Christian Care - Arts Adjudicators

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01 March 2024

To: Christian Care Member Churches

REF: Youths Arts Adjudicators Course

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Following the successful youths introductory meeting of Christian Care member churches youths, we are
delighted to announce a collaborative initiative between Christian Care and Magnificent International
Arts. We are extending an invitation to your church to participate in an Arts Adjudicators Course
designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to serve as professional
adjudicators in the field of arts and culture.

Arts adjudicators play a vital role in evaluating performances, providing constructive feedback, and
recognizing excellence in various artistic disciplines. By becoming trained adjudicators, members of your
church can actively contribute to the development and promotion of the arts within your community
and beyond.

Course Details:

- Duration: 6 months

- Mode of Learning: Online

- Registration Fee: $2.00 (per participant)

- Monthly Fee: $5.00 (per participant)

This comprehensive course will cover a wide range of topics, including the principles of adjudication,
effective communication, critical analysis of performances, and the ethical responsibilities of
adjudicators. Participants will engage in interactive online sessions, receive expert guidance, and have
the opportunity to practice their skills through mock adjudication exercises.
We strongly believe that there is a pressing need for trained and professional adjudicators in our church
and nation. By participating in this course, your church members will not only enhance their own
understanding and appreciation of the arts but also contribute to the growth and development of the
arts community at large.

To secure spots for your church members, please ensure that registrations are completed by the closing
date of March 20, 2024. The registration fee of $2.00 per participant can be submitted through the
provided channels. Monthly fees of $5.00 per participant will be collected to support the continued
delivery of the course.

For further information or to register your participants, please contact Mr T Munaki

(0773241960/0712514615), Mr O Madara (0772836520) or Mr Mudzimba (0774698211)

We are here to assist and provide any additional details you may require.

We believe that by registering participants for this Arts Adjudicators Course, your church can make a
significant impact on the arts landscape in our nation. Let us join hands to nurture the talents and
potential within our community and create a positive and transformative influence through the arts.

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and we look forward to welcoming your church members to
the Arts Adjudicators Course. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to guide and nurture the
youth within your congregation.



Tinashe Munaki


(Finance and Admin Officer)

Christian Care

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