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Involves deep understanding -True Example of hypertext -hyperlink

Sensory language are words we use -True What is the oneness -unity

In objective description -False (Bias/Objective) What is writing process explore possible ideas or topics
-pre writing
Mechanics in Writing -True
7 Patterns of paragraph
Connotation -False(Denotation)
Informal definition consist 3 principle part -
False(Formal) *Description

Journal is like a diary -True *Definition

Classification is used -True *Exemplification/Example

Cause & Effect -True *Classification/Devision

Cohission -True *Comparison & Contrast

One of the properties of a well written text -Sequencing *Cause & Effect
of events 5 means to achieve paragraph coherence
Connecting word that best join the two thoughts -In *Transitional Devices
*Parallel structure/Parallesim
I lost my self -Beginning
*Pronoun Reference
Cohission - The way the author
Which of the following does not allow – orginality
*Logical Order
Intertextuality was the work 1857-1980
3 Qualities of a good paragraph
Not a kind -Bibliography
What correct functuation -Questionmark
Correct usage of transitiona signal -however
3 Parts of a paragraph
James -Intertext
*Topic Sentence
Re expression of a narrative - narration
*Supporting details
The narrowing down of a brod topic - Clustering
What is the restatement or summary - Conclusion
2 Text development
Non-Linearway -Hypertext
Text Develop "parody" -Pastiche
Make another text - Intertext

Rearrange, and, remove -Revising

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