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THIS TENANCY AGREEMENT is made on this, 23th day of March, 2024 at

Guwahati, Assam.

MR. Arman Choudhury, aged about 22 years, S/o- Lt. K. Choudhury, by
religion- Muslim, resident of- Jayanagar, PS- Dispur, District-Kamrup
(M), Assam hereinafter called the “OWNER” which term shall mean and
include whatever the context so admits and permits his legal heirs, legal
representative, executors, administrators and assigns of ONE PART.

MR. Arindam Bharadwaj, aged about 25 years, C/o- Kartik Sharma, by

religion- Hindu, resident of- C76, Upahupara Mangaldoi, Darrang,
Assam -784125 hereinafter called the “TENANT” which term shall mean
and include whatever the context so admits and permits his legal heirs,
legal representative, executors, administrators and assigns of OTHER

WHEREAS the OWNER herein is the sole and absolute owner of all that
piece and parcel of the residential building bearing – House No- 46 of all RCC
Building, (Along With One covered Bike Parking in Ground Floor.)
A Plot of Land of Revenue Village - Super Market, Mouza - Sarumotoria,
District - Kamrup (Metro), Assam - 781022 , and more particularly described
in the SCHEDULE hereunder.

AND WHEREAS THE TENANT has approached the OWNER to demise the
SCHEDLE mentioned FLAT on Monthly rental basis for Residential purpose
for a period of 11 months on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned
and the OWNER has also hereby agreed to demise the SCHEDULE
mentioned ROOM to the TENANT on a monthly rental on the following terms
and condition.


1. The Rent Agreement shall be initially for a period of 11 months,

commencing from 22.03.2024 and shall expire on 22.01.2025, upon
completion of 11 months.


2. The Rent Agreement is strictly for Residential purpose to accommodate
the occupier of the TENANT. The Rent is payable within 7 th day of each
Month and should be deposited in saving Bank A/c No:39988029381,
Bank- SBI, IFSC- SBIN0002950, Account Holder Name- Arman

3. The TENANT has agreed to pay the Monthly Rental charges on or before
7th day of the every succeeding month for the demised property more
fully described in the SCHEDULE hereunder in the following manner.

4. That the rent shall be paid every month by way of Bank Transfer or
Online Transfer to the Bank Account Number shared by the OWNER.

i. Rs. 5000.00 per month (Five Thousand Only) towards Rent

Including the Maintenance Fee.

5. The TENANT agrees to recharge the monthly electricity charges for

electricity consumed for the premises as mentioned in under mentioned
SCHEDULE, Any re connection charges, in case of disconnection due to
default of electricity charges payment, would be borne by the TENANT.

6. That the OWNER shall have full control over the supervision and
management in respect of the said room and the TENANT shall not, in
any way, interfere with the Owner's right of maintenance.

7. The TENANT should keep the demised premises in good and tenant able
condition, as any prudent person would do with his/ her property.

8. The TENANT shall not use the demised premises for any purpose other
than for which it was let out nor shall sub-let or sub-Rent the portion let
out, to any third party.

9. The TENANT shall not commit default in the payment of rents and if the
TENANT fails to pay the monthly rent within the stipulated time for two
consecutive months, the Rent shall stand canceled and the TENANT shall
vacate the ROOM forthwith.

10. The TENANT covenants to keep the demised premises in good and
tenant able condition during the continuance of this Rent and also not
make any permanent additions or alteration in the same.


11. That, in case of damage caused by the TENANT, except normal wear and
tear, to the SAID PREMISES during the period of use, TENANT shall be
held responsible for compensation and other charges as the case may be
and such charges may be adjusted from the security deposit amount of
Rs.5000.00 (Five Thousand Only) upon completion of the Rental
agreement tenure or vacation of the room as the case may be.

12. The TENANT shall handle the fittings and fixtures in the demised
premises and maintain the same properly. Any damages to fixtures and
fittings would be replaced by the TENANT at his own cost.

13. The OWNER shall pay all taxes and Levies due to Municipal

14. That the TENANT shall not create any untoward disturbance or nuisance
and shall not allow any anti-social person in the SAID PREMISES.

15. That the TENANT shall not keep or store any inflammable article or
explosives that endanger life and property.

16. That the monthly rent will increase by 10% after Eleven Months Or by
mutually extending this agreement / executing a fresh agreement on new
terms & conditions.

17. Either the OWNER or the TENANT may terminate the Rent agreement
by giving written notice 2(Two) months in advance.

18. That no interest shall be payable on the deposit amount, which would be
refunded by the OWNER after deducting the arrears in rent and damages
if any, at the time of TENANT vacating and handing over the vacant and
peaceful possession of the demise premises to OWNER.
19. All types of furniture owners cannot load furniture here by second party
And no furniture can be taken with them when they leave.
20. That the said Rent shall stand automatically terminated in case the
TENANT fails to comply with any of the stipulated terms and conditions of this
ALL THAT PIECE AND PARCEL OF FLAT – House No- 46, 2nd floor, of
the RCC Building, (Along With One covered Bike Parking in Ground Floor.)
A Plot of Land of Revenue Village - Super Market, Mouza - Sarumotoria,
District - Kamrup (Metro), Assam - 781022 , and more particularly described
in the SCHEDULE hereunder.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement upon above mentioned terms and
conditions both the OWNER and TENANT hereby are subscribing their
respective hands and seals to the day, month and year first above written.


1. ___________________________





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