSR reaches 15 IPP income, it can only develop technology via its Propaganda
War strategic objective or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

8.2.1 Technologies

Improved Logistics:
Changed to:
8 instead of 9
+1 Strategic Rail Movement capacity instead of double Strategic Rail Movement capacity
+2 Strategic Naval Movement

8.7 Declare Lend-lease:

IPP for one single-stage naval unit to be built in a shipyard of the receiving nation.

9.1 Declarations:

If a player declares war on the Attacking player during the Combat Movement Phase, the
Attacking player continues the Combat Movement Phase and may bring additional units
to any potential battle, except where a single round of combat is speci ed during the
Combat Movement Phase (refer to 9.4).

9.3 Aircraft Combat Movement:

Aircraft may y over Enemy-possessed land and sea zones containing Enemy units. If
there are Enemy ghters in the zone, these must be removed by a screening force (refer
to 9.4.1).

9.4 Naval Combat Movement

However, the Submarines may elect to engage the Surface Ships. One round of combat
occurs, during the Combat Movement Phase.
However, the Submarines may elect to engage any Surface Ships. One round of combat
occurs, during the Combat Movement Phase, between the Submarines and all the
Attacking Player’s units.

9.4.1 Screening - Enemy Fighters

The Attacking player divides his units into a screening force and a continuing force. The
continuing force can only consist of aircraft. The screening force then attacks the Enemy
units present in the zone in the Combat Phase, with the purpose of eliminating all Enemy
Fighters clearing the path for the continuing force. If the screening force fails to eliminate
all Enemy Fighters, they have lost the screening battle, and the continuing force is forced
to retreat. (refer to 10.3). If the screening force eliminate all Enemy Fighters, the continuing
force may continue to either:

• Carry out a strategic bombing, carpet bombing or port attack

9.4.2 Blockade

Added “Enemy”:
…and all Enemy naval facilities adjacent to that sea zone.

10.2 Land Combat - Attrition Attacks

Moved to 10.5.3

10.3 Retreating from Combat

Attacking Land Units:
Clari ed “land unit”.

10.4 Scrambling into Combat

“Facility being bombed”

“which contains Enemy Transports”:
“which contains Enemy units”
Scrambling is not allowed into combat subject to a Japanese surprise attack.

10.6.2 Strategic Bombing - Special Rules for Strategic Bombing of

All railroads on that border are a ected.

10.9 Convoy Raiding

If the sea zone contains multiple convoy lines, the Attacker decides which convoy lines
the IPP loss should be taken from.

10.10.1 Liberation
Added a requirement for giving a land zone in Chinese Home Country to one of the
Chinese factions.

10.10.2 Capturing a Capital

Moved some things to the glossary and CCP/KMT ref. Sheets

10.10.3 Relocate Capital

While their capital is relocated, the new location is considered Home Country.

11.3 Non-Combat Air Movement

Move to 10.10:
“Aircraft returning from combat must use their remaining movement points to return to a
suitable landing spot. Aircraft may y over land zones just captured this Player Turn, but
they may not land there.

Aircraft that are unable to reach a suitable landing spot are eliminated.”
11.5 In Port
If the land zone containing the naval facility is attacked, each Heavy Cruiser, Battlecruiser,
Carrier and Battleship temporarily provides one Militia for the land combat,

If the land zone containing the naval facility is attacked, each Heavy Cruiser, Battlecruiser,
Carrier and Battleship without a skeleton crew temporarily provides one Militia for the
land combat,

12.3 Upgrades:
Regular infantry can be upgraded to Motorized Infantry for 1 IPP.

Regular and DAK infantry can be upgraded to Motorized Infantry for 1 IPP.

12.4 Lend-lease Delivery:

“The Lend-lease must then move along a Supply Path to a land zone in the receiving
nation’s possessed Home Country.”
“The Lend-lease must then move along a Supply Path to a land zone in the receiving
nation’s Home Country which the recipient has possessed since the beginning of the
Player Turn”.

12.7 Recruitment Rolls:

Corsica added:
O shore land zones do not count towards the number of land zones, except for Corsica
(Vichy) and factions during an ongoing Spanish Civil War.

Vichy can choose 1 Foreign Legion to place in a land zone with a IPP value it has
possessed since the beginning of the Player Turn.

13.1.1 Infantry-class Units:

Foreign Legion:
Changed to:
Available to France, Free France & Vichy.
13.1.2 Vehicle-class units:

“SS Panzergrenadiers” renamed to Panzergrenadiers

13.2.1 Factories
A Minor Factory outside Home Country needs a Supply Path to a Major Factory in Home

A Minor Factory outside Home Country needs a Supply Path to Home Country.

13.2.4 & 13.2.5

Require a Supply Path to a possessed factory.

Require a Supply Path to Home Country.

Clari ed terrain.

15.4 Patriotic Citizens:

(Note: Ships in port count).

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