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The technological revolution has caused a greater boom in the field of computers.
Since it relieves from the work load, the demand for computerizing every field of
work is increasing. Through Online Bank Transaction System , the main idea is to offer
a series of services to customer through the internet which would make it easy to
carry out simple tasks faster instead of making a visit to the bank every time. The
Online Bank Transaction System services would fully integrate with core banking
solution already implemented at the bank.

The main modules handled in this project are:

Registrations of new customers, Opening of new Saving Bank Accounts, Depositing
and withdrawal of transactions, Query one on Bank Balance, Fund transfer , E-Cheque
book Facility, Loan Application, ATM Application etc.

The objectives of the project is to substitute the existing computer aided non online
system to fully computerized online system. The proposed system is designed to meet
all the disadvantages of the existing one and to provide a permanent solution to
them. In the computerized system all the details regarding creating an account
whether SB/FD/Current/Recurring deposit cash, withdraw cash, ATM, Loan application
etc are provided online ie through the internet. The proposed system will be very
easy, efficient, simple, fault free and secure. This will provide an easier interface with
the user and also make data access easy.It reduces the loss of data and will give
faster access to the data.It is user friendly. It takes less time for execution and
provides greater security.

The modules of the project are as follows:-

1. Registration of new customer:
Only registered customers can create new account. While registering customer
has to give User id and password. With that the user can login to that bank.

2. Opening of new Saving Bank Accounts:-
The customers can open Bank Accounts with a specified opening balance by
assigning proper account numbers.

3. Depositing and withdrawing of transactions:-

Customers can Open Bank accounts with a specified opening balance and thereafter
may either deposit funds into the account or withdraw accounts from them.

4. Querying on Bank Balance:-

One of the most frequent requests for information by customers is querying on
Bank Balance and information regarding specific transactions carried out in the bank.

5. Fund Transfer:-
Customers would often want to transfer funds from one account of others to
another. The Account Numbering scheme now identifies the Bank branch to which the
account belongs.The transfer of funds between accounts of the same customer will
now be facilitated through the Net Banking service.

6. E-Cheque book Facility:-

Customers often travel to the bank branch to request for a new Cheque
book.Requesting for a new Cheque book is an Online Bank Transaction System service.

7. Other Information:-
1. The customer may also look for information on interest rates on Fixed term
deposits which often change from time to time.
2. Online Bank Transaction System also provides information to the customers
about the various bank branches.
3. Customers can also request for new ATM centers.
4. Customers have an option to apply for loan.


Processor :Intel Pentium 3

Speed :500 MHZ
Hard Disk Drive :500 GB
Peripheral :CD ROM
Monitor :SVGA Display
Mouse :Logitech optical mouse(3 Buttons)
Keyboard :110 keys

Operating System : WINDOWS XP
Front End : VB.NET
Backend : Microsoft SQL Server2000
Services : ASP.NET XML Web Services

All types of Browsers like Microsoft internet Explorer are used.

The Microsoft.NET strategy was presented by Microsoft officials to the rest of the world in
June 2008:
 .NET is Microsoft's new Internet and Web strategy
 .NET is NOT a new operating system
 .NET is a new Internet and Web based infrastructure
 .NET delivers software as Web Services
 .NET is a framework for universal services
 .NET is a server centric computing model
 .NET will run in any browser on any platform
 .NET is based on the newest Web standards

.NET Internet Standards

.NET is built on the following Internet standards:
 HTTP, the communication protocol between Internet Applications
 XML, the format for exchanging data between Internet Applications
 SOAP, the standard format for requesting Web Services
 UDDI, the standard to search and discover Web Services

.NET Framework
The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET Platform.
The .NET Framework is a common environment for building, deploying, and running
Web Services and Web Applications.
The .NET Framework contains common class libraries - like ADO.NET, ASP.NET
and Windows Forms - to provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into a
variety of computer systems.
The .NET Framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual
Basic, and JScript (The Microsoft version of JavaScript). Third-party languages like
COBOL, Eiffel, Perl, Python, Smalltalk, and others - will also be available for building
future .NET Framework applications. The new Visual Studio.NET is a common development
environment for the new .NET Framework. It provides a feature-rich application execution
environment, simplified development and easy integration between a numbers of different
development languages.
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
 The common language runtime is the execution engine for .NET Framework
 It provides a number of services, including the following:
 Code management (loading and execution)
 Application memory isolation
 Verification of type safety
 Conversion of IL to native code
 Access to metadata (enhanced type information)
 Managing memory for managed objects
 Enforcement of code access security
 Exception handling, including cross-language exceptions
 Interoperation between managed code, COM objects, and pre-existing DLLs (unmanaged
code and data)
 Automation of object layout
 Support for developer services (profiling, debugging, and so on)

Common Type System (CTS)

The common type system is a rich type system, built into the common language runtime that
supports the types and operations found in most programming languages. The common type
system supports the complete implementation of a wide range of programming languages.

Common Language Specification (CLS)

The Common Language Specification is a set of constructs and constraints that serves as a
guide for library writers and compiler writers. It allows libraries to be fully usable from any
language supporting the CLS, and for those languages to integrate with each other. The
Common Language Specification is a subset of the common type system. The Common
Language Specification is also important to application developers who are writing code that
will be used by other developers. When developers design publicly accessible APIs
following the rules of the CLS, those APIs are easily used from all other programming
languages that target the common language runtime.

Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET Framework programs are
compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling methods on
Combined with metadata and the common type system, MSIL allows for true cross-language
Prior to execution, MSIL is converted to machine code. It is not interpreted.

An assembly is the primary building block of a .NET Framework application. It is a
collection of functionality that is built, versioned, and deployed as a single implementation
unit (as one or more files). All managed types and resources are marked either as accessible
only within their implementation unit or as accessible by code outside that unit. Assemblies
are self-describing by means of their manifest, which is an integral part of every assembly.
The manifest:
Establishes the assembly identity (in the form of a text name), version, culture, and digital
signature (if the assembly is to be shared across applications). Defines what files (by name
and file hash) make up the assembly implementation. Specifies the types and resources that
make up the assembly, including which are exported from the assembly.

Itemizes the compile-time dependencies on other assemblies.

Specifies the set of permissions required for the assembly to run properly. This information is
used at run time to resolve references, enforce version binding policy, and validate the
integrity of loaded assemblies. The runtime can determine and locate the assembly for any
running object, since every type is loaded in the context of an assembly. Assemblies are also
the unit at which code access security permissions are applied. The identity evidence for each
assembly is considered separately when determining what permissions to grant the code it

The self-describing nature of assemblies also helps makes zero-impact install and XCOPY
deployment feasible.

Options are available to deploy my .NET applications
The .NET Framework simplifies deployment by making zero-impact install and XCOPY
deployment of applications feasible. Because all requests are resolved first to the private
application directory, simply copying an application's directory files to disk is all that is
needed to run the application. No registration is required.

This scenario is particularly compelling for Web applications, Web Services, and self-
contained desktop applications. However, there are scenarios where XCOPY is not sufficient
as a distribution mechanism. An example is when the application has little private code and
relies on the availability of shared assemblies, or when the application is not locally installed
(but rather downloaded on demand). For these cases, the .NET Framework provides
extensive code download services and integration with the Windows Installer. The code
download support provided by the .NET Framework offers several advantages over current
platforms, including incremental download, code access security (no more Authenticode
dialogs), and application isolation (code downloaded on behalf of one application doesn't
affect other applications). The Windows Installer is another powerful deployment mechanism
available to .NET applications. All of the features of Windows Installer, including
publishing, advertisement, and application repair will be available to .NET applications in
Windows Installer 2.0.

Garbage collection
Garbage collection is a mechanism that allows the computer to detect when an object can no
longer be accessed. It then automatically releases the memory used by that object (as well as
calling a clean-up routine, called a "finalize," which is written by the user). Some garbage
collectors like the one used by .NET, compact memory and therefore decrease your
program's working set.

COM objects from a .NET Framework

Yes. Any COM component you have deployed today can be used from managed code, and in
common cases the adaptation is totally automatic.

Specifically, COM components are accessed from the .NET Framework by use of a runtime
callable wrapper (RCW). This wrapper turns the COM interfaces exposed by the COM
component into .NET Framework-compatible interfaces. For OLE automation interfaces, the
RCW can be generated automatically from a type library. For non-OLE automation
interfaces, a developer may write a custom RCW and manually map the types exposed by the
COM interface to .NET Framework-compatible types.

Active Server Pages - ASP.NET

ASP.NET is the latest version of ASP. It includes Web Services to link
Applications , services and devices using HTTP, HTML, XML and SOAP.

New in ASP.NET:
 New Language Support
 Programmable Controls
 Event Driven Programming
 XML Based Components
 User Authentication
 User Accounts and Roles
 High Scalability
 Compiled Code
 Easy Configuration
 Easy Deployment
 Not ASP Compatible
 Includes ADO.NET
You can read more about ASP.NET and ADO.NET in our ASP.NET Tutorial.

Visual Studio.NET
The latest version of Visual Studio - Visual Studio.NET - incorporates ASP.NET,
ADO.NET, Web Services, Web Forms, and language innovations for Visual Basic. The
development tools have deep XML support, an XML-based programming model and new
Object-oriented programming capabilities.

Visual Basic.NET
Visual Basic.NET has added language enhancements, making it a full Object-oriented
programming language.
SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2000 is a fully web-enabled database.
SQL Server 2000 has strong support for XML and HTTP which are two of the main
infrastructure technologies for .NET.

Some of the most important new SQL Server features are direct access to the Database from
a browser, query of relational data with results returned as XML, As well as storage of XML
in relational formats.

Internet Information Server 6.0

IIS 6.0 has strong support for more programming to take place on the server, to Allow the
new Web Applications to run in any browser on any platform.

.NET Web Services:

Web services are small units of code built to handle a limited task.

What are Web Services?

 Web services are small units of code
 Web services are designed to handle a limited set of tasks
 Web services uses XML based communicating protocols
 Web services are independent of operating systems
 Web services are independent of programming languages
 Web services connect people, systems and devices

Small Units of Code

Web services are small units of code designed to handle a limited set of tasks.An example of
a web service can be a small program designed to supply other applications with the latest
stock exchange prices. Another example can be a Small program designed to handle credit
card payment.

Editions of SQL server
• Enterprise (Developer)
• Standard
• Personal

• Server Components
• Components

Server Components
• SQL Server Engine
• SQL Server Agent
• Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
• Microsoft Search Engine
• SQL Mail
• English Query
• Data Transformation Services (DTS)
• Analysis Services

SQL Server Engine

• The core of SQL Server.
• It is the process that handles all the relational database work.
• SQL language describes engine only the query to be processed.
• Query optimizer determines how to process the query based on the costs of different types
of query execution operations.

SQL Server Agent

• It is an optional process which, when running, executes the SQL jobs and handles other
automated tasks.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
• It is a process that handles dual phase commits for transactions that span multiple SQL
Data Transformation Services (DTS)
• It moves data among nearly any types of data sources.
• DTS is extremely useful during data conversions, collecting data from many dissimilar data
sources, or gathering for data warehousing.
• Analysis Services
• It enables the developer to define cubes that are similar to excel pivot tables or Access cross
tab queries.

Stored Procedures:-
• A batch is stored with a name within the database.
• These are compiled and are the fastest possible means of executing a batch or query. •
Executing the processing at the server instead of the desktop greatly reduces network traffic.
• These offer modularity and are an easy means of deploying features and code changes.
• These can be an important component in database.
• These are managed by means of the DDL commands: Create, Alter and Drop.
• A stored procedure can return a record set.
• Stored procedures compile and are stored in memory the first time they are executed. If the
server reboots, all the compiled stored procedures are lost. They are again compiled, when
they are called.
• SQL Server uses the Mater.dbo.SysCacheObjects table to track compiled objects.
• Select Cast(C.Sql as char(35)) as StoredProcedure, cacheobject, usecounts as Counts • The
stored procedure text is saved in the SysComments table. The text is not stored for the
execution of the stored procedures, but only so that it may be retrieved later, if the store d
procedures need to be modified.
• The Sp_helptext system stored procedure will extract the original text of the stored
procedure. • If the stored procedure is created with the with encryption option, the stored
procedure text in SysComments is not directly readable.
• The dSQLSRVD freeware utility enables any user in the SysAdmin role to decrypt
encrypted objects.

• System stored procedures are stored in Master database. Any procedures beginning with
Sp_ that are in Master database can be executed from any database. If the name conflicts,
then local procedure will be executed.
• A stored procedure is more useful if it can be manipulated by parameters.


Memory-Configuration Properties:
SQL Server can either dynamically request memory from the operating system or
consume a fixed amount of memory. These settings can be configured by means of SQL
Server properties memory tab or from code
By means of the sp_configure stored procedure.
 Property Code
 Dynamic Memory Min min server memory
 Dynamic Memory Max max server memory
 Fixed Memory Size min server memory and
 max server memory
 Reserve physical set working set size
 Memory for SQL
 Server
 Property Code Minimum Query min memory per query
 Memory Locks locks
 Open Objects open objects

Dynamic Memory:-
If SQL Server is set to dynamic memory then SQL Server’s memory footprint can
grow or be reduced as needed within the minimum and maximum constraints based on the
physical memory available and the workload. SQL Server will try to maintain its requirement
and 3 to 10MB extra memory.

After a configuration setting is changed with sp_configure, the reconfigure command
causes the changes to take effect. Some configuration changes only take effect after SQL
Server is restarted.

Query Wait:-
If the memory is unavailable to execute a large query, SQL Server will wait for the
estimated amount of time necessary to execute the query. During this time the query will hold
any locks and an undetectable deadlock may occur.
Index Memory:-
The amount of memory SQL Server uses to perform sorts when creating an index is
generally self-configuring. However, it can be controlled by using sp_configure.

Max Open Objects:-

SQL Server prefers to dynamically control its memory, including the poll used to
track the current open objects. Each object takes only one allocation unit even if it is
referenced numerous times.

Affinity Mask:-
In a multi-CPU server the operating system can move processes to CPUs as the load
requires. The SQL Server processor affinity, or the relationship between a task and a CPU,
can be configured on a per-CPU basis. By enabling the affinity between SQL Server and a
CPU, that CPU will be available to SQL Server, but it is not dedicated to SQL Server. In
code, the individual CPUs are enables by means of setting the affinity mask bits using

Priority Boost:-
Different processes in windows operate at different priorities levels, ranging from 0 to
31. The highest priorities are executed first and reserved for the operating system processes.
Typically windows scheduling priority level settings for applications are 4 (low), 7 (normal),
13 (high). By default, SQL Server installs with a windows scheduling priority level of 7.

Lightweight Pooling:-
This option in multi-processing helps reduce the overhead of frequently switching
processes among the CPUs. The NT fiber threads option is used to create fewer process
threads, but those threads are associated with additional fibers or lightweight threads, that
stay associated with their thread. The smaller no. of threads helps reduce process-switching
and improve performance.

The Enterprise edition(Developer) of SQL Server will execute complex queries using
several processors in parallel instead of serially. Longer queries benefit the most from
parallelism. However, parallel queries are amazingly fast.

C2 Security:-
If this property is enabled, the SQL Server will refuse to continue if it is unable to
write the security-audit log.

Administering SQL Server

Server-Configuration Properties:
It enables to set server-wide performance and display properties in SQL Server.

Default Message Language :-

The default language for server user messages can be set in Enterprise Manager as
well as in code

Full-Text Search Default Language:-

The default language for full-text searches can only be set from within code

Query Governor Cost Limit:-

It limits the maximum number of queries SQL Server will perform according to the
estimated query cost. If the user submits a query that exceeds the limit set by the query
governor, SQL Server will not execute the query.

Server Security:
SQL Server uses a two-phase security authentication scheme. The user is first
authenticated to the SQL server. Once the user is “in” the server, access can be granted to the
individual databases.
SQL Server stores all login information within the master database.

SQL Server Authentication Mode:-

When SQL Server was installed, one of the decisions made was which of the
following authentication methods was used:
Windows authentication mode-windows authentication only.
Mixed mode-both windows authentication and SQL Server user authentication.

Windows Authentication:-
It is superior to mixed mode because the user does not need to learn yet another
The use of windows authentication means that users exist as windows users to be
recognized by SQL Server. The windows SID (Security Identifier) is passed from windows to
SQL Server.

It is very robust that it will authenticate not only windows users, but also users within
windows user groups.


The Project entitled “Online Bank Transaction System“ is developed for Coimbatore
bank. Through Online Bank Transaction System, the main idea is to offer a series of
services to its customers through the internet which would make it easy to carry out
tasks faster instead of making a visit to the Bank every time.

System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by the system
and their relationships within and outside the system. During analysis data are
collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the
existing system. In order to avoid confusion some important tools are used during the
analysis. Data Flow Diagrams data dictionary Decision trees, decision Tables are

Biased in the data collection and interpretation can be a problem. During this analysis
information is collected in the form of answers to the questions for collecting
information from existing documents.

The different modules in the project are:

1. Registration of new customers.
2. Opening of new Savings Bank Accounts.
3. Depositing and withdrawals of transactions
4. Querying on Bank Balance
5. Fund transfer
6. ATM
7. Loan Application

System study is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, using the information
for further studies on the system.It is a problem solving activity.It does various
feasibility studies.In these studies, a rough figure of the system activity can be
obtained from which the decisions about the strategies to be followed for effective
system study and the analysis can be taken.Preliminary study also identifies the
method collection to be followed.


The effectiveness of the system depends on the way in which the data is organized.In
the existing system all the entire Banking service is not done on line. The customers
has to approach the bank and furnishes the information in person and the banking
personnal assist him for making a computerized format of data. It is a time consuming

The major limitation of the existing system are:-

1.More time Consuming
2.More Error Prone.
3.Updating is complicated
4.Requires a large amount of space
5.Retrival of particular information is difficult.
6.Complex and simultaneous calculation cannot be performed quickly.


The objective of the project is to substitute the existing computer aided non online
system to fully computerized on line system.The proposed system is designed to meet
all the disadvantages of the existing one and to provide a permanent solution to
them.In the computerized system all the details regarding creating an account whether
SB/FD/Current/Recurring deposit cash,with draw cash, ATM, Loan application etc are
provided online ie through the internet. The proposed system will be very
easy,efficient,simple, fault free and secure. This will provide an easier interface with
the user and also make data access easy.It is user friendly. It takes less time for
execution and provides greater security.

The major advantages of the proposed system are:
1.Menu Driven and User Friendly.
Many option are designed so that they will ensure to give valid output the users
2. Authorized entry through on line code.
3. The system will accept valid data as input and gives valid output.
4.Easy to use.
5. Better speed and Performance
6. Messages are displayed on the screen.


On the basis of result of the initial study the feasibility study takes place. The
feasibility study is basically the result of the proposed system in the light of its
workability, meeting users requirements, effective use of resources and cost
effectiveness. The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to
achieve the scope. Four considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis;

1. Economical Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Behavioural Feasibility
4. Operational Feasibility

Economic analysis a most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of
the candidate system. More commonly known as cost benefit analysis, the producer is
to determine the benefits and the saving that are expected from a candidate system
and compare them with costs.if the benefits outweigh costs then the decision is made
to design and implement the system. Othewise further justifications are alternative in
the proposed system will have to be made.

In the Online Bank Transaction System project the cost required for the design and
implementation are first considered along with the benefits provided by the project. If
the benefits out weigh costs then the decision is made to design and implement the

system. Since the systems benefits outweighs the cost requirements the decisions were
made to design and implement the system.

Technical Feasibility is the phase in which the design is adapted to the technical
architecture used describing and documenting the functioning of each unit of the
software. It involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements.
Technical Feasibility centers around the existing computer system and to what extend
it can support the proposed addition. If the budget is a serious constraint, then the
project is judged not feasible. The system has been developed using Microsoft Visual
Studio 2005 as the front end and Microsoft SQL Server as its back end.The
proposed system has the technical capability to hold the data required to use the new

People are inherently resistant to change and computer have been known to facilitate
change. Keeping in pace with a philosophy of responsive customer service, the Bank
decided to offer Net Banking services to its customers. The idea is to offer a serious
of services to the customers through the internet which would make it easy to carry
out simple tasks faster.

The proposed project is beneficial as it meets the organization operation requirements.
The proposed system is a graphical user interface. It is a user friendly system where
the user can easily operate or use the system in an effective manner. The proposed
system produces accurate and optimized result. Since the system is user friendly only
a basic learning is needed to use it. It takes less time for execution and provide
greater security by preventing unauthorized access with the help of online code. The
system is also economical feasibility.


System design is the process of explaining a new business system or complement of

an existing system. But before this planning can be done, we must thoroughly
understand the old system and determine how computers can best be used to make
its operations more effective. The goal of system design is to provide a model or
representation of an entity will build later.


Input design is the process of converting user originated inputs to a computer
based format. It is the primary step in System design. Inaccurate Input data are the
most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by data entry
operators can be controlled by the input design. Input data are collected and organized
into groups of similar data.Data, which is entered in to the system,play a vital role in
the performance of the system.

In Net Banking system input details invlude, the information about the account
of the user, fund transfer,ATM request, loan application etc. Administrators can view
all the recent fund fund transfers, ATM pending requests and loan applications. New
users are able to create accounts in both Bank and Website by providing the user


Computer output is the most important source of information to the user. Efficient and
intelligible output design improves the system relationships with the user and help in
decision making.

During the first stages an analysis determines which data the application produce and
how to organize and present the data. In output designing the emphasis is on
producing a hard copy of information requested as well as displaying the output on
CRT screens in a predefined format.

Fund transactions details,status of pending loan applications,personal account
details,entire account information about the users are the main outputs of the system
which are displayed on the screen. Users can be able to view the balances in their
account and the recent fund transfers details also. Administrators can be able to view
all the ATM request, recent fund transfer reports,loan application, new account
registration,transaction details.


As large amount of data is stored, the database is designed in such a way that the
searching process takes less time and the data stored are not repeated. Mostly, all
tables are designed and indexed with a primary key. Most of the tables contain
identification number such that, the space used to store is reduced to maximum. The
database is password protected.The database for the system is designed in such a
manner that it can store with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and
efficiently. Also the following objectives are considered while designing the database.
Controlled redundancy is achieved using well designable tables. While designing the
database we also consider about the data independence, each of use,accuracy and
integrity and storing information at low costs. By selecting Microsoft SQL Server
2005 and using Database designing practices we achieved data independence, privacy
and security ,easy recovery from failure and increased performance.


Table Name : Login
Description : This table is used to store the user id and password

Attribute Datatype Width Constraint

username Varchar 50 Primary key

password Varchar 50

Table Name :User Registration
Description :This table is used to store user Details
Attribute Data Type Width Constraint
userid Int 50 Primary key
username Varchar 20
firstname Varchar 20
lastname Varchar 20
address Varchar 50
landlineno Varchar 50
mobile no Varchar 50
Dob Varchar 50
occupation Varchar 50
e-mail Varchar 50
status Varchar 50
state Varchar 50
salary Int 50
Table Name : Account Registration
Description : This table is used to store the details when the user opens new
SB accounts.
Attribute Datatype Width
account no Int 10 Primary key
Balance Int 20

Table Name : ATM

Description : This table is describes the user requests for the new ATM
Attribute Datatype Width Constraint
appid Int 50 Index name-PK_ATM Clustered,unique
Identity-primary key on appid seed-
Branch no Varchar 20
pinnumber Varchar 10

Table Name :Branch
Description : This table is used to store branch details
Attribute Datatype Width Constraint
branchid Varchar 20 Primary key
branch name Varchar 20

Table Name : Fund Transfer

Description : This table is used to store the details for the transfer of funds
to the customers account from any other account.

Attribute Datatype Width Constraint

Tid Int 4 Primary key
Index name PK-fund transfer
Identity-primary key on tid
Seed 100 Increment 1
receivingaccount Varchar 50 Foreign key
Amount Varchar 50
Date Date-time 10

Table Name : Transaction

Description :This table is used to store the details when the user requires
transactions of deposits and withdrawals.
Attribute Datatype Width Constraint
accno varchar 50
Tid varchar 50 Indexname-PK_transaction
clustered,unique,primary key on tid Identity
Seed-1 Increment-1
t_type varchar 50

Table Name : Loan application
Description : This table is used to store the details when the user applies for
a loan
Attribute Datatype Width Constraint
loan amount Float 20
interestrate Int 50
installment Int 50


Dataflow diagram is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for
flowcharting in place of or in association with information oriented or process oriented
flowcharts. Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data
through an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data
processing (structured design).

On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to an
internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.
The main DFD symbols are:

An Activity A title for the activity should be

placed inside the rectangle

Data flow. Arrow should be labeled with the

name of the data moving between the

A file of store. A straight line connects the

file to the activity that successes the file.
The name of the file should be indicated
within the rectangle.


The project entitled “Online Bank Transaction System” is developed using Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server as its back end.Our
application includes an easy to use interface which has master pages for minimizing
the amount of information typed in by the user and/or by the administrator.

After successful completion of the design phase,the next step is developing the system
according to the specified requirements.The main procedure of this phase is coding
the designed system in order to meet the user requirements.The system is developed
in a structured manner along with coding without complicating the basics of the
program. The software is chosen for coding is C# due to its flexibility.

When the user approaches the software he should give the user anme and password.
If he is not a registered user he should sign up the registration form. Then he can
open the particular account,namely saving deposit or fixed deposit complying the
formats specified in the screen.Then he can avail the following banking facilities.
1.Registration of new customers.
2.Opening of new SB accounts.
3.Depositing and Withdrawal of transactions.
4.Querying of account details.
5.Fund Transfer
6.E-Cheque Book Facility
7.ATM facility
8.Home loan
When an administrator login with his username and password should login to the
system with a user name and password.Then the following facilities are open to him.
1.Accept the user through accepting the user registreation form.
2.Sanction an account and provide the user with account no.
3.Update the user account for all the transactions.
4.Sanction ATM requests.
5.Sanction Home loans.
6.Overview and sanction the various transactions.

System Teting is aimed at ensuring the system works accurately and efficiently before
live operation commences.For any software that is newly developed,prime importance
is given to testing the system.It is the last opportunity for the developer to detect the
possible error in the software before handling over to the clients.

The increased viability of the software “Online Bank Transaction System” and the
lower attendant costs associated with software failure is well proved by the successful
acceptance test.Testing is the process by which a developer will generate a set of
test data,which gives maximum probability of finding all types of errors that can
occur in the software.

In this software Online Bank Transaction System the errors, that can creep in the
client/server system due to its distributed nature, are offset by its unique design. The
software Net Banking has under gone rigorous testing strategies after development of
the software.

The standard test done on newly developed software are Unit testing, Integration
testing, White Box, Black Box testing and finally Acceptance testing and this software
has passed all the above tests. Test at site is also proposed as the ‘pre-commissioning
tests’ in the section System implementation.

Unit Testing
In computer programming, unit testing is a procedure used to validate that individual
units of source code are working properly. A unit is the smallest testable part of an
application. In procedural programming a unit may be an individual program, function,
procedure, etc while in object-oriented programming, the smallest unit is a method; which
may belong to a base/super class, abstract class or derived/child class.
The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the
application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves
exactly as expected. Each unit is tested separately before integrating them into modules to
test the interfaces between modules.
The smallest piece of testable software in each module is taken, isolated it from the
remainder of the code, and determined that it behaves exactly as expected. Each unit is tested
separately before integrating them into modules to test the interfaces between modules.

Integration Testing
Integration testing, also known as integration and testing(I&T),is a software
development process in which program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple
ways. In this context, a unit is defined as the smallest testable part of an application.
Integration testing can expose problems with the interfaces among program components
before trouble occurs in real world program execution. Integration testing is a component of
Extreme Programming (XP), a pragmatic method of software development that takes a
meticulous approach to building a product by means of continual testing and revision.

The purpose of integration testing is to verify functional, performance and reliability

requirements placed on major design items. These “design items”, i.e. assemblages (or groups
of units),are exercised through their interfaces using Black Box Testing, success and error
cases being simulated via appropriate parameter and data inputs. The overall idea is a
“building block” approach, in which verified assemblages are added to a verified base which
is then used to support the integration testing of further assemblages. Some different types of
integration testing are big bang, top-down, and bottom-up.

Integration testing is performed on the software. The units that have already been
tested are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested. Integration
testing identifies problems that occur when units are combined.

White-Box Testing
White-box testing, sometimes called glass-box testing, is a test case design method
that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. White box testing
is a security testing method that can be used to derive test cases. White box testing is a
security testing method that can be used to derive test cases. White box testing is a security
testing method that can be used to validate whether code implementation follows intended
design, to validate implemented security functionality, and to uncover exploitable
vulnerabilities. Using white-box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases
that(1)guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once,
(2)exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides,(3)execute all loops at their
boundaries and within their operational bounds, and (4)exercise internal data structures to
ensure their validity.

White-box testing is performed on the software. Source code is analyzed carefully and
it is ensured that code implementation followed intended design.
There are many benefits to white box testing, including the following:
1.Analyzing source code and developing tests based on the implementation details enables
testers to find programming errors quickly.
2. Executing some (hard to set up) black box tests as white box tests reduces complexity in
test setup and execution.
3. Validating design decisions and assumptions quickly through white box testing increases
4. Finding “unintended” feature can be quicker during white box testing.
In this project Online Bank Transaction System White Box testing is passed to
validate whether code implementation follows intended design and flow of control is
intact as contemplated by the designer- e.g , when the user applies his account no with
password he can access to of all his banking facilities with accurate flow of control.

Black-Box Testing
Black box testing is a testing strategy, which does not need any knowledge of internal
design or code etc. As the name “black box” suggests, no knowledge of internal logic or code
structure is required. The types of testing under this strategy are totally based/focused on the
testing for requirements and functionality of the work product/software application. Black
box testing is sometimes also called as “Opaque Testing”,” Functional/Behavioral testing”
and “Closed Box testing”.

Black box testing takes an external perspective of the test object to derive test cases.
These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional. The test designer
selects valid and invalid input and determines the correct output. There is no knowledge of
the test object’s internal structure.

This method of test design is applicable to all levels of software testing; unit,
integration, functional, system and acceptance. The higher the level, and hence the bigger and
more complex the box, the more one is forced to use black box testing to simplify. While this
method can uncover unimplemented parts of the specification, one cannot be sure that all
existent paths are tested.

Black box testing is performed on the software. Inputs are applied and obtained outputs are
compared with the expected results. Software is tested using other people and data outside of
the specified input range should be tested to check the robustness of the program.

User Acceptance Testing

In engineering and its various sub disciplines, acceptance testing is black-box testing
performed on a system prior to its delivery. It is also known as functional testing, black box
testing, release acceptance, QA testing, application testing, confidence testing, final testing,
validation testing, or factory acceptance testing. In software development, acceptance testing
by the system provider is often distinguished from acceptance testing by the customer (the
user or client) prior to accepting transfer of ownership. In such environments, acceptance
testing performed by the customer is known as user acceptance testing (UAT). This is also
known as end-user testing, site (acceptance) testing, or field (acceptance) testing. A smoke
test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a build to the main testing process.

User Acceptance Testing is often the final step before rolling out the application.
Usually the end users who will be using the applications test the application before
‘accepting’ the application. This type of testing gives the end users the confidence that the
application being delivered to them meets their requirements. Before the user Acceptance
testing can be done the application is fully developed. Various levels of testing (Unit,
Integration and System) are already completed before User Acceptance Testing is done. As
various levels of testing have been completed most of the technical bugs have already been
fixed before UAT.User acceptance testing is performed on the software and the acceptance of
the software by its clients lead to the success. User is ensured that the software that is
delivered to them meets all their requirements. In this project ‘Net Banking’ keen attention
is given for imparting client-satisfaction by achieving error free operation with top
system security features contemplated in Banking sector and with minimum down

This software ‘Online Bank Transaction System’ is examined by Coimbatore District

Cooperative Bank,(IT & Planning Cell)and is appreciated and passed their
recommendations for implementation in the banking sector.

Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned
into a working system. It is crucial phase in a software development cycle for
introducing the new system design. Implementation simply means converting a new
system design into operation.
There are two styles of implementation of this software Online Bank
Transaction System:
1.Implementation of the new software by replacing the manual system. The
problems encountered are file conversion ,user training etc.
2. Implementation of the new software replacing the existing computerized
system. This is usually a difficult process.
The following are the activities in connection with the implementation stage:

Setting up the system:

Install the hardware requirements (as mentioned in the system requirements
specifications) and then the new software ‘Online Bank Transaction System’.

File conversion:
It is a process of converting the files in the old system to the new system.It invoves
collecting data and creating computer files from existing files.Changes are mainly
happening in the data processing areas.It ranges from initial input to the output it
produces,after processing.The existing system contains a lot of files,of these some of
them may be needed in the new system.So the first step is to identify the files
which are to be transferred from old system.In the next step specify the data to be
converted into the system to determine the files to be transferred.

Data entry and audit control should be done properly. Otherwise,chance for errors in
the system will be more.Care should be taken to ensure that only legal data are
entering into the system .An audit control trail helps to determine frauds and mistakes.
Neccessary security should be provided to prevent the accidental loss of information.

Testing at site:
Testing of programs can be done using a test file.This file is created in the old
system,then copied to the new system and used for program testing.It should offer
predictable results,previously determined output results,error handling routines and
printed results.Selection of the best records for testing is handled by the user.

The analyst decides how program testing should be done,for instance which module
should be tested first.

User Training
User should be trained to use the system efficiently.For scheduling a training
program the main points that should be considered are user capability and nature of

Training elements:-
1.Fact sheets:-
It is a one page summary of important functions about the software Net Banking.It
provides a meaning of codes and information required to start the system.The user
can refer the fact through out the life of the software.
2.Training demonstrations:
Live demonstration is a good method to learn a concept easily.It is useful to convey
and discuss more information in a limited time.Expert knowledge of the software
Online Bank Transaction System and advanced planning and organization of referenced
materials,procedures and technology are required.
Resident expert:
He shall be well trained in the software ‘Online Bank Transaction System’.


System maintenance includes minor enhancements or corrections to

problems that surface in the system’s operation. maintenence is also done based on
fixing the problems reported, changing the interface with the software.
Corrective maintenance removes software failure faults. Perspective maintenance
improves the system with out changing its functionality. The objective of perspective
management is to prevent failure and optimize the software. The adaptive maintenance
modifies the software to keep up to date with its environment. It may be needed
because of changes in the user requirements, changes in the target platform or changes
in the external interfaces. Minor adaptive change should be carried out as a separate
Maintenance is a necessary component of any business computer or network. Each
individual computer and server has needs that must be met to keep them running
optimally. Maintenance includes all the activity after installation of software that is
performed to keep the system operational. The two major forms of maintenance
activities are adaptive and corrective maintenance.
Maintenance includes correcting codes in the case of errors,updating documentation and
test data and upgrading user support. Maintenance is initiated when the users request
with a definition of the required modification, is submitted to the maintenance staff.
The source code and written procedure are reffered to make necessary changes in the
system. Maintenace staff make the required changes in the program and system. The
new changes are tested and submitted for approval.If it is approved the modified
documentation is returned to the library and a completion notice is sent to the user.
Maintenance means restring something to the original form.It is classified into three
1. Corrective
2. Adaptive
3. Perfective
1.Corrective maintenance involves making changes in the program due to the
previously uncorrected problems or false assumptions.
2.Adaptive maintenance means changing the program functions.

3.Perfective maintenance includes modifying programs to achieve the users or
changing is more costly and time consuming than above two types.

Maintenace work is based on existing software, as compared to development

work,which creates new software.Consequently maintenance resolves around
understanding the existing software and spares most of their time trying to understand
the software that have to modify.Understanding the software involves only
understanding the code,but also related documents.

During the evolution of a software changes may occur,Net Banking is developed in

such a way that modifications can be done according to the organizations changing
needs.Problems that are not identified during testing are uncovered.

Security Measures
Any system developed should be secured and protected againstpossible
hazards.Security measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the database
at various levels. An uninteruupted simple security should be provided so that power
failure or voltage fluctuations will not lose the data in the file.

System security refers to the technical innovations and procedures applied to the
hardware and operating system to protect against deliberate or accidental damage from
defined threat.

Passsword protection and simple procedures to prevent the unauthorized access are
provided to the users.The system allows the users to enter into the system only
through proper username and password.

Data privacy and security are issues that go beyond the scope of system
development.An organization that depends heavily on the issue of database requires
special controls to maintain viable information.These controls are classified into two
general categorized.
1.Physical security or protection from fire,fllod,and other physical damage.
2.Database integrity through passwords,encryption and monitoring users on a regular

Day by day trends in the IT industry are changing rapidly.So software developers
must be able to cope up with the growing trends of the banking sector.The present
system is developed in such a way that it will be able to undergo future
enhancements in a simple.reliable,secure and efficient manner.

If any development is necessary for the software in future,it can be done without
affecting the design by adding modules to the system.New functions and activities can
be added to the software to enhance the capacity.

Here in this project ‘Net Bankoing’ uses HTTP protocol.But it can be enhanced using
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured).Here data transfers,account
registration,ATM request etc. are transferred as plain text,where as it is transferred as
encrypted format in this software.

This project has been completed in partial fulfillment and it came as a success in
satisfyimg requiremants to great extent.


As a part of the project a detailed study has been made about the designing and
development aspects of the project ‘Net Banking’ which is an opening to the
competent world of computerizations.The study has given a deep insight to the
current trends and methodologies in the banking sector.

The objectives of the project are to substitute the existing computer aided non online
system to fully computerize online system.I have tried my level best to achieve all the
goals and I am proud to fulfill user satisfaction.The project has to meet all the
requirements that were collected duringanalysis and design phase.

Virus attacks,mis-installation/mishandling of software ,are some of the causes of erratic

operation which may be taken care.However my software has great advantage to real
banking situations as it is recommended by banking sector.

The project is developed in such a way that it is able to undergo future

enhancements in a reliable,secured manner. The successful completion of this project
has expanded my boundaries of imaginations,invoked confidence,raised my creativity
and has provided with knowledge and experience.

1. ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS, Fourth Edition,Galgotia Book
source,2002 by Marvin Gore,John.W.Stubbe
2. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,Third Edition,McGraw Hill International, by
Vinny Cahill
5. ASP.NET 2.0 with C#- Chris Hart ,John Kauffman ,David Sussman


Form Name : User Account Details

Form Name : Account Request

Form Name : Account Details

Form Name : ATM List

Form Name : Change Password

Form Name : Fund Transfer Details

Form Name : Loan Details

Form Name : Login Form

Form name : ATM Application

Form Name : Bank contact Details

Form Name : Deposit Details








<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="Home.aspx.cs" Inherits="e_Business" Title="Welcome to Distibuted data mining" %>

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style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none; height: 81px; width: 980px;">

<span style="color: black; mso-bidi-font-family: 'TimesNewRoman,Bold'; mso-bidi-

font-weight: bold; ">

Data Mining is the process of extraction of interesting (non-trivial,

implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns

from data in large databases. Agents are defined as software or hardware

entities that perform some set of tasks on behalf of users with some degree of

autonomy. In order to work for somebody as an assistant, an agent has to include

a certain amount



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&nbsp; </span>


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<span style="color: black; mso-bidi-font-family: 'TimesNewRoman,Bold'; mso-bidi-

font-weight: bold">

&nbsp;intelligence, which is the ability to choose among various courses of action,

plan, communicate, adapt to changes in the environment, and learn from

experience. </span><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: CMR10">Advances in

computing and communication over wired and wireless networks have resulted in

many pervasive distributed computing environments. Many of these environments

deal with divergent distributed sources of voluminous data, multiple compute

nodes, and distributed user community. Analyzing and monitoring these

distributed data sources require a data mining technology designed for

distributed applications. The held of distributed data mining (DDM) deals with

this problem mining distributed data by paying careful attention to the

distributed resources. The goal of this paper is to maintain and distribute a

bibliography of DDM-related publications.

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