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Spaces Icons Action Description

Place worker on one of the four colors. Roll all dice of the selected color (in a single
Roll all dice of selected color. You
area of your truck). You may trash all dice of any color with a value of 1 to
may trash all 1s to advance all 5s
advance all dice of any color with a value of 5.

Earn 1 Profit (advance your Profit cube one space on the Profit track).

Place worker on one of the three values. Roll all dice of the selected value (in a
Roll all dice of selected value. You
single area of your truck). You may trash all dice of any color with a value of 1 to
may trash all 1s to advance all 5s
advance all dice of any color with a value of 5.

Advance all dice with the value of 5 from one area in your truck to the next area.
Advance all 5s
You must advance all 5s, you may not choose to leave any behind.

Place worker on one of the four colors. Adjust each dice of the selected by +1 or -1.
Adjust all dice of selected color by 1
This applies to dice across your entire Food Truck. You may choose to adjust some
(across your whole Food Truck)
by +1 and other by -1, and may also choose to adjust others by 0.

Adjust up to 4 pips Across your entire Food Truck, you may adjust up to four pips. You may add pips to
(across your whole Food Truck) dice, or subtract pips, and you may choose adjust less than four if you’d like.

Take the top-most available spare worker from the facedown Action tile column,
Hire one worker and add that worker to your supply. If this was the last worker on the facedown
Action tile, flip that Action tile; it is now available for the rest of the game.

When you place a worker here, you may activate an occupied tile as if you had
Copy one occupied tile instead placed your worker there. This also applies to occupied spaces on your
Customer cards. You may not copy a tile if the tile is not yet occupied.

Trash 1 die of selected color to Place worker on one of the four colors. Trash one die of the selected color and
advance 1 die of any color advance any other die in that area to the next area. You may repeat this action
(repeatable) as many times as you are able to this turn.

Trash 1 die of selected color to Place worker on one of the four colors. Trash one die of the selected color. You
disperse its pips to any other dice may disperse pips equal to that value across all other dice in that same area. You
(repeatable) may repeat this action as many times as you are able to this turn.

Select all the dice you’d like in one area of the Food Truck, and roll them, returning
Roll any number of dice
them to that same area of the Food Truck with their new values.

Return 1 die to the Pantry to From the Kitchen area, move one die to the Pantry area, then move a second die
Plate 1 other die from the Kitchen area to the Counter area. You may repeat this action as many
(repeatable) times as you are able to this turn.
Spaces Icons Action Description

Cook 2 dice Advance any two dice in the Pantry area to the Kitchen area.

Plate 2 dice Advance any two dice in the Kitchen area to the Counter area.

Swap 2 dice. You may Swap any one die in your Food Truck with any other die in your Food Truck
then swap 2 more dice (retaining the values as you swap the positions). You may then repeat this action.

Trash 1 die to Cook 2 dice Trash any one die in your Pantry area to advance any other two dice to your
(repeatable) Kitchen area. You may repeat this action as many times as you are able to this turn.

Trash any one die to advance any other two dice from the same area in your Food
Trash 1 die to advance 1 die
Truck to the next area. You may repeat this action as many times as you are able to
this turn.

Trash 1 die to adjust all other dice of Trash any one die to adjust all other dice of the same color in that same area of
the same color by 2 your Food Truck by up to 2.

Serve a Customer card, ignoring one color restriction on the card. You must still
Serve Food, ignoring one color
serve the appropriate amount of dice, but one die that you serve does not need to
meet the color restriction when taking this action.

Unload Crate, taking one extra die Unload a Crate, taking four dice rather than only three dice.

Advance 2 dice that have the same Move two dice with the same value from one area in your Food Truck to the next
value area in your Food Truck.

Adjust 2 dice that have the same Select two dice that have the same value and are in the same area in your Food
value by 2 each Truck. You may adjust each of them by up to 2.

Select an area in your Food Truck, and trash the highest valued die, then advance
Trash your highest valued die to
all other dice in that same area of your Food Truck. When multiple dice are tied for
advance all other dice
the highest value, you may choose which one to trash (and only trash one of them)

You may advance a die from one area in your Food Truck to the next area in your
Advance 2 dice with a matching
Food Truck as long as the new area already has a die with a matching value. You
valued die in the target area
may perform this action with a second die as part of your turn.
Spaces Icons Action Description
Serve dice from your Counter area to a Customer card. You must have all
Serve Food necessary dice (in the correct color and value combinations) to Serve Food. Place
the dice in the Trash supply and collect the Customer card.

Select one die in your Food Truck and adjust the value by up to 2 (meaning, you
Adjust 1 die by 2 may either decrease the value by 2, decrease the value by 1, increase the value
by 1, or increase the value by 2).

Select up to three available dice from a single Crate, and place those dice –
Unload Crate without changing their values – into your Pantry. You may choose to collect less
than three dice if you’d like.

Place two workers here, and take the top-most available spare worker from the
Hire 1 worker
facedown Action tile column, adding it to your supply. If this was the last worker on
(takes 2 workers)
that Action tile, flip that Action tile; it is now available for the rest of the game.

Card effect Description

Unload 2 dice Select up to two available dice in a single Crate and – without changing their values – add them to your Pantry.
Roll <X> dice Select any <X amount of> dice from one area in your Food Truck and roll them, placing them back in the same area.
Swap 2 dice Swap any one die in your Food Truck with any other die in your Food Truck (retaining the values as you swap the positions).
Cook <X> dice Move any <X amount of> dice from your Pantry into your Kitchen.
Plate <X> dice Move any <X amount> of dice from your Kitchen into your Counter.
Unload Crate Select up to three available dice from a single Crate and place those dice – without changing their values – into your Pantry.
Retrieve <X> workers Choose any <X amount of> deployed workers and return them to your supply.
Hire 1 worker Take the top-most available spare worker from the facedown Action tile column, adding it to your supply.
Earn the Profit listed on the icon (advance your Profit cube that many spaces on the Profit track).
Copy occupied space Activate an occupied tile as if you had instead placed your worker at that location (applies to both cards and tiles).
Advance 5s Advance all dice with the value of 5 from one area in your truck to the next area.
Trash 1 to advance <X> Trash any one die and advance any <X amount of> other dice in that area to the next area, repeating as you’d like.
Roll any dice (x2) Select all the dice you’d like in one area, and roll them. You may repeat this again (in the same or in a new area).
Adjust any 2 dice by 2 Select two dice in one area of your Food Truck and adjust their values by up to 2.
Trash <X> to advance all Trash one die that meets <X criteria> to advance all other dice in that area to the next area in your Food Truck.
Return 4 dice to Pantry Instead of placing these four dice in the Trash supply, return them directly to your pantry (retaining their same values).
Trash 3 dice for . Trash any three dice in your Food Truck to earn two Profit.
Add 4 pips across dice Disperse up to four pips across any dice in one area of your Food Truck.

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