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e el : 2bac Vocabulary ‘’International Organizations’’ r e lali

1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate acronyms: ICRC - FAO - UNICEF - WHO - UNESCO - UN
a. …………………... stands for the United Nations.
b. …………………... stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
c. …………………... stands for World Health Organization.
d. …………………... stands for the International Committee of the Red Cross.
e. …………………... stands for Food and Agriculture Organization.
f. …………………... stands for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

2) Match the following words to make collocations:

Humanitarian Sanctions
International President
Impose Assistance
Human rights Organization
vice Relations
Bilateral Violations
Organize a campaign

3) Fill in each section with its appropriate words:

Ambassador - Spokesperson - Court - Report - Parliament - Constitution - President - Declaration - Office -
Secretary general - Headquarter - Agreement - vice-president - Charter


o …………………………………… o …………………………………… o ……………………………………

o …………………………………… o …………………………………… o ……………………………………
o …………………………………… o …………………………………… o ……………………………………
o …………………………………… o …………………………………… o ……………………………………
o …………………………………… o …………………………………… o ……………………………………

4) Circle the appropriate word form:

a. Many companies are closed because of …………… problems. finance - financial
b. Siham will …………. in the event of next week. participate - participation
c. They want to encourage people to make blood ………….. donate - donation
d. There are many applications that you can use to ………… your time. organize - organization
e. It will be better if all the people ……………. cooperate - cooperation
f. Obligation of COVID-19 vaccination is a …………. of human rights. violate - violation

VERB Participate Donate Organize Cooperate Violate Assist

NOUN Participation Donation Organization Cooperation Violation Assistance


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