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Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study..........................................................................................................1
1.2 About the organization.............................................................................................................1
1.3 Rational of the study................................................................................................................2
1.4 Significance of the study..........................................................................................................2
1.5 Statement of problem...............................................................................................................2
1.6 Objective of the study..............................................................................................................2
1.7 Conceptual framework.............................................................................................................2
1.8 Operational definition..............................................................................................................3
Chapter 2...............................................................................................................................................4
Review of literature...........................................................................................................................4
Chapter 3...............................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Design of the study..................................................................................................................5
3.2 Population and setting..............................................................................................................5
3.3 Sampling..................................................................................................................................5
3.4 Research instrument.................................................................................................................5
3.5 Data collection procedure........................................................................................................5
3.6 data analysis procedure............................................................................................................5
Chapter 4...............................................................................................................................................6
Analysis and interpretation of data....................................................................................................6
Chapter 5...............................................................................................................................................9
Discussion conclusion and recommendation.....................................................................................9
Part III: JSSGRS.....................................................................................................................................11
Part IV: SWLS.......................................................................................................................................11
Part V: GSES.........................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 1
1.1 Background of the study.
Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels self-motivated and satisfied with
his/her job. Job satisfaction happens when and employee feels he/she is having job stability, career
growth and a comfortable work life balance. This implies that the employee is having satisfaction at
job as the work meets the expectations of the individual. Job satisfaction aims to deliver the best of
employee capability. According to Berry (1997), job satisfaction is define as” individual’s reaction to
the job experience “. Job satisfaction was a curious term to get in and the term is also defined by
Arnett, Laverie and McLane’s(2002) summarized by saying that job satisfaction is reflected as an
employee’s general affective assessment of individual in the context of his/her job. Cranny, Smithand
Stone (1992.p.1) define job satisfaction as employee’s emotional state regarding the job, considering
what they expected.
Life satisfaction is a multidimensional concept related to psychological and environmental life
conditions. The term life satisfaction can be split into two worlds “life” and “satisfaction” in which
life is the state of functional activity peculiar to organized matter and especially to the portion of it
such as constituting on animal or plant before death(oxford dictionary,1990) and satisfaction is act of
satisfying or state of being satisfied, contentment in possession and enjoyment and to satisfy is to
gratify fully the wants, wishes or desire of any supply to fulfil extent with what is wished for
(Webster’s dictionary of English language ,1977) . Life satisfaction is how people show their
emotions, feelings and how they feel about their direction and option for future which is measured in
term of mood, satisfaction, self-concept and self-perceived ability to cope with daily life as well as
measured in relation to economic standing, degree of education, experiences and ability.
Self-efficacy is the belief that one can reach the goal they aimed at life dealing with hardship. Self-
efficacy is often considered in respect to specific goal or challenge. Expectation of self-efficacy
determine whether an individual will be able to exhibit coping behaviour and how long effort will be
sustained in the face of obstacles. It also involves determination and perseverance to overcome
obstacles that would interfere with utilizing the abilities to achieve goal.

1.2 About the organization

Initially established as National Biscuit and Company Private Limited in 1964 (2021 BS) by late
King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, NEBICO Private Limited is a pioneer biscuit industry in Nepal
which got its present name later in 1968. However, it was only in 2023 BS that the company started
its production process due to machinery problems.
Situated in Balaju Industrial Corridor, Kathmandu, occupying 73000 sq. feet of the land, NEBICO
came to operation leading as a biscuit and confectionary manufacturer of Nepal in 1967 to substitute
imported biscuits and confectionary. The factory of NEBICO was established with the capacity of six
metric tons per day and in 1968, it further increased its capacity from 2 MT to 10 MT. In 1980, it
collaborated with a leading biscuit manufacturer of India, Britannia Industries Limited, for technical
and production purpose and it later joined the Stock Company as well. The company currently (2010)
has been running two shifts (eight hours shift basis) and according to the 2001 data, the annual
production of the company is around 2400 metric tons.
The ISO 9001:2000 certified company has also been subscribed to the global compact company. The
company that started its production with semi-automated machines covers about seventy percent of
total market share in Kathmandu valley and it plans to expand its market by covering newer regions
along with its strategy to provide good quality biscuits all over the Nepali market. The products of the

company have big market in place like Chitwan, Butwal and the hilly areas of western
Nepal. However, in eastern parts of the country, its market is relatively poor.
The company started with the vision of providing quality and volume for the entire satisfaction of its
valued consumer still rules the market as one of the leading biscuit and confectionary manufacturer.
The products of the company include thin arrowroot, malt glucose, khaja, marie, nice, coconut
crunches, rhino and digestive biscuits.

1.3 Rational of the study

In developing country like Nepal, due to the lack of adequate knowledge regarding job analysis the
satisfaction level is moreover less in employee. And in different industries employees are recruited
randomly with less skill and knowledge about the that I thought they might have the adequate
knowledge about the job in the industry where they are working and wanted to know about the status
of job satisfaction in job setting so I was interested to do research on this topic.

1.4 Significance of the study

This study might be helpful as the baseline study for further research. The study might help to identify
the causes and effect of satisfaction in job setting among the employees. This study might also help to
formulate policies and protection rights to employee and also help in development of employee’s
skills and knowledge. The study findings might be helpful to analyse the awareness about the current
status about the ups and downs in industry.

1.5 Statement of problem

Knowledge and practice on the management as well as job area of industry among the employees.

1.6 Objective of the study

I. To assess the knowledge regarding the level of satisfaction and self-efficacy level among the
II. To find out the current efficacy level of an employee
III. To find status of satisfaction with life of an employees.

1.7 Conceptual framework

Conceptual framework constructed for the purpose of the study describes the phenomenon being
studies. There are many factors that affect the knowledge and practice on the area of job on an
industry and organization among the employees.

Level of

Working hour

Satisfaction level of an
employee on job setting

Working area
Personal information


Figure 1: Conceptual frame work of knowledge and practice of the employees on job setting.

1.8 Operational definition

Satisfaction: Satisfaction is referred to the fulfilment of ones wish, expectation or need or the
pleasure derived from.
Employee: Employees are those who ae employed for wages or salary especially at non-executive
Job: A task or piece of work that is aimed to complete at specific time.

Chapter 2
Review of literature

A literature review is a written summary of the state of existing knowledge on the research problem.
The talk of reviewing research literature involves the identification, selecting, critical analysis and
written description of existing information on a topic.
Review of literature involves “the selection of available documents on the topic, which contain
information, ideas, data and evidence written from a particular stand point to fulfil certain aims or
express certain views on the nature of the topic and how is to be investigated and the effective
evaluation of these documents in relation to the research being proposed.
Podolske (2003) indicated that employers believe that increasing employee’s satisfaction influence
overall performance positively and as such they are actively making sure that employees are satisfied.
The findings of the survey by Curall et al. (2005) revealed that higher pay leads to higher satisfaction
which results in better performance. According to Snipes etal. (2005), customer perceptions of service
quality and satisfaction with benefits significantly influence job satisfaction at the work place.
Sweeney et al. (2005) indicate that employees’ satisfaction with pay is based on fairness with what
they receive as compared to their co-workers. Reginald, (2015)has conducted a study on
“Relationship between Educational Self-Efficacy and Educational Performance among Social Work
Students” Findings of the study suggest that there is no relationship between Self-Efficacy and
academic performance of social work students. Judge et al (2007) in their research estimated the
unique contribution of self-efficacy to work-related performance controlling for personality. Zellars et
al (2002) conducted a research on the relationship between job related self-efficacy and withstanding
organizational stress. They found that job related self-efficacy contributed to the enhancement of skill
needed or necessary to cope with strenuous work in an organization, the results showed that there was
a significant relationship between high self-efficacy and ability to cope with work load. Diener,
Lucas, Oishi, and Suh (2002) found that when people report life satisfaction, less satisfied people give
more weight to the worst area in their lives, and more satisfied give greater weight to the best area in
their lives. (Nair & Gaither, 1999) The results of studies investigating the life satisfaction of male and
female faculty have been also mixed. (Pavot & Diener, 2008) found SWLS has good convergent
validity, related to but still separate from constructs such as depression, negative and positive affect,
self-esteem, anxiety, and psychological distress. Paul E. Spector (1997) summarizes the findings
concerning how people feel towards work, including: cultural and gender differences in job
satisfaction and personal and organizational causes; and potential consequences of job satisfaction and
dissatisfaction. He provides with a pithy overview of the application, assessment, causes and
consequences of job satisfaction. Sophie Rowan (2008) reveals how to create a happier work life,
without changing career. She provides practical and realistic guidance on how one can achieve
optimal job satisfaction and overcome the obstacles that make so many of us unhappy at work. Robert
M. Hochheiser (1998) reassessed the meaning of the workplace and proposed a simple formula for
success- Forget the idea that hard work alone leads to success and instead focus on building good
relationships. He asserts that the best way to win at work is to understand what is needed to support
the egos of bosses, peers, and subordinates. Accurate assessment of those needs can then be indirectly
associated with one's own personal goals and exploited to make substantive workplace gains. Methods
of determining needs are given for a variety of situations, and strategies are offered to help make
some of the worst work situations at least marginally better through networking and personal
development. C. J. Cranny, Patricia Cain Smith, Eugène F. Stone (1992) reveals perceiving future
opportunity can actually be more motivating than actually receiving a raise, getting promoted, or
being given additional responsibilities.

Chapter 3
3.1 Design of the study
A descriptive cross sectional study was used to identify the level of life satisfaction, job satisfaction
and self-efficacy of an employee in an organization.

3.2 Population and setting

The population of the study consisted of 25 employees currently working in Nebico biscuit Private
Limited at balaju industrial district, Kathmandu. The organization is serving daily snacks like biscuits

3.3 Sampling
Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from respondents and a total
of 25 employees working on an organization meeting the criteria and willing to participate in the
study were selected for the study.

3.4 Research instrument

Self-administrative structured questionnaire was used to collect the data.
The questionnaire has following parts:
Part 1 Inform constant about the survey to describe about the survey.
Part 2 Question related to demographic data
Part 3 Likert scale of 5 point question on job satisfaction level
Part4 Likert scale of 7 point question on life satisfaction
Part5 Likert scale of 4 point question on self-efficacy
The content validity of instrument was established by consulting literature review, subject expert and
research advisor, peer review and valuable suggestion was incorporated the final of the result
Reliability was established by pretesting 10% of the anticipated population similar to sample size in
Nebico private limited.

3.5 Data collection procedure

Survey approval was obtained from the concerned authorities. Data was collected by the researcher
himself by self-administered questionnaire within a week. Verbal constant from the respondent was
taken before collecting data by clarifying the objective of the study. Confidentiality of the given
information was maintained. Respondent was not harmed physically, psychologically and
emotionally. Self-determination was maintained during the study period.

3.6 data analysis procedure

Raw data was collected and properly edited and coded in the same day of data collection in order to
simplify the data entry. Descriptive statistical tool such as bar diagram, frequency was used. The data
was analysed by MS-EXCELL and SPSS software and findings will be presented in tables.

Chapter 4
Analysis and interpretation of data

This chapter represents the analysis of data obtained from the respondents after asking structured order to facilitate the interpretation, the analysed data were organized and presented
in tables and diagram according to objective and need of the study. The analysis and interpretation of
data have presented as below.
Male Female
18 7


Male Female

Figure 1: chart showing the participants

Age group
Number of participants

2 2 2 2
0 0
20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+

Male female

Figure 2: Age group of participants

Figure 1 shows the total number of participants were 25 in which the number of male was 18 and
number of female were 7 and figure 2 illustrate the age group that were participated in the research in
which the age group of 20-30 had male participants 5 and female participants 3.age group of 31-40

had equal number of participants that is 2.the age group of 41-50 had 8 male and 2 female whereas the
age group of 51-60 had 2 male participants and female were not participants lastly in age group of
61+ only 1 male was participated.
As we had collected the data on three different criteria in job setting which were
a) JSSGRS-Job Setting Self Grade Rating Scale
b) SWLS-Satisfaction With Life Scale
c) GSES-Generalized Self Efficacy Scale
These above categorization is illustrated in table below:

Scale Male Female

Very dissatisfied 3 1
Dissatisfied 2 0
Neutral 7 2
Satisfied 2 4
Very satisfied 4 0

points obtaines

4 4
2 2 2
0 0
Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Level of satisfaction

Male Female

Figure 3: Data of job setting self-rating scale of an employee

The table above illustrates the satisfaction level of an employee as collected data the level of
satisfaction goes upward from very dissatisfied to very satisfied the lower the point is the low the
satisfaction is and the high the point is the more the satisfaction is. The level of satisfaction from
above diagram shows that 3 male and 1 female participant was found very dissatisfied and 2 male
were only found to be dissatisfied. The neutral level of male and female was 7 and 2 respectively. The
satisfied male were 2 and female were 4 lastly the 4 male were illustrated as satisfied with none of the
female were satisfied.

scale male Female

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 2 1
Slightly disagree 10 1
Neither agree nor disagree 2 1
Slightly agree 3 3
Agree 0 1
Strongly agree 1 0

Points obtained

4 3 3
2 2
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0
Strongly Disagree Slightly Neither Slightlyagree Agree Strongly
disagree disagree agree nor agree


male female

Figure 4: Diagram illustrating satisfaction with life scale

The table above illustrates the satisfaction level of an employee with life scale as collected data the
level of satisfaction goes upward from Strongly agree to strongly disagree the lower the point is the
low the satisfaction is and the high the point is the more the satisfaction is. The level of satisfaction
from above diagram shows that no male and female participant was found strongly disagree and 2
male and 1 female were only found to be disagree. The slightly disagree level of male and female was
10 and 1 respectively.2 male and 1 female were found being neither agree nor disagree and in level of
slightly agree 3 male and 3 female were found whereas only one female was found to be agree and in
strongly agree equal number of male and female were found that is 1 for each.

scale male Female

Not true at all 0 0
Hardly true 1 1
Moderately true 13 6
Exactly true 4 0

14 13

points obtained


2 1 1
0 0 0
Not true at all Hardly true Moderately true Exactly true

Male Female

Figure 5: Diagram illustrating generalized self-efficacy scale

Chapter 5
Discussion conclusion and recommendation

This study found that employees have a moderate rate of satisfaction as compared to all of the
samples and many of the employee have some accurate beliefs and other inaccurate beliefs regarding
the satisfaction in job. The employees sampled in this study were accurate in their agreement about
the importance of satisfaction and self-efficacy. As oral interview the satisfaction was low due to
unmanaged management and due to lack of machinery with the lack of materials often available in an
organization, instruction focused on organizational interview to find the measure to create
comfortable work place to employees. However, agreeing to the importance of satisfaction in job
setting satisfaction is different from male and female level. Additional research needs to be conducted
to determine how well the employees are satisfied with their job and how they cope with daily stress
in work place.
The study concluded that the male are more satisfied than that of female with the work they are
having observation and interview with an employees have also directed the point that female are
compelled to work because they need economic support and have to earn for livelihood as overall
male were satisfied to the job they are holding currently. The self-efficacy seems to be equal on both
male and female the coping strategy for daily work stress was good for all of the employees who were
participate in the research having a good self-efficacy level on them as there was free flow of
communication on unit level of employees. As all the employees are satisfied with their job somehow
because the salary is good as per their hard work
Almost every single research paper written in job setting satisfaction and life satisfaction as well as
self-efficacy that I read recommends that the government should provide more teaching materials and
increase the salaries of teachers. However, better instructional materials and adequate pay are rarely
even distantly related to the topic of the paper! Draw conclusions and make recommendations only
directly related to the purpose and results of the study. Everybody in Nigeria knows that schools need
more materials and teachers need higher salaries.

Berry (1997), job satisfaction: an evaluation of life satisfaction within the migratory experience
according to psychosocial variables

C. J. Cranny, Patricia Cain Smith, Eugène F. Stone (1992), reviewed work: how people feel about
their jobs and how it affect their performance.

Cranny, Smithand Stone (1992.p.1).are people satisfied to job

Curall et al. (2005), pay satisfaction and organizational outcome

Diener, Lucas, Oishi, and Suh (2002), cross cultural variation in predictors of life satisfaction

Judge et al (2007), self-efficacy and work related performance

Nair & Gaither (1999), effect of work, on-work and role of conflict on the overall life satisfaction

Oxford dictionary, 1990, satisfaction, and Webster’s dictionary of English language, 1977), self-

Paul E. Spector (1997), job satisfaction application, assessment and causes

Pavot & Diener (2008), the satisfaction with life scale and the emerging construct of life satisfaction

Podolske (2003), an empirical study of job satisfaction of university staff

Reginald, (2015), satisfaction of and staff with in an organixation

Robert M. Hochheiser (1998).time management (barrons business success)

Snipes etal. (2005), the effects of specific job satisfaction facet on costumer perceptions on service

Sophie Rowan (2008), happy at work: ten steps to ultimate job satisfaction,

Zellars et al (2002) abusive supervision and sub ordinates, organizational citizenship behaviour

Web assistance:


Part I: Consent: I have been told that information I provide will be kept confidential and used in
research report only. I am ready to participate in the survey research that assesses some of my
psychological constructs. I understand the purpose well and am happy to help researcher for his/her
research work.
Sign: _____________

Part II: Please provide your personal information. Name is not included. So, relax and fill up all the
Age: Gender:
Profession: Industry:
Monthly Income (Rs): No. of work hours in a day:
Religion: Place of birth:
Place of job: Mother tongue:
Nationality: No. of family members:
No. of close friends: Marital status:


If 0 means very dissatisfied, 1 means dissatisfied, 2 means neutral, 3 means satisfied and 4 means
very satisfied, circle a number that matches you about the following question.

All things considered, how satisfied are you with your job? 0 1 2 3 4


If 7 is ‘Strongly Agree’, 6 is Agree, 5 is ‘Slightly agree’, 4 is ‘Neither agree nor disagree’, 3 is ‘Slightly
disagree’ 2 is ‘Disagree’ and 1 is ‘Strongly Disagree’, circle a number that matches you about the
following statements:

In most ways, my life is close to my ideal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The conditions of my life are excellent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I am satisfied with my life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part V: GSES
If 1 means ‘Not true at all’, 2 means ‘Hardly true’, 3 means ‘moderately true’ and 4 means ‘exactly
true’, circle a number that matches you about the following statements:

I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough. 1 2 3 4

If someone opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want. 1 2 3 4
It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals. 1 2 3 4
I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events. 1 2 3 4
Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations. 1 2 3 4
I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort. 1 2 3 4
I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities. 1 2 3 4
When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions. 1 2 3 4
If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution 1 2 3 4
I can usually handle whatever comes my way. 1 2 3 4


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