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Section A.
1. How is the pilot able to find the right direction while flying the aero plane?
2. The P.7 girl drew a map of Uganda clearly indicating the scale, the key and the
boundaries. Name any other important element that was missing on the map.
3. Why should a school child put on a uniform?
4. By looking at the Uganda Coat of Arms, how is a tourist able to tell that Uganda is a
God fearing country?
5. Give any one importance of a gatekeeper at school.
6. Suggest one thing that is done by a good government.
7. Name any one natural feature that creates a boundary between places or countries.
8. The presidents of East Africa are encouraging the member countries to form a
common market. How does this benefit Ugandans?
9. State any one way in which lake Victoria influences the activities of the people who
live along the shores.
10. What problem did the people face before the construction of the Uganda Railway?
11. Why should all children in Africa celebrate the 16th of June every year?
12. Why should Ugandans support the activities of the Uganda Revenue Authority?

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13. Give any one modern method of sending messages in Uganda.
14. Why should a school pupil remove the school flag when it is about to rain?
15. Why are there few people in the desert of Africa?
16. West Nile is one of the tobacco growing areas in Uganda. What problem is facing
this economic activity?
17. Give any one thing that the Europeans did that helped them to know that Africa
was not a dark continent.
18. Give nay one practice by the Germans in Tanganyika that led them to be hated by
the natives.
19. While Musa was traveling from Mityana to Kampala, he realized that many trees
had been cut down. What form of environmental degradation did Musa see?
20. Name any one country that was never colonized by the colonialists.
21. Although it is much faster to travel by air from Uganda to Kenya, very many people
choose to travel by road. Why do many people prefer road to air transport?
22. Give any one problem faced by the Masai and Karamojong during their pastoral life.
23. Which arm of government today is carrying out the functions that are similar to
those of the history Legislature Council (LEGCO)?
24. State any one way in which the killing of Uganda Martyrs contributed to the
Christian faith?
25. Why should the government of Uganda continue to support the activities of the
Uganda Red Cross?

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26. State one reason why the farmers in the Gezira Irrigation Scheme are able to grow
cotton for more that one season.
27. Give any one reason why Sir Edward Muteesa is remembered in the history of
28. In which one way has River Nile contributed to the growth of the tourism industry
in Uganda?
29. Give any one reason for the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya.
30. Name any one person that is remembered in the Mau Mau struggle.
Below is the first stanza of the Uganda National Anthem. Write each of
the missing parts in questions 31 and 32.
Oh Uganda! May God uphold thee
(a). ____________________________________________________________________
United Free for liberty
(b) ____________________________________________________________________
31. (a): ______________________________________________________________
32. (b): ______________________________________________________________
33. How many stanzas does the Uganda National Anthem have?
34. Why should Ugandans always remember to late Professor George William Kakoma?
35. Why would you advise your parents to keep exotic breed of cows on the farm?
For questions 36 – 40, answer either a Christian question or Islamic but
not both.
36. Either: Give one reason why Christians should obey the laws of God.
Or: Give one reason why Moslems should obey the laws of Allah.
37. Either: Why do Christians attach a lot of importance to Namugongo?

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Or: Why do Moslems attach a lot of importance to Mecca?

38. Either: How did Jesus Christ meet his death?

Or: How did prophet Mohammad meet his death?
39. Either: In which one way do Christians show respect for God’s house?
Or: In which one way do Moslems show respect to Allah’s house?
40. Either: Give the meaning of the word Trinity.
Or: Give the meaning of the word Islam.
Section B
41(a) Suggest one reason why each of the following towns has experienced rapid growth.
(i) Entebbe
(ii) Kampala
(b) Give one reason why each of the following areas has not developed like other areas
in Uganda.
(i) Karamoja
(ii) Bundibugyo
42(a) Give any two reasons why native Africans found it difficult to stop Europeans from
colonizing Africa.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(b) What was the major method Ugandans used to put pressure to colonialist to give
them independence?
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(c) How was Kenya’s method of the road to independence different from that of
43(a) Suggest any one major reason that led to the migration of each of the following
tribal groups into Uganda.
(i). Bantu
(ii) Nilotics
(iii). Hamites
(b). Which of the tribal groups indicated above occupied the greater part of Central
44(a) According to the population census of 2015, the number of people in one of the
places in Uganda is 40,000 and the size of the area is 400km. Calculate the
population density of this area.

(b) Suggest three problems that are associated with a high population density.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(iii) ___________________________________________________________________
45(a) Suggest two advantages of using mobile phones in communication.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(b) Suggest two disadvantages of using mobile phones in communication.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
46(a) Give two ways in which religious organizations have supported the government in
promoting the quality of health and education in Uganda.

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(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b). Suggest two reasons why some children are not going to school despite the
government effort to introduce Universal Education.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
47(a) State two conditions under which fish, a perishable good, can be prevented from
going bad.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) Suggest one reason why fish is now more expensive than it used to be in the past.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
48(a) Give any two ways in which poultry farming can be improved in Uganda.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) Suggest any two products farmers get from poultry farming.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
49(a) The names below are for the United Nations Secretary Generals who served from
1992 to date. Use them to match the years to the Secretary General.
(i). 1992 - 1996 ________________________________________________________
(ii). 1997 - 2006 _________________________________________________________
(iii). 2007 to date ________________________________________________________
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon , Mr. Boutrose.B. Ghali , Mr. Kofi Annan
(b) Give the name of the current president of the General Assembly of the United
50(a) Give three ways in which citizenship of a particular country is acquired.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) What is double citizenship?

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51(a) Give two ways in which the war in south Sudan affects the economic development
in Uganda.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b). Suggest two things Uganda can do to contribute to peace in South Sudan.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
52(a) State any three benefits of acquiring a National Identity Card.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b) At what age is a Ugandan allowed to vote for leaders at different levels?
For each of the questions 53 – 55, answer either Christianity or Islam but
not both.
53. Either: (a) Who is a missionary?
(b) Name two places visited by Appolo Kivebulaya during his missionary work.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(c) Suggest one problem faced by the early missionaries during their work.
Or: (a) Give any two reasons for giving zakat.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(b). Give two groups of people who should receive zakat.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
54. Either: (a) Who is a disciple?
(b) State any three things that a Christian can do to show that he/she is a true disciple
of Jesus Christ.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________________

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Or: (a). What is Ramadhan?
(b) State three things that a Moslem can do to show that he/she is a true Moslem.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________________
55. For both:(a) Who is a Martyr?
(b) Suggest any three ways in which Christians suffer for their faith today.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________________________________________

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