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Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

"Project Report on The Process of Designing Thinking with Special Reference to

“Prepaid Water Distribution System”

As the Partial Fulfilment of IE -2 for the subject of Principles of Management


Mrs. Priyadarshini Ranbhise
Electronics and Telecommunication
Division: A
Year: Third Year Semester: 1st

Batch: 2021 -2024

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

This is to certify that Ms.Vaishnavi Shrikant Mirajkar, a bonafied student of PCET's

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune studying in Electronics and
Telecommunications Division- A, Roll No. TYETA75 PRN No. 121B2E075 has completed
her Mini - Project Work under my guidance. This is her original work and not submitted
to any other Academic Pursuit.

Date: Name of the Guide

Mrs. Priyadarshini Ranbhise

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Sr. no. Name of the Chapter Page No.

1 Introduction 4

2 Product Profile 9

3 Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation of the Data 12

4 Conclusion 21

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 1: Introduction

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 1: Introduction

Water is Life:

Water is a precious resource for human well-being. We should not waste even a single
drop of water as it is very essential for all of us, so do your part to limit water
consumption and hence we are designing Prepaid Water Distribution System which will
save a lot of water. It will make people alert for their water usage. Here the customer will
first pay for the water and then customer will get the benefit of prepaid amount. The
water supply system must be designed to achieve appropriate water, pressure and flow.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Invention: An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition, idea or
process. An invention may be an improvement upon a machine, product, or process for
increasing efficiency or lowering cost. It may also be an entirely new concept. If an idea
is unique enough either as a stand-alone invention or as a significant improvement over
the work of others, it can be patented. A patent, if granted, gives the inventor a
proprietary interest in the patent over a specific period of time, which can be licensed for
financial gain.
Example of Invention: Optical lenses

Optical Lenses:

The development of optical lenses was pioneered by the Mesopotamians and Egyptians.
Nowadays, optical lenses are used in various tools, like telescopes and microscopes.
Magnifying lenses led humans to better understand far-away objects like stars and other
planets, as well as microscopic organisms.

The use of optical lenses as aids for the weak-sighted started in the 13th century, and
about four centuries later, the microscope and telescope became available. Magnifying
lenses expanded our knowledge of various fields of study including biology, astronomy,
archeology, chemistry, and physics.

Innovation : Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the

introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services.
ISO in the standard ISO 56000:2020 defines innovation as "a new or changed entity
realizing or redistributing value".
Innovation of Optical lenses:
Leonardo da Vinci first illustrated the concept of contact lenses in 1508. In his “Codex of
the Eye” he described a method of directly altering corneal power. More than 500 years
later, Johnson & Johnson Vision embraces this spirit of invention.

Creativity : Creativity involves transforming your ideas, imagination, and dreams into
reality. When you’re being creative, you can see the hidden patterns, make connections
between things that aren’t normally related, and come up with new ideas. Creative ability

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
depends on creative thinking which is part hard work but largely creative problem-
 A convex (converging) lens - converges parallel rays of light at a single point on the
optical axis, on the opposite side of the lens.
 A concave (diverging) lens - diverge parallel rays. All rays that enter the lens, parallel
to its optical axis diverge.

Flow chart for Design Thinking:

1. Empathy:
Empathy is the critical starting point for successful design thinking solutions, with the first order
of business to know who it is you’re solving a problem for; and despite the importance of
strategic business objectives, it isn’t your client. This may sound harsh, but deeply understanding
the consumer is the most important input to assuring business success.

2. Define:
The second stage in the process is about clarity, focus and definition. Gather all the insights
you’ve collected consumer need states and barriers, lifestyle realities and cultural influences to
begin to make sense of the landscape of solutions you’re exploring.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
3. Ideate:
With a deep understanding of your consumer and a focused, well-articulated challenge to solve,
it’s time to start developing potential solutions. This phase is where creativity is unleashed on the
intelligence—where the rubber meets the road. Prior to the granularity of executional options, a
multi-stakeholder team (led by design) must establish the creative or design “pathways” that
might offer solutions. Before sketches or computer designs happen, we must align on where the
challenge could take us and assess the creative legs and longevity of the opportunities we see in
the landscape.

4. Prototype:
The fourth step is all about experimentation: transforming ideas into tangible “artifacts.” These
artifacts may be a packaging design system, a retail experience, a new structural innovation or a
customer journey. Regardless of the task at hand, rapid iteration and even prototyping is a crucial
step in quickly breathing life into the work.

Throughout this stage, proposed solutions may be improved, redesigned or rejected through a
series of reviews and critiques from the broader team. This rapid iterative process does many
beneficial things: It allows creatives to be imperfect and detach from their work in healthy ways.

5. Test:
After your iterative creative development and prototyping, find ways to test fast and organically
with consumers. Although design testing is often relegated to quantitative “benchmarks” or eye-
tracking, a qualitative sharing session with consumers can go much deeper on the “why” of the
feedback. If budgets are tight or clients are uncomfortable with breaking free from their
traditional corporate methodologies, engage a “friends and family” approach. It’s important that
the consumers you speak with have a vested interest in the problem you’re solving.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 2: Product Profile

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 2: Product Profile

In our Prepaid Water System, we are using rechargeable water technique, in which we supplied
the water for which the customer paid for. For this system we are using water flow measurement
sensor. As manual meter readings sometimes can be false so we are going for prepaid water
system then we are paying that much for how much we are using it. As water is precious
resource, so do your part to limit water consumption here we are designing prepaid Water system
which will save a lot of water. It will make people alert for their water usage. Here the customer
will first pay for the water and then customer will get the benefit of prepaid amount. The water
supply system must be designed to achieve appropriate water pressure and flow. The main
drawback of post-paid was that the chances of false reading were there but in prepaid water
system the people will not get any false readings as they have already paid the amount for the
required water.

Prepaid Water Distribution System will monitor the flow of water and it’s consumption by each
individual family. The system will get applied on the supply pipes of water to every house. This
system will monitor and control the water flow with the help of Water valve and water
measurement flow sensor.

Once the recharge of water gets expired, the customer can recharge it again.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Block diagram:

When the water from the municipal corporation will be supplied it will be stored in the water
storage tanks of respective buildings. Then the water is supplied through the water line to
respective house, there we are connecting water flow measuring sensor which will sense the
amount of water which is supplied from water storage tank to user/customer. After water
measuring sensor, we are implementing automatic water valve which is controlling water flow.
The output of automatic water valve is connected to the tap in each house, which will sense the
water accordingly.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 3: Presentation, Analysis &
Interpretation of the Data

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 3
Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation of the Data:

Water is one of the most important resources on the planet. Without water, life cannot exist.
Water has several unique characteristics that make it an extremely valuable resource. Some such
properties of water are listed below.

 Water is a very good solvent – it has the ability to dissolve many substances.

 The boiling point and freezing point of water make it easily available in all three
states (solid, liquid, and gaseous).

 The specific heat of water is quite high. This enables water to absorb and release heat
slowly, thereby regulating the temperature of its environment.

 Owing to its transparency, water can allow light to reach the life forms that are
submerged in it. This is crucial for the survival of plant life in the oceans, lakes, and

 Water is neither acidic nor basic in nature. It has a pH of 7, making it a neutral substance.

These unique qualities of water, along with its abundance on the planet (approximately
71% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water), make it a crucial resource for plants,
animals, and human beings.

Keeping the concept in mind that avoid the wastage of water,we are going to implement
the Prepaid Water Distribution System which will help the customers to save the water as
the customer will recharge the amount of water according to their need and they will get
the benefit of that. In this project customer first pay the water amount. After that he will
get the payable amount of water.

The water sensor will measure the flow of water. Once the recharged of water gets
expired, and then with the help of automatic water valve the water supply gets stopped.

Once the recharge of water gets expired, the customer can recharge it again.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
1. Empathise Phase: -
Traditional water system:
1) In the traditional water system, there are lot of chances of water wastage, to
overcome this disadvantage we have designed prepaid water system.
2) As the traditional water system uses people to take the readings of water used and
accordingly it will generate the water bill, so sometimes there are chances of getting
false readings.
3) Existing water system is not user friendly

Prepaid water system:

1) In our system there is no chance of water wastage, as the customer is going to get
water for how much customer paid for.
2) In prepaid water system customer will recharge the water amount and accordingly
they are going to get the water.
3) While this system is quite user friendly as any age category can recharge very easily
without any hassle.

The most important parameter when the customer is buying the product is Accuracy and
Efficiency of that product. Customer will get high accuracy as the prepaid water
distribution system uses the water flow sensor which has a attached fan inside, when the
fan will rotate at that time it will generate 460 pulses and it will have accuracy of (+ -
10%), which will help customers to fulfil their expectation.

2. Define Phase:-

When the water from the municipal corporation will be supplied it will be stored in the
water storage tanks of respective buildings. Then the water is supplied through the water
line to respective house, there we are connecting water flow measuring sensor which will
sense the amount of water which is supplied from water storage tank to user/customer.
After water measuring sensor, we are implementing automatic water valve which is
controlling water flow. The output of automatic water valve is connected to the tap in

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
each house, which will sense the water accordingly.

Here are different costs (and benefits) associated with different customers and with three
different uses of pre-paid meters:
 Public stand-posts;
 Individual household connections; and
 Institutional customers.
Many customers though that this system could be complex and costly, especially when
quantifying all of the related costs (beyond the installation of the pre-paid meters)
including the infrastructure for selling and loading credit, software development and IT
integration, customer sensitization, vendor commissions, spare parts, customer support,
etc. Even with these costs, pre-paid systems that dispense high volumes (especially for
institutional customers, and possibly for stand-posts) can generate enough economic
benefit to become attractive to utilities, as there are no billing costs, no billing inquiries,
no credit management, and no arrears to be financed. There are also notable political
dividends generated by increasing revenue collection that may help defer tariff increases
and extend and improve access for poor customers. Less clear from the research at this
stage are the economic benefits for the utility of individual connections.
customer demand is an important driver in the expansion of pre-paid systems. the
responses to customer satisfaction surveys reflect a variety of views. Nevertheless, there
are strong signs that many customers with their own connections at the household level
using pre-paid systems feel that they have more control over their payments, and enjoy
being less at risk of a debt trap as pay-as-you-go enables them to manage their
consumption within limits they can afford. Similarly, customers that use pre-paid
systems at stand-posts are demonstrating an appreciation for a perceived increased
reliability of water and report to be enjoying improved service provision that is no longer
dependent on the availability of the stand-post attendant.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
3. Ideate Phase:-
Water Flow Measurement Sensor:

Water flow sensor consists of a copper body, a water rotor, and a hall-effect sensor.
When water flows through the rotor, rotor rolls, its speed changes with different rate of
flow. And the hall-effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse signal.


 Working Voltage: 5 to 18V DC (min tested working voltage 4.5V).

 Max current draw: 15mA @ 5V.

 Working Flow Rate: 1 to 30 Liters/Minute.

 Maximum water pressure: 2.0 MPa.

 Flow rate pulse characteristics: Frequency (Hz) = 7.5 * Flow rate (L/min).

Automatic Water Valve:

Automatic control valves are specialty valves fitted with actuators that can be controlled
by temperature or flow sensors. The valves are controlled by electrical, hydraulic, or
pneumatic signals from sensors. The valves can be set to open, closed, or anywhere in
between to accurately control flow.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Valve Size 1 Inch

Material Nylon

Brand MSR

Pressure 0.02~1.0MPa

Size 1 Inch

4. Prototype :- Execution of the project, feasibility checks for the project.

o Mechanical Feasibility:- Checking on Technical Parameters.

Water Flow Sensor :

The water flow sensor measures the rate of a liquid flowing through it and consists of a
plastic valve body, flow rotor and hall effect sensor. It is usually used at the inlet end to
detect the amount of flow. When liquid flows through the sensor, a magnetic rotor will
rotate and the rate of rotation will vary with the rate of flow. The hall effect sensor will
then output a pulse width signal.
Automatic Solenoid Valve::
A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated valve. A solenoid valve employs
magnets and electrical power. When electrical current is applied to coil, based on polarity
of magnet and direction of current flow valve is latched or delatched.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
o Economic Feasibility : - Checking on Cost of Production

Sr. No. Components Price

1. Water Flow Sensor 189/-

2. Microcontroller Atmega328P 200/-

3. Automatic Water Valve 290/-

Total 679/-

o Functionality Feasibility: - Checking on Applications & Utility Assumptions.

• This water supply system designed to achieve appropriate water pressure and flow.
• In the household system most of the people community like old age for them it will be
easy to use this system because they will pay the water amount sitting at their homes.
• The system is easily adaptive.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
o Sustainability Feasibility:- Checking on Sustainability or Durability.
Customer will get high accuracy as the prepaid water distribution system uses the water
flow sensor which has a attached fan inside, when the fan will rotate at that time it will
generate 460 pulses and it will have accuracy of (+ - 10%), which will help customers to
fulfil their expectation.

5. Testing:-

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 4: Conclusion

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Chapter 4: Conclusion

Prepaid systems are cost-effective solutions to sustainable water management in that they have a
low cost of acquisition and, by curbing water usage, capital recovery is possible within months.
The systems are also able to distribute water equally, based on free water quotas, water balancing
and fluctuating demand.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
1) Water-Resources-Engineering- By Larry-Maysdp0470460644









Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

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