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J Mar Sci Technol

DOI 10.1007/s00773-017-0446-x


On the intact stability of a ship in head and following sea:

an analysis of the dynamic roll angle due to sudden heeling
Maria Acanfora1 · Antonio Cirillo2

Received: 31 August 2016 / Accepted: 26 February 2017

© JASNAOE 2017

Abstract The verification of ship stability has been his- 1 Introduction

torically carried out on the GZ curve and on the dynamic
lever curve. They are both evaluated in still water. Recently, An accurate knowledge of ship behavior in waves is an
new methods have been developed, accounting for dynamic important issue for the stability and safety of vessels. The
instabilities in waves. The present research study aims to possibility to predict and prevent large unexpected motions
investigate on the dynamic stability of a ship in waves. This can help avoiding ship capsizing and accidents such as
is carried out by means of numerical simulations of the cargo shifting, and structural damage.
transient roll response of the ship, caused by sudden heel- Nowadays, large roll motions that can arise while the
ing action. The effective influence of longitudinal waves ship is sailing in waves are the main concern of second
(that is head and following sea) on the dynamic angle of generation of intact stability criteria [1, 2]. The ship can
roll is investigated at different frequencies. The effects of experience unstable behaviors under certain operational
the wave amplitude, of the damping and of the relative posi- conditions leading to unexpected motions, related to right-
tion of the wave crest on the ship, when the heeling action ing arm variation in waves [3–7]. Among these dangerous
is applied, are analyzed. The study is carried out using a phenomena, pure loss of stability, broaching and paramet-
numerical model that takes into account the pertinent non- ric roll have been studied in several research works. They
linearities on restoring and Froude–Krylov actions. Step report on experimental and numerical techniques for sim-
functions are used to simulate heeling moments on the ship ulating these dynamic instabilities in head, following and
to check transient ship roll responses and detect possible stern-quartering sea, assuming the ship in an initial up-
unstable behaviors. The applications are carried out for the right position [8–13].
DTMB 5415 frigate hull. Another possible dangerous mode is addressed in the
literature, beyond the three modes already mentioned. This
Keywords Ship stability · Dynamic stability · Naval is the dead ship condition [14, 15] where ship behavior is
architecture analyzed in beam sea in the presence of wind and gust. The
ship stability in these conditions in currently assessed by
the so-called weather criterion [16].
In the context of ship dynamic in waves, the dynamic
stability concerns the risk of a ship to capsize in regu-
lar and irregular waves [17, 18]. Most of the methods for
evaluating ship dynamic in waves are based on 1 degree of
freedom theoretical model of roll, including non-linearities
* Maria Acanfora
[9, 19]. The need for introducing non-linearities on damp-
ing and restoring actions is remarked in [13]. Nevertheless,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School recent researches consider 6 degrees of freedom numerical
of Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland model for dynamic stability assessment [20].
Orizzonte Sistemi Navali S.p.A., Rome, Italy

J Mar Sci Technol

The ship roll behavior under sudden heeling moment for a better estimation of the dynamic angle after sudden
is well known and addressed for the still water condition heeling excitation, as observed in [23].
(by the analysis of the dynamic lever) [16]. However, the After the introduction, the authors briefly outline the
same behavior, when the ship is sailing in waves, still needs employed mathematical model and discuss the type of heel-
attention. The study of the transient stages in waves for the ing moment used in the study. An application is then pro-
intact ship is sparsely covered [21], with few explicit men- vided, using DTMB5415 [30, 31]. After a first validation of
tions about the maximum roll angle (overshoot) achieved the numerical tool, where heave and pitch motions, as well
by the ship during the transient stage [22]. This angle, here as roll decay, are compared with experimental data [32], the
named “dynamic angle” [22, 23], is addressed in [24] with authors describe how the heeling moment is defined. Some
the name of “ultimate half roll”. In [24], the time history details are also given regarding the variation of GM in waves.
of the vessel roll motions in waves and the correspondent Afterwards, the maximum roll angle during the transient
“ultimate half roll” are studied by applying a single degree stage is addressed and discussed, through simulations consid-
of freedom model. ering different waves and speeds.
After the application of a heeling moment in waves, the
heeled ship presents an underwater geometry and hydrody- 2 The numerical simulation model
namic properties different from a ship in the up-right con-
dition [25]. Few research works concern the roll behavior The mathematical model, presented in this paper, is based on
of a heeled ship in waves: these studies were carried out the assumptions of the reference model of [33].
assuming beam waves [25, 26]. The equations of motion for a ship refer to a body-fixed
The novelty of this research work is to study the effects coordinate system, centered at the center of gravity of the
due to the change of buoyancy and restoring moment in vessel, G. An inertial Cartesian coordinate system, fixed to
head and following waves on the dynamic angle. We report Earth, is denoted by XYZ.
about the transient behavior of a heeled ship for differ- This coordinate system is used when giving the naviga-
ent wave frequencies and wave amplitudes, taking also in tional position of a vessel. The X–Y plane coincides with the
account the position of the wave crest on the ship when still water level. These two reference frames are shown in
the external heeling action is applied. All these parameters Fig. 1.
are relevant in the evaluation of the dynamic angle in wave The transient stage simulations are carried on a numeri-
[23]. cal model working in time domain, based on 4 degrees of
The analysis is carried out on regular waves. freedom that are: surge, heave, roll and pitch. The respec-
A 4 DoF numerical model is applied for simulating tran- tive velocities of these variables, expressed in
[ the body]Tfixed
sient roll motions of a ship sailing in head and following frame, are in the following state vector: X = u w p q .
seas. This model is developed from a previous research The equations describing the 4 DoF dynamic model for a
work [27] where a 6 DoF numerical model was introduced ship, regarded as a rigid body and sailing in regular waves,
to simulate the dynamic behavior of a fast ferry, in the are presented below:
presence of longitudinal sea and heeling actions due to the
wind. In [27], to assess the reliability of the implemented ⎧ m(u̇ + qw) = −mg sin 𝜃 + Xwave + Xrad
⎪ m(ẇ − qu) = mg cos 𝜃 cos 𝜙 + Zwave + Zrad
model, some comparisons of the results were performed ⎨ I � ṗ = K . (1)
wave + 2𝛼Ix p + 𝛽Ix �p�p + Kstep
� �

with well-known numerical codes. ⎪ x

⎩ Iy q̇ = Mwave + Mrad
For the purpose of the applications, the ship is assumed
restrained on a straight-line path, thus sway and yaw are
disregarded. The buoyancy force and restoring moment are
calculated by means of the pressure integration technique
on the wetted surface of the hull [28].
The applications are carried out by applying a sudden
heeling moment, calculated to give a dynamic angle of
30° in still water. The aim is to show that the same heeling
moment, applied in waves, could lead to different values
of the dynamic angle. This work can be helpful in under-
standing in a novel way, how the ship stability parameters
modify in waves during transient stages.
Viscous roll damping is included in the numerical simula-
tion. Roll damping is implemented by means of linear plus
quadratic coefficients [29]. The damping contribution allows Fig. 1 Body fixed and earth fixed coordinate systems [33]

J Mar Sci Technol

In the above equation m is the ship mass, φ is the roll More details for the numerical model, explained till this
angle and θ is the pitch angle. point, can be found in the reference work [33].
The second-order differential system of equations in In the 4 DoF model, sway and yaw contributions to roll
Eq. 1 is implemented and solved applying the Runge–Kutta radiation forces are neglected. The added roll inertia is
algorithm (ODE45). included in the roll moment of inertia, I′x. For the ship cho-
In Eq. 1, the forces and moments with subscript “wave” sen for the application, the roll radius of gyration in water
includes restoring, Froude–Krylov and diffraction actions. (kxx) and linear-quadratic damping coefficients (α and β)
have been taken from reference works, that estimated them
⎡ ∑N
⎤ experimentally [30, 32].
⎢ pi Si nxi ⎥
⎢ i

⎡ Xwave ⎤ ⎢ ∑
⎥ ⎡ Xdiff ⎤
pi Si nz i 2.1 Definition of the heeling moment
⎢ Zwave ⎥ ⎢ i ⎥ ⎢ Zdiff ⎥
⎢K ⎥=⎢ ∑
N ⎥ + ⎢ K ⎥. (2)
⎢ wave ⎥ ⎢ Y p S n ⎥ ⎢ diff ⎥ The term Kstep that figures in Eq. 1 is the sudden heeling
⎣ Mwave ⎦ ⎢ ci i i z i
⎥ ⎣ Mdiff ⎦
i moment applied to the ship. It is modeled using a step func-
∑N ⎥
⎢ Zci pi Si nxi − Xci pi Si nz ⎥ tion. It is important to underline that Eq. 1 represents a
⎣ i i
i ⎦ surge-heave-pitch model for the ship sailing in longitudinal
Restoring and Froude–Krylov forces are evaluated by waves, including roll motions that develop due to the exter-
taking into account all the pertinent non-linearities: the nal heeling moment. In other words, when Kstep = 0 the
hydrostatic and the dynamic pressure (see Eq. 3) are cal- numerical model behaves as a 3 DoF system, with motions
culated assuming the actual wetted surface of the hull in limited in the longitudinal plane.
waves, accounting for its motions in time. This study aims to investigate the transient stage behav-
The hull surface is discretized by means of panels allow- ior of a ship rolling in head and following waves; it also
ing for the pressure integration techniques on each panel of aims to observe how the dynamic angle changes with wave
the wetted surface. For each panel i, the surface Si and its frequency, wave amplitude and initial time of the heeling
normal vector ni= [nxi, nyi, nzi] are known. The stretched moment. The dynamic angle is defined as the peak over-
pressure method is used [28]. shoot of the roll response of the ship after an external heel-
ing action [23].
p = 𝜌g 𝜁e−k(Zc +𝜁) + Zc .
[ ]
(3) The current stability rules [16] assess the ship dynamic
In Eq. 3, ζ is the wave profile (see Eq. 4), k is the wave stability by the analysis of the dynamic lever e (see Eq. 6)
number and Zc is the local draft of any panel. All the coor- 𝜙
dinates [Xc, Yc, Zc] of the center of each panel are evaluated

in body fixed frame, accounting for the actual ship motions. e(𝜙) = GZ(𝜙)d𝜙, (6)
Panel draft does not depend on surge, sway and yaw; thus, 0

it is not modified by having disregarded the sway and yaw

motions from the equations. It is important to underline

that ω, in Eq. 4, is the wave frequency since the longitu- e(𝜙=𝜙dy ) = Kstep d𝜙. (7)
dinal coordinate Xc depends on ship forward speed V. The 0
angle µ is the wave heading. The constant value of the step heeling moment, for the
𝜁 = A cos[k(Xc cos 𝜇 − Yc sin 𝜇) − 𝜔t]. (4) purpose of the applications, is estimated from the GZ curve
in still water, at the initial equilibrium condition, to cause
Diffraction actions (subscript “diff”) that figure in the
a dynamic angle φdy = 30° (see Eq. 7 and Fig. 7). This is
wave actions (see Eq. 2) are obtained from linear potential
based on the energy balance approach. Figure 2 provides a
theory [34]. For head and following seas, the roll diffrac-
graphical example of the calculation of the dynamic angle,
tion Kdiff is assumed equal to zero.
by assuming different values of the heeling moment.
Forces and moments with subscript “rad” are the radia-
tion forces that are added mass and damping. The radiation
coefficients are implemented from linear potential theory
[34] only for surge, heave and pitch motions. 3 Applications

⎡ Xrad ⎤ ⎡ A11 0 0 ⎤⎡ u̇ ⎤ ⎡ B11 0 0 ⎤⎡ u ⎤ The ship used for the application is the DTMB 5415 (US
⎢ Zrad ⎥ = −⎢ 0 A33 A35 ⎥⎢ ẇ ⎥ − ⎢ 0 B33 B35 ⎥⎢ w ⎥. Navy Destroyer Hull), for which several experiments
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣ Mrad ⎦ ⎣ 0 A53 A55 ⎦⎣ q̇ ⎦ ⎣ 0 B53 B55 ⎦⎣ q ⎦ concerning seakeeping in intact and damage conditions
(5) have been carried out, at different headings [30, 35].

J Mar Sci Technol

The numerical model is implemented in Matlab-Sim-

ulink, in time domain. The restoring forces and moments
are evaluated by pressure integration on the actual wetted
surface at each time; viscous quadratic roll damping effect
is modeled by means of the coefficient β.
Radiation coefficients are calculated by means of a
potential theory code [34], while the roll damping (α and
β) and roll inertia (kxx) coefficients, used in the simulations,
were available by experimental tests. The roll radius of
inertia kxx in water comprises added roll inertia contribu-
� 2
tion, thus Ix = kxx Δ.
The DTMB 5415 was conceived as a preliminary design
for a Navy surface combatant (see Fig. 3). This ship is char-
acterized by a flare shape, together with a transom stern
Fig. 2 An example of dynamic lever and dynamic angle due to exter- and a sonar dome. Thus, the hull can be affected by signifi-
nal heeling moments. [23] cant variations of the metacentric height (GM) in waves.
However, according to the requirements of the new rules
under development [36, 37], the ship in the actual condition
Experimental roll decay tests and seakeeping tests are (see Table 1) is not vulnerable to pure loss and parametric
available for this ship model. roll phenomena.
The linear plus quadratic coefficients, for the imple- In the following applications, it is shown how the
mentation of the roll damping, are provided in [19]. In the dynamic angle modifies due to the wave effect on the
following calculations, the variation of the damping coef- restoring actions. The applications divide into three sub-
ficients with the ship speed is disregarded: the coefficients sections. The first part regards some comparisons of the
are assumed to be constant for all the investigated head/fol- numerical results with the pertinent experimental data
lowing waves and for all the encounter periods. available. In the second part, the value of the step heeling
In this paper, we focus on the intact ship experimental moment is estimated from the intact GZ curve (calculated
data available for head and following sea, to check the reli- by the hydrostatic code Autohydro [38]) and checked by
ability of the results of the developed numerical model. numerical simulations in still water. Finally, the results on
The DTMB 5415 main particulars are listed in Table 1. transient roll in waves and analysis of the dynamic angle
are presented.

Table 1 Ship main particulars Particular Value 3.1 Comparison with experimental data

LOA (m) 153.300

This first set of applications is carried out without any
LPP (m) 142.200
external heeling moment. The heave and pitch behavior, at
BWL (m) 19.082
zero speed in head sea and the roll decay in still water, are
BOA (m) 20.540
simulated by the numerical model and compared with the
D (m) 12.470
available experimental results.
T (m) 6.150
In Figs. 4 and 5, respectively, the numerically simu-
V (m3) 8424.4
lated heave and the pitch RAOs are shown. RAOs are
Δ(t) 8635
obtained by FFT analysis applied on the time domain
CB 0.505
simulation results. The wave amplitude satisfies the
CP 0.616
CM 0.815
KM (m) 9.493
KG (m) 7.555
GM (m) 1.938
LCG (m) 70.137
kxx−WATER (m) 6.932
kyy−AIR (m) 36.802
α(1/s) 0.0085
β 0.1237
Fig. 3 CAD model of the DTMB 5415 hull

J Mar Sci Technol

Fig. 4 Heave RAO in head sea at zero speed: numerical vs experi- Fig. 6 Roll decay comparison in still water. Timescale refers to
mental results model scale

is equal to 51. The roll natural period in model scale is

1.368 s [32] that corresponds to 9.769 s in ship scale.

3.2 Heeling moment set‑up

The analysis of the dynamic angle variation in waves is car-

ried out by assuming a heeling moment leading to φdy =
30° in still water. This calculation is conducted on the area
under the GZ curve from 0° to 30° that is the value of the
dynamic lever curve at 30°. By applying Eq. 7, the heeling
lever is estimated to be equal to 0.50 m, corresponding to
a heeling moment of 42.35 kNm. It causes a static heeling
angle of 15° (see Fig. 7).
The above estimated heeling moment is applied in the
numerical model by means of a step function and results
are shown in Fig. 8: peak overshoot is slightly below
30°. Usually the dynamic angle assessment on the GZ
Fig. 5 Pitch RAO in head sea at zero speed: numerical vs experi- curve disregards the effects of damping on transient stage
mental results response. A test case, characterized by an undamped condi-
tion, is simulated as well. The obtained results show that
roll damping has a great influence on the decay trend but
condition on the wave height Hw = λ/50, as in the experi- it does not significantly modify the peak overshoot value
mental campaign. Only the main harmonic component is (see Fig. 8). The small difference between the theoretical
investigated and compared with the experimental results, dynamic angle (calculated from the still water GZ curve)
interpreted by the reference paper [30]. In Figs. 4 and 5, and the one obtained by the 4-DoF simulation without roll
it is possible to observe that there is a fair agreement for damping could be addressed to a small difference between
heave and pitch behaviors with the experimental data. the GZ curve and the restoring lever modeled by means of
The roll decay for the intact ship is conducted by direct pressure integration technique. However, the same
applying the experimental coefficients α, β and kxx in could be also addressed to the dispersion of energy in the
water [29, 32]. In Fig. 6, the numerical results for the roll other degrees of freedom.
decay in still water are presented. The simulated results Although damping does not significantly affect the
are compared with the experimental results, available dynamic angle, a proper modeling is recommended for a
in model scale, showing a fine match. The scale factor more accurate transient stage response.

J Mar Sci Technol

Fig. 9 Quasi-static evaluation of the GM change in wave (λ =

142.2 m, Hw = 2.844 m)

Fig. 7 GZ curve for DTMB5415 calculated at equilibrium condition Table 2 Summary of the investigated cases for head sea and zero
(see Table 1) by means of the hydrostatic code Autohydro [38] speed condition
Wave Wave Wave 𝜔(Lpp ∕g)0.5 Wave 𝜔∕𝜔n
frequency ω period length λ (−) amplitude
(rad/s) Tw (s) (m) a (m)

0.8976 7 76.5 3.4 0.765 1.40

0.7854 8 99.9 3.0 0.999 1.22
0.6981 9 126.5 2.7 1.265 1.09
0.6283 10 156.1 2.4 1.561 0.98
0.5712 11 188.9 2.2 1.889 0.89
0.5236 12 224.8 2.0 2.248 0.81
0.4833 13 263.9 1.8 2.639 0.75
0.4488 14 306.0 1.7 3.060 0.70

The different crest positions are made non-dimensional,

dividing by Lpp. For 0 and 1 wave crest is, respectively, at
aft- and forward-perpendiculars. The crest position at CG
happens for 0.494Lpp.
Fig. 8 Transient roll results in still water, with actual and reduced
damping, (ship scale)
3.3 Transient roll behavior and dynamic angle in head/
following seas
In the following sub-section, the heeling moment is
applied in the presence of regular waves for several fre- The results presented in this final part are intended to show
quencies at different ship speeds. The starting time of the the effects of the heeling moment on the transient roll of the
step function is tuned according to the relative position of ship in waves, by applying the developed numerical tool. In
the wave crest on the hull. Fig. 10, the transient stage responses, for several wave fre-
The quasi-static evaluation of the GM change in wave quencies in head sea at zero speed, are shown. The chosen
[1] is shown in Fig. 9. This calculation is carried out by frequencies are listed in Table 2. The step function (that is
means of the hydrostatic code Autohydro [38] balancing the heeling moment) is applied when the wave trough is at
the ship on a longitudinal wave, in sinkage and trim. The the CG.
chosen wave is characterized by a length λ = Lpp and height Two interesting features of the transient stage can
Hw = λ/50 having its crest at the ship center of gravity (CG). be observed from the results of Fig. 10. The first one is

J Mar Sci Technol

Fig. 10 Transient stage

responses at different wave
frequencies (head sea—zero

disclosed by a FFT analysis of the results for all the investi- dynamic angle. However, the final equilibrium response
gated frequencies of Table 2 (see Fig. 11). is not affected by it, in any simulated case. In Fig. 12, an
The transient roll response, after the application of the example of the transient responses at several wave posi-
step heeling moment, is characterized by the natural roll tions is shown for the wave frequency ω = 0.6283 rad/s.
frequency of the ship (red mark on Fig. 11) that is equal In Fig. 13, the variation of the dynamic angle with the
to ωn = 0.643 rad/s. If the step function is kept as con- wave position can be observed. This figure also shows the
stant, then the final equilibrium is characterized by a roll dynamic angle variation, for the same wave frequency, at
frequency equal to the actual wave encounter frequency two different ship speeds, for following and head sea. It is
(blue mark on Fig. 11). This is correlated with the fact that possible to observe that the larger encounter periods, in
the solution of a forced differential equation consists of the following seas, lead to larger variations of the dynamic
sum of the natural frequency of the system and of the fre- angle on the wave profile, with peak values above the the-
quency of the forced term. oretical still water value of 30°. For large encounter peri-
The ship rolls around the value of 15° with amplitudes ods, the ship can spend more time around a smaller or a
depending on the variation of the restoring forces in waves. larger GM value in waves; indeed, for the shorter encoun-
In particular, for the wave frequencies ω = 0.6283 rad/s ter periods in head sea the dynamic angle varies less and
and ω = 0.5712 rad/s a parametric roll resonance behavior presents lower peaks.
can be observed. These waves are characterized by a length In Fig. 14, the dynamic angle variation for the ship
very close to the ship length and by a wave period close to traveling in head sea at the constant speed of Vs = 7.8 m/s,
the natural roll period of the ship. Moreover, the ship shows for three different wave frequencies is investigated. Per-
a range of variation of the GM in wave of about 0.5 m haps, the lowest encounter period (that is half of the natural
for λ = Lpp (see Fig. 9). The larger roll amplitude at ω = roll period), modifies the trend of the dynamic angle behav-
0.5712 rad/s can be addressed to the larger wave amplitude. ior for different wave positions. In these cases, the dynamic
The position of the wave on the ship, when the heel- angle does not exceed the value of 30°.
ing moment is applied, has a great influence at the begin- The dynamic angle variation for the ship traveling in fol-
ning of the transient roll response, in particular on the lowing sea at the constant speed of Vs = 7.8 m/s, for the

J Mar Sci Technol

Fig. 11 Spectral analysis of the transient roll responses at different wave frequencies

J Mar Sci Technol

Fig. 12 Transient stage

responses for ω = 0.6283 rad/s,
(head sea—zero speed)

Fig. 13 Dynamic angle variation in wave, for ω = 0.6283 rad/s at Fig. 14 Dynamic angle variation in wave: low encounter periods in
different speeds head sea

J Mar Sci Technol

is applied. This behavior, that is mainly dependent on the

GM value in wave, could be also affected by the actual
pitch and actual draft. A sample time history for the ship
traveling in following sea (ω = 0.6283 rad/s and Hw = λ/50)
at 7.8 m/s is presented in Fig. 17 when the wave crest is at

4 Discussion

It is well known that the study of the dynamic stability by

means of the dynamic lever [16] attempts to verify ship
stability during transients stages. In this paper, the analysis
of the dynamic angle, referring to the dynamic stability in
waves, is conducted with a numerical simulation approach.
The developed tool aims to disclose, from a different per-
spective, possible ship instabilities in waves by means of
Fig. 15 Dynamic angle variation in wave: large encounter periods in the analysis of the transient stages, with particular interest
following sea to the dynamic angle.
For large encounter periods in following seas, the ship
shows the largest dynamic angle of almost 40° (see Fig. 16)
same wave frequencies is shown in Fig. 15. The dynamic against the expected one of 30° in still water. This can be
angle easily exceeds 30° with peak values of almost 34°. correlated with pure loss of stability phenomena. The pos-
It is important to recall that wave amplitude changes sibility to use numerical simulation for stability calculation,
with the wave length by Hw = λ/50, thus the larger peak
seems to appear for the highest wave.
The comparison shown in Fig. 13, assuming a wave
steepness Hw = λ/50, is repeated with Hw = λ/40 and pre-
sented in Fig. 16. Dynamic angle peaks increase up to 40°
(exceeding of almost 33% the expected value of 30°) for the
largest encounter period.
The development of the transient roll response depends
on the wave position on the hull when the heeling moment

Fig. 16 Dynamic angle variation in wave, for ω = 0.6283 rad/s with Fig. 17 Time history for the transient roll Te = 20 s, wave crest at
larger wave amplitudes 0.7Lpp (body fixed frame)

J Mar Sci Technol

as envisaged by the direct assessment stability level [39],

might include the possibility to carry out verifications also
of the transient stages.
The model based on 4 DoF neglects sway and yaw; this
allows to study the model restrained on a straight path.
Actually sway and yaw can easily arise in the presence of
roll and can influence the dynamic response of the system.
Experimental roll damping data in still water are used
in the simulation and they are kept constant for the entire
range of wave frequencies and speed velocities. Even if this
assumption could be questionable, the dynamic angle vari-
ation in wave does not depend significantly on roll damping
as shown in Fig. 8.
Nevertheless, the simulated results can fairly account for
the parametric change of GM in waves. From the numeri-
cal simulation results, it is observed that for encounter peri-
ods close to the natural period, after the application of a
constant heeling moment, the ship experiences parametric
roll in asymmetric conditions (see Fig. 10). The analysis of
the parametric roll [1] by means of the Ince–Strutt diagram,
carried out for the wave frequencies ω = 0.5712 rad/s and
ω = 0.6283 rad/s, shows that the DTMB 5415, floating Fig. 19 Ship response in head sea to a pulse heeling moment, for two
in up-right position, is characterized by a stable behavior different wave frequencies (head sea—zero speed)
(see Fig. 18). This could be also observed by applying a
pulse heeling moment to the ship (instead of the step type),
assumed to vanish after two roll periods (see Fig. 19). After from those evaluated at the initial up-right condition. More
the vanishing of the heeling moment (plotted as heeling investigations and data would be necessary to have a clear
lever), the ship does not present any type of roll resonance. picture of the asymmetric rolling resonance in longitudinal
The application of a constant heeling moment, instead, waves (see Fig. 10).
forces the ship to roll in asymmetric conditions where para- The position of the wave crest, when the external
metric roll arises. moment is applied, is the main cause of change in the
It is important to underline that the radiation and dif- dynamic angle value. It is observed that there is no straight-
fraction actions, for a ship rolling, heeled of 15°, can differ forward correlation between the variation of the GM in
wave (see Fig. 9) and the variation of the dynamic angle
for the same wave frequency (see Figs. 13, 16). It is well
known that the worst GM in wave can be found for wave
crest close to mid-ship. The worst dynamic angle depends
also on the encounter period and can happen for wave crest
position far from mid-ship (see Figs. 13, 14, 15, 16). This
remarks the importance of studying the worst transient
stage behavior for a ship sailing in following waves.
Wave position effects are calculated on actual ship posi-
tions, meaning that they take into account the actual heave,
pitch and surge in waves. The ship speed is achieved by
applying a simple proportional control law to keep it con-
stant, since no resistance and no thrust are modeled. This
could influence the amplitude of surge motion of the ship,
and the position of the wave on the hull in time. However,
in our simulations, the encounter frequency was not signifi-
cantly modified by the simulated surge.
The chosen heeling moment value could be question-
Fig. 18 Analysis of parametric roll for DMMB 5415, for two differ- able since it seems to be quite large. We recall that one of
ent wave frequencies the current stability criteria [16] involves the dynamic lever

J Mar Sci Technol

at 30°. The claim is that in following sea, the ship could References
experience dynamic angles, larger than expected for a still
water analysis. Cargo shifting or wind and gust actions can 1. Belenky V, Bassler CC, Spyrou K (2011) Development of sec-
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