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Question 1. Draw diagram of a neuron showing nucleus and cell body/dendrite,

axon, nerve endings.


Question 2.
(a) In which connective tissue, matrix contains salts of calcium and phosphorus ?
(b) Which connective tissue is present in ear ?
(c) Which connective tissue connects two bones ?
(d) Which connective tissue is found in bone marrow ?
(a) Bone
(b) Cartilage
(c) Ligament (dense, yellow fibrous connective tissue)
(d) Areolar tissue.

Question 3. What are the two components of blood ? Why is blood considered a
type of connective tissue ?

(a) Components. Plasma and blood cells.
(i) Blood is considered connective tissue as it contains cells suspended in a fluid
(ii) Further, it connects all parts of the body receiving and providing materials

Question 4. List any two differences between striated and cardiac muscles with
respect to their structure and location.

Question 5. List any two differences between striated and cardiac muscles with
respect to their structure and location.

Question 6. Write the function of bone, cartilage, ligament and tendon.

Bone: It forms supporting framework of body and protects vital organs like brain,
heart and lungs.
Cartilage: It provides support, frictionless movement and flexibility to various body
Ligament: It connects a bone to another bone and provides for movement at the
Tendon: It attaches muscle to bone for movement of body parts.

Question 7.
(a) State two important functions of areolar tissue.
(b) Why are skeletal muscles known as striated muscles ?

(a) (i) Binding, packing and covering of body parts.
(ii) Providing materials for repair of injury.
(iii) Connecting skin with underlying muscles.

(b) Due to presence of alternate light and dark bands.

Question 8.List four functions of blood.

1. Transport: Blood transports gases, nutrients, hormones and waste

materials to various parts of the body.
2. Heat: It distributes heat throughout the body.
3. Tissue Fluid: It forms tissue fluid from its plasma.
4. Helps to fight infections: Blood possesses white blood cells for fighting
foreign microbes.

Question 9.How does matrix of bone differ from matrix of cartilage ?


Question 10.Distinguish between tendon and ligament. Write one characteristic of

Tendon is an inelastic cord of dense white connective tissue present between
muscle and bone while ligament is an elastic cord of dense yellow connective tissue
that is present between two bone ends.
Characteristic of Tendon: It contains parallel bands of white collagen fibres with rows
of flat, elongated fibroblasts in between them.
Characteristic of Ligament: It has abundant yellow elastin fibres, bundles of white
collagen fibres arranged variously and scattered fibroblasts.

Question 11.Name the muscular tissue which is present in the iris of the eye. What
is the shape of these cells ?
Smooth or unstriated muscle fibres. Spindle shaped. :

Question 12.Give the location and function of the following tissues :

(a) Cartilage
(b) Areolar tissue
(c) Adipose tissue.

(a) Cartilage:

1. Location: Nose, ear, trachea, bronchi, larynx, bone ends.

2. Function: Providing support and elasticity to nose, ear, trachea, bronchi,
larynx. Smoothening and protecting bone ends at the joints.
(b) Areolar Tissue:

1. Location: Subcutaneous tissue between skin and muscles, inside bone

marrow, binding packing and covering tissue of various body organs
including blood vessels and nerves.
2. Function: Binding, packing and covering of body organs, and providing
materials for repair of injuries.
(c) Adipose Tissue:
1. Location: Below skin, cushion around heart, kidneys, eye ball, in
between body organs.
2. Function: Storage of fat, shock absorption and insulation.

Question13. Give one reason for the following statements :

(a) Blood is called connective tissue.
(b) Muscles are able to contract and relax to bring about movements
(c) Muscles of heart are called involuntary muscles.

(a) Blood:

1. Like other connective tissues, blood consists of living cells scattered in

an abundant matrix. The matrix is liquid or plasma in blood.
2. Blood circulates throughout the body, receiving and providing materials
to all tissues and organs of the body. It thus connects all parts of the
(b) Muscles: Muscles possess contractile myofibrils made of protein filaments. Their
contraction and relaxation produce movements.

(c) Muscles of Heart: They show rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life.
They are not under the control of will.

Question 14(a) Draw diagram of a muscle. Label in it

1. Spindle shaped nucleus

2. Striation
(b) List any two characteristics of this muscle.

(b) Characteristics,

1. Long cylindrical cells with blunt ends,

2. Many peripheral nuclei.
Question 15.Name the type of epithelial tissue that lines

1. Oesophagus
2. Respiratory tract
3. Kidney tubules
4. Inner lining of intestine
5. Blood vessels
6. Ducts of salivary glands.
1. Stratified squamous epithelium
2. Ciliated columnar epithelium
3. Cuboidal epithelium
4. Columnar epithelium
5. Squamous epithelium
6. Cuboidal epithelium.

Question 16. Draw a diagram of smooth muscle fibre and label any three parts. Give
one function of smooth muscles.


Function: Sustained involuntary contraction activity as in peristalsis.

Question 17.
(a) Name the tissue which joins :
(i) Muscle to bones
(ii) Bones to bones

(b) Which of the two is

(i) More elastic?
(ii) Stronger ?

(a) (i) Tendon
(ii) Ligament
(b) (i) Ligament
(ii) Tendon.

Question 18.Identify the type of tissues in the following :

(a) Inner lining of intestine

(b) Lining of kidney tubule
(c) Iris of eye
(d) Muscles of heart
(e) Bronchi of lungs.


(a) Columnar epithelium

(b) Cuboidal epithelium
(c) Smooth muscle
(d) Cardiac muscle
(e) Smooth muscles, cartilage, ciliated columnar epithelium.
Question 19.
Establish the relationship between the structure, function and location in each case :
(a) Bone
(b) Areolar tissue
(c) Striated muscle.

(a) Bone

1. Structure: It is hard connective tissue having a matrix of collagenous

protein ossein and mineral matter, mostly of calcium and phosphorus
laid down in lamellae around Haversian canals, Living osteocytes are
stellate and occur in branched fluid-filled lacunae.
2. Function: Framework of body, movement and protection to vital organs.
3. Location: Inside the body as endoskeleton.
(b) Areolar Tissue: It is a simple connective tissue that possesses a jelly-like matrix,
both white and yellow elastin fibres, fibroblasts, mast cells, plasma cells,
macrophages and immunocytes.
Location: Inside and outside organs and tissues and as subcutaneous tissue.

1. Binding: Packing and Covering. Areolar tissue functions as binding,

packing and covering tissue around and inside various body organs,
2. Repair: Areolar tissue provides materials for repair of injuries.

(c) Striated Muscle:

1. Structure: Long, cylindrical cells with alternate light and dark bands and
many oval peripheral nuclei,
2. Function: Voluntary body movements including locomotion.
3. Location: In limbs attached to bones, neck, face, body wall, tongue,
pharynx, diaphragm, upper part of oesophagus.
Question 20. State the location and function of columnar epithelium. When and how
is it modified ? Write the function of this modified tissue.

(a) Location: Lining of stomach and intestine,
Function: Absorption in intestine.

(b) Modification
(i) Microvilli or tiny finger like projections on free surface (as in intestine) for
increasing absorptive surface
(it) Cilia in respiratory tract and oviducts meant for slow pushing of materials.

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