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X1   ð
Ł 2 T
wø ð tÞ ¼ 2mv H ð1Þ n  1 Y n (17) Ak ¼ F ð tÞ cosðø k tÞdt (23)
n¼1 1 þ Ł M
2 4 T 0
Solutions similar to equations (16) and (17) can be 2 T
Bk ¼ F ð tÞ sinðø k tÞdt (24)
obtained when the lower surface of the layer is impervious T 0
(Fig. 2(b)). This boundary condition is described by the
equation T is the period of F(t ), and A0 can be obtained from
equation (23) by setting ø k ¼ 0: that is,
@uð H, tÞ ð
¼0 (18) 2 T
@z A0 ¼ F ð tÞdt (25)
which was employed to derive the solution for u(z, t), after T 0
performing the same steps previously described. This solu-
tion is Some examples of time-dependent functions describing
pore pressure variations at the boundary are shown in Fig. 3,
4X 1
1 where both a cyclic function (Fig. 3(a)) and a single func-
sinðÆ n zÞe Æ n cvs t
uð z, tÞ ¼ 1  (19)
 n¼1 2n  1 tion (Fig. 3(b)) are plotted. It is relevant to note that, in this
latter case, it is sufficient to assume for the period T in
where Æ n ¼ (2n  1)=(2 H). Taking advantage of equation equations (22) to (25) a greater value than the final time of
(19), Duhamel’s theorem leads to the equation analysis. Moreover, if F(t ) may be represented at intervals
by constant or linear functions, which often is the case,
X 1
NŁ Nz closed-form expressions can be easily derived for A k , B k
uø ð z, tÞ ¼ 2 X n sin (20) and A0 using equations (23)–(25). This makes the method
n¼1 1 þ Ł N
2 4 H
very attractive from a practical point of view.
Then, for each of the harmonic components considered,
where the corresponding excess pore pressure is calculated by
equation (16) or (20) (depending on the boundary condition
ð 2 n  1Þ 
N¼ (20a) at z ¼ H ) in which uø (z, t ) is replaced by u k (z, t ), A and B
2 are replaced by A k and B k respectively, and ø is replaced by
X n ¼f(B  AŁN 2 )[e N Tv  cos(øt)] ø k . Lastly, once the functions u k (z, t ) have been determined
for all the values of ø k considered, the actual excess pore
þ (A þ BŁN 2 ) sin(øt)g (20b) water pressure at a given time and depth is obtained by
superimposing all the above components: that is,
Moreover, the expression for the vertical displacement is X1
X1 u ð z, t Þ ¼ u ð z, t Þ þ u k ð z, tÞ (26)
Ł 2
wø ð tÞ ¼ 2mv H X n (21) k¼1
n¼1 1 þ Ł N
2 4

where u(z, t) is provided by equation (15) or (19), and A0

It is relevant to note that equations (16) and (20) can be by equation (25).
used to calculate the excess pore pressure evolution with Similarly, the settlement of the soil layer as a function of
time when 0 , z < H, whereas different mathematical time, w(t ), can be calculated using the expression
operations are required to achieve a solution that is valid
also for z ¼ 0. However, this leads to complicated expres-
Excess pore pressure

sions that are very cumbersome to use, especially for T

practical applications. Therefore the authors have preferred
to maintain the solution in the simpler form given by equa-
tion (16) or (20) when 0 , z < H, and to employ equation
(3) directly for determining the values of excess pore
pressure when z ¼ 0.

Based on the use of the equations derived in the previous
section in conjunction with the Fourier technique, a solution
to equation (1) can be readily derived when a general time-
dependent function F(t ) is imposed at z ¼ 0 instead of
Excess pore pressure

equation (3). To achieve such a solution, a method similar to
that used by Conte & Troncone (2006) to solve a different
problem successfully can be developed. Specifically, the
solution procedure first requires that the prescribed function
F(t ) be expanded in harmonic components using the Fourier

A0 X 1
F ð tÞ ¼ þ ½ A k cosðø k tÞ þ B k sinðø k tÞ (22) Time
2 k¼1

in which the series amplitudes A k and B k associated with Fig. 3. Examples of excess pore pressure time histories that can
the frequency ø k ¼ 2k/T (with k ¼ 1, 2, . . .) are provided, be considered using the proposed solution: (a) cyclic function;
respectively, by the equations (b) single function

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