To Be (Recuperado Automáticamente)

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To Be (Ser o estar)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers

am am not Yes, I am
I I Am I
‘m ‘m not No, I’m not
are are not yes, you are
you you are you
‘re aren’t no, you aren’t
he he he …?
is is not yes, he is
she she is she
‘s isn’t no, he, isn’t
it it it
we we we
are are not yes, we are
you you are you
‘re aren’t no, we aren’t
they they they

Affirmative sujeto + to be + resto de frase SINGULAR PLURAL

I (yo) we (nosotros)
Negative sujeto + to be + not + resto de frase
you (tú) you (vosotros)
Interrogative to be + sujeto + resto de frase? he (él) they (ellos)
she (ella)
Short answers Yes, sujeto + to be / No, sujeto + to be + not it (ello)

Have Got (Tener)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
have got haven’t got Have
Yes, you have
you you you
No, you haven’t
he he he …? Yes, he has
she has got she hasn’t got Has she
No, he hasn’t
it it it
we we we
Yes, we have
you have got you haven’t got Have you
No, we haven’t
they they they

Affirmative sujeto + have/has + got + resto de frase

Negative sujeto + haven't/hasn't + got + resto de frase

Interrogative have/has + sujeto + got + resto de frase

Short answers Yes, sujeto + have/has. / No, sujeto + haven't/hasn't.

There is / There are (Hay… del verbo haber)
La estructura en ingles 'there is' y 'there are' se utiliza para expresar cantidad.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers

Yes, there is
There is … There isn’t … Is there …?
No, there isn’t
Yes, there are
There are… There aren’t … Are there …?
No, there aren’t

There is a woman in the park.

Affirmative there + is/are + resto de frase
There are two women in a café.

There isn’t a woman in the park.

Negative there + isn't/aren't + resto de frase
There aren’t two women in a café.

Is there a woman in the park?

Interrogative is/are + there + resto de frase?
Are there two women in a café?

Yes, there + is/are

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Short answers
No, there + isn't/aren't Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Some / Any
Las partículas 'some' y 'any' son útiles para indicar la cantidad de cosas que hay al describir algo. Muchas
veces las vamos a ver combinadas con el verbo ‘haber’, es decir, con ‘there is/there are’.

Countable nouns Incontable nouns

Singular Plural Singular (always)
Affirmative There’s a shop There are some shops in the There is some bread.
There’s an apple shopping centre. (algo de)
Negative There isn’t a shop There aren’t any shops There isn`t any bread.
There isn’t an apple (nada de)
Interrogative Is there a shop? Are there any shops? Is there any bread?
Is there an apple?

a / an some any
Se usa con nombres Se usa con nombres Se usa con nombres
contables en singular, contables en plural e contables en plural e
en frases afirmativas, incontables, incontables,
negativas e
en frases afirmativas. en frases negativas e interrogativas.
Pronombres personales Adjetivos posesivos
I yo I have a shirt my mi/mis My shirt is green
you tú You have a book your tu/tus Your book is new
he él He has a pillow his su/sus (de él) His pillow is soft
she ella She has a dog her su/sus (de ella) Her do gis small
it ello It has a bone its su/sus (de algo) Its bone is old
we nosotros We have a bird our nuestro/s Our bird is noisy
you vosotros You have a house your vuestro/s Your house is big
they ellos They have a car their su/sus (de ellos) Their car is slow

El genitivo
Se utiliza para expresar una relación de propiedad o posesión y se forma de dos maneras:

- Mediante la preposición “of” (cuando el poseedor no es una persona)  The door of the house
- Mediante el conocido “genitivo sajón” (si el poseedor es una persona)  My sister's house.
Sustantivo + ‘s Plural + ‘ Dos sustantivos
Añadimos ‘s cuando la Añadimos solamente el Seguimos las normas para la
palabra no termina en s. apóstrofe cuando la palabra última palabra.
termina en s
The girl’s cat The girls’ room George and Ann’s room.
Jane and Carlos’ room.


- La particular “whose” también indica posesión.

- El genitivo sajón coincide con la contracción del verbo “to be”. La frase “Jane’s a cook” significa
“Jane es cocinera”
School Subjects (Las asignaturas)

Word Translation Word Translation

art educación plástica, arte maths matemáticas
biology biología music música
chemistry química physical education (pe) educación física
cinema cine philosophy filosofía
computer studies informática photography fotografía
drawing dibujo reinforcement refuerzo
English inglés religion religión
French francés science ciencias
geography geografía Spanish lengua española
German alemán technology tecnología
history historia theatre teatro

School Items (Material escolar)

Word Translation Word Translation

atlas atlas, mapamundi microscope microscopio
blackboard Pizarra (de tiza) notebook libreta
brush pincel, brocha paintbrush pincel
calculator calculadora paints pinturas
chalk tiza Pen bolígrafo
compass compás pencil case estuche
crayons lápices de colores rubber goma
desk escritorio ruler regla
dictionary diccionario scissors tijeras
folder carpeta sharpener sacapuntas, afilador
Glue pegamento stapler grapadora
highlighter resaltador textbook libro de texto
laptop ordenador portátil Whiteboard Pizarra (de rotulador)
Question Words
Who Quien Who is that woman?
What Qué (cuál) What is his name?
Which Cuál (qué) Which magazine is yours?
Where Dónde Where is the park?
When Cuándo When is your birthday?
Why Por qué Why is it broken?
How Cómo How are you?
How much Cuánto (incontable) How much money is there?
How many Cuánto (contable) How many cars are there?
How old Qué (edad) Whose is this car?

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