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Your class has watched a television discussion on the areas of research

that governments should spend their money on. You made the notes
 space exploration
 green energy
 human eating habits
Opinions expressed in the discussion
,,Space research is really important for the future“
,,Only governments have enough money for energy research“
,,Peoples health depends on having good food“
Write an essay discussing two of the areas of research in your notes.
You should explain which area of research is more important for
governments to spend money on, giving reasons to support your answer.

It has been noted that governments are of paramount importance to

researchers due to their extensive finances, thus making further
development of science and industry possible, therefore making our
planet a better place to live.
Firstly, financing research on green energy would instigate the usage of
renewable energy sources such as water, wind or solar power. Not only
would it not exacerbate the lives of living beings any more, but also
reduce the progress of climate change. Moreover, by integrating green
energy instead of non-renewable sources we would have far less
pollutants in cities.
In my view, another research which deserves to be funded and
appreciated is on the topic of one’s nutrition habits. I find that the thing
that can impact a persons wellbeing the most is their way with food. For
example, if there were not for raw foods such as vegetables or eggs,
there would not be any other groceries which could give the organism
basic proteins as well as vitamins. What is more, by investing in such
studies od eating habits, the public would have a more intricate insight
on how important their habits are.
Taking everything into consideration, I presume that adding emphasis on
green energy research would be more fundamental to our mundane life.
But for energy sources, we could not progress as a society and would
perhaps be on the verge of a great crisis.

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