A Duty Ratio Control Strategy To Reduce Both Torque and Flux Ripples of DTC For Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

A Duty Ratio Control Strategy to Reduce Both

Torque and Flux Ripples of DTC for Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Machines
1 1
Zheng Zhang , Xinghua Liu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081 China
Corresponding author: Zheng Zhang (e-mail: zhz_bit@163.com).

ABSTRACT This paper proposes a novel duty ratio modulated direct torque control (DDTC) for
permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system to achieve high steady and transient performance and
reducing ripples of CDTC, especially the ripple of stator flux, which are ignored in the conventional DDTC.
The proposed control scheme incorporates the variation rates of current and conventional duty ratio
modulation. By introducing the instantaneous variation rates of d-axis current and q-axis current during
each sampling cycle into the conventional DDTC, an effective duty ratio modulation method is constituted
to determine the time duration of the active voltage vector. Moreover, based on the characteristics of the
proposed duty ratio modulation, a weighting coefficient is utilized to improve the performance of the duty
ratio modulation. The proposed method can reduce the ripple of torque and stator flux significantly, as well
as reduce the ripple of d-q axis current. The proposed method can achieve a good performance of steady
and transient operation. Simulations and experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed

INDEX TERMS Direct torque control (DTC), permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), ripple
reduction, duty ratio.

I. INTRODUCTION period, causes high stator flux ripple, torque ripple and
The steady operations of PMSM need to be providing with significant instability of machine angular velocity. In most
high-performance control strategies. Field-oriented control cases, using only one voltage vector during one sampling
(FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) are two period does not develop the advantage of DTC.
well-established control strategies for the PMSM since its In the past decades, various modified schemes are
introduction several decades ago [1]-[2]. Compared to FOC, proposed to deal with the problems of CDTC. A commonly
DTC does not need current regulators and can provide used way is incorporating the space vector modulation (SVM)
extremely high transient torque control performance with in CDTC to produce continuous voltage vectors, namely
very simple structure [3]-[4]. In addition, it minimizes the SVM-DTC. SVM can generate an arbitrary voltage vector
parameter dependent and reduces the complexity of the within its linear range, which overcomes the disadvantage of
algorithms. the switching table in CDTC for only producing eight voltage
For a two-level voltage source inverter system, eight vectors with fixed magnitude and direction. SVM-DTC can
discrete signals, which are outputted by the controller, can reduce the torque ripple and stator flux ripple with fixed
directly drive the inverter to generate the optimal voltage switching frequency. The switching frequency of SVM-DTC
vector to compensate the ripples of torque and stator flux. is not as high as that of CDTC. The commanded voltage
However, the CDTC has two major drawbacks [5]-[6]. One vector can be obtained by various methods, including two
is that the switching frequency varies according to the resonant controllers [6], the artificial intelligence controller
machine angular velocity and the hysteresis bands of torque [7]-[10], sliding mode controller [11], etc. By introducing the
and stator flux. The other is that large torque and stator flux neural network inverse (NNI) systems into the original
ripples are generated. For the traditional DTC, only one BPMSM system, the robustness, static and dynamic
voltage vector operates over the whole sampling control performance of the system can be improved [7]. A novel

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

speed observation scheme using artificial neural network This paper proposes a novel DDTC strategy to improve
(ANN) inverse method is proposed to realize the the performance of both torque and stator flux. The novel
speed-sensorless vector drive [9]. Despite the lower torque DDTC strategy preserves the advantages of simple structure
ripple of SVM-DTC scheme, system complexity and and high transient torque control performance of CDTC. The
computation burden are more intensive than that of CDTC detailed expression of d-axis current variations and q-axis
[12]. current variations are presented to lay the foundation for the
Recently, predictive control scheme attracts attention of duty ratio determination. After that, the overall features of the
researchers due to the high performance control for different proposed method are analyzed in detail. Finally, the proposed
machines [13]-[17]. DTC combines predictive control and method is compared with CDTC on the steady-state and the
artificial intelligent to improve the dynamic performance and transient response performances. The simulation and
reduce the torque ripple in [15]. According to vector experimental results evaluate the effectiveness of the
selection and number of applied vectors, predictive control proposed method on a two-level inverter-fed PMSM drive.
can predict a constant number of the future machine states by This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, the
using a discrete system model. For the predictive control in PMSM model is presented, and in Section III, the principle
[16], the effects of every possible voltage vector are of the CDDTC is presented. In Section IV, a novel DDTC
compared with each other and select one voltage vector scheme is proposed, and the proposed duty ratio modulation
which can minimize the cost function. A novel fuzzy model strategy is analyzed. In Section V, the control strategies of
predictive direct torque control strategy is proposed in [17], CDTC and proposed DDTC are studied through simulation.
the optimal switching states are determined by the specific Section VI gives detailed experimental results to verify the
operating conditions. effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The conclusion is
Another sort of popular modified DTC scheme is to presented in Section VII.
introduce the duty ratio of the active vector by dividing one
sampling period into several intervals [18]-[23]. The duty II. MODEL OF PMSM
ratio can be determined by various optimizations, including
an adaptive saturation controller [19], a parameter- A. MACHINE EQUATIONS
independent controller [20], a minimized root mean square The model of PMSM is usually formulated in rotor
(RMS) of torque-ripple controller [21]. The methods differ in synchronous coordinate, because all the parameters would
the optimization aims and vector numbers. The method in become constant under steady state condition. Both the stator
[21] only takes the torque ripple into consideration regardless voltage equation and the stator flux equation of PMSM in d-q
of the stator flux ripple. The method, despite of reducing the reference frame are expressed as follows:
torque ripple, depends too much on the machine parameters
d d
and is system complexity. In [22], although it only takes the U d  Rs I d    q (1)
torque ripple into consideration to determine the duty ratio, a dt
simple and effective method does not rely much on the
d q
knowledge of machine parameters. In [23], a novel strategy U q  Rs I q    d (2)
of DTC is proposed for DFIG, which not only reduces both dt
torque and stator flux ripples, but also normally operates at a
low switching frequency. The method is system complexity  d  Ld I d  f (3)
and has large amount of computation due to the use of two
active voltage vectors and one zero voltage vector in each  q  Lq I q (4)
sampling period. The method in [23] reduces the robustness
of the control system significantly, because different Where Rs is the stator resistance; ψd and ψq are the d-axis
switching table are applied for dynamic process and steady and q-axis stator flux, respectively; Ld and Lq are the d-axis
operation. In [19], a novel strategy applies an adaptive and q-axis stator inductance, respectively; ω is electrical
saturation controller into the duty ratio determination. rotor speed. ψf is permanent magnet flux linkage. Ud, Uq are
Because the control system does not take the differences of the d-axis and q-axis stator voltage, respectively; Id, Iq are the
the compensations weight between the torque and stator flux d-axis and q-axis stator current, respectively. The
into consideration, it is hard to select optimal active vector electromagnetic torque is expressed as
and duty ratio for DDTC. In [24], a novel duty ratio
p d I q  q I d 
modulation strategy by dividing every sector into five small Te  (5)
sectors is proposed. A duty ratio control strategy is confirmed 2
on a three-level inverter to reduce torque ripple and improve
Substituting (3) and (4) into (5), the expression of
low-speed performance by the results presented in [25].
electromagnetic torque can be expressed as
Nevertheless, system structure and computational burden are
more complicated than that of DDTC on a two-level inverter.

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

Te 

p  f I q  Lq  Ld I d I q  (6) s
d  s  2 dI d
  Ld I d
dI dI 
 L2q I q q  f Ld d 
dt  dt dt dt 
Where p is the number of pole pairs.   s1   s 2   s 3 (12)
For surface-mounted PMSM, the d-axis and q-axis
inductances are equal to synchronous inductance Ls, i.e., It is seen from (12) that the derivation of the stator flux is
Ld=Lq=Ls. The electromagnetic torque of surface-mounted composed of three parts. The first part is proportional to the
PMSM is rewritten as product of d-axis current and its derivation; the second part is
proportional to the product of q-axis current and its
Te  p f I q (7) derivation; the last term is proportional to d-axis current.
2 From (12), we can get that the stator flux is related to both
d-axis current and q-axis current. In other words, it is
According to (3) and (4), the d-axis current and the q-axis
difficult to independently control the electromagnetic torque
current can be obtain as
and the stator flux in DTC, simultaneously.
q For the purpose of reducing torque ripple and stator flux
Iq  (8) ripple, the variation rates of current are used to determine the
Lq duty ratio.


Id  (9)
The control diagram of conventional duty ratio control
B. EFFECTS OF CURRENT ON TORQUE strategy is illustrated in Fig.1. The hardware setup of
The current vector is continuous input variable in duty-based DTC is the same of CDTC without any
surface-mounted PMSM for voltage source inverter, so it is modification. The only difference is that duty ratio
significant to analyze the relationship between the derivation modulation is utilized to adjust the action time of the active
of torque and the derivation of current vector. From (7) and vector. The conventional DDTC directly uses the errors
(8), the derivation of the electromagnetic torque with respect between the reference values and actual values of torque to
to time t is determine the duty ratio in [21]-[22].
dTe 3 dI ω
 p f q (10) Duty Ratio Modulation
dt 2 dt ω *
Te* d
ω- - ΔTe εT Switching
It is seen from (10) that the electromagnetic torque ψs* PWM
differentiation is proportional to the q-axis current - Δψs εψ table
differentiation. θ
Te Ia
Iαβ Ib
ψs calculate
For surface-mounted PMSM in rotating condition, the Udc
stator flux will change whenever the active vectors or the PMSM
zero vectors are applied. The stator flux is always rotating
with the rotor flux. According to (3) and (4), the d-axis stator FIGURE 1. Block diagram of conventional DDTC.
flux can be controlled effectively by the d-axis current; the
q-axis stator flux can be controlled effectively by the q-axis B. CONVENTIONAL DUTY RATIO DETERMINATION
current. The stator flux can be controlled effectively to keep METHOD
the amplitude and rotational speed of the stator flux. For conventional DDTC of voltage source inverter, the
According to (3) – (4), in [22], the derivation of the stator voltage vector is an important input variable. The torque
flux with respect to time t is error is used to determine the duty ratio in [22].

d s 1  d d d q 
  d  q  (11)
dt s  dt dt 
Substitute (1) and (2) into (11) and omit the tedious
derivation process, the derivation of the stator flux is

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

similar to that of conventional DDTC. Compared to CDTC,

t1=d*Ts Te the proposed DDTC has a better performance of reducing
both the stator flux ripple and torque ripple. In this paper, the
f 11 f 12 current is used to determine the duty ratio of DDTC.
Te* Reference d-q
Id* Duty Ratio d
t2 axis current
Te0 ω* ΔTe
PI Switching
Ts ω- Te* - PWM
ψs* - Δψs
kTs (k+1)Ts θ
FIGURE 2. Duty ratio determination of conventional DDTC. Te Flux & 3s/2s Ib
The duty determination method of conventional DDTC is Ic
ψs torque
shown in Fig.2. The principle can be expressed as calculate

Te k  1  Te (13) PMSM

t 2  Ts  t1 (14) FIGURE 3. Block diagram of proposed DDTC.

The torque variation rate under active voltage vector is A. ANALYSIS OF Q-AXIS CURRENT AND D-AXIS
expressed as CURRENT
The performance of DTC can be analyzed by the
dT 3p  Rs sq f  d f U q f  variations of stator flux and torque. According to (3)-(5), the
f11  e   2
   torque and stator flux can be controlled by q-axis current and
dt active 2 Ls  Ls Ls Ls  d-axis current. Hence, the variations of q-axis current and
(15) d-axis current have an effect on the ripples of torque and
When applying zero voltage vectors, the torque variation stator flux. In this section, the mathematical models of q-axis
rate is expressed as current and d-axis current under different voltage vectors are
investigated, which determine the duty radio of the active
dTe 3p  Rs sq f  d f  voltage vector.
f12    2
  (16) According to (1)-(4), the derivation of q-axis current under
dt zero 2 Ls  Ls Ls  active voltage vector is
According to Fig.2, in [22], in order to solve the time
duration of active voltage vector and make the absolute total f 21 
dI q

U q  Rs I q   f  Ld I d 
error of the torque at the end of each control cycle is equal to dt active
zero, we assume an equation as (19)

E  Tee  f11t1  f12t 2 

2 It can be observed that the variation of q-axis current is
controlled by the current, instant rotor angular velocity and
Where Tee = Te* - Te0 is the instantaneous error of torque; q-axis stator voltage applied to the machine. Hence, the slope
Te represents the reference value for torque; Te0 indicates the of q-axis current is changing with the operation condition of
initial torque value; f11, f12 represent the torque variation rate the machine. Set q-axis stator voltage to zero, and the
of active and zero vectors, respectively. t1 is the time duration derivation of q-axis current under zero voltage vector is
of active voltage vector, Ts is the sampling period. obtained as
The equation from (17) can be solved by letting dE/dt=0,
the time duration of active voltage vector can be obtained as f 22 
dI q

 Rs I q   f  Ld I d 
dt zero
T  f12Ts
t1  e
f11  f12 As we can see from Fig. 4, the signage of diq/dt in (20) is
negative and the decline rate relies upon initial d-q axis
IV. PROPOSED DDTC SCHEME current and angular velocity. Hence, the electromagnetic
Unlike conventional DDTC, the proposed DDTC utilizes torque decreases under the zero voltage vector. Similarly, the
the deviation from the desired values and actual values of the d-axis current differentiation with respect to time t can be
current in two-phase coordinate system. The basic operating obtained from (1)-(4)
principle of proposed DDTC is illustrated in Fig.3, which is

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

U d  Rs I d  Lq I q 
dI d 1 velocity, regardless of the change of the rotor position during
f 31   (21) one control period. The calculation of variation rates of both
dt active Ld q-axis current and d-axis current will be complicated if the
It can be observed that the variation of did/dt is controlled change of angular location of rotor is considered during one
by the current instant stator current, the rotor angular velocity control period.
and d-axis stator voltage decomposed from the stator voltage TABLE I Parameters of drive system
vector. When d-axis stator voltage is zero, (21) becomes p number of pole pairs 4
ψf permanent magnet flux 0.038Wb

 Rs I d  Lq I q 
dI d 1 Rs stator resistance 0.901Ω
f 32   (22) Ld ,Lq d-axis and q-axis 6.552mH
dt zero Ld inductance
ω rated speed 900r/min
According to (22), the variation rate of the d-axis current TN rated torque 1.5Nm
Udc DC bus voltage 110V
relies upon the initial q-axis current, the initial d-axis current
Ts sampling period 100µs
and angular velocity. As we can see from Fig. 5, the variation
rate of the d-axis current does not have an obvious changed According to (10)-(12), it can be seen that the variation
under the zero voltage vectors. rate of d-axis current does not control the variation rate of
x 10
torque, while the variation rate of torque is proportional to
V2(110) V3(010) V4(011) V5(001) V6(101) V1(100) the variation rate of q-axis current. It is obvious that the
0.5 variation rates of both d-axis current and q-axis current have
V0(000) a significant effect on the variation rate of stator flux.
dIq/dt (A/s)

-0.5 1
0.75 V2/40r/min
-1 V7(111)
0.5 V2/400r/min
ΔIq/Iq (%)

-2 0
-30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
θ (degree) V6/40r/min
-0.5 V0/400r/min
FIGURE 4. The q-axis current slope versus rotor position.
-0.75 V0/40r/min
x 10 -1
V5(001) V6(101) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
V1(100) V2(110) V3(010) V4(011) θ (degree)

1 FIGURE 6. The q-axis current variation versus angular location of rotor.

dId/dt (A/s)

0 V2/40r/min
V7(111) 0.8
-0.5 V2/400r/min
ΔId/Id (%)

-30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 0.4
θ (degree) V6/40r/min
0.2 V0/400r/min
FIGURE 5. The d-axis current slope versus rotor position.
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 graphically illustrate the variation rates of 0 V0/40r/min
instantaneous d-q-axis current at varied angular location of -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
θ (degree)
flux under eight stator voltage vectors in two-level inverter.
The testing surface-mounted PMSM parameters are listed in FIGURE 7. The d-axis current variation versus angular location of rotor.
the Table I. The machine operates under steady-state at 400 In order to investigate the effect of current on different
r/min with no load torque. It is obvious that zero voltage operating condition, the current variation rates are obtained
vectors have a negative effect on the variation of q-axis by the computation of (19)-(22) under different angular
current slope. For d-axis current slope, the variation rate is location of rotor flux and machine angular velocity in Fig.6
positive under zero voltage vectors. It should be noted that and Fig.7. The current variation rate is a percentage of the
the machine parameters and the rotor angular velocity affect reference value of d-axis current and q-axis current,
the position of peak points for q-axis current and d-axis respectively. It is shown that the machine angular velocity
current. The values of the peak points for variation rates of affects the current variations obviously in Fig.6 and Fig.7.
both q-axis current and d-axis current are mainly determined The q-axis current variation rate is smaller than that of
by dc bus voltage. low-speed regions, while d-axis current variation rate is
It should be noted that the variation rates of q-axis current larger than that of low-speed regions. The q-axis current
and d-axis current are calculated by using the initial current variation rate is negative and constant under zero voltage
component of q-axis and d-axis current and the rotor angular

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

vectors, while the d-axis current variation rate is positive and zero. The principle of the proposed DDTC can be expressed
constant under zero voltage vectors. as

t1=d*Ts Iq,Id
dIq/dt (A/s)(when Uq=0V)

x 10

-1 1000 t2
0 500
speed (r/min)
Te (N.m) 1 0 Ts
FIGURE 8. The q-axis current variation with different torque and kTs (k+1)Ts
various rotor speed under zero stator voltage vector.
FIGURE 10. Duty ratio determination of proposed DDTC.

I q k  1  I q (23)
dId/dt (A/s)(when Ud=0V)

I d k  1  I d (24)
For simplification of notations, (25) and (26) are
-0.5 500

Te (N.m)
0.5 speed (r/min) f 2  f 21  f 22 (25)
1 0

FIGURE 9. The d-axis current variation with different torque and f 3  f 31  f 32 (26)
various rotor speed under zero stator voltage vector.
It could be found that the torque and rotor speed are related The final value method is used to achieve the
to the variation rates of q-axis current from Fig. 8, when instantaneous minimum error of d-axis current and q-axis
q-axis stator voltage is zero. The variation rates of q-axis current at the end of each control period. According to Fig.10,
current decreases with the increasing of rotor speed in order to solve the time duration of active voltage vector
significantly. Fig. 9 shows the variation rates of d-axis and make the absolute total error of the d-q axis current at the
current is affected by the torque and rotor speed. When the end of each control cycle is equal to zero, we assume an
torque is positive, the variation rates of d-axis current equation as
increases as the rotor speed increase. When the torque is
negative, the variation rates of d-axis current decreases as the   
E   I de  f 31t1  f 32t2  I qe  f 21t1  f 22t2 (27)

rotor speed increase.

Where Ide = Id* - Id0 is the instantaneous error of d-axis
B. THE NOVEL DUTY RATIO DETERMINATION METHOD current; Iqe = Iq* - Iq0 is the instantaneous error of q-axis
From (19)-(22), it is obvious that the variation rates of current; Id*, Iq* represent the reference values for d-axis
d-axis current and q-axis current of the machine can be current and q-axis current, respectively; Id0, Iq0 indicate the
controlled by adjusting the duration of the selected active initial d-q axis current values, respectively; f31, f32 represent
voltage vector. Hence, it is possible to reduce both the stator the d-axis current variation rates of active and zero vectors,
flux ripple and torque ripple by employing the novel duty respectively.
ratio determination method during the sampling period. The equation from (27) can be solved by letting dE/dt=0,
The determination of duty ratio uses final value method to the time duration of active voltage vector can be obtained as

f 3 I de  f 32Ts   f 2 I qe  f 22Ts 
achieve the instantaneous minimum error of the control
objective at the end of each control period in [22]. For the
t1  (28)
proposed DDTC in this paper, the corresponding weighting
  f 3 2   f 2 2
coefficient λ is introduced to adjust the importance of d-axis
current error for determining the duty ratio. When λ=0, only The corresponding duty ratio d can be solved after
the variation of q-axis current is considered to determining obtaining the time duration of active voltage vector t1. It
the duty ratio, which limit the reduction of the stator flux should be note that d is limited within [0, 1], the constraint
ripple. While the value of λ increases, the proportion of equation is expressed as
d-axis current in determining the duty ratio is getting bigger.
The value of λ determines reduction of stator flux ripple. In
practical implementation, the λ can be equal or greater than

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

t1 / Ts  0
 0

 0.3 0.05
d  t1 / Ts 0  t1 / Ts  1 (29) 0 (a) 0.04
 1 t1 / Ts  1

 0.6
0.3 0.05
0 0.04

The corresponding weighting coefficient λ can adjust the 0.3 0.05

reductions between the q-axis current ripple and the d-axis 0 0.04
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
current ripple. The relationship between the corresponding t(s) (c) t(s)

weighting coefficient λ and the instantaneous minimum error FIGURE 12. Simulation results of torque and stator flux when the motor
E is shown in Fig. 11. It is obvious that the instantaneous speed increases from 0 to 300 r/min: (a) CDTC, (b) DDTC (λ=1) and (c)
DDTC (λ=0).
minimum error E can be suitable, when the value of V3(010)

corresponding weighting coefficient λ is in the range of 0 to 2. 4



When the value of λ is equal to 1.15, the instantaneous 2
minimum error E obtains the minimum value. 0
(a) 3


0.6 2
0.5 (b)
0.02 3


0.01 2

0.4 2
0 1
0.3 0 1 2 0

λ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

t(s) (c) t(s)

0.1 FIGURE 13. Simulation results of d-q axis current when the motor
λ speed increases from 0 to 300 r/min: (a) CDTC, (b) DDTC (λ=1) and (c)
0 DDTC (λ=0).
0 1 2 3 5 46 7 8
λ The steady performance of proposed DDTC is better than
FIGURE 11. The relationship between the corresponding weighting that of CDTC in terms of the reductions of torque ripple and
coefficient and the instantaneous minimum error.
stator flux ripple in Fig. 12.
When λ=0, only the reduction of q-axis current ripple is
For the proposed method in Fig. 13, it should be noted that
considered, and the calculation of the duty ratio d can be
the currents in d-q coordinate system is better than that of
simplified. The time duration of active voltage vector t1 can
CDTC during the operation of the machine. Compared to
be rewritten as
stator flux and d-axis current of DDTC (λ=0), the ripples is
I qe  f 22Ts smaller in DDTC (λ=1).
t1  (30) The simulation results indicate that the performance
f2 improvement is significant in current, torque and stator flux
for proposed DDTC.
When λ=1, the weighting coefficient can balance the
reductions between d-axis current ripple and q-axis current
ripple. The time duration of active voltage vector t1 can be
To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed DDTC, a
expressed as
DSP-based PMSM drive system has been set up. The overall

t1 
  
f 3 I de  f 32Ts  f 2 I qe  f 22Ts  (31)
control scheme is shown in Fig.3. The experimental setup
consists of a dc voltage power supply, a two-level inverter, a
 f3    f 2 
2 2
DSP digital controller, and a PMSM. The parameters of the
PMSM are listed in Table I. The rotor mechanical speed of
V. SIMULINK STUDY PMSM is obtained from a 2500-pulse incremental encoder.
In this section, CDTC and the proposed method will be A TMS320F28335 DSP control board is employed to
comparatively investigated. The details about two methods implement the real-time algorithm coding using c language,
are explained in the following. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 compare which is also responsible for generating PWM signals and
the simulation responses for CDTC and the proposed method, sampling system variables. Two kinds of DTC methods are
respectively. The machine starts-up from standstill to compared and investigated under steady-state and transient
300r/min with no load. The curves of stator flux and torque operation conditions, i.e., CDTC and proposed DDTC
are shown in Fig. 12. The curves of d-axis current and q-axis method. The duty ratio of DDTC is determined by the final
current are shown in Fig. 13. value method.


VOLUME XX, 2017 9

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed method, CDTC, DDTC (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are showed in Fig. 16
experiments are carried out at rated speed without load. The and Fig. 17. The steady state performances of CDTC, DDTC
steady-state performances of DTC methods are showed in the (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are compared under rated speed
follow figures. The curves of electromagnetic torque and conditions without load. The torque ripples of CDTC, DDTC
stator flux are illustrated in Fig. 14. The curves of d-axis (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are 0.12, 0.036 and 0.04 N.m,
current and q-axis current are showed in Fig. 15. respectively. The average torque of CDTC, DDTC (λ=1) and
0.4 0.05 DDTC (λ=0) are 0.02, 0.04 and 0.04 N.m, when the machine


0.04 is run without load at rated speed. The stator flux ripples of
-0.2 0.03 CDTC, DDTC (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are 0.0029, 0.0018
0.4 0.05 and 0.0021 Wb, respectively. The q-axis current ripples of


0.2 CDTC, DDTC (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are 0.55, 0.16 and
0.03 0.17 A, respectively. The d-axis current ripples of CDTC,
0.4 0.05 DDTC (λ=1) and DDTC (λ=0) are 0.40, 0.28 and 0.31 A,

0.04 respectively. It is seen that the ripples of torque, stator flux,
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 d-axis current and q-axis current in CDTC are higher than
t(s) (c) t(s) that of DDTC. Thus, DDTC has excellent steady
FIGURE 14. Steady state performance of torque and stator flux at rated performance. According to these results, it can be seen that
speed: (a) CDTC, (b) DDTC (λ=1) and (c) DDTC (λ=0). proposed DDTC achieves the larger ripple reductions of
2 2 current, torque and stator flux. Compared to CDTC, the


1 1
0 largest ripple reduction of torque is DDTC (λ=1), which is
-1 (a) 70%, and then followed by DDTC (λ=0), with 66.7%; and
2 2
the ripple reductions of stator flux are 37.8% by DDTC (λ=1),


1 1
0 0 27.6% by DDTC (λ=0). Compared to CDTC, the ripple
(b) reductions of d-axis current are 30% by DDTC (λ=1), and
2 2
22.5% by DDTC (λ=0); and the ripple reductions of q-axis


1 1
0 0 current are 70.9% by DDTC (λ=1), 69.1% by DDTC (λ=0).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 In addition, the experimental results also indicate that the
t(s) t(s)
steady performance of proposed DDCT can be changed by
FIGURE 15. Steady state performance of d-q axis current at rated adjusting the weighting coefficient to meet the requirement
speed: (a) CDTC, (b) DDTC (λ=1) and (c) DDTC (λ=0).
of practical applications. It can be said that the proposed
x 10 DDTC scheme shows relatively small ripples of current,
0.2 4
Torque ripple
torque and stator flux, and the experimental results are
Stator flux ripple (Wb)

(c) Stator flux ripple

Torque ripple (N.m)

0.15 3 similar with the respective simulation results.


Torque (N.m)

0.05 1 0.4
0 0 0
(a) (b) (c) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
FIGURE 16. Ripples of torque and stator flux at rated speed: (a) CDTC, (a)
Torque (N.m)

(b) DDTC (λ=1) and (c) DDTC (λ=0). 0.4

0.5 1
d-axis current ripple (A) 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
d-axis current ripple (A)

q-axis current ripple (A)

q-axis current ripple (A) t(s)

0.4 0.8
0.3 0.6
FIGURE 18. The transient responses of torque: (a) CDTC, (b) DDTC.
0.2 0.4 To validate the dynamic response of the proposed strategy,
the transient responses of torque between CDTC and DDTC
0.1 0.2
are illustrated with external load of 0.25 N.m in Fig. 18. It is
0 0 obvious that the time of torque command of proposed DDTC
(a) (b) (c)
is no more than 0.3s, which is similar to that of CDTC. It
FIGURE 17. Ripples of d-q axis current at rated speed: (a) CDTC, (b) confirms the excellent dynamic performance is obtained by
DDTC (λ=1) and (c) DDTC (λ=0). proposed strategy.
The steady state performances of torque ripple, stator flux
ripple, d-axis current ripple and q-axis current ripple for VII. CONCLUSION

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892121, IEEE Access

XINGHUA LIU received the Ph.D. degrees in

power machinery and engineering from Beijing
Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 1996.
He is currently an associate professor in the
Department of Thermal Energy and Dynamics
Engineering. His research interests include engine
electronic control, intelligent control and tail gas
post-treatment technology.

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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