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CHAPTER#06 Separation by time and generally lower level,

distance: A fourth factor that supervisory positions.

MULTINATIONAL can impact on the performance
PERFORMANCE of a subsidiary is the effect of
MANAGEMENT separation by time and distance. Types of Expatriates
When evaluating subsidiary Judgments concerning the Assignments
performance against congruence between the MNE
expectations, however, it is and local subsidiary activities ‘technical assignments’ –
important to recognize various are further complicated by the short-term knowledge
constraints that may affect goal physical distances involved, transference activities, said to
attainment. These include the time-zone differences, the make up 5 to 10 per cent of
following five constraints frequency of contact between expatriate assignments.
outlined below: the corporate head-office staff
and subsidiary management and developmental assignments’ –
Whole versus part: First, it is the cost of the reporting system. focusing on in-country
important to appreciate that by performance and the acquisition
its very nature, the MNE is a Variable levels of maturity of local or regional
single entity that faces a global across markets: the need for understanding by the assignee,
environment, which means that relevant comparative data: A said to make up 5 to 10 per cent
it simultaneously confronts final factor influencing the of assignments.
differing national environments. performance of a subsidiary is
the variable level of maturity strategic assignments’ – high-
Integration and control profile activities that focus on
imperatives often place the across markets. without the
supporting infrastructure of the developing a balanced global
multinational in the position perspective, said to make up 10
where it decides that the good of parent, market development in
foreign subsidiaries is generally to 15 per cent of assignments.
the whole is more important
than one subsidiary’s short-term slower and more difficult to
functional assignments’ –
profitability. achieve than at home.
described as more enduring
Expatriates Task: expatriates assignments with local
Non-comparable data: A employees that involve the two-
second key constraint it that are assigned to foreign
operations to fulfil specific way transfer of existing
frequently the data obtained processes and practices, said to
from subsidiaries may be neither tasks:
make up between 55 and 80 per
easily interpretable nor reliable. The chief executive officer, or cent of assignments.
These factors can make an subsidiary manager, who
objective appraisal of subsidiary oversees and directs the entire Non-expatriate performance
performance problematic, which foreign operation. management challenges
in turn complicates the task of
appraising the performance of The structure reproducer performance criteria and goals
individual subsidiary managers. carries the assignment of for non-standard work. Criteria
building or reproducing in a for performance is subject to
Volatility in the global foreign subsidiary a structure cultural differences. Isolating
business environment: A third similar to that which he or she international dimensions of job
factor that can impact on the knows from another part of the performance is not as straight
performance of a subsidiary is company. forward as for traditional
the occurrence of volatility and expatriate jobs. Outstanding and
turbulence in the global business The troubleshooter is the failures will challenge
environment. This volatility may individual who is sent to a performance appraisal process.
require that long-term goals be foreign subsidiary to analyze Performance appraisals are
flexible in order to respond to and solve a particular complicated by international
potential market contingencies. operational problem. context, outside appraisers.
Ways to improve and rewards
The operative is the individual are unclear. Impact of non-
whose assignment is to perform standard work on HCN co-
functional job tasks in an workers
existing operational structure, in
PERFORMANCE Frequency of appraisal: In
APPRAISAL OF practice, formal appraisal is
INTERNATIONAL commonly on a yearly basis, and
EMPLOYEES this appears to extend to
international performance
Performance criteria: Goals systems, even though the
tend to be translated into domestic-oriented literature on
performance appraisal criteria so this topic recommends an
specificity and measurability ongoing combination of formal
issues are important aspects, and and informal performance
we need to recognize that hard, appraisal and feedback.
soft and contextual goals are
often used as the basis for Performance feedback: An
performance criteria. Hard important aspect of an effective
goals are objective, quantifiable performance management
and can be directly measured. system is the provision of timely
Soft goals tend to be feedback of the appraisal
relationship or trait-based, such process. One of the problems
as leadership style or with annual appraisal is that
interpersonal skills. Contextual employees do not receive the
goals attempt to take into consistent frequent feedback
consideration factors that result considered critical in order to
from the situation in which maintain or improve their
performance occurs. performance.
Who conducts the Appraisal of HCN employees:
performance appraisal? : The discussion so far has
Another issue is who conducts omitted the issue of appraising
the performance appraisal. the performance of HCN
Typically, employees are employees. It is important to
appraised by their immediate mention here is that the practice
superiors, and this can pose of performance appraisal itself
problems for subsidiary chief confronts the issue of cultural
executive officers. applicability. Performance
Consequently, subsidiary appraisal in different nations can
managers tend to be assessed be interpreted as a signal of
according to subsidiary distrust or even an insult.
performance, with a reliance on
hard criteria similar to that
applied to heads of domestic
units or divisions.
Standardized or customized
performance: Domestic firms
commonly design performance
appraisal forms for each job
category, particularly those
using a traditional performance
appraisal approach rather than
performance management. Such
standardization assists in the
collection of accurate
performance data on which HR
decisions can be made, and
allows for cross-employee

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